The Belkan Advent War

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
The Belkan Advent War Intro

In the darkness lied an empire, forged of shadows and darkness. Beneath every organization and every event throughout history one empire has had there sticky fingers in. The Belkan empire has been controlling the world for years. Led by a man who is known by few. A man who could set the world ablaze if he wanted to. A man with the hands of destruction and his followers who have the force to wipe out continents. The world has been ruled by such force without even the realization that they have been under rule. Well all but few, a Army had been formed. This Army was established to over flow the tyrant who ran the Belkan Empire. Formed with many who stood in there beliefs, they were unfaltering warriors. Ready to give up there lives to protect the world they love, they were the Advent Army.

Deep shrouded in the darkness of the Belkan Empire

A man named doran existed, he walked hidden in the shadows. He craved for power that he could not obtain, with every request he was denied. The leader of the Belkan Empire was Vulcan Xanthis, a man believed to be a tyrant. With every request Vulcan would not allow doran to grow stronger or gain any authority within his empire. Sick of being neglected by the empire doran left with his thirst for power growing. He escaped the darkness of the empire and entered the light. Black garments covered his body with a hood covering the gray hairs of his head. Stepping upon the edge of a mountain doran saw a figure awaiting him. He stood six foot tall with long fluttering blonde hair and blue armor and a broad sword upon his back. The blonde warriors name was Zesh. The warrior spoke to doran with a calm tone "Its good to see you escaped the dragons lair doran" The man said nothing but coughed as his eyes gazed with a cold tone at the warrior. "Alright done be so up tight, so have you decided on our offer?". Doran turned his back to zesh looking up at the skies above as he stroked his gray beard. " Yes i have, i will do what you asked of me.. but there is a price. When the Belkan empire falls, i want to rebuild the empire in my image." Zesh shrugged his shoulder looking into the wind. "You can do as you wish with that wretched place, just finish the spell" said zesh. Doran took off his hood with his eyes glowing red as he raised his hands to the skies above. "From ash to dust, from stars above. I summon you here to instill death and fear. To send to urn then thy shall return."

Just as doran spoke a red beam was fired through the heart of doran. Collapsing to his knees a hole peered through his body as blood spilled upon the ground. "Damn you Vulcan......" Said doran as energy escaped his hands creating a rift above doran. This was a worm hole sending many others from many universes. This was a spell doran used to summon others to aid the Advent Army to destroy the Belkan Empire. However with the beam shot from Vulcan's hand now the spell wasn't only aiding the Advent Army it was also helping the Belkan Empire. Warriors would be sent now to booth the Advent Army and the Belkan Empire. Zesh stepped backwards as he saw Vulcan standing far in the distance, he was far away so only a shadow of his figure could be seen. "you damn monster" Clenching his teeth his said damn you as he heard voices high above within the worm hole.
[Hiro wasnt an average woman, she was a member of soul society. She had become a substitute shinigami. She was one of few since the legendary ichigo had surfaced. Hiro had Long orange hair and green eyes, her body was slim and tan although she was very strong. She pulled back her hair with a purple hair tie and glossed her lips within a rosy shade. The young woman was nineteen and wore her own style of shinigami robes. They were black with red stitching throughout the collar and cuffs of the robes. Hiro walked forwards through soul society just like any other day. Thats when she seemed to just drop from the ground below. She soon found herself falling out of the sky. With wiide eyes she braced herself waiting until the last minute to move. Just a few moments before impact she drew her blade, which was known as a zanpaktuo. It was a very interesting and powerful blade. Slamming it against the ground the blade absorbed the recoil and hiro was unscathed. She looked around to see what surrounded her. She felt nothing of soul society nor the earth she once knew. This was all different, it was a complete different world. Gazing into the sky she saw what looked to be a worm hole. Thinking to herself that must have been were she came threw. Then looking around her she saw a few figures, one dead and another glaring in the distance at another who seemed to strike down the one on the ground. Hiro sheathed her blade as she spoke. "What is this place" she asked.]
Zesh watched as the worm hole in the sky had opened. Things had almost gone completely according to plan if it weren't for Vulcan interfering. The worm hole in the sky began to release people, first a woman had fallen out of the sky. She looked like an average girl with no power until she began to fall from the sky. Once close she used her sword skills to fall without a scratch. Zesh turned to her as she spoke, he turned with a smirk on his face. "Excuse me i am Zesh, i am a member of.." Just as zesh spoke another hellish beam was fired, this time in zesh's direction. The Advent army warrior pulled out his sword blocking the beam as sparks cracked out from the blades edge. A fierce look took over the young mans face as he thrusted his sword to the side as the sparks fell to the ground. Vulcan suddenly slammed his feet into the ground standing before Hiro. Vulcan was extremely fast, he jumped into the sky and slammed down in almost seconds. The man was six foot tall, he had blonde hair and crimson eyes. He wore a sleeveless vest that was unbottoned revealing vulcans abs and muscles.

