[The Black Watch] [Act 1, Part 1] Blood and Noh

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
Imperial Calendar 1122, Month of the Sun, Inn of the Orange Blossom

The stage was set. The actors donned their black outfits, and lowered the rice-paper screen, lighting some dim lanterns behind. The soft sound of a shamisen playing sweetly marked that the noh play was about to begin. A large table was reserved for the magistrates as they entered the inn, one by one. One was already waiting patiently, a woman bearing the colors and mon of the Scorpion clan, watching the show as it began.

Shadows danced across the inn as the play began. It began slow, telling the tale of a samurai expelled for crimes that he did not commit, vowing to hunt down the oni that wore his guise. He took his sword, and set out in seek of vengeance, and to cleanse his honor.

One by one, the others entered the inn, actors on a much larger stage. Their story had not even began to be told.
The play catches Tamoha's interest. Justice misaimed, a quest to clear a name... The tale bears something of a resemblance to her Family's founding, and so it is an important lesson to remember.

With quiet tread, she makes her way to the table, bowing silently to the Scorpion woman and sitting, keeping an eye on the actors and trying to avoid disrupting ther work.
Kazuki enters the inn a slight smile on his face as he sees what the story is about. Moving to take his seat he wonders how badly the situation truly is that they asked for a crab and more importantly a Kuni. A gesture to the inn keep for some tea and food as he finds a seat. Not the greatest fan of Noh he plans to take advantage of the wait to rest from the journey before whatever crisis made the Emerald Magistrate call for his presence. Taking his hat off he rests it on his traveling pack and relaxes as the food is brought out.
Satoru stepped in, one eye on the Noh play before him. It kind of...spoke to him, in a way, that he knew all too well. He bowed politely to his Scorpion guest before taking his place.
Jinpo was stabled, and if his obvious stature declaring him property of samurai –Unicorn- wasn’t enough to dissuade thieves, Hisa would be. Barrel-chested and with a powerful biting jaw, it was easy to see his good breeding. His good breeding and ability to rend a person on the battle field. Those two secured and Hisa given his guard command, Fusako went to deal with the onerous task of meeting the other new magistrates. She didn’t hold much hope for it being a pleasant occasion.

That was, before it also became an apparent reunion with her one time brother-at-arms from the Crab lands. The corner of Fusako’s mouth quirked for a second as she appreciated the movement of the kami’s hands.

With an easy gait, Fusako strode forward and bowed to the collective, “Scorpion-san, Dragon-san, Crane-san and Kazuki-san, well met.â€

Kidae bows politely in response to all those who make their greetings, and then returns to watching the performance, quietly filing away the clan affiliations and regional accents of her fellow magistrates.
Kanade walks in with a bit of annoyed face, lingering from her recent encounter.

She walks over to the table, noticing that she seems to be the last person there, and grows slightly even more annoyed.

When she approaches, she bows to her fellow magistrates, and quietly apologizes for her tardiness. As she raises her head, she looks at each one and stops on Tamoha, more than a little surprised to see her here. Saying nothing, she takes a seat and tries to enjoy the play

Kidae rises and bows to the newcomer, still not acknowledging the Kuni. The others had been polite.
Tamoha's poise stops her doing any more than blinking as the Lion enters, but the bow of the head she gives is ever-so-slightly deeper than the other arrivals received.

Finally, Kidae is able to retake her seat and enjoy the performance, somewhat bemused at the eclectic group assembled here. The potential web of clan alliances and prejudices would make this duty highly interesting... but potentially troublesome.
The play continued for a bit, and servants quietly brought out plates of rice, vegtables and freshly grilled salmon to the table, along with a large jug of very exquisite sake.

The play continued, the shadowy lighting playing delicately off of the porcelain noh masks. The story continued on, and eventually the noble ronin found out eventually the father of the woman he loved had summoned the demon to soil his good name, and had tied it to the life of his own daughter. It was a classic tragedy, the young ronin having to choose between his love and his honor. It finally cut to an intermission, the candlelights on stage being snuffed out while the ronin lamented to the fortunes to guide him.

It was then that the magistrate, Otomo Akasuki, arrived, walking briskly to the table, giving a slight bow. She was garbed in the traditional emerald greens and golds of the Imperial Family, but, her clothing seemed more utilitarian than the formal wear most women, even samurai-ko, would tend to wear. Matsu and Otaku samurai-ko being an exception, of course.

"My sincerest apologies for my delay, but, I had to give respects to my ancestors on the way here."

This, of course, was the socially acceptable excuse for any delay in travel that was unforeseen, usually due to the imperial maps being horribly inaccurate. She then kneeled at the table, opposite the side of the fresh magistrates.

"I am greatly pleased you are all present. I trust the City of Green Walls has treated you well?"
Inclining her head, Tamoha replies, "I have been treated with respect, and allowed to perform my duties- there is no more I could ask."
Kazuki bows to her to buy time to finish chewing his rice. Then with a shrug. "I just made it in this afternoon myself Otomo-sama. I must admit that I was a bit surprised to be sent to this fair city. My family is best suited for certain tasks. I have not heard of such tasks being needed here."
Fusako returned the show of respect, but waited for Otoma to reply to Kuni's response before she would make her polite addition about the splendor of the city and her time there. Anymore would be an interruption, and the answer could be interesting.
She waited a moment for the others to speak, but after a short pause, spoke again.

"Kitsuki-san, it pleases me that an investigator is under my post now. Your skills will find no end of usefulness within this city."

"Kuni-san, your perception is astute, but, there is no need for concern yet. There have been a few incidents that may fall under your family's purview, but we are not sure yet. I shall brief you fully on them in time."
Bowing her head a little, Tamoha replies, "Thank you, Otomo-san. I will be proud to lend my skills; I have already begun, in fact- there was a matter that required the eye of one trained for such things, with which I have made some progress."

The Scorpion bows gracefully. "My stay has been most pleasant, Otomo-sama. A home away from home."

Let them know that she fit right in here. Let them distrust her, and be off-balance. She would lay the groundwork for mistrust now. She had no true plans to manipulate her companions yet, but she would have her fracture-lines well in place when she needed them.
Akasuki nodded at Tamoha.

"Seppun-sama has already delivered a report to me. I have reviewed it briefly, and we shall talk more upon that later. Your notes have been very astute so far, however. I am pleased greatly."

She acknowledged Kidae as well.

"This is very good. One who knows this city well will be most useful. Your Clan has been more than cooperative into investigative events here."

A slight change in pitch in her speech could be noticed by Kidae. She was definitely 'sincere', but, not honest. Perhaps a coverup failed in the past?
"Not to interrupt, while my stay here hasn't been the most I had hoped, until now" Kanade speaks as she sneaks a quick glance to Tamoha, "Some of us seem to be out of place here."
"I hope you are not referring to me, Lion-sama," Satoru said, sparing a glance at Kanade. "For my part, Otomo-sama, the city has treated me well in addition."
'I am most sorry to hear that, Akodo-san. I have confidence that you shall adapt to the city in time though. Do not allow a foreign place to cause you to lose your wits.'

She turn to the Crane, but addressed both him and the Akodo.

'I am most certain it was not directed at you, Daidoji-san. After all, we now will all bear the seal of the Emperor. I believe us all far more noble than to allow Clan disputes to sully the name of the Son of Heaven.'

'Now that you have all arrived, we shall come to the matters at hand. First of all, you will bear the colors and mon of the Imperial Family. It will command respect of all you meet. Do not disgrace it.'

She motioned to a servant, who brought over several bundles of silk, giving one to each of those seated, before bowing quite deeply and returning to his former position in the corner of the room.

'Also enclosed is the Charter of the Emerald Magistrates. I suggest you study it well. You will also find Imperial Travel Papers, good for the term of your appointment. Are there any questions so far?'
A frown at the Lion's comment before going back to a neutral look as he glances at the kimono's. Kazuki scratches the scars on the back of his neck as he seems to ponder something. Then looking fully at the magistrate. “Did you want us to stay at the Magistrate office's for ease of access?â€

Kidae noted the discord dispassionately. "Otomo-sama, it is a great honour to bear the Imperial mon. I trust it is permissible for me to still go masked? It is a religious and traditional precept of my family and clan." I shall have a new mask made, with the Scorpion mon embroidered upon it. We wear our nature in the open even as we do our deeds in the shadow.
'You may take residence within Clan holdings, or the available Magistrate Quarters, if you so wish, or you may take residence with personal contacts within the city as well. Clan traditions may still be kept, and you may equip yourself with whichever weapon you are most familiar with.'

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