• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Blue House ~ Character Pages



Tende altum, volare altius

The Blue House ~ Characters


  • This is a detailed thread that adheres to all of RPN’s rules and regulations.

    I expect a MINIMUM of one post per week, but I am hoping for the thread to be more active than this. The average will be write about 2 posts and read about 10 per week is my guess.

    Posts will be more than one paragraph and written in third person past tense.

    You must follow the character sheet guideline I have set. You can add more, you cannot write less.

    I need to approve your character before you can begin posting.

    Feel free to code your sheet, but if I can't read it I won't accept it.

    Please respect the other players and the GM.

    There will be no posting order, however try to let a few others post before you post again.

    If you will be away from the thread try to give me advance warning so people do not wait on you to post.

    The OOC will be done on discord.

    This is a cooperative story, so characters that do not engage or are “antisocial” or antagonistic will not be accepted.

    The guardians represent virtues of humanity and stick to a strict code of conduct. If you want to write a character that does not follow this, don’t pick a guardian. Pick a spirit or creature.

    I am hoping for characters to learn and grow, so you do not have to write a lot for the beginning sheet, but I do expect the sheet to be expanded as the story continues.

    All characters must have a form that looks normal in the human world. It doesn’t necessarily need to look human, but it does need to look and act like it belongs there.

    If you decide to play a human here is their deal: The “new guardians” do not know they are guardians yet, they also do not know they are dead. Because of their power to appear in all realms, they will be seen and heard by all their friends and family and you can play this how you like. If their death was widely known, you can have people around them freak the heck out. If their death was unknown, they will continue on with their lives not knowing anything has actually happened. The guardians will be able to tell they are not alive however, though they will not know the ex-humans are guardians at first.

    Guardian powers tend to stick to one type of power, either a single element, or a handful of combat forms. These powers will grow as the story progresses, but for now, keep it light. Powers like mind control or anything that requires the override of a player’s autonomy will not be permitted in this game. All guardians have one human form, and sometimes they have a form that’s truer to their spirits that they wear when not in the human realm. It’s up to you.

    If you wish to play a spirit or creature and you are not sure if they might be OP for the start of the game, shoot me a pm and we can discuss.

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Age: looks 24

Being: Guardian

Virtue: Loyalty


Human form: Theo is just under average height and not especially muscular. He claims he is built more for speed than strength and he most certainly can be speedy when he needs to be. His hair is dark brown and cut short, though who precisely cut his hair is unknown, because it doesn’t look like a professional barber went anywhere near it. Is falls in a wild mess about his ears and into his eyes, which are a warm caramel brown. Theo wears glasses, and usually opts for transition lenses, so they are often tinted light brown indoors, or fully dark in the sun. Theo’s wardrobe is extensive, with anything from formalwear to t-shirts and shorts. His go-to clothes are a worn blue t-shirt with an dark orange, hooded plaid shirt worn over top. Theo is usually seen in skin-tight jeans and white convers. His signature accessory however, is a faded red collar and a dog tag, so scratched the name has worn away.

House form: Theo sometimes roams The Blue House in his other form, which is a fluffy, brown and white dog, with floppy ears, a curling tail and those same warm, caramel eyes as his human form. The unique thing about this dog…is it is the size of a horse.


  • Theo is usually a fairly laid back and cheerful sort, with a nonchalant attitude to most things and a love for fun and anything less serious. He is generally eager to please people and likes to get involved when those around him feel down, or need help. Theo is very attached to the idea of a group, and can become protective over the members of that group. His greatest worry is being separated from those he cares about, though he’ll try to brush off his worry with a distraction or a bad joke. Theo tries to act confident and like he always has a plan, in truth though his fears run deep and this can make him easily knocked off center. Theo hates being alone, and will do anything in his power to stay with others. The only place he feels comfortable being alone is in his room in the Blue House.

    Theo has a dedicated love of dogs. He is the guy who will stop to pet every dog he comes across and knows all the neighbourhood dogs by name. There is just something about them that resonates with Theo, likely it is their loyalty. He is very much a dog person, and you can always make Theo smile by showing him a dog.

    Theo appreciates all the virtues, and thinks highly of the other guardians, but he gravitates to people who demonstrate loyalty the most. Theo himself is incredibly loyal and would likely give up his life before betraying the other guardians. That being said, he may not exactly tell them everything. When asked about what he remembers about his past, or what kind of person he was, he usually tries to change the subject or distract the person into talking about themselves.

    Character flaws:


    Theo is very fond of the others and his life in the Blue House, he is also aware of just how dark some of the threats they face can be, as a result he can be a little oversuspicious and overcautious in new situations and with new people. He often reacts without thinking of the fact that many of the guardians are older and more competent than he is.


    Theo tries not to show it, but he worries. He worries for the others, and for their home, he worries if someone is on a mission away from the house for a long time. Most of his worry occurs when he is alone. The others ground him, and being alone takes that support away.

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This CS is still a WIP! Please proceed with caution. Hard hats on until I finish this in 4 years.
I'm working on it...gradually...
  • Basics
    FC: Unknown
    True Name
    Zenobia; Zen for short
    Appears twenty-seven (27)
    Unclear 1XXX
    Female (she,her,hers)