"Dont listen to this fool, my name is Vulcan. This man has opened up a portal. A portal that draws in others from other universes. Unfortunately those who were summoned here cannot return until the war is over. If u are in a rush, join me and crush this man and his army and you can go home."
Hiro glanced at zesh as a sudden blast of energy hit zesh. The woman had felt the attack being form just before the attack hit. She quickly turned to see this figure move towards them, he was surely fast. Hiro didnt know the source of his power or how he moved but she did know he was one tough cookie. Listening to the words of vulcan as she glanced back between the two. She knew there was some opposition between the two sides. But she didnt know this world nor how this war s started. But Hiro didnt have time to judge this situation, it wasnt her world and she wasnt about to waste time contemplating which side to choose. She saw vulcan's strength and decided then and there that she would join Vulcan. She took a step forwards and bowed before vulcan. "My name is Hiro Haru, ill join you then"
Zesh reached outwards towards Hiro Haru as she stepped closer to Vulcan. With a wave of the hand vulcan aimed his finger at zesh. A red hellish beam fired from the tip of his index finger. The blast ripped through the air with extreme speed hitting zesh in the stomach. Once this blast made contact an explosion occured destroying the armor upon the mans chest. Vulcan smirked as he put little effort into the attack that took his enemy down. Zesh hit the ground as he roll on the ground tring to put the flames that covered his body out. Vulcan turned away from zesh and began to walk away from the area as he pulled a box of cigars from his pants. He lit one cigar with the tip of his finger glowing. He stopped taking a puff and looked back at the woman Hiro. "Finish him off for me will ya?" Replied vulcan as zesh lied on the ground holding his chest. The Advent warrior looked at vulcan with wide eyes in disbelief of his power. After all he heard only stories of the legacy of Vulcan. All of which was coming true and yet zesh lied on the ground without even single a iota of vulcan's strength. Sticking his blade into the ground zesh pulled himself to his feet. "Sorry but im not going down without a fight!" replied zesh.
/ In smoldering fire a man crashed into the earth just yards away from zesh. This mans name was Reiko Shingan, a warrior was loved to fight. At the moment he fell from the sky reiko had been engaged in battle. He was fighting in a tournament where reiko almost delivered the final punch when he just appeared in the sky. As soon as he did so reiko heard voices from below. This warrior had very acute hearing and hear every word zesh, hiro and vulcan had spoken. Once crashed down upon the earths rock and soil he turned his gaze upon vulcan. Truly a tough warrior he though and yet a woman had taken to his side. Reiko stepped infront of zesh as the mans crimson eyes glared at vulcan with a smirk forming upon his face. This was nothign more the love of battle, reiko couldnt care less about the situation all he knew was that there was a war with strong opponent. And since they were two on the side of the belkan empire reiko choose to join the advents. His crimson hair flared as flames surrounded his body. The man wore a white t shirt with a rip across the chest showing reiko's massive upper body strength. The man wore a pair of black pants with brown boots. Around the waist of reiko was a belt concealing a pouch and a sword. The sword was a broad sword with a silver hilt. "Tsk Tsk what do we got here, a trouble maker" Reiko replied with his crimson eyes glaring at vulcan./
Alviss, ringing the Thirteen Totem Pole Guardian ARM within his hands, tried to remember Belle's face dearly. Although his assistance was direly needed by those that he cared about, Belle was the one that he thought about the most. She was his greatest friend, and the only one who truly understood him.

The sound of combat echoed from afar, possibly followed by what sounded like conversation. Quickly, he tucked the ARM into his pocket, and began walking towards the commotion. It did not seem to be going well.

