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Futuristic The Blue Betty

"Dock 20?" Tora asked over the earpeice. "Is that the confirmed target?" She walked at a brisk pace over to flight control. She used the security guard card she swiped to get inside. Now the fun begins. "What are you doing here?!" a man at the controls asked. "Would you believe I'm lost?" she asked with a smirk.

(Sorry it's a short post, just trying to get the RP moving again.)
"Gearhead, copy that? Get your ass to 20 and vet the damn thing. We've got twenty minutes, tops, before the distraction needs to go off. High-tail it darlin'." Hao spotted a dock repairman heading down a maintenance corridor. After a quick glance around, not spotting any security personnel, Hao slipped down the hall after him. An elbow to the back of the head dropped the poor sap like a sack of potatoes. Before he could recover, Hao had him in a sleeper hold and dragged him into a storage room.

Power cables provided bindings and a gag, and in a few moments Hao left the room in the man's uniform. Approaching Dock 20, Hao lowered his new cap and depressed his comm bead. "Ready when ya'll are."
"Oh no, we take the kid's ship but not mine." Camo mumbled but quickly headed over to dock 20, spotting the ship and rolled her eyes. "My ship looked nicer." She grumbled and looked around her. Once the surroundings were safe, she sneaked towards the boat. She climbed in when the coast was clear and most members were off deck. Camo quickly headed towards the engine room and spotted the FTL. "Alright, ready to go. Keep everyone away from the ship." She said and pulled a wrench from her back pocket as she started to loosen the bolts.
Trent made his way towards dock 20. He stopped nearby and did his best to simply blend with the natives, he didn't want to be too obvious but was ready to run over when Camo got the FTL ready for transport. He kept his head on a swivel, however, and noticed two men talking animatedly and heading towards the target ship.

"Looks like the captain is back from his dinner, things are about to get hairy. Lass, how soon will that thing be ready to move?"
Harmony had climbed down from the structure and blended in with the other civilians in the port. He saw Camo but did not acknowledge her in the slightest. "Hey, long-grain," Harmony said awkwardly into his transmitter, "Phase one is pretty much wrapped up, shall we continue?" He spotted the First-Mate and started striding near his location.
Camo cursed for two reasons. One; the captain was getting back. Two; the FTL was stuck. "We I would have had it moving by now, but they made this damn thing almost unable to steal." She grumbled into the earpiece. "Give me five minutes, I need to find something that can loosen the melted bolts." Camo started to mess around the engine room and soon found a blowtorch. She quickly burned through the metal that held the FTL in place, making it drop once it was loosened with a pretty loud crash. "Okay, I hope you guys have a plan for that distraction. Help me get this piece of metal out."
Word had spread already. The Blue Betty had landed, and a fair number of people were interested. Some were curious as to the truth of it, others were simply hoping for a chance to view the ship, and a select few had come to collect on debts. Chief among them was a gentleman by the name of John Roberts, a local crime lord. The last time he'd seen the Blue Betty, it had been flying off with one of his weapons shipments, and he was not one to forgive a theft.

Aaron coughed into his microphone, trying to get everyone's attention. "Gentlemen, I think the general populace has been made aware of our presence. I've never been a fan of signing autographs, and we're not that popular in certain circles. We may end up with more trouble than a cargo inspection."

Just as he finished speaking, a couple men, most definitely of the thug variety, entered the dock and closed off the exits. "By may end up, I meant just did. Otter, get yourself warmed up, we might be getting chased out of here by some interceptors. Everyone else, I'd appreciate some haste. I'm not fond of my odds with a four-on-one scenario, that said, you guys have to finish up there first before coming to help me out. Cap' out."
It didn't take Trent more than a second to go from idle to active. He sprinted towards the entrance that Camo had gone into to disconnect the FTL. As he ran, he saw Hao and the Kid a little ways off. He pulled his shotgun out from under his jacket and tossed it to the Chinaman.

"First one's a blank, the rest are slugs, go help the captain."

Without waiting for a response he dashed inside the ship. It took him a second to find the engine room, but he didn't need Camo to know what he was supposed to be moving, as it was sitting in the middle of the floor with a bunch of loose wires. He wrapped his arms around the huge drive and heaved it off the ground with a grunt. He looked at the techie.