    Wisdom, the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment
    5'10' (175.3cm)
    142lbs (64kg)
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas egestas, ante a hendrerit fermentum, orci mauris lacinia lorem, id ultricies sem eros in nibh. Nam sed efficitur odio, quis vestibulum odio. Aliquam ullamcorper porta pretium. Mauris ornare nisi et tristique egestas. Sed malesuada fermentum massa nec bibendum. Maecenas volutpat lacinia nulla, in euismod mi elementum eget. Mauris eu imperdiet quam. Integer facilisis ipsum elit. Etiam efficitur enim tellus, in pharetra ante feugiat rhoncus. Cras vel nibh sollicitudin, feugiat felis in, pellentesque odio. Donec lacus nisl, facilisis ac malesuada non, faucibus eu turpis. Nunc hendrerit eros at pulvinar imperdiet. Proin pretium fringilla ultricies. Etiam enim enim, vehicula id placerat vitae, finibus in risus. Vivamus sollicitudin magna at magna cursus accumsan. Morbi quis fringilla sapien.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas egestas, ante a hendrerit fermentum, orci mauris lacinia lorem, id ultricies sem eros in nibh. Nam sed efficitur odio, quis vestibulum odio. Aliquam ullamcorper porta pretium. Mauris ornare nisi et tristique egestas. Sed malesuada fermentum massa nec bibendum. Maecenas volutpat lacinia nulla, in euismod mi elementum eget. Mauris eu imperdiet quam. Integer facilisis ipsum elit. Etiam efficitur enim tellus, in pharetra ante feugiat rhoncus. Cras vel nibh sollicitudin, feugiat felis in, pellentesque odio. Donec lacus nisl, facilisis ac malesuada non, faucibus eu turpis. Nunc hendrerit eros at pulvinar imperdiet. Proin pretium fringilla ultricies. Etiam enim enim, vehicula id placerat vitae, finibus in risus. Vivamus sollicitudin magna at magna cursus accumsan. Morbi quis fringilla sapien.

    Nullam consequat ornare euismod. Aenean elementum purus eu massa consectetur, vitae pretium sapien fringilla. Quisque sodales massa quis iaculis dictum. Curabitur sit amet neque tortor. Cras blandit ex id nisi convallis accumsan. Maecenas arcu nisl, tristique vitae ullamcorper eu, convallis vel dui. Quisque ullamcorper massa elit, a dignissim dolor scelerisque ac. Praesent consequat purus sit amet cursus finibus. Etiam varius tellus a varius placerat. Nullam sed turpis viverra, laoreet orci eget, scelerisque arcu. Etiam lacus libero, varius eu fringilla tincidunt, feugiat sed augue. Aenean vestibulum nunc finibus augue porttitor, vehicula congue erat sollicitudin. Nam rutrum sem efficitur odio venenatis ullamcorper. Morbi ligula quam, tincidunt in rutrum sed, tincidunt volutpat sem. Nulla et suscipit leo.
    Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, Item 8, Item 9, Item 10, Item 11
    Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, Item 8
Code by Nano

Creator — Monkeydoll555

Prismarine Magdalene Mendez — Human
There isn't a way out of this, is there?


You'll have to walk and talk, I'm in the middle of something.

  • None yet

Guardian of Diligence
29 (924)
As her guardian form, Brigette stands at a towering height above her peers around the blue house at 12 feet tall, limiting herself to the house's larger and grander rooms. Within her own dimenions, she stands at her "true" height, a neck craning 21ft tall. Her colossal stature glows with the energy of a flame, and is adorned with glowing runes that shimmer on her skin. Brigette's eyes emit a subtle light, reflecting the magical energy coursing through her. Her hair, skin and eyes all glow with the same energy and temper, resembling the embers of a fire, though she herself isn't hot to the touch. In this form, she wears a grubby apron stained with smoke and wood chips, a pocket full of various tools and equipment. Despite her colossal size, there is a surprising grace to her movements and she is very slow and careful in her movements.

In her human form, Brigette stands at a still abnormal height of 6 feet 2 Inches. Her bulky physique hints at the physical strength she carries, a testament to her dedication to the virtue of diligence. In this form, her hair is a pale brown color and is often draped clumsily over her shoulder. Her piercing blue eyes convey both wisdom and determination, and her features bear the marks of ageless beauty. Brigette's human attire consists of practical shirts and industrial gear, with her arms tattooed with Norse symbols commonly seen on Runestones. Even in her human form, there is an undeniable intimidation that surrounds her.

Embodying her trait completley, the first thing that most notice about Brigette is her tireless work ethic. She apporaches every task with her full dedication and commitment, trying to set an example of duty and purpose to her youngers around her. She is firecly detirmined with her tasks, and sees completing her duties as a guardian more important than anything else and incredibly diciplined, beleiving that success is tied to her disiplined habits. As one of the older guardians, Brigette often feels a sense of responsibility over her younger peers, and often took on a stern teaching role in to ease the burden of leadership from their protector. WIthout them, Brigette feels that someone needs to step up to take control quickly, and is willing to take the challenge, despite growing doubts about the responsibility and her own fears of failure.

Embodying her Virtue, Brigette is capable of completing most physical labor tasks and any required work she needs to. She is a source of rallying help to the others, doing her best to inspire with her actions as best as she can. She is also willing to put her duties and responsiblities above the needs of others, not hesitating to make the tough calls where required.


Brigette's duty sometimes borders on perfectionism, struggling with imperfections in herself and others, and finds it difficult to hand off tasks to others. This desire to be perfect comes with a deep fear of failure and struggle to relax, as she struggles to stop working and becomes physically weaker the longer she goes without putting herself to a task. This need to be busy has made her a little unsociable and distant.
Brigette's journey as a guardian began centuries ago, and what little she recalls of her mortal life reminds her that it was a difficult life that valued hard work above all else. Upon an untimely death of which she doesn't care to talk about, Brigette embraced her new role with open arms, enjoying being put to task once more. In her early years, she devoted herself to understanding the complexities of her newfound abilities and the responsibility that came with protecting the virtue of diligence. As the centuries went by, Brigette watched guardians come and go as their virutes become important to humanity and wained from their worldviews. But there would always be a need to work.