When he arrived, he decided to remain silent, discreet. They had yet to notice his presence, as far as he could tell, and he did not want to make a commotion. It seemed that two Belkan scum were bringing Zesh to his knees, which was not a sight that Alvar wished to see. But what was more odd was the sight of this new warrior; a broad sword held firmly in his hand, Alvar did not know if he was friend or foe. So, he hid in silence, waiting for the right moment to pounce.
Vulcan glanced back to see yet another had fell from the sky from the spell that was cast. A grin formed upon his face as he stepped to the side seeing yet another new warrior. Staring in the crimson hues of this warriors eyes he saw that this man had a ferocious appetite for fighting. But as this man's feet planted in the ground before them he felt someone else hidden yet close by. For a brief moment vulcan's eyes rolled glancing around the area but just for a second. After all with such a flaunt of power vulcan had to keep his eyes upon this new warrior that landed from another world after all. Each person traveling from other worlds surely has a wide skill set of abilities vulcan would be unfamiliar with. Judging by the way this man had stepped infront of Zesh vulcan assumed the man was siding with the Advents. Raising his right hand vulcan lifted three fingers. "I dont know your name warriror but Ill give you a choice, join me and on the count of three if you side with that man ill shoot you down just like him... 1 2 3...." Vulcan said as his finger tip glowed brightly with each passing second. At the end of the count down vulcan would fire yet another orange hellish beam at Reiko this time if he sided with the Advent Army.
There was another form being hurtled towards the ground but started slowing down unnaturally. The figure did eventually crash into the earth and could be heard sputtering, "Shit, I really need to work on that." She stepped out, her quick green eyes taking in what is happening. They widened when they saw two men standing there, one about to blast the other to bits as he smiled, and an injured man laying on the ground. She decided not to get between those two but ran to the injured one on the ground, "Hi, I'm Krysta, I'm going to heal you okay? But first,"She started to drag him off and away from whoever those two men were, she was quesing that the blonde man had done this. She stopped and put her hands over the wound on his stomach and they started glowing white.
/Reiko placed his hands within his pockets listening to the words of the man with the orange glow. Intimidation wasnt something that reiko backed down from. He waited to the moment vulcan said three, waiting for the beam that lashed out against zesh earlier. Pulling his left hand from his pocket he blocked the attack with the back of his fist. A small scortch mark remained from the attack sent from vulcan. Reiko looked at the eyes of vulcan to see his reaction when his attack failed. Reiko was a unique warrior with a ability known as steel skin, he could cast his reiatsu around his body and make it solid. Acting as a armor around his body, although that was in the simplest form. He could also manipulate the aura further and make it sharp as a blade. "Sorry but that orange beam you fire wont work on me, at least not on that level... If im correct it seems to be at a heat of about five hundred degrees celcius, if u want to succeed in burning me ur going to have to get at least to 1200 degrees... By the way my name is Reiko. I couldnt care less what side i took. I know your strong thus, i choose there side for i fight the strongest there is!" Reiko turned to look within the sky seeing yet another come from the skies. Surrely more warriors would land and it would be best to not go all out in a fight now. Only a few had dropped form other universes so far, n reiko wasnt going to waste his energy so another fighter could defeat him easily. With a brief glance reiko watched as krysta dragged zesh away. What a fool reiko thought seeing krysta try to heal him. After all if such an inferior man managed to get wounded he should be left to die. "Why dont you leave that man to rot, someone so weak doesnt deserve to live. The weak die and the strong survive" Spoke reiko./
Hiro looked over at Vulcan and sighed then nodded. She took a few steps forwards towards zesh when another woman dropped from the sky. She began to pull the man away from the battle field. Hiro drew her zanpaktuo and pointed the tip of the blade at krysta. "Whats your name?" Asked Hiro as she pointed her drawn zanpaktuo at her. Hiro didnt want to hurt this woman or this man, but it was very importaIlnt that she returned to soul society and quickly. So if killing this man would help end the war, it must be done she thought. "I dont want to hurt you but i will if you dont comply with me, im going to remove this man from this world to the next?" Hiro said as flocks of her orange hair fell infront of her face.
After firing the blast at Reiko Vulcan chuckled seeing the warrior was actually a descent foe. Vulcan rubbed his chin with his right hand in amusement seeing how he only wished to fight the strongest. Extending his right arm outwards a hellish glow filled his entire palm. The beam fired deep into the mountain side burning straight through the rock stone and minerals. It was true that the blast vulcan had fired earlier was about the temperature that reiko had stated. Although that was not vulcans limitation, vulcan didnt use and power he didnt need to use. He only true adversaries his power. With that display of power he proved to reiko that he was only using a fragment of his power. Although this group of others had entertained vulcan, he had much business to attend to. "Hiro Haru, i leave this to you... although i wount leave you alone......" With a wave of Vulcan's hand he send a surge of black energy into the mountain nearby. The surge of energy ripped into the mountain leaving a black hole. Within seconds a being began to rise from the dark abyss. This figure pulled itself out, it was dark brown covered in scales. It was reptilian like, with glowing red eyes, sharp teeth and horns and giant wings. It had two arms and two legs but stood on all fours when not in flight. The beast was in total twenty feet long. The beast roared as it flapped its wing and sky rocketed into the sky. Rissing upwards the beast roared with flames exploding our from his mouth. The flames teared forwards ripping at reiko. Zesh turned to face krysta as his breath became weaker and weaker. "Thank you" he replied only to see hiro haru point a blade at his rescuer. The mans eyes wide as he saw something much more frightening, it was a dragon. Not only any dragon but vulcans pet dragon. "God save us all its ARES!!!" said zesh with his breath fading each moment.

