[The Black Watch] [Act 1, Part 1] Blood and Noh

((OKay, so, I had a MAJOR derp moment and confused Kidae for Kanade. I've been waiting all this time for Chaka to post. I'm incredibly sorry folks. Short and sweet.))

Kanade joined the throng of other samurai rushing to the door to grab their weapons.

((So freakin sorry. Morkais, if you're still following this game, you're up next))
((Been on holiday, sorry...))

Tamoha takes in the rush of samurai with a glance, and makes a quick decision. She's a good swordswoman, but not the best around- and the better ones are, of course, aiming for their swords.

Someone needs to distract the beast, for a few moments at least.

She steps into its path, watching carefully to dodge at the first sign of trouble.

((Full Defence stance. Reflexes roll: 16. Total ATN: 31.))
((All samurai are willing to die at a moment's breath for their duty. Such a dutiful act while unarmed nets you one point of Honor. :) Also, Chaka is up))

Fear roll: 19

One ten to re-roll:

Total: 26.

Ignoring a brief stab of terror, Kidae kicks her seat away and moves back from the table in one fluid motion, sliding a pair of unusually heavy-looking fans from her belt as she rises. With a crack they snap open, revealing beautiful artwork of a scorpion poised to strike. The edge and tines of the fan glimmer razor-sharp. Dropping into a defensive stance, Kidae begins to circle the oni, looking for an opening to strike from the flanks.

Defensive stance, holding my action.
((Oni is up))

The chaos and confusion was maddening. The beast took no heed of the samurai running for weapons, and scooped up a running geisha. The sounds of bone snapping and viscera tearing echoed across the normally quiet noh stage. As it devoured the poor victim, a pustule began to grow on its back, and ripped itself free. It had the body of the oni, but the face of the freshly devoured geisha, but, fortunately, was only the size of a small child.

((Oni Spawn initiative is9.

Kuni-Sama, you're up next))
(Not sure if I already rolled fear so)
16, 9, 4 +3 honor= 32

A slight light comes to his eyes as Kazuki feels almost vindicated as to why he was called. With a quiet mummer he chants a prayer, one he chanted on far to many occasions to bother needing to need a scroll to remember. A bolt of incandescent green light forms around his clenched hands to go leaping forth in a jagged line. As it nears the oni it separates into two bolts to strike both the new oni and it's spawned abomination.


Three raises, 2 rolled for 1 free for jade keyword, 1 for extra target 2 for damage 8,8,7,7,5,2 = 23


11, 9, 7, 5 = 32 (Or do you want me to roll for each target.)
((On future occasions, seperate damage, but, for now, we'll stick with it.))

The newly spawned fleshling screamed as the holy energies ripped its freshly formed body asunder, black ichor splattering the walls and sizzling away into nothing under the green light. Its sire, however, was not nearly so damaged. It focused on the Kuni, and bellowed ferociously. The Crab had certainly gotten its attention.

((Next round! Back to the top, to Teki!))
The first to get her equipment, Ritsuko led the charge into to tea house. With her bow strung and Hasa at her heels, she took position just inside and to the left of the door. As the bow swung up, the arrow flew forth.

To Hit: 6k3,

Damage: 5k2, 16
The oni took notice of this as well, but, the arrow didn't seem to do nearly as much damage as such a sure shot should've. It laughed a bit, breaking off the half-sunken arrow.

((LotS is next!))
Satoru returned to the main melee, katana ready as he kept his eyes focused on the oni before him. And then he went right into the fray, swinging the blade into the creature.

Settling into Attack Stance. GO DICE ROLL!


((School is starting in a bit, so gonna retcon the Lion's attack here with a bit more freetime, just gonna give it a solid 15 damage for now so the plot can move on. Morkai, you're up!))
The oni has a bushi to deal with now, so Tamoha dashes back to the entrance to retrieve her katana, pulling it free from its saya in a flash of steel.


Defence Stance, ATN 26 for the turn, and going to get the katana.

The blades of tessen are fragile compared to a sword, and not well-built to penetrate the tough hides of oni. However, Kidae had always learned to strike toward weak spots. She nimbly slides in toward the oni and arcs her blade lightning-fast across the back of its knee-analogue.

Moving to Attack Stance and striking. Two raises to hit a sensitive spot, so TN is 30 according to the GM. Spending a Void point on the attack roll.

Roll to Attack: 7k4.

Roll to Damage: 4k3.
21 points of damage.
The blow was absorbed by the creature's flesh, but not as badly as some of the other strikes. A soft spot, perhaps?
((Gotta dig out the Oni's stats for its attack...all I remembered was Reduction 10 and its HP, forgot its attack dice and lost the paper during the games pause, ^-^;; ))

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