In the modern era, Brigette fills her time with her Guardian role, as well as a volunteer firefighter for the city's fire department. Just recently this has put her into connection with a man she believes is her descendant, and has been trying her best to grapple with the memories of her mortal existence and death, as well as struggling to stop working. She was one of the last to speak to the protector before they dissapeared, having argued with them attempting to find out more about the process of becoming a guardian and how exactly the virtues are selected.

Sized for her full giant height, Brigette's room opens into a nordic cottage nestled within a forest of glowing fir trees, luminous runes carved into their bark. The interior is adorned with warm hues and soveniors, telling tales of her past and the virtue she protects. Ajacent to her cottage is a small workshop and forge where Brigette works when she has nothing else to do, her "fun work" she calls it. Half finished carvings and forged items litter the area, and the forge burns with a blue flame. The region itself exudes a sense of calming ambience and natural beauty, and visitors often leave with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration.

⥽Powers And Skills⥼

Perhaps the most useful of her abilities, Brigette's abilities allow her to have the expertise required to complete the task she sets out to. Plumbing? Yep, no problem. Electrician? Easy. Whatever tasks she is required to do, she gains the knowledge to do it while required. In terms of powers, she relies primarily on her substantial size and strength, suplementing it with her fire magic to burn foes she can't physically overpower. Her ability to change and grow her size comes in handy in combat, but only if a space is wide open enough for her to grow to her full height without causing harm. Otherwise it's an afternoon of construction expertise while she repairs everything. Brigette can also "Rally" her allies, inspiring them to dig in deep and continue to push themselves.

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This is a work in progress. I just wanted people to have an idea where my thoughts were going.

The image is not mine. I do not know who created it.
Albino, Anwen wishes she wasn’t. She’ll use makeup to color in her eyebrows and lashes and will often reapply lipstick as well as sunscreen throughout the day. She wears her hair loose and often in her eyes. She wears contacts to correct her vision and just recently paid extra for colored ones, under her boyfriend’s urging. She bruises easily, well she did in life. She’s on the gaunt side of thin from dieting.

In her guardian form

Name: Anita Gwendolyn Hall, friends call her Anwen
Appeared age: 21
Being: New Guardian
Virtue: Forgiveness
Personality: Fading into the background despite her appearance, Anwen is the Mark (Rent) of her friends. She enjoys having fun, but prefers the safety of hiding behind the camera. People treat her differently when she’s looking through her lens. She’s shy and soft spoken, but she truly believes in the best of everyone and will defend anyone’s chance to change. She rarely gets mad: she’s more likely to get upset and cry, but she’s quick to forgive nonetheless.

  • Photography
  • Musicals
  • Attention
  • Arguments
(try and add as much as you can, what do they like, not like, what makes them mad, what makes them like others etc.
Character flaws: Anwen is too forgiving of bad behavior, even when it’s been repeated. She has a very low opinion of her appearance, feeling its difference more than its beauty. She’s taken to flinching at loud noises and sudden movements, but she insists she’s fine.
Powers and skills:

  • Magic (later)

    • Virtue: When inspiring forgiveness, Anwen has the ability to soften sore memories, easing lingering hurts.
    • Fade Away(?): She can seem to disappear from another’s notice if she blends in with her surroundings (walking at the same pace as people around her, holding still if no one else is around)
    • Immaterial(?): She can become immaterial, letting her go through objects/walls
  • Skills

    • Photography: from city scenes to portraits, she’s excellent at lighting and getting the perfect angle
    • Filmography: Nothing as formal as her photographs, but she’s often recording scenes of friends on her phone.
    • Mediation: Soothing hurt feelings even while alive, she reconnects people after fights
Description of their room/home:
Upon entering, one steps through a waterfall, rinsing your worries away. Instead of finding solid ground on the other side, one moves through the air as if swimming, the lighter feeling reflected internally, as if burdens have been relieved.

Anita was a bit of a surprise when she was born to her Catholic parents. A sickly child, she was encouraged to stay inside and it was through photographs that she explored the world. As she became a teenager, she began to venture out, still shy, but finding friends that would be her support. They seemed to look past her strange appearance. They play games together, letting her create worlds beyond the one she’s in.

By now, most places she goes are used to her, letting her fade into the background. She prefers this. She only wants attention from her friends, but even then, that can get too much sometimes. Her camera is a good filter to see the world through.

She has a boyfriend. She loves him very much. Her friends don’t, but he doesn’t like them either. He’d rather she pay attention solely to him. He gets angry sometimes, but he always apologizes and Anita always forgives him. (He doesn’t like her nickname; he thinks Anwen sounds stupid.) This last time was admittedly bad…she’s been staying with friends since then. She’s a bit…worried about going back, but Anita doesn’t want to not forgive him.

Friendships: Open to any!

(here you can build connections with the other characters, guardians could befriend human characters before they died, no knowing what they were about to become. They can also be friends with spirits. Talk to each other in the interest check, build some character connections!)
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Credit: @Ii8hW (from Twitter/X)
FC: Misha from Honkai Star Rail

Appeared age: 14-16
1706432734637.pngActual Appearance: To better blend in with the populace, Yume appears as a young boy. His actual appearance is a shimmering androgynous humanoid figure, the body looking crystalline despite the "skin" not feeling like glass, but smooth and warm that barely gives when pressed. He can also become mist.