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Krysta ignored the girl as she smiled at the man, "You're welcome, I'm just sorry I can't save you." She smiled at him before standing up, "Now, my name?" She stood turning towards the girl who had asked her name' "As for you, my name is Kry-, " She puased not sure exactly what protocol here was but decided on her other name, "its Elemental Night. And don't you think I would like to get back to where I come from?" She stepped forward, her bare feet coming into contact with the packed ground as she walked towards her, "One moment I'm training with Nightwing and the next I'm here, so" she stopped walking, planting her feet into the earth and crossed her arms, "I will fight for this man," She pointed at Zesh, ", so I guess that makes us enemies." She grinned at the girl before turning and running towards the dragon, her bow staff slapping her thigh and her odd cream pouch bouncing on the middle of her right one. Krysta quickly pulled her arms down and suddenly she was being propelled towards the dragon, a chunk of the earth now jutting out from where she had been.
It appeared that his services were finally needed. This new soldier, obviously on his side, was preoccupied by Jing. The girl, also new, was going after the risen dragon, apparently known as "Ares." The only other combatant was the long-sword bearing female. Although she looked to be a friendly soldier, she was also an enemy. An enemy that sought the death of Zesh, which simply, Alviss could not allow. So, he crouched behind the debris which he laid, saying softly "Guardian Arm; Thirteen Totem Pole." With the chant finished, his chain transformed into an astute bow staff. He turned again, noticing that the girl had flew to intercept the dragon. Quickly, Alviss's chance now apparent, leapt forth from his hiding place and moved to bring himself between Zesh and his opponent. Although he moved swiftly, he was not anxious, nor was he abrupt. He simply moved to face his new opponent.

"Move aside, Belkan. I wish you not to fail, although I require that the man which you seek dead remain living. Continue, and death will befall you. Your choices are limited, and your decision, I expect, will be fruitful for the both of us."
Alviss stated seriously. He now became serious and anxious, since battle was most likely imminent. He pressed his staff out in front of him, as to guard her from approaching Zesh any further.
/Reiko looked up into the sky seeing a massive reptilian monster rise into the sky. Listening to zesh's words he heard the man speak the name of the beast. The advent was simply terrified over the sight of the beast although reiko had no fears of such a monster. With its wings spread the dragon moved forwards towards reiko spewing a flaming breathe. Removing his hand from his pocket reiko placed his hand forwards as the flames came hurtling down at him. A blue glow formed around the palm of his hand as the man spoke calmly , "Ice Crusher" A mist was fired out towards the spewing flames that raced at reiko. The flames instantly devoured the mist and ripped forwards getting inches away from reiko. But just as the flames were about to make contact the flames froze and turned blue. Only about a second after the flames froze the shattered into a million pieces before reiko. The man turned his gaze towards krysta as she propelled herself into the sky in chase of defeating the dragon. Reiko looked back to the man she abandoned seeing his breathing fade. "Are you scared. Well if you are, your not fit to be on the side im in." Reiko said as he placed his right hand forwards placing the mist upon the fallen warrior zesh. The mist would move and cover him if he didnt get up. Then once covered he would freeze and exploded into a million shards just like the flames had been just moments ago. Seeing Krysta moving to do battle with the dragon and yet another Advent amongst the battle field reiko decided to chase after vulcan./
Hiro Haru looked confused to see the advents ally betraying him. The woman looked upon the side of the advents now glad that she had chosen the right side. With her blade pointed forwards a aura began to form around her body. This was a energy known as reiatsu (spirit energy), this energy was something every soul reaper had. The aura was blue as it covered not only her body but her blade as well. With her sword pointed at alviss she spoke not only with a calm voice but with a serious tone. "Im afraid its death that shall fall upon you. Have you ever done battle with a soul reaper!" Said the woman in a intimidating fashion. Her blade was extended forwards as she held it with her right hand. This blade was called a zanpaktuo, a shinigami's (soul reapers) weapon. In stories the soul reaper was said to have a sycthe but that was just one shinigami. For the truth was every soul reaper's weapon is different, it starts out an average blade, then takes another form once in a state called shikai. And then takes a deadlier form once in a stage called Bankai. Currently Hiro's blade was not in either stage, it was just an average katana. Hiro Haru pulled her blade back angling it to her right side while bending her knees. With but her right foot extended forwards she moved forwards then pushed off her left foot. Once pushing forwards with her left foot she exerted reiatsu so she could move faster. Once moving forwards she was able to get in striking range with her zanpaktuo. With a mighty swing at alviss, she struck her blade upwards with the spiraling reiatsu around the blade. Hiro's strike was sent up with enough force to cut through steel with the reiatsu behing it.
Ares soared into the sky as he moved upwards after breathing fire upon reiko. But just as he altered his course, a advent propelled herself towards ares. The dragon waited until she was within range, then with a quick lash out of speed the dragon whipped its tail outwards lashing out at krysta. The tail would be whipped at her to knock her out of the sky and into the ground. If ares was successful in whipping krysta into the ground the dragon would swoop down and spew flames out at the young woman. Zesh was frozen solid due to reiko shingan, but before the ice exploded the man spoke an enchantment. He slowed down the process of the ice crusher so that he would not exploded into pieces. This was the ice might melt or a comrade would save him before he died. Vulcan stopped in his tracks awaiting the man by the name reiko shingan who seemed to get passed his dragons and its flames. The ground began to quake under vulcans feet as the earth trembled. Cracks appeared along with smoke arising from them. A great heat could be felt far below the surface as vulcan stood awaiting his adversary."Come and fight me adversary" vulcan said before the ground behind vulcan exploded with lava spewing upwards.