"Lead the way, because I can't see around this damn thing."
Harm frowned when he reached Hao, staring longways at the man as he held the weapon in confusion. He wasted no time going for the gun in the first mate's holster. "Give me back up, I'll be right back." the kid said to Hao, then went to his transmitter. "Captain, I need your exact location right now. I'll be there to help soon..." he started to say before bumping into a rather tall looking thug. "Oops....oh fudge." Harmony said to himself as he stared the man in the face. "Hao! Is this the guy?!" he called back at the Asian man. "He has on e of those ugly battle scars...so he has to run in the same circle as you, right?"
Hao caught the shotgun. Some kind of cut-down tac variant of Mossberg probably. Not exactly Hao's style. And then Trent declared that it was mostly loaded with slugs. Inverting a half-dozen people at once is definitely not Hao's style. But he could think of some other uses, so he slung the weapon over his back. And then the goram kid ran by and stole the revolver off his hip holster. Could've asked. Oh well. He drew one of his .45's and chambered a rubber round before tucking it back into his stolen uniform's jacket.

"Kitty, cause as much bulls*** as possible on all other docks, override all doors on our dock, I want every option open." He looked up in the direction of the call from the kid. "Nobody I know, have fun." Shotgun slung across his back and his less-lethal handgun ready, he took off towards the Betty's dock.
"Now, now, gentlemen! Gentlemen!" Aaron sputtered out, one of his teeth falling to the floor in front of him.

Shoulda pulled out Dolly. Shoulda pulled out Dolly. Shoulda frakkin' OOMPH

A fist plowed into his gut for maybe the tenth time. He wasn't sure anymore, the world was sufficiently hazy. Not pulling out his gun had landed him in a rough spot; pinned up against a crate by two of the goons while a third one played Mr. Potato Head with Aaron's face and practiced some boxing on his internal organs. It was not a good day.

"Can't we just work this out like businessmen?" He coughed out, blood leaking from his mouth.

"Go to hell, Montes." Was the only response he got, right before he was punched in the gut again.

"Son of a frakkin' three-titted whore!" Aaron grunted, then hazily looked into the eyes of the man hitting him. He coughed, then spit a ball of blood and phlegm into the man's eyes before headbutting him. Bone hit cartilage, and his victim's nose broke with a satisfying squelch and scream of pain.

Another blow to his head turned out the lights, and Aaron crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
Tora grabbed the rolling chair and shoved one of the men at the station's controls into another worker's station. "One distraction coming up," she announced to the crew. She quickly typed orders into the work station. Once she pressed enter all the ships, besides the Blue Betty and the one on dock 20, were unlatched from their docking ports and all of the dock 20 doors were unlocked. Tora pulled her pistol out of her shoulder holster hidden behind her jacket and shot at the network server box so the workers at the control couldn't override her changes. By now security was alerted of her presence and a small three-man team rushed to Tora's location.

"I'm finished on my end, I'll join you guys in a minute," she reported over her earpiece. She started to brawl with the security team. She kneed one of them in the gut and pistol whipped him behind the head to knock him out. Dispatched the second guy in a similar fashion. The third guy, a big fella, she had to cheaply kick him in the groin and pistol whipped him as he knelt over in pain. Tora bolted toward the door and ran past the ship docks. "How's the FTL retrieval coming Camo?"
"The FTL is on it's way." Camo said and started leading Trent the right way. "Please tell me that the coast is clear and this thing ready to load because I don't know how long Trent can carry this thing… How you holding up Trent?" She asked the guy behind her. The thing had to be heavy, it was made out of heavy metal after all. She started hearing footsteps behind her and noticed people running after them. "Okay, we have company."
Trent grunted in reply to Camo's question. He was doing his best to keep up with her, but she was right, the thing was frakkin heavy. Even so, he wasn't too worried about making it to the Betty until she said that they had company. As they took a turn out the door of the ship where they had entered from, he took a look down the corridor they had just run through. The captain he had just seen returning was storming after them, angrily waving a pistol around, along with what must be a couple members of his crew.

"Three behind us, one with a gun. Hao has my shotgun. I've got a grenade in my back pocket but that's it, hope you've got some way to deal with them."
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Camo crunched up her nose, she had a way, but she didn't like to use it. "If you tell anyone about it, I'll kill you." She mumbled and headed towards the ones chasing them. "Keep walking." She told him and held up her hands when the guy with the gun ordered her so.

"Don't move!" The man with the gun said as the other two still headed after Trent.