Being: Guardian
Virtue: Dreams

Personality: Curious and creative, Yume can also be lost in thought and be spacey but that doesn't mean he's any less attentive. It just means his reactions are delayed. He also is rather sweet, wishing for people to strive for their dreams, even if they seem unattainable. A dream is wasted if it's only there like an item on display - only to look, but never pursue, let alone touch. This is when dreams die. His appearance embodies that of a child to resemble those who have an influx of many dreams or have the most passion in their lives to do something before the realities of life suppress their drive. He wishes adults can attain their childlike selves again and take risks for their dreams they've set aside, or make new dreams for themselves to achieve that's within their grasp. He feels pity for those who feel like they can't. Due to this, he is very determined and driven to do what he needs to do, and it feels like nothing can stop him from his ambitions. He prefers seeing determination in others, even if it isn't focused on their dreams because he'll know they'll put their ambitions elsewhere when they've settled on something they like.
Character flaws: Because of his intense determination, he can be rather stubborn, and his out-of-the-box thinking can make him blind to more simple processes that can achieve better or more efficient results. And if something fails? He'll try and try again with different methods, even when told he should just let it rest. Because of this - despite his sweet attitude to fix or right something - he has a hard time letting go and gets irrational. He doesn't want its "essence" to die because he sets it aside like the dreams of those who feel like they can't achieve them, even if that's not how that works. While this could be endearing or admirable, this also just annoys others and views him as the child he also appears as, which doesn't help his reputation or how others perceive him. Oddly, Yume dislikes being told to rest and he gets weirdly anxious when he even thinks about resting.

Powers and skills: Yume can manipulate the dreams of others. Well, he doesn't like doing so to a great degree, he'd much rather add a theme or an item or a person in someone's dreams to guide them through the dream for various purposes: Either to help them through a nightmare, enlighten them, or just for having fun. When touching someone, he can see their dreams - whether the ones they strive towards or those they've experienced when asleep. He can turn into mist or an androgynous crystalline humanoid. He's not really much of a fighter, but he can materialize and dematerialize "mirror panels". Walking through one takes that person to Yume's dream world, where he has even more control. He can also create thin crystalline "cards" and throw them at people. Upon hitting them, these cards can decrease the person's motivation to do what they're doing (usually he uses them on those who chase after him), allowing him to escape through a mirror panel. He can also create dream constructs, but they don't last very long within the real world, but he can control who can perceive them - though little children or those with a very active imagination may be able to notice them regardless of Yume's efforts. He has a strange kinship with rabbits and may also transform into a rabbit.

While Yume can induce nightmares and eat dreams, he's rarely ever done this if ever. He can, however, induce drowsiness in someone if they lock eyes with him. He can also "trap" people in their dreams, but there is a way to get out depending on the scenario (which I'll give clues).

Because all of his abilities are tied to dreaming, those who don't dream or have a hard time remembering their dreams will receive a very limited reaction or can't see anything Yume does nor hear Yume at all. At least, not until Yume directly injects himself as his young boy persona in their world.

Yume's dream world is attached to his pocket dimension attached to The Blue House.

Description of their room: The pocket dimension behind Yume's door is...

Well, it looks like a kid's room at first. A little grey and blue twin bed, cherry wood desk and dresser and bookshelves, beige carpeted flooring, and toys and books filling the room. The dresser has tools and toys stored inside, not clothes. If you think his closet has clothes, think again. Walking into the closet and going down the straight and narrow path will lead one to his dream world.

Pretty much a wall closet dream version of Narnia, the space behind his closet is a vast dream world that is affected by Yume's emotions and can be controlled with his thoughts. He can bring anyone and anything to this dream world through "mirror panels" or if they're currently sleeping and they follow the little guides. Some people have said they have experienced dreams where a collective of people have remembered seeing each other and seeing the same things and events. While scientists can say what they want to explain this "phenomena", it's really just Yume bringing people over to play with and give them a grand ol' time. Yume can create dream constructs within his dream world, but they cannot leave his dream world, nor should they. Who knows what things could taint the purity of his feel-good creations and rend them from his full control.

Backstory: Yume didn't have a very long life when he was human before he died. He had an average life living as a Japanese/American mix within America though. Had parents who loved him and disciplined him, had friends and went through a cringy 13-year-old phase just like most people. His hobbies includes drawing and sculpting, sometimes even using natural objects within his sculpting to create more natural sculptures. A very spirited and driven kid, there wasn't anything he wouldn't try to do, even though there was no room for success.

This very spirited drive was what ended up putting him in a coma when he was 19. He became a guardian soon after he expired.

Since then, he's been a Guardian of Dreams for a few decades now, learning how his powers worked and working to help others reach their dreams or at least inspire them so they may be able to achieve their dreams, unlike how early Yume perished.

Friendships: TBD
  • 04
    full name
    Gavriel Sixterion
    Gave, Gavi (if close enough)
    Appeared Age
    Human | New Guardian
    TBA (probably hope or courage)
    The Soulful Musician

    Master's Student with part-time as Librarian (day) and Waiter (night)

    house description

    Gavriel lives in a charming two-story abode, where deep blues, whites, and blacks dominate the color palette. The first floor welcomes you with a living room bereft of a television but adorned with a leather sofa graced by two black-and-white checkered patterned pillows, resting upon a grayish rug. Adjacent to this cozy nook is a petite kitchen, compact yet sufficient for crafting simple breakfast like bread or cereal. There is also a small cabinet harbors an assortment of herbs and spices, the secret ingredients for Gavriel's signature teas.

    Venturing to the second floor unveils Gavriel's sacred haven of both creativity and slumber. Here, an old and worn-out cupboard organizes books by genre, while a classic medium-sized piano gleams in its black silvery allure. In the corner lies Gavriel's modest bed, a snug space for one, surrounded by scattered pages—some written, others pristine, and a few crumpled—emanating the essence of his creative pursuits. If you explore further, you'll stumble upon an abandoned box, cloaked in a layer of dust, concealing a broken musical box that once sang melodies of lost memories. Though silenced, it holds the weight of Gavriel's meaningful yet bittersweet memories from days gone by.
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  • b15a348ee6853b7eaf2312d68be95c94.jpg
    Credit: Ariel Burgess
Name: Cherith
Apparent age: 55/25
Being: Faerie

Though not a guardian, Cherith adheres to an almost grandmotherly code of hospitality. She seems generous, but expects others to reciprocate the gesture—there must always be a gift or kind gesture to balance the proverbial scales. Unlike some of her kind, she does not expect immediate gratification in such matters. However, one should never take advantage of her kindness, for those who do find this bastion of warmth can just as easily become the ice queen when offended.

