The Belkan Advent War

(If I really have to control the Belkan side until he comes back, can I do it with a different chara? It just doesn't feel right to go against my own personality or the personality of any chara I RP as. I'm just weird like that.)

"Wha? I may be of shadow, but I do so quote, 'darkness doth not always equate to evil, just as light doth not always entail good'. Trust me. I'm quite reluctant to harm even a mosquito, but shall fight if I must," I said.

"Moonlight? Waht are you doing here?" Uryu freaked as he noticed me. (Just for the record, to be able to make the melodrama work, I have to have it so that Uryu knows me...otherwise I'll be in a rut and won't be able to think of anything for him to say or do and it'll be llike one of those random movies where one character comes in and does absolutely nothing the whole time and it just doesn't look right....)

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I should be asking you that," I sighed.

"Why are we even here?" he asked making this really stupid looking overly dramatic gesture.(I don't like overusing words. I'm a grammar freak.) I anime sweatdropped at him. The next moment, a guy with green hair and coal black eyes appeared.(Yeeeeaaahh, I'm weird...I dunno. It'll make sense to me sooner or later why the hell I did this to myself...)
Krysta pulled her daggers up close to her face in a offensive position, "Orders sir?" She was speaking to Riyoshi as he seemed to be the best choice for a leader.
The guy with green hair and coal black eyes glared and smiled evily.

"So who's the next freedom fighter to be my next meal?" he asked. This guy was obviously a comeplete psyco. (Okay, so 1) This guy is temporary and can be killed off after the origional leader of the Belkan side returns. 2) I swear, I just freaking made a Sonic the Hedgehog commentation by sayin freedom fighter! That's in the earlier Sonic cartoon "Sonic Adventure"! That was so not my intention! -w-' )

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