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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

Shane's eyes widened in surprise for a moment when she was told that she could smoke, just not too close to the house or in the house. She then sighed of relief, feeling like at least one of her problems that she cared about was solved. She knew she had a problem and it wouldn't be good for her in the future, but she only cared about the now. When she was offered first choice, her eyes widened momentarily in surprise again. "U-Uh... those," she answered quietly with a point to the ones she liked, clearly surprised she had been offered the roast first.
His father puts them on the plate, "Do you want any others? There is plenty here for everyone to share," he smiles and laughs. Michael laughs and looks at Shane, she was really pretty even if she had whatever she was wearing on. Sasha began to coo and giggle in her carrier next to his mom.
Shane thought for a minute before shaking her head. She didn't want to overeat... she wasn't used to a big meal. "I'm good..." She answered almost silently, clearly awkward in this entire situation. She glanced towards the baby character before looking down at her plate again.
"Dig in!" his dad says before dishing out the rest of the meat. He sits back down and begins to eat and everyone else follows suit. "Ready for your first day of work tomorrow?" Michael asks.
Shane looked down at the food on her plate for a moment before picking up her fork and starting to eat. The flavors danced across her tongue. She hadn't eaten something like that in a while. When Michael spoke to her, she sent him a small glare, which she figured was enough to answer his question.
"Even if you aren't up to it, it is a good work out and it helps release tension," his father looks at him after Michael says it to tell him to stop talking. It was obvious that Shane didn't want to be here.
Shane scoffed at what he said. "No, thanks, doesn't sound like my kind of thing," she said testily before going back to eating her dinner, not wanting to think about what would happen the next day. She was already trying to work out what she would do that wouldn't be too bad... despite the fact that she knew if she tried to get away or pretty much did anything that they felt like they should report, she'd be going off to jail.
"Shane, dear we are here to help you and get you back on track in life...We only have a few months to do so...so we want to make the most impact on you while you are here...when the time is up, you will be given the choice to continue here or go back to wherever," his mother says genuinely.
Shane looked up from her plate and settled her gaze on his mother, listening with an unreadable expression on her face. She then sighed, almost looking a bit sad as she muttered,"You're not the first to say that, you're not the first to try... it will be no different this time around." She was tired of empty words.
"We mean it here, we try our best to try and help every troubled youth that comes through here and we have only ever failed once!" She points to the wall where pictures hung up of teens with their arms wrapped around the family. There were 20 of them and they all seemed happy. In one of the pictures it was obvious that his mom was heavily pregnant.
Shane sighed and looked toward the pictures. Everybody said that, too. Not everybody had success stories like they did, but she'd heard every single word all before and she was convinced that this time would be like all of the others. "Yeah, sure, just like everybody else who meant it," she muttered before once again turning her focus to her dinner.
"I don't know where you have been before miss, but we are not like them..." his father says as his mom seems kind of hurt by her words.
Shane sighed and looked over at him. "Don't you get it? I've had how many people tell me exactly what you people are and, look at me, I'm still stuck in these programs. The only thing that's different this time around is that if I fail like I always have, I'm going off to prison," she told him, so close to just going back up stairs.
"We want to help you, but if you are not willing to change...well there is nothing we can do. What we do that others do not is that we try to connect and help them realize that they can be and do good in this world."
Shane sighed and shook her head, not wanting to hear another word about it. "We'll see if it works," she muttered, not ready to admit it was her fault, her stubbornness that was keeping her from changing. Did she even want to change? The only thing that she didn't want was to go to jail. That was the last thing she wanted.
He sighs and begins to eat again. The first day of the person being there was always the hardest. The worst was when Big John, their nickname for him, came, he was very violent and the state didn't want him to come, but they insisted they tried. When he left, he was happy and able to deal with his anger.
Shane sighed as well and went back to eating, but she really was just picking at the food on her plate, having lost some of her appetite from her argument. She knew that this wouldn't work, she just knew it. Especially since she actually had to work and do things that she definitely did not want to do.
Michael kept looking over at her as he ate. He just couldn't figure this girl out. Why was she so combative? Was she trying to act tough? He wondered what tomorrow would be like. "Mom, dad...I do not think Shane has the proper clothes to work in the field. after chore tomorrow, may I take her into town to go shopping?"
Shane noticed Michael kept looking at her and she tried her best to ignore him. It wasn't like she wanted to encourage him. When she heard him talking, she just continued to focus her gaze on her dinner. However, when she heard 'work in the field', she did not like the sound of that and the look on her face showed it.
Michael noticed and smile. "Sure Mikey, just make sure to grab some lunch before heading into town. I hear Morgan has been asking about you," his dad says.
Shane raised an eyebrow slightly when she heard him mention somebody named Morgan. She was going to ask him in a taunting way if she was his girlfriend, but she simply decided to just stay quiet and finish her dinner. She didn't really feel like talking with him.
After dinner, Michael excused himself from his seat after putting his plate in the sink and he quickly went to bed so he would have enough sleep to get up early in the morning.
Shane didn't bother with excusing herself. She simply got up and went to her room. She quickly changed into the one pair of pajamas she had and crawled into bed, pulling the blankets tight around her. For a while, she stared at the wall, thinking about everything, but eventually she dozed off.
At 6 the next morning, Michael got up quickly and dressed before being as loud as he could to wake up Shane, that means he even went in to her room and shouts, "Wake up! Time to do some work!"
Shane groaned and grumbled as she heard commotion in the room over, but she was still asleep for the most part. When he came in a yelled at her about it was time to wake up and blah blah blah, she jumped into awakeness, her heart pounding. "Oh, gee, thanks for the wake up call I didn't want! Come back in five hours!" She yelled at him before rolling onto her side, putting her back to him, and pulling the covers over her head.

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