While not a paragon of any particular virtue, Cherith still abides by her rules: she does fulfill her end of the bargain without fail, never lies, and always accommodates the Guardians. As someone who travels to Newdeiy frequently, she does appreciate the residents' efforts to "be more like the fae"—that is, to be in touch with nature. She is also reliable for any sort of work involving child care, but her eccentricities, superstitious nature, and emphasis on etiquette make her an odd influence. One should also watch their wording, as she tends to take idioms and metaphors literally.

Character flaws:
Like many faeries, Cherith can be capricious, prone to changing her mind. While she honors any deals she makes, simple decisions can be extremely difficult to make. She often tackles multiple projects at once and thus finds herself progressing slowly on all of them or jumping back and forth. She can also be viewed as vindictive if slighted; she cannot let go of an insult and/or injury and believes too firmly in getting even. Wording also matters; a poorly worded request may not yield the results one intended, especially if Cherith feels the other party is not fulfilling their end of the bargain.

Powers and skills:
  • Frost Magic - Cherith's primary defensive ability utilizes her mastery over the cold. She is able to freeze water rapidly and sculpt ice with her gestures.
  • Shapeshifting - Cherith can take the form of a white owl and fly long distances. She can also appear to be a younger blond woman in her twenties.
  • Staff Combat - Her weapon of choice is any sort of staff or staff-like instrument, especially a broom.
  • Hospitality - Cherith knows how to make someone feel at home. Tea and various desserts are always in abundance when one visits her home.
  • Weaving & Sewing - Cherith is an excellent weaver and seamstress, with at least a century honing this craft.
  • Child Care - She has also raised several children of royal pedigree and taught them relevant etiquette.
  • History - With centuries of watching both human and fae history in the making, Cherith is a wealth of information.
  • Faerie Alchemy - Alchemical ingredients (such as herbs, saps, and minerals) of the Fae Realm often have more intense effects than those of the human realm. Cherith can brew special quasi-magical compounds reliably, provided she has the ingredients and time needed. Any substitutions may yield a diminished effect, no effect, unintended side effects, or even a volatile substance.

Description of their room/home:
Cherith returns home through a portal within Newdeiy, to a pocket of the fae realm experiencing a gentle winter. The sights are reminiscent of something from a holiday greeting card: a living wood abode built into a towering pine tree, surrounded by healthy evergreen forests and dusted in a thin layer of shimmering snow. Inside, the house has four floors:
  • The "basement" floor contains simple utilities, such as a small well and a dirt trench for nourishing and blessing the tree; its roots absorb anything poured here.
  • The first floor is Cherith's living room, of sorts; it is where she entertains guests. There are bowls of fruits, pastries, and other delicious foods, as well as pots containing tea leaves and wines.
  • The second floor contains all of Cherith's alchemical ingredients, dried foods, and stored spices.
  • The top floor is a very cozy bedroom, draped in plush fabrics and gorgeous quilts. It is here Cherith keeps all her most treasured belongings, such as a mirror whose handle and frame are crafted from solid ice that never melts.
Born over 500 years ago, Cherith comes from a line of faeries in service to the Winter Court, mighty nobles whose great palace was raised from the stone at the peak of a great mountain millennia ago. As a sage and nanny for two generations of Winter Court nobles, she has enjoyed about 300 years of luxury. However, the current heiress has yet to marry and bear children. The girl's immense spirit has made it difficult for her mother to arrange an enduring marriage. So it has remained for fifty years.

When she wasn't raising noble children, Cherith observed human affairs. She has seen 300 years of history. Initially bitter because of the Industrial Revolution, she has taken particular interest in the city of Newdeiy. Thus, with the help of other faerie sages, she forged a hidden pathway to this human settlement in hopes of giving the humans nudges in the right direction. The guardians watch her, because she has been benevolent and even conducive to their efforts thus far, but she walks a fine line, given her nature and bad side.

Friendships: TBD
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  • Name: Falarion

  • Sun Wukong.png

    Being: Guardian

    Virtue: Joy

    Appearing Age: 25-years-old

    While mostly appearing human, he also sports a lion's tail. He has to be mindful of his tail, as he sometimes forgets he has one and can be rather clumsy. You'd think he'd be more aware after being around for a long time, but no. He isn't.
    His usual attire sticks very closely to what is pictured above. He is not afraid to show off his body and makes that a point with how he dresses. Whenever he changes his form, his clothes always remain once he changes back into his human form.

  • Gryphon Form.png

    This is his primary form and go-to in most scenarios. He feels most agile in it and he just thinks it looks really cool. It is one that he finds can be a lifesaver in combat scenarios while also being the most appealing for others to approach.


    Essentially a hooved version of his gryphon form.


    Basically the cold version of one.

    Owl Gryphon.jpg

    He is smol, he is chaos. He is owl gryphon.


    His preferred form when playing hide 'n seek, as well as when he wants to stick his tongue in someone's ear to make a point. As to what point is being made, one can only wonder.

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Ref pic or written description: (anime or realistic, doesn’t matter, for those that want to avoid the flood of AI “art” on the internet nowadays, a written description is perfectly fine.)
In his guardian form, Nel stands around 5'2 (157.4) with a surprisingly muscular build for a bookworm. His skin is the same mahogany tone it was when he was alive, however, now there are white roots etched into his skin that look like tattoos from a distance. Atop his head is a well-maintained pair of ram horns matched with the deeply cared-for white afro.

