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Nation Building The Verdant Land: ACE Character Sheets


General Deth Glitch

Two Thousand Club
The Verdant Land: ACE Character Sheet
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Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name:
Race: (Humans are most common but not exclusive)
Appearance: (Description or image)

Background and History:

Motivations: (What drives your character in this new land?)

Colony Group:

Faction: (Are they part of one of the big Four or are they representing a smaller nation)
Race: (Is your group entirely/mostly a certain race, perhaps a varied diaspora. Generally most groups will be mostly human, especially if from Rovaria or Vintish)
Culture: (What is unique or interesting about your group, how do they dress, what festivals do they celebrate, etc)

[SIZE=6]Character Sheet:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]Leader Information:[/SIZE]
Leader Name:
Race: (Humans are most common but not exclusive)
Appearance: (Description or image)
[SIZE=4]Background and History:[/SIZE]
Motivations: (What drives your character in this new land?)
[SIZE=4]Colony Group:[/SIZE][SIZE=3]

Faction: (Are they part of one of the big Four or are they representing a smaller nation)
Race(s): (Is your group entirely/mostly a certain race, perhaps a varied diaspora. Generally most groups will be mostly human, especially if from Rovaria or Vintish)
Culture: (What is unique or interesting about your group, how do they dress, what festivals do they celebrate, etc)
Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Katheryne Perot
Race: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is a smaller female at about 4'11, with a weight of about 94 lbs. Her scarlet hair was done in a loose down style with tight done-up curls with 2 braids going from the front of her head to the middle of the back of her head. She has a pale face with soft features and forest-like eyes that make it hard to hide what the heart feels. She often liked to wear a nice day dress that was the color of a soft sky with a white ruffed top, and the same blue for a blazer she liked to wear over top when it got cold. She had gold accents in her dress and in the hairpin she used.

Background and History:

Background: She came from a noble upbringing in the Vinish empire, and she knew that she had an easier life than most. But God, what would she wish to be able to be if she could just be reborn and let whatever poor soul who body she took as she was not made for this life. Sure, she read, and she greatly enjoyed history with all its tales, learning about the people who were able to do the impossible or laughing at how people somehow made the same mistake over and over. The way you could get lost in the tales that feel like fiction but were real, and you could never get bored. Her family was very lovely; she had an older brother and sister, with 2 younger brothers. The way they used to go into the kitchen to try and get extra sweets and then sometimes get caught causing Will or Marybeth to take the fall always put a smile on her face, but she should have taken the punishment at least once. It would be the least she could do after all the mistakes she made.

Yet she could not even manage the most basic thing that even young children do all the time, talk to people, and not break one of the millions of rules that just exist somehow and that everyone knew but her. Every time she went to one of the beautiful parties that people hosted, she would mess things up and make the person she was talking to feel terrible, all because she mistook what they meant. Her parents told her it was normal, and that everyone does it. Katheryne knew, however, that people did not do it in almost every conversation where the person you were talking to was not dumbing it down as you can not read between the lines as well as most people could. She could feel people judging eyes every time she messed up, and that had to be the heavy feeling causing her to not move even when she wanted to. She could not run or talk, all she could do was think and think about what she should say, but what if they took it like that, or what if I hurt their feelings or what if... It was an endless cycle, causing her to be bailed out by her family time and time again. They would always say that it was okay, but she could see the look of what? Pity in their eyes, or was her mind just mistook it again as it has done so many times before.

So, after she failed to talk to people at the event, she would just hide in the corner of the room, scared that she would ruin her family name. She would bumble her way with small talk if people came with her, after she could not be rude by not talking to them. She would either read or watch and try to learn how people do it. She was able to learn a bit; however, she could not get most of the complex strategies happening at the event to work in her mind no matter what. Boys seem to prefer not trying to marry her, most likely for the best as she would rather wait as to not wait her husband look bad. That is not to say she would say no if they ask, but it is not going to happen as they are only polite with her.

Motivations: She wishes to do over to this new land as she wants to get away from the people who she feels she messed things up with too many times, to the point where she does not feel like she can fix what she broke. She also wants to write down this new land history as it happens as she gotten upset when pieces of a story are just missing. Being able to help her family after making them clean up the messes she made is another huge factor. Also, maybe starting a family would not be so bad if she could be better at talking.