(ooc: remember the groups are to be used just as much as the topic)
Alviss, thrusting his pole upward to deflect the attack, barely held it off as his pole was meagerly pushed to the side. Furthering his grip on the weapon, and taking a step back, he quickly thought of his next move. Realizing that the new warrior (Darkness, what the crap, man) betrayed Zesh, Alviss had to think of a way to defend himself. So, swiftly, he threw his staff into the ground, saying "Thirteen Totem Pole, Guardian transformation." As he did so. Immediately following his words, multiple poles struck out from the ground, both spiraling upward in a furious attack, and guardian Alviss's position in a means of defense.

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Age: 16

Birthday: December 2

Star Sign: Sagittarius

Favourite Weapon: Bow-and-Arrows

Favourite Food: Peanut-butter

Loves: to read(manga and most books); stargazing; nighttime; archery; playing chess and/or checkers

Likes: drawing; singing(when no one aside from animals is around for good reason[this applies to RP/fan-fictions only, I actually sing every year for the school talent show in real life]); dancing(usually with faeries); writing[in real life only, currently working on a Bleach fan-fiction]playing instruments, such as and especially the ocarina; most vegetables(especially spinach); talking to animals; listening to music; listening to birdsong, and singing along with the bird/birds if no one is around; all fruit, not counting grapefruit; seaweed; tofu

Dislikes: mean people; sunlight/daytime; fighting; others dying(especially if that person dies for her sake); grapefruit; harassment and/or teasing(in a mean way; perfectly fine if the teasing is lighthearted) of others

Species: part vampyre, part witch, part wolf[type of wolf is classified, may eventually say type later on in the story; NOT WEREWOLF]

Theme Song: changes depending upon mood and the scenario(usually something by H.I.M. or Three Days Grace)

Abilities/Powers: affinity for the five elements(air, fire, water, earth, and spirit); can bend light energy(can use this to form a bow and arrow or sword; the light energy turns a light blue hue when this ability/power is used); can run at extremely fast speeds; can use telepathy to a certain degree; incredibly strong despite looking so frail; hypersensitive hearing, sight, and sense of smell; can sense aura(though, ironically, not spiritual pressure); can cast spells(of witch capability, not kido; eyes glow a serene violet when spell-casting/spell-weaving); can speak to animals(crows, dogs, cats, etc.); can see ghosts as well as hollows; heals very quickly; extraordinarily high stamina and endurance; flexible; lithe; (more to be added later)