Name: Nathaniel "Nel" Ramses

Appeared age: (most beings in the thread are not mortal, so appeared age is more descriptive)

True Age:

New Guardian


Nathaniel is a bookworm with a slick mouth and an absent mind. Ever oblivious, Nataniel is always mumbling about his theories and hypotheses, regardless of the environment. He seems to detest being wholly mentally present but loves to learn about the past or construct a possible future with the information he has, which also leads to him being very inquisitive of other's past and their plans for the future. Nathaniel has a hard time understanding other people's emotions and half the time he doesn't understand his own emotions.

Nathaniel is steadfast in his duty as a Guardian and prefers to go out and handle the monsters before the others, although he respects the other Guardians greatly he is very aware of their capabilities.

Likes: reading, history, taking notes, theorizing, planning, preservation of history, museums, mountains, ruins, witchcraft, mythology, runes, documentaries,

Dislikes: Talking about his past, Disrespect of history and cultures, loud places, ignorance, ruins,

Character flaws: (not physical weaknesses, this is for the psychological or emotional barriers or challenges your character needs to overcome. This could revolve around their death, or some past trauma, or, just their personality. Give this some good thought, and think about how your character could start to overcome this.

Powers and skills: a short or point description of the things they can do, both for combat and just for fun.
Plant Manipulation - Nathaniel can manipulate plant life in almost all forms. Currently, he can instantly grow plants on command, condense plant matter for attacks or defense, or even cause them to explode on command. It is easier where plants are abundant and subtly manipulate their genetic makeup. In his guardian form, Nathaniel is almost a complete plant being, therefore he is also able to perform photosynthesis.
Nature Psychometry - Nathaniel can perceive and collect information from plants as long as they are around to capture the information. The more life there is within a plant, the better it can relay information to Nathaniel.

Description of their room/home: The guardians have little pocket dimensions behind their door in The Blue House, what does it look like? If a human or spirit, what do their homes look like and what are some things they own and why?

Backstory: for humans, their lives up until this point (you do not have to include how they died, but you can if you like), for guardians: their lives as guardians up until this point (same deal for the death), for spirits: just a general backstory.

Friendships: (here you can build connections with the other characters, guardians could befriend human characters before they died, no knowing what they were about to become. They can also be friends with spirits. Talk to each other in the interest check, build some character connections!)​


Information you keep secret:

These are things you send to me only, do not post them in your character sheet. I will use it to build the arcs of the story.

Human/guardian - How did your character die?

Spirits: anything you want to influence the development of your character that you’d like to keep secret from the other players for now. You can reveal these at any point in time. It is your decision.
A Human's Love
  • I belong to my beloved, and my beloved is mine.
    Hyacinth Grace Darling
    appeared age
    Love (Later on)
    Ref pic cred.
    Human Form: Standing at 5’1”, she is relatively petite and lithe. Her figure is more on the skinny side as she exercises consistently. She’s short and sweet, with a loveable air around her. She has piercing, baby-blue eyes that are striking in contrast to her pale skin. Her snow-like complexion and the bright whites of her eyes allow her tantalising blue irises to catch the attention of others. As for her complexion, they are bright, like the first snowflakes of winter. They are pale with winter, cool undertones. However, there is a visible mole on her right shoulder. For her hair, she has ebony jet-black hair that perfectly frames her face with ease. Its silky strands are thick and wavy, and it reaches her waist.

    As for body modifications, she has numerous piercings. Her right ear has two lobe piercings, while her left ear has one lobe piercing and one helix piercing. She also has a lip piercing and a belly button piercing. Hyacinth sometimes changes her piercing styles; she can see a silver chain connecting her lip piercing to her ear piercing. But most of the time, she is mainly seen with her typical silver piercings. However, she will take her piercings off in formal gatherings and hide her tattoos from her parents using a concealer. Hyacinth has also collected several tattoos to the point that her neck, shoulders and arms are completely covered.

    Guardian Form: Her guardian form is based on the types of love according to the Greeks. Her shapeshifting power allows her to shift into five separate forms. However, the only thing that changes in her form is her hair. The images linked to these forms only relate to their hair; it is NOT Hyacinth’s FULL form. It is her hair that only changes. The order of these forms is not chronological; each is unique and distinct, and she can switch between them.

    The First Form: Eros Form
    The first form combines Eros (passion) and Mania (obsessive love). These two types of love are eerily similar and almost frightening. The kind of love that will leave you scorched when treated hastily. But it is also the type of love that could be warm and rewarding when treated correctly. Her hair symbolises the first spark of love and how it could become so much more. From sparks to a literal bonfire. Hyacinth’s flames tend to have a pinkish tinge in them.
    This form allows her to handle and control nearby flames near her.

    The Second Form: Philia Form
    Ludus (playful love) and Philia (friendship) are relatively similar. It is the kind of love that is platonic and freeing. So, for this form, Hyacinth has a feathery mane. Bright, magenta hues frame her face gracefully. Feathers can typically be associated with tickling; the playful aspect of it can be seen and symbolised in this form. The feathers are rooted deep into their roots and shed when they transform into a different form.
    She can levitate and get herself off the ground in this form. It would seem like she’s floating when she’s in this form.

    The Third Form: Storge Form
    Storge (family love) is a special kind of love because this is the kind of love we can receive from a specific group of people. The type of love that stems from their previous ancestors. The kind of love that resulted in the face that they bear now. It is the accumulation of people who have loved and connected. Tree roots perfectly represent this.
    The tree roots perched on her head can stretch out and be used to grapple or shield. They can stretch and form shapes as Hyacinth pleases.

    The Fourth Form: Philautia Form
    Philautia (love of the self) is the type of love that can only be found within oneself. For this form, she will grow hyacinth flowers from the roots of her head. When she finally embraces herself and learns to love herself, these flowers will fully bloom—symbolising her potential as a person and guardian.
    This form allows her to heal any physical injuries that she may have. She can amend any cuts from their skin and close any deep wounds.