Colony Group:

Faction: Vinish
Race(s): Human
Culture: They mostly wear clothing like what was worn in 1800s England, with more formal wear with big puffly sleeves and long skirts, yet no make-up as that was seen that a women was the prettiest without it. There is also a festival that lasts the whole second week of the year, and it to honor all those who fought in the 3 biggest battlefields, the one of childcaring, one of war, and the one of major social events as all were seen as taking a lot of effort to do well, and the risk of death was not low in any of them. During that week older children or the town would care for the kids so that parents could take a break, warriors would try to get home, and major social moves were halted during that week so they could relax. The festival was not too formal, even in the noble parties, to let people enjoy themselves without having to think so much about social cues.
Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Lord Julian de Verbon
Race: Vampire (Human)
Age: ???
Gender: Male

Background and History:

Background: Julian de Verbon is one of the more infamous warlords of the Dusk War, having fought countless battles. He won many great victories but also has suffered tremendous defeats, only to reappear to form up a new host later in service to the Kingdom again. Julian's precise age is unknown but he forged House de Verbon over two centuries ago and has managed it with a steady hand. Verbon lands were generally well maintained and the peasantry taken care of, encouraged even to engage in markets or trades to better support their villages and townships. Julian was always a very visible figure and favored feeding on criminals over just terrorizing the peasantry for blood tribute as a sign of his pragmatic beneficence. His active engagement in his lands and people meant that the Verbon Host was one of the more relaible forces of Fanris with high morale whenever its banners have been called to war.

The Dusk War took its toll on the Verbons and their lands. Julian growing increasingly more depressed as the war grinded on for too long, depleting even the prosperity of his holdings and people. It hurt him to see what was his being damaged and destroyed. He began to become one of the voices of peace, earning enemies in the Royal Court but also allies who also saw the diminishing of Fanris' wealth and resources. The damages seem so far gone that Julian made a clever decision to begin relocating House de Verbon to this new unexplored land. His enemies in court rejoiced, eager to see the Verbons seemingly exiled. His allies saw the potential of sending someone like Julian to pursue the interests of the Kingdom where he would be rewarded by his success in the Verbons relocation and hopeful development of the lands they claim.

Motivations: Establish new holdings for House de Verbon and see that Fanris gets its cut of this colony's bounty.

Colony Group:

Faction: Kingdom of Fanris (House de Verbon)
Race: Humans, Dhampirs and Vampires
Culture: House de Verbon is an esteemed member of the Red Houses of Fanris with Julian having founded it centuries ago. The Verbons are a house of martial skill and political intrigue, favoring a mixture of diplomacy and might to achieve their ends. They are known as one of the better stewards of Fanris' mortal subjects and peasantry if only because mistreating cattle leads to bad meat, as a farmer might put it. Their agents dress well in the red, gold and black of Verbon and they lack the usual overly dramatic motif of bats or skulls that many Vampire Lords favor. Their agents tend to be well educated and driven as there are great rewards for service to Lord de Verbon and the House. Meritocracy is encouraged as Julian cannot abide stupid or self absorbed vampires. Family lineage is not how one ascends among the Verbons, but they are notorious for closing ranks to protect their own, including their peasantry. To strike a Verbon peasant is to strike Julian de Verbon himself and he reciprocates as if that were the case.
Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Marsuv
Race: Mutant
Age: Around 30
Gender: non-Binary
Appearance: Marsuv looks like a tall and broad humanoid, with features of many different races intertwined and mutated together. They have one horn sprouting out of their left temple and another coming out of their forehead, both misshapen. Their face is disfigured, their eyes have different sizes and their mouth is half torn open, revealing many jagged and misshapen teeth. While their body is broad, it is also littered with vestigial remains of different limbs fused into the skin. And while their right arm is mostly normal, their left is a mass of twisting, tendril-like muscles.

Background and History:

Background: A young Marsuv was picked up by a community of survivors after a particularly devastating WMD wiped out a major city during (or after) the Dusk War. While they were malformed due to exposure to it, they still lived and grew up as normally as they could. While the survivors struggled, they always held together, getting by day by day. And as the days and years passed, the community grew while their governments did nothing to help them. Marsuv learned quickly just how little the "shunned" and "scarred" were valued and treated by the major forces, or even the general public.

Having had enough of it all, several such groups of survivors banded together and elected a represantative. They founded "The Scarred" and claimed their own piece of the devastated landscapes. Now a semi-recognized force, it was easier for them to organize and help each other and Marsuv was often at the forefront of their more dangerous missions, such as rescuing people from danger zones.

With time, Marsuvs recognition grew, but also their mutations. And while they were often recommended for the election, they always refused.

Still, resources were always scarce and a lot of afflictions of the group had no cures, or at least no affordable ones. And so Marsuv was sent to explore the new continent, in hopes gathering supplies as well as knowledge for the people suffering back home. And they most readily accepted, not in the least because their own body might be failing...

