[The Black Watch] [Act 1, Part 1] Blood and Noh

Tamoha allows herself a tight smile at that- not that there was really any chance she wouldn't be allowed to carry her daisho...
And now she could not be confused for just any Unicorn, though her origin would be clear as day even when she wore the robes.

“Many thanks,†Fusako gently broke her silence, “Need we know any other details of our appointment outside those chronicled there? Our do we begin our term by familiarizing ourselves with the basic duties?â€

(Dooot dooot doot edit.)
(sorry for the confusion, the 'bundles of silk' were your new outfits. Also, large post incoming after I get out of work, so be prepared!)
Satoru accepted the new silks. "Thank you, sama. I assure you, I meant no hostility in my statement, I was merely curious as to the nature of Lion-san's statement earlier."
((Gonna roll for the Lion so I can move ahead, got a 9 as well))

It seemed the actors had begun to set up again. The dim lighting made it difficult to see the actors though. The silhouette of an elegant oni costume was being placed on one in the darkness.

To Kidae and Tamoha

The costume was unbelievably beautiful, and a bit terrifying, even in the darkness. The ways the arm stretched forward seemed inhuman...

Then the sudden realization, a split second too late. It was no costume. The oni's arm darted forward suddenly, bursting straight through the Magistrate's chest, a spray of blood in the air. The peasant staff burst into shrieks and blind panic, as the samurai patrons dashed to where their weapons were kept at the entrance.

((Initiatives please! Kidae and Tamoha, take one free raise from the extra moment you two were aware))
((Kanade- 4k3-23


I also forgot, make Fear checks on your action post. Raw Willpower vs tn 15, failure means -2k0 penalty.

Order is-

Teki- 30

LotS- 24






Let's get this show moving! Sorry for the delays!))
Rolled will in front of GM, including honor rank, a total of 31!

With a high sharp whistle, Ritsuko called Hasa as she turned on the ball of her foot. There was no fleeing from battle, but there was going to fetch her soul and bow so she could slay the oni. Of course such a blasted creature would choose a location such as this to make its appearance. Cowardice.
Okay, let's see now. Balance gives me an extra die to roll, so I roll 4k3, plus 6 for honor.

4k3+6=25. Satoru is shaken, not stirred.

Satoru stands up in a trice, completely thrown by the surprise. He was really starting to get sloppy, being taken by surprise by demons like this. It was because of this that Kagami...no. Put it aside, Satoru.

So, the Iron Crane stood firm, relaxed but ready with his katana ready to face this new enemy before him...at least, until he remembered his blade was at the entrance.

Oh, Kami, this was going to be a bad day.

With that, Satoru sighed, and immediately followed the gaggle of samurai who were also going for weapons, keeping an eye on the beast as he began to back towards the entrance.
((GM fail here, forgot to mention a social note- In tea houses, inns, etc., culturally, samurai surrender their swords at the door, to prevent disgraceful behavior while alcohol is involved, :) ))
[[OOC: Meaning the only person currently armed is... probably me. You can take fans anywhere...]]

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