Camo did as she was told, but when the guy was close enough she did the unexpected. She grabbed the guy's collar and pulled him closer to her so she could crash her lips on his. The guy was shocked. He didn't know what to do. Camo smiled into the kiss. She had him where she wanted him and back him up until he dropped from the docks. "Bye bye." Camo smiled and grabbed her wrench before tossing it against one of the guy's head. The second guy dropped on the floor. "Trent turn around!" She ordered and winched how the third guy walked into the FTL, dropping on the floor as well. "Okay, that was stupid." She deadpanned.
Hao paused to catch his breath and survey the scene when he reached the bay doors to the Betty's dock. Aaaaaand they're beating the Cap all to hell. Good times. He kicked off his shoes and swung the shotgun around to his front, catching its stock with his left hand, drawing his handgun with the other. Here goes nothin'.

He approached slowly, picking up his pace slightly as the beating grew more vigorous. In response to a sudden spray of blood, Hao dashed forward. As the center man was reeling from the Captain's blow, Hao dropped the end of the shotgun's barrel onto his shoulder from behind. His companion looked up from knocking Aaron out just in time to see the breach flash.

The center man collapsed instantly, clutching his ears, probably at least one ruptured eardrum. He'll be fine. The other two dropped Aaron, perhaps an unfortunate consequence, but it probably wouldn't make him already worse than the beating already had. A few quick pops dropped the man on the right as a handful of rubber bullets knocked the wind out of him. He'll prooobably live. Another shot went off, nearly hitting the final thug, but a thrash of his arm kept Hao's aim off.

A scuffle ensued, knocking Hao's handgun aside as the two exchanged blows.
Harm shrugged, pointed the gun in the stranger's face and pulled the trigger. The giant went down almost immediately. 'Damn rubber bullets.' he thought as he strode in the direction of the Betty. The docking bay had been surrounded by miscreants of every fashion. They smirked with malicious intent. Harm sighed and shrugged out of his coat. Striking at the nearest person, a brawl ignited with vigor. The blows were landed in coordination, almost like a dance. Harm had kicked a skinny man's teeth out when he felt the pinch of pressure in his side. He looked over to his right and saw a smoking gun and a brazen lady with a wicked gleam. He turned to her, brooding darkly. "Finally, a challenge." he spat while she reloaded her piece.
A large number of private and government security officers began closing in on Harm in response to the largely-unprompted decapitation of a passerby with a hollow-point .44 magnum round.
Trent spun around as gracefully as one could when carrying a very heavy, very large metal object and nearly fell on his ass when the third pursuer ran headlong into the FTL. He looked down at the third man and saw his chest rising and falling. Not dead, but good enough.

"Crude, but effective." He said, before pivoting back towards Betty's dock.

Trent pressed his shoulder against the button on the side of his earpiece as he kept making progress back to Betty.

"FTL will be there in under 5, hope you've got a clear path for us Chinaman."

"You might want to get back here as well Tora, I don't imagine we'll be sticking around for long after this thing is aboard."
"I don't imagine so either...," Tora said to Trent over the earpiece. "I'll join you guys in a sec." She rushed to the Blue Betty and momentarily froze on the ship's gang plank. She noticed the captain out cold, the thugs dispatched by Hao, the now-headless man, and the officers after Harmony. "What the hell did I miss?" she asked Hao. "Never mind, you can fill me in later. Help out the kid, I know some first aid so let me worry about the captain." She ran over to Aaron, grabbed him by the arms and begun to pull him inside. "Hey Otter, how well do you know this ship? The captain needs some medical attention."
Hao finally managed to crack his skull against the remaining assailant, knocking him unconscious and leaving Hao a bit dizzy. He grumbled a bit before hitting his comm, "Ten-four Thump." A moment of scanning the area revealed his trusty, slightly rusty firearm, though he was still missing his revolver. Shoving it back into its holster, he looked to Tora. "Get Cap inside, he'll live, he's seen worse."

He took off towards the bay doors, but skidded to a stop as his mind cleared and assessed the situation. The crowd seems distracted, something on the opposite side of the corridor. Not Hao's concern, gift horses, mouths, et cetera. Still needed a path for the FTL drive, so Hao did the reasonable thing and started screaming about a reactor leak. The periphery of the crowd scattered while the bulk continued making its way towards whatever was distracting them originally. Good enough.

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