Motivations: (What drives your character in this new land?) Cures and resources

Colony Group:

The Scarred (Independent)
All kinds of races live together, most of them scarred in physical and/or mental ways by the war. Deserters, refugees, and orphans of all nations and cultures have banded together
The Scarred are mostly defined by their willingness to help each other and outsiders. Many have lived through the horrors of the war and it's aftermath and would like to prevent a repeat, though they don't have the influence to guarantee such a thing. They are currently focused on survival and rebuilding with a strong focus on medical aid.
They mainly celebrate the end of the war but the different cultures and religions also celebrate their own festivities. Their currently elected leader is "Grandpa Josh", an old Veteran of the war.
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Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Margaret Goodfellow, aka Miss Maggie.
Race: Human.
Age: 64.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: A weathered yet beautiful woman, Maggie features the marks of all of her years and carries them with grace. What little of her skin is shown from her modest dresses appears wrinkled and withered. She wears her pale white hair in elaborate styles when appearing before people of privilege, but is often seen with a messy bun or high ponytail to keep things practical. Beyond her age she is otherwise unremarkable. She stands at an unimpressive 5'6", weighs in at a lean 132lbs, and moves at speeds befitting her tenure.


Background and History:

Background: Margaret was born during the peak of the dusk war. Her father was a Vintish tactician and her mother was a holy woman turned wife at the start of the conflict. Her childhood wasn't enviable - the vast majority of her memories being of war and its outcomes, but it was safer than most born in these awful times. Her father was a protective sort and held his family close throughout the war, often finding shelter for his loved ones near to whatever front was being pushed but far enough back to only have the protection of an army and not the oppositions of one.
Margaret was young when the tides turned. They had been garrisoned near a division of Fanrisian soldiers when the coup unfolded. Their betrayal wasn't only of their government but of the men and women who were fighting along side them. She watched from a distance as friends turned to enemies. Her father was among the masses. Given his rank however, he wasn't simply gunned down but was executed on full display. They were there for the event and seeing that they were - her father, ever clever - denounced his family as traitors before he was executed. These words broke their hearts but gave them much needed safety from the Fanrisian soldiers, and later provided them with shelter within the Alliance of Unity.

When the war ended there was a great gravity upon her and her mother. They were in a foreign land surrounded by unfamiliar people who had shown themselves to be capable of great dishonour. They were lost and alone but not without talents. Both Margaret and her mother were educated women and they put their talents to use. Her mother helped manage a local tavern while Margaret grew up, and when she was of age she went and found employment with a failing quarry as a recruiter. With charm and wit she quickly cemented as invaluable and took on book keeping duties.

As the years went by she would refine her craft. She made friends within the industry and in her late twenties she was being head hunted by masons and quarry masters to abandon her current role in exchange for their offers. She declined at first but came to realize there was opportunity in this. With delicate meetings and many egos pampered, she established a new guild exclusively for stone masons. Word traveled quick and it wasn't long before she was approached by the owners of the land she had begun making dealings within - Coven Salacia.
They were reasonable but firm and reminded Margaret that these quarries were leasing the land and had no claim to it - so the guild they joined would be under the same rules. She reluctantly agreed but only after fierce fighting for her newfound companions. This tenacity was admired and fueled her infamy among craftsmen which further added to her guild's reputation.

Over time the guild would grow and draw the attention of more covens who demanded more conditions and asked for more considerations. More than masons now filled their ranks and as such it seemed everyone wanted them for something. The politics slowly weighed on her. When she heard that covens were looking west to leave their war-torn home lands - she couldn't help but see opportunity and dream of the brighter tomorrow she'd been promised as a girl. She made many deals to make this happen and now, with her guild, she works to keep a tender balance between appeasing her sponsors and losing her dream.

Motivations: To fulfil her obligations to her sponsors and push the new lands into a position where peace is the norm and not a labour.

Colony Group:

Faction: The Kingdom of Fanris - Compagnons de Travail.
Race(s): Humans, Risen dead.
Culture: Compagnons de Travail are a guild of craftsmen and labourers. Many of whom are natives to the Kingdom of Fanris. They range greatly in age, appearance, and many speak multiple languages. The only constant between them is that they are capable. This comes from both their need to maintain their reputation as highly experience craftsmen, but also out of the need to appease their vampiric sponsors who are often quick to anger. The guild has many sponsors with ranging degrees of involvement but the main three are as follows:
Coven Salacia - Owners of the birthplace of the guild, these vampires are unique in their ambitions. During the dusk war they rallied only ever to hold their lands and to save the civilians of their neighbours . They are incredible boat makers even if the art is a dying one, and possess an unusually strong moral compass. They believe the people come first and that all their needs are to be met before they are worthy to request a blood tithe - an essential rite to keep themselves fed.