Looks: (skin)palest of all pallors; (hands)elegant and small, frail looking fingers, sharp pointed nails, look to be perfectly manicured though never taken care of; (feet)barefoot at all times; (frame)extremely thin, frail looking, clothes other than the dress that had always used to be worn usually too big; (hair)goes down to mid-back, straight, silvery-blue, bangs cover forehead just passed eyebrows of the same silvery-blue hue; (eyes)deep crimson shade of red, tilted inward slightly[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference], flash a silvery-red when provoked[i.e. usually when angered, but sometimes when annoyed; read Night World: book 1 for reference]; (ears) covered well by hair, pointed ends[like that of elves; read Eragon of the Inheritance Cycle for reference]; (teeth)white, perfectly aligned, sharp pointed canines/incisors that lengthen into fangs when/if provoked[though not always, as with the eyes]; (jewellery/accessories)a silver chain with a blood red jewel hanging from it to form a simple necklace[the type of jewel on the necklace is a moon ruby, unknown to most; necklace never comes off], has a silver circlet from mum though rarely worn if ever; (markings)a sapphire blue crescent moon in the middle of forehead that is covered well by bangs

Personality: friendly; kindhearted; calm; hard to annoy, much less anger; mostly happy; easygoing; insomniac; distant at times; highly intelligent; strange; childish at times; childlike; trustworthy to friends; loner, but not exactly antisocial; highly emotional near and during nights of the full moon; very active; caring; ironically very trusting considering past events; strong-willed; charismatic; intuitive; highly empathetic sometimes; valiant; vegetarian; usually fearless; witty; easily attached to others(certain people); lighthearted; loyal to friends; unable to hate; free-spirited; has secrets; will avoid fighting if possible, except to protect; highly reluctant to deal the final blow/finish off an opponent, even if it is a hollow(referring to enemies and such); highly observant; can come off as a bit possessive of friends when protecting them; a bit teasing in a friendly sort of way; lively; somewhat meek; mild

World I'm from: Bleach(I have a storyline made up for a fanfic I'm writing for Bleach, so yeah.)

(Starting now.) I fell from out of seemingly nowhere. I somehow landed gracefully on my feet. I was wearing the dress I always wore, which made look to belong in the Mediaeval Era. I looked around and gave a small shiver at the scene. I disliked fighting, and it looked as if I would have to fight at some point if I wanted to return to my own dimension.
Krysta clapped her hands together which caused a giant gust of wind to go flying at Ares and to help propel Krysta away from his tail. She grabbed her boe staff off of her back and spun it, slowing her descent back to the ground. She looked around quickly hoping to spot any nearby bodies of water and grinned when she saw a lake. (I'm just going to assume it's there...) She bent her knees and scooped her boe staff at Ares almost like she was digging, sending a current of air underneath his wings. Then she ran towards the lake as fast as she could, 'If I could just get to that lake, well we'll see how he likes taking a bath.' She grinned as she ran.
((OOC: Moonlight, not sure if he had accepted your sheet, but im pretty sure if he hadn't, then your post is irrelevant in this matter. You can't just post in the signup and in here and assume your sheet has been, or even will be accepted. You must wait for Vulcan to give the go ahead before you start posting. Thank you, and I do not mean to sound rude or anything.))

The day was growing long and the never ending fighting of territories was wearing down on both sides of the war. Riyoshi stood high above the front lines as he looked upon his men. He looked for patterns of his opposition, an opportunity to strike at the heart of the leader that looked to take his land. As he took a step, he seen the man he had been waiting for. A man that would rival him in all aspects of battle.

"I got you now." Riyoshi said out loud to no particular person for he was alone.

Leaping from his position atop the cliff, he soared through the air and headed straight for the front lines. Just as he was about to land upon the ground, a light began to shine upon his chest. This light grew in brightness and size just before enveloping him entirely. Dropping from the sky, Riyoshi landed upon the ground with tremendous force, sending out a large cloud of dirt and debris.
Hiro pushed backwards from her feet moving a good distance from alviss after he blocked her strike. Then the man sunk his weapon into the ground forming some sort of multiple todem pole looking defense. At least this is what hiro haru thought to be a defense, but with her experience. Nothing is what it seemed to be especially after all the strange shinigami and espada battles she had. Looking upon the todem poles risen from the ground, hiro began to formulate a plan to break the defense and take out not only the fallen warrior zesh, but also alviss. Hiro placed her left hand forwards with a blue aura of reiatsu forming in the palm of her hand. The aura formed into a shape with a heat resonating from it. Calmly she said hado thirty three sokatