The Belkan Advent War

backlash said:
((OOC: Moonlight, not sure if he had accepted your sheet, but im pretty sure if he hadn't, then your post is irrelevant in this matter. You can't just post in the signup and in here and assume your sheet has been, or even will be accepted. You must wait for Vulcan to give the go ahead before you start posting. Thank you, and I do not mean to sound rude or anything.))
(I know that now. Vulcan of this RP messageged me about that. I'm not going to take offence because your words were true. I like how you said "irrelevant" and not some "baby words" to describe my post. It's annoying when someone has too low of a vocabulary. I wasn't assuming anything. Just trying to see if I could catch anyone's attention, really. I'm grammatically OCD, so I might start feaking out whenever I see that one of my postoffals even only one typographical error. And I'm a bit of a nut at times and will say something completely random if boredom sets in deeply enough.)

A random monkey started setting fire to everyone!(Pay no attention to that part. I'm just being weird.)
Krysta jumped into the lake when she reached and disappeared from view before shooting up with water supporting her. She scans the sky for the dragon immediately spotting him, after all he is a dragon there hard to miss. She chuckled and made a fist in her right hand. Multiple pieces of the lake hardened into ice and she bent her right arm at the elbow backwards before snapping it towards Ares, all the ice shards following her motion. She quickly dropped back into the water, if those ice shards hit Ares she hoped they would impale him. 'If not, there's more where that came from.' She stood as she reached the shore and bent at the knees tucking her arms up into her sides bent at the elbow as if about to run, hands fisted at the end. She made punching motions at the ground with both hands then flattened her palms and raised them with what looked like some difficulty As she did this boulders broke from the ground and she made slashing motions at them turning them into stakes and flung them behind the ice. This all happened in a matter of about four seconds.
(The dome, although it did protect me from the blasts, did no protect the totem poles which were sent to attack Hiro Haru. I ignored the dome since the totem poles, essentially, are bobbing up and through the ground anyways. Kiiiind of not effective)
Ares saw the incoming ice as his jaw snapped open spewing flames that incinerated the ice in less then seconds. But what ares didn't see was the second attack that krysta threw at him. The dragon had moved just inches to avoid a direct blow from her but he couldn't avoid the attack entirely. The stakes ripped into ares wings sending him backwards. Ares crashed against the ground just a few feet from the lake as he laid with his wings ripped. But something was weird about ares, a golden light began to surround him until it formed a egg like shape around him. In a matter of three seconds the light faded, and the dragon was gone. Instead there was a tall man about seven and a half foot in length. His muscle mass was enormous, he looked like a walking tank. His arms were filled with condensed muscle with veins showing all over. This man wore a black uniform with red metal armor covering the chest, shoulders and upper legs, lower legs. The mans heels formed craters in the ground with every step as he made his way towards krysta. He flared his nostrils with smoke coming out of them. This man was ares, he not only had the form of a dragon, but a juggernaut sized human as well. "Do you think thats gonna do me in.. Im ares, ive been behind ever disaster for the last century. Lets see what other tricks you got little girl" Ares said before moving into a full sprint with the ground shaking around him. Once within range he pressed off his feet leaping into the air with his right fist held backwards. He would slam it down at krysta with enough force to break her body like a twig, he would press her body into a large crater under the massive force of his fist.
Seeing that his earth dome was shattered by both sides of the attack with ease, he decided that he should look over the battle before jumping in like he did. With attack force coming from both sides, he was unsure of which side he was on, or which was on his side. Feeling a slight shake under his feet, Riyoshi looked around for the cause of this feeling. As he turned towards a body of water, he seen a very large man running towards a smaller person. In his mind, that seemed a little unfair and he should step in. But just like the last motion that he had, he was unsure of which side he assist. If he was to assist the wrong side, he would upset the tide of war and he really didn’t want that to go to the wrong side. His choice to stand in the middle of both battles and assess the situation of them both and then come to a conclusion when all the information was gathered. Forming a handseal, Riyoshi made two clones of himself to watch the battles. Seeing a person upon the ground, Riyoshi ran over to figure out if that person had any information that would benefit him in his information gathering.

“Are you alright? Can you tell me what is going on?” Riyoshi asked
Krysta grinned, this guy reminded her of Bane. "You want to see a tick? Okay, but I think I'm going to start charging admission for this." She fell backwards into the ground and reappered about twenty yards away, completely covered in a rock suit. 'Hand to hand is probably out of the question...and even if I had my bow it wouldn't do much good. So..what?' Krysta decided to deep her distance and go on the defensive for now. She sent flattened her palm and the whipped the consequential boulder at Ares so as not to be hit, she didn't know if she could stand a punch even with the rock suit on.
Ares lashed out a fist as the boulder exploded under his might. The man laughed as he continued forwards at a slower pace now seeing krysta could disapear and reapear rather quickly with a decent amount of distance. Ares opened the palm of his hand with a wide grin moving across his lips. A crimson sphere formed in the palm of his hand as waves of wind spiraled around it. With a toss of the hand ares struck the sphere forwards as it ripped through the sky aimed for krysta. Once the sphere would make contact it would explode causing a massive explosion that could incinerate anything within ten feet. Once ares threw the first sphere he saw another one come, this was riyoshi, the leader of the Advents. A wide grin peered across his lips as he formed another sphere throwing it at riyoshi.
Krysta stomped the ground quick with her right foot and pulled up a wall fifteen feet high in front of her. When the sphere hit it the wall exploded and sent Krysta flying backwards through the air. It tore away part of her suit and as she hit the ground a bit more tore off. She blinked up at the sky as she lay on her back and stood immediately, her ears ringing and her vision distorted. She let the rest of the suit fall away seeing as how it ws useless at this point, her blue tank top underneath slightly scorched. Her shorts fluttered in the wind and her bare feet were already filthy. "Well damn." She motioned with her palms flat together and sent new ice shards at Ares as she tried to formulate a new plan, 'I was trained primarily as an assassin! This fight is not giving me the kind of opportunity for surprise that I need.'
Seeing the mwn launch an orb at the girl, then launch one at him deemed enough information for him. To him, that man was a bad guy and needed to be put down. Out of the corner of his eyes, he seen the orb explode when it hit the wall, so he knew he needed to dodge the attack. Forming a handseal with his left hand, he placed his right on the ground and proceeded to `melt` into the ground. As the sphere roared past his location, he began to rise slowly from the ground with a very serious expression on his face.

"Listen here boy, you have no idea who you are dealing with. You are playing with skills you can not hope to beat." Riyoshi said to the man.
Reiko caught up to Vulcan seeing the earth began to explode under his feet. Lava rose from the earth below while reiko stood his ground with his fists clenched. With a wide grin reiko pulled forth his blade, from his sheath. A wide grin formed as he drew the blade. Pulling the blade from its sheath he let his left index finger press agaisnt the blade's edge. Blood drew from his hand as the sword was pulled. Once the blade was out he placed his left hand up to his face licking the blood that was drawn. With a smile he ran at vulcan, around his sword's edge was a blue mist just like before. Reiko had used the move known as ice crusher, to try to freeze vulcan into hundreds of pieces. Although reiko thought vulcan would counter, he merely attacked to see what his opponents initial move was gonna be.
I had somehow ended up going through a random portal that had appeared and fell into a different dimension. I looked around and saw fighting all around me. "This is not good at all...," I said to myself aloud.
Krysta watched with wide eyes as another man came into the fight, "Do you fight for the injured one over there?" She called this out to Riyoshi pointing to the injured Zesh. In war, she knew, same sides sometimes mistook each other for the opposite side and that would be especially true right now in their case. She really did not have the feel for an all out actual war though...she shook her head clearing it of pointless thoughts, "Well?"
"It depends. Does that injured man and this man standing in front of me fight for the same thing, or separate things?" Riyoshi asked as he fully formed out of the ground.

As Riyoshi's clones looked upon his battle, they studies the movement of the other two combatants.
Krysta had to seriously resist the urge to face palm, "The man that calls himself Vulcan put a whole through that man's chest. I decided I would fight for him, I can't fight for a man who would kill like that." She brandished her black dagger at him, "So I suggest you answer me, because honestly I would like to know if I'll have to fight you after I defeat Ares." She knew she was letting her guard slip when it came to the dragon/man but this new person was starting to confuse her, and she just wanted to get things straightened out.
"So i take it this man right here is against the injured man upon the ground. I will fight along side you young lady." Riyoshi said as he held a kunai in his left hand.

Pointing his right hqnd at the large man, he charged his chakra into his feet.
(I will not be ignored! LOL! I just had to say it.)

I looked around and sighed. "Could someone tell me what is going on?" I asked no one in particular.
One of Riyoshi's clones looked at the newest figure to appear onto the battlefield.

"If you are not smart enough to grasp that there is a battle going on, then i suggest that you leave this place for you will not stand on par with any body. But if you choose to stay, then i suggest you pick a side. Unless you know, you want to be killed by both sides." Riyoshi's clone replied to the newest appearance.

The real Riyoshi stood and continued to look upon the big man and with a twist of his foot, he started to walk over to the girl who was now on his side of the war.
I looked at the one who had spoken to me and gave a small, yet frightening glare.

"Of course it is obvious that there is a battle taking place. I be not dull. You have misheard the meaning of my words. What I want to know is why," I said, my British accent highly pronounced. I wanted to get back to my own realm, but I had the feeling the only way to do so was to fight, whether I wanted to or not.
"Well, from what information i have gathered, there are two sides. One fighting for the possesion of the world, and the other is for the freedom of their reign. I myself am fighting for freedom. What side will you stand upon?" Riyoshi's clone said as the other took a defensive stance.
"I choose freedom, for as one of the forests, I am true and free," I said. (Could I bring Uryu Ishida into this? I need to do something on here to make myself laugh involving a melodramatic scene without making my own chara act out of personality.)
((ooc: Well, your character sheet says that you are on the belkan side, so that would make you on the side of controlling the world, also, it would put you against me. This way, we can bring in as many people as we want, and we can make an army of npc's to kill to pass the time. xD But no killing of main characters just in case we would like to use them. Basically, i think it is just you and me posting in this since vulcan has not been back in some time. But if you would like to use him for some drama, it should be fine.))
(See! That is exactly why I asked which side is which! To avoid that mess. I really am a freedom lover, so it would go against myself to make my own character, who I based a bit of her personality off of me, on a side that is not freedom loving. Oh, and thanks! The guy is just naturally melodramatic, so I really wouldn't be going against his personality, which is a factor I wish to avoid unless so called for.)

Out of nowhere another portal opened up and Uryu fell out of it. He got up and rubbed his head, then wondered where the heck he was.
(And then there's me...) The brunette watched the exchange slightly amused, the dragon was being oddly quiet. She walked over behind the man, "So...we gonna fight this thing, or are ya two just gonna stand here and chat?" ​(remember she's on the advent!)
(ooc: well, since kishi joined back in here we can make an awesome war between you and uryu and kishi and myself. Since it was stated, ill be the leader of advent and moonlight, you control belkan till vulcan comes back. Now if you dont mind me taking a page from naruto...)

"You say you are on the side of peace but you control people from the shadows! You only want peace by stripping people of their free wills and choice" Riyoshi yelled at moonlight.

Riyoshi's clones both stood in defense positions as they watched the newest person fall from the portal.

"We will fight in do time. We need to gather our forces and assess the situation." Riyoshi replied to the young girl.
(...Riyoshi, I kind of love you right now lol) Kurisuta frowned, her hand clutching her black flame daggers. She glared at the back of his head, "So, we're going to fall back? we fight them?" ​She was not a happy camper.

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