    The Fifth Form: Agape Form
    Agape (universal love) is the type of love you give others. It is simply the love you share, the kind of love you experience and give. An example of this is being kind to others, including strangers. It is the true essence of empathy. So she has her ebony black hair. For this form of Hyacinth, Her hair would reach the floor; it was long and silky. In a way, it is her true self. Her human self. She may be a guardian spiritually, but the love she gives will always keep her humility and humanity within her heart.
    In this form, Hyacinth has the power to heal others through touch. She can make them feel calm and reassured. Making bruises dissipate and cuts disappear.

    As for the rest of her form, she stands nine feet tall. Her appearance, except her hair, will stay the same. Only her hair will transform. She has a slender feminine figure, and her skin almost glows underneath the moonlight. Her limbs are long and slender; her movements have a sense of grace and etherealness. Her flowing robes billow like soft clouds around her form, cascading in gentle folds that accentuate her curves. Each garment is imbued with rose, gold, and pearl hues, reflecting the myriad shades of love in all its forms.

    Her skin is flawless and luminescent, with a radiant glow from within. It possesses a celestial sheen akin to the soft luminescence of the moonlight, captivating all who gaze upon her with its ethereal allure. As for her facial features, they are absolute perfection, sculpted with delicate precision and imbued with an otherworldly beauty. Her eyes are like pools of sapphires; they’re deep and soulful. Her lips are full and inviting, curved into a gentle smile that radiates warmth and kindness.

    Personality Hyacinth Darling is a woman with status; her status is all that matters to the people around her. But behind her facade and outside her family’s business, she could be described as warm, kind and welcoming. She treats every new person in her life with the same type of kindness she wants to be treated with.

    Their good traits are KIND, RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL and LOYAL. Hyacinth will treat you with respect and dignity when she first meets you. She's sweet, lovely and kind to almost everybody she meets. She received proper etiquette growing up, so her speech may be too formal sometimes. But living by herself, she has learned to let loose sometimes and fully embrace her newfound independence. As for her reliability, she is always keen to help a friend out no matter what. When her family needs her to do something, she will, no matter how sad it will make her feel.
    Hyacinth is also polite and professional; she doesn't like it when she accidentally pisses people off, so sometimes she may feel like she's stepping on glass when it comes to certain people (her parents). Her professors, on the other hand, absolutely adore her professionalism. After all, it is one of the critical aspects of the business industry. Hyacinth's loyalty stretches to both her friends and to her family. She will wholeheartedly obey every order they give her without a second thought unless it is too late. She is the type to make herself bleed if their favourite colour is red. And that is not a healthy way for her or anybody.

    Their bad traits are being a PUSHOVER, EMOTIONAL REPRESSIVE, SUBSERVIENT and GULLIBLE. Hyacinth is an extreme pushover. If you did her wrong or gave her a rough shove, she would be the type to apologise to you instead. She's easy to walk over. It doesn't help as well that she's a bit gullible sometimes. Since she has lived a sheltered life, she can be taken advantage of sometimes. For example, for Hyacinth's twenty-second birthday, her friends used her status to get into the most lavish restaurant in the area and feast there while dumping all the expenses upon her. Hyacinth couldn't do anything but simply avoid them as much as she could after that incident, but she would act like it didn’t bother her that they did that.
    When Hyacinth meets new people, she tends to go overboard with them to make a good impression. She would say, “If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me.” When a request has been made, she will continue this process, doing anything to please you and make you happy. It is also within Hyacinth's nature to repress her emotions. Due to the type of environment she lived in, she had no choice but to do this instinctively. She will hide and suppress her feelings to make others happy.

    What makes them mad? Hyacinth is warm and calm, so it would be rare to see her get mad. But if a situation where Hyacinth keeps seeing dirty rooms, dirty plates, and just dirty everything, best believe that she will let you know in the kindest way that she could muster to “get their shit together.” Slow people also grind Hyacinth’s nerves, but not enough that she would physically take action.

    What makes them like others is relatively simple and easy. Just be friendly with her and introduce her to your hobbies and recent obsessions; she will consume them with more inquiries and adore the person’s adoration. However, if it is about an inappropriate or uncomfortable topic, she will just run to the hills. But seeing the passion and the sparks in their eyes when they talk about their passionate topic warms her heart. She would think about how people are so beautiful when they are passionate.

    Character Flaw/s: As for their character flaw, it would have to be their people-pleasing. They want to be loved so much that they would give a piece of themselves to others. Even if they destroy themselves, she won’t pay it any mind until her choices have highly and utterly destroyed her.

    Likes: Flowers, precisely all types of red flowers. ♡ Having perfect handwriting ♡ Clean and tidy rooms ♡ Loyal and friendly people ♡ Kindness ♡ Sweet food ♡ Her ink pens ♡ The smell of freshly baked pastries ♡ Sunsets ♡ The colours red, gold, white and purple ♡ Classical music ♡ Dresses ♡ Getting new clothes and books ♡ Birds ♡ Stitching

    Dislikes: Messy rooms ♡ Swimming, or large bodies of water ♡ Hot weather ♡ Failing at something ♡ Clowns ♡ Not being able to help ♡ Spicy food ♡ Dishonesty ♡ Liars ♡ Loud noises ♡ Tricks or pranks ♡ Asking for help ♡ Heights ♡ Horror movies ♡ Bugs ♡ Rain, specifically getting wet ♡ Cheap clothing

    Fears: Not making her parents proud enough. Basically, being not good enough. ♡ Letting down the people she loves. ♡ Being forgotten and unloved. ♡ Drowning

    Hobbies: Cleaning ♡ Baking ♡ Driving ♡ Binging Trashy TV Shows ♡ Reading ♡ Calligraphy

code by Nano
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I'm not good with codes so I apologize for my unsophisticated CS D:

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Seraphine "Sera" Asteria

"You can live a thousand, wonderful lives from the pages of a book.~"

Appeared age: 23

Being: Guardian

Virtue: Wonder

Personality: Sera is whimsical and full of light. Her friendly openness and optimism make her easily approachable. At first, strangers are drawn by her charm and gentleness. Kindness and compassion, she believes, is something that should always be offered, not deserved. "Who are we to decide who is deserving of love and understanding," she says. Although often mistaken for being naive, Sera is no dummy. Her sensitivity, empathy and ability to find the good in others can sometimes be taken advantage of, to which she is fully aware, but it still wont stop her from trying to be a good person.

With wonder as her virtue, its easy to see why once you get past introductions. Her creativity and imagination give her a child-like view of the world and others. As a Guardian, her sole purpose is to spark that awe-inspiring feeling in a person. Sera loves to encourage others to chase after their dreams, to unlock a free spirit, or to seek after the peak of their creativity. Children, she will say, are her favorite to interact with, as their imagination and wonder still burn so bright, and have not yet succumbed to the blight that is adulthood. Adults are a little more difficult to reach, but not impossible. Sera revels at the sight of an adult becoming reacquainted with their inner-child, healing a part of them they didn't know needed to be healed.

Outside looking in, Sera is often seen lost in thought, disassociating from the world around her with some fantastical thought or some other outlandish idea. Her imagination will run rampant if left unchecked, and her romantic idealisms often leave her in disappointment.


- Day-dreaming
- Reading
- Napping in her flower field
- Children
- Youthful spirits
- Star gazing
- Exploring her curiosities
- All creatures big or small

- Confrontation
- Harsh/unrealistic expectations
- Dishonesty
- Injustice
- Math
- Dancing (something about it really makes her nervous and she cant remember why)
- Bitter tastes

Character flaws:
- Too idealistic
- Bottles up negative emotions
- Stage fright (in any form, just being in the public eye of a large group of people)
- Runs from problems/turns a blind eye to anyone that may have done her wrong
- Too trusting

Powers and skills: WIP

Forms: WIP

Description of their room/home:
Sera's room is a strange one. Often shifting and evolving as she does. Right when you walk in theres a study room, adjacent to that is her bedroom. Its dark and candle lit, the study's shelved walls are filled to the top with all kinds of books -- usually about plants or fantasy books. There is a single lounge sofa in the center, and one other chair across from it. Behind the sofa is a double door entry way to the balcony that looks to be overlooking the vastness of space -- complete with galaxies, nebulas, and various shades of space dust, twinkling on the dark canvas beyond. The domed ceiling is littered with stars and constellations, ever changing and appearing so real you could swear to almost catch a star for yourself.

To the right, upon entry, there is a stone stair case. Once you reach the bottom the wooden door opens to an open field. Its almost always night there, and occasionally you'll catch a shooting star if you stare long enough into the night sky. The field is covered with various wild flowers -- lily-of-the-valley, lavenders, heather, foxgloves, delphiniums, etc. -- Sera has always had a thing for long-stalked flora, and so the room provided for her. Within a visible distance away, there is a small grove of wisteria trees, surrounding a shallow pond harboring water cress and floating lotus. One wisteria tree has an old rope swing dangling from its sturdiest branch. If you're still enough you may catch glimpses of the small fish that live there. Among the floral meadow, a short trek away, is a grassy hill. Atop the hill is Sera's own personal observatory. Out here the sky reflects the stars you would see in the real world, and changes as the world revolves the sun and spins on its axis. Allowing the onlooker to view the night sky in real time.

Back inside, if you enter the room to left immediately after entering, is her bed room, which similarly reflects the same aesthetic as the study. Stars dance on the ceiling, candles keep a relaxed and warm ambience for any who enter, and is kept mostly tidy, save for the few open books lying around. In the walk-in closet of the room, however, there is a trunk, old and dusty, a victim of time. Sera has not figured out why the room has put that there for her, and cannot find the key to unlock it to see inside. Its nothing but a forgotten mystery to her.

*Once thing to note is that there are no mirrors in her room

Overall the room reflects Sera's imagination and affinity for wonder. From time to time, objects and locations materialize or disappear as she grows and learns more about herself. On rare occasion the room will even appear to be day-time, but its only happened twice....



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Ref pic or written description:

Name: Kiva Fitzgerald

Appeared age: 21

Being: Human

Virtue: TBD


Seeing people happy
Food, especially pineapples

Tight spaces
Any kind of restraint

Character flaws: (not physical weaknesses, this is for the psychological or emotional barriers or challenges your character needs to overcome. This could revolve around their death, or some past trauma, or, just their personality. Give this some good thought, and think about how your character could start to overcome this.

Powers and skills: a short or point description of the things they can do, both for combat and just for fun.

Description of their room/home: The guardians have little pocket dimensions behind their door in The Blue House, what does it look like? If a human or spirit, what do their homes look like and what are some things they own and why?

Backstory: for humans, their lives up until this point (you do not have to include how they died, but you can if you like), for guardians: their lives as guardians up until this point (same deal for the death), for spirits: just a general backstory.

Friendships: (here you can build connections with the other characters, guardians could befriend human characters before they died, no knowing what they were about to become. They can also be friends with spirits. Talk to each other in the interest check, build some character connections!)

Information you keep secret:

These are things you send to me only, do not post them in your character sheet. I will use it to build the arcs of the story.

Human/guardian - How did your character die?

Spirits: anything you want to influence the development of your character that you’d like to keep secret from the other players for now. You can reveal these at any point in time. It is your decision.

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