Coven Strigoi - These masterful necromancers who are behind many of the undead labourers that the guild is forced to onboard as their own talent succumbs to tragedy in their works. Whenever an artisan dies performing a great act, or a deadline isn't met, undead appear where the living once stood and work day and night to see it done. While useful the guild tried to avoid their sponsorship for as long as they could - and the coven knows this.
House Lashen - Hedonists. This self-indulgent house view wordly pleasures and excess as the pinnacle of existing and motive for eternal life. They often commission great statues of themselves in competition with one another and are prone to violent outbursts when they feel an artist underperforms. They wish to see the new land's greatest without having to lift a finger and find any compromise to be unthinkable. Their pockets are deep.
Leader Information:

Leader Name: Princess Aurora Evermore
Race: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: (Description or image)

Background and History:

Motivations: (What drives your character in this new land?)

Colony Group:

Faction: Representing the kingdom of Fantasia
Race(s): Humans
Fairies - The fairies of this kingdom are small except for the fairy queen who has the power to make herself normal size. The fairies when they speak sound like little bells only the people of fantasia can understand them. People think its because of the magic in that's on the island. The fairy queen is able to speak english.
History of Fantasia - Fantasia is quite a wealthy and very old kingdom. Fantasia was founded by Adam and he was the first official King. When he discovered this place he also happened to come across small fairies and their kingdom. The land kind of belonged to them and they weren't the most trusting of strangers but Adam managed to gain their trust. So much so that they even agreed to let him build a human kingdom but only if he agreed to protect their sacred crystal which gave the land it's natural magic and powered theirs. They said the crystal was powerful and only the fairy queen could use it. He promised he protect it and them. Later when he married the fairies covered her in pixie dust and a mark shaped as wings appeared on her. Anyone born with that mark would have the power to control the magic of the crystal which is to only be used in emergencies it also can use up a lot of energy. Now anyone born with that mark is required to learn magic.
Magic - When it comes to magic Fantasia is definitely steeped with it. Though not everyone can use magic it is everywhere, part of nature itself. It's most likely due to the fairies and the crystal. Because of how engrained the magic on the Island strange things tend to happen like a talking animal acting and dressing like a human or an old tree deep within the forest that can talk. Toys have even randomly come to life. But things like this are considered normal to the people of Fantasia.
Government - The kingdom of Fantasia is a capitalistic monarchy, run by the human royal family Evermore and somewhat by the fairy ruler. The fairy ruler acts more like a council but will intervene or force their hand if they feel they need to.
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Character Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Grimwald Vegrvisir
Race: Human
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Appearance: Grimwald is tall and naturally broad shouldered, coming in at 6'2". He appears to be quite well built, with a greater focus on lean musculature than bulging muscles. His hair is a deep red, with a well-kept beard.


Background and History:

Background: Grimwald was born into Clan Drekarot during a period of migration, something not uncommon to the clan. His first memories were of helping to gather sticks and grasses for his family to help build the clan longhouse. Like his brothers, Sigvald and Torsten, as soon as he could walk he was exploring their mountain valley home. In his early childhood, he and his siblings collected firewood and tinder and set traps for small game. By their early teens, they began accompanying their father on hunts, learning to travel the land quietly and efficiently, to track prey, and to read the land for signs of more significant threats such as predators. It was one of these hunts, when Grimwald was just becoming a young adult, that went wrong.

The hunters had tracked their prey for many hours, closing in on it as each minute passed. However, thick brush along the mountainside presented an issue. As the youngest, Grimwald was tasked with scaring the creature out of the brush so his siblings could shoot it with their bows. And he did. Except, this prey was not so ready to go without a fight. Instead of simply running, it charged Grimwald, striking him hard and sending him tumbling down the mountainside. His brothers brought him home as quickly as possible, but his injuries were severe. A badly broken leg, a broken rib, many, many scrapes and cuts. Though he survived, his recovery would be long and difficult.

While his rib healed relatively quickly, his leg kept him lame for many months. He spent the time around his family's home, repairing tools and helping to cook to earn his keep. While his brothers and peers went on to explore the land and gain glory, he has to relearn how to use his leg, slowly coming to walk once more. It was not long after he could finally walk from his bed to the longhouse unassisted that his eldest brother, Sigvald, died, killed in a clash with a clan that Drekarot had been feuding with for a decade over some hunting dispute. The wergild paid out to his family was hardly proper compensation for a lost sibling, but it was enough to allow Torsten and a handful of peers to launch an expedition into a more dangerous part of the mountain range just a couple months later. A year passed as Grimwald regained most of his mobility without any news of his last brother. Two more years passed as Grimwald's leg grew strong enough to properly hunt along the mountain slopes once again. It was then that news reached the family. Torsten and his expedition's bodies were found by another clan's scouts. They'd apparently been on their return trip when something tore them apart. Nothing seemed to be stolen, and no trace of the beast was found, but the clan was able to return the remains and the maps the group had been able to create on their journey.

Motivations: Now the last of his siblings, Grimwald was charged with continuing his family's bloodline. However, status in Clan Drekarot is entirely based around one's accomplishments. Grimwald, unable to explore and fight due to his injuries had quickly fell behind his healthy siblings and peers. While they traveled, explored, and fought, he was stuck at home, untitled, honor-less. By the time he was fit and capable once more, the lands around the clan's current home were well mapped, and opportunity for discovery was scarce. Already nearing his thirties, Grimwald knew he needed to start a family. And yet, if he were to do so now, with no claim to glory, no accomplishments to his name, he would bring dishonor to his bloodline. And so, he needed to earn his glory, to explore uncharted lands. And what better way to do that than exploring a new, unknown land? Enticed by the mystery and promise of exploration, he gathered many of his remaining peers and younger clansmen and began the long travel to the coast, where they could join the colonization efforts and become the first of Clan Drekarot to chart truly new lands in centuries. Grimwald, as leader of the expedition, was already granted the title of Vegrvisir, or Wayfinder, in honor of the first Drekarot expedition to a new continent.

Colony Group:

Faction: Clan Drekarot of the Rovarian Empire
Race(s): Entirely consisting of Rovarian humans.
Culture: The Drekarot clan has long been one of explorers, cartographers, and navigators. Unlike most other clans, the Drekarot abstained from most technology, relying instead on magic and their understanding of nature to guide them. They are a semi-nomadic tribe, picking up roots and traveling to lesser known mountains every couple of decades. Within the clan, status is derived primarily through one's accomplishments and the glory they obtain through battle, though exploration of unmapped lands is the most valued of pursuits. One whom has never traveled, fought, or otherwise accomplished anything of note is known amongst the clan as honor-less, and is granted no title to pass down their bloodline, nor permitted to take the titles of their ancestors as their own. The clan itself is very self-sufficient, rarely dealing with the greater powers within the Rovarian Empire, and rarely being called upon to aid the Empire in its endeavors. However, those looking for glory often find their way to where they are needed when greater events are happening in the world. For instance, during the war, many of the Rovarian clansmen serving as scouts were of Drekarot blood. As were many infiltrators, as the Drekarot's way of life lent well self-sufficient survival behind enemy lines.
1746c902-fd50-44ff-be53-3cb52b9dbda6.jpgCharacter Sheet:

Leader Information:

Leader Name: Mr. Devolin Tobias Luther
Race: Human
Age: 36
Gender: Male

Background and History:

Mr. Luther, Tobias informally, was born into the merchant class of the Katollikan Reunity with all the verve of his forefathers before him. His mother sadly passed soon after childbirth, a loss not sorely felt as Tobias grew a voracious taste for the finer things in life. Much like his father he was deeply familiarised with all the Luther household's literature and higher education programmes, swiftly molded into an upstanding, well-learned, charismatic fellow of the gentry. He developed a sharp eye for the mechanisms of things, in machinery and society alike, and not long after his 16th year took over his family's businesses and estates entirely. The exact way this came about was never publicly stated, save for his father's sudden and mysterious retirement.

As his reach and influence expanded, so too did his ambition to increase his growth. Tobias enveloped more and more commerce endeavours, raising many a shell enterprise in the Luther name. Eventually he dipped his fingers too far into rival territory and was stung, unable to recoup sizeable losses and left with a tarnishing mark on his name. He was still a man of great wealth and influence, it was true, but he couldn't shake the feeling he'd lost more than money in that moment. He needed a fresh pursuit to clear the air and place House Luther back in the limelight.

And a certain multi-national colonial experiment could be just the ticket.

Motivations: WEALTH and STATUS

Colony Group:

Faction: The Kattolikan Reunity
Race(s): Mostly automatons, with fewer humans acting as project overseers.
Culture: The Luther household is an influential titan of industry in recent times and much of its contribution to the colony project has been in the form of resource acquisition, development and logistics. As such, most of their population is made up of automatons led by several human managers and overseers who enjoy the rich life while the machines toil away. Commerce, diplomacy and the art of the deal are common interests in Luther society and such endeavours are treated as complex war games of mental acuity. After all, fighting actual wars is such a waste of time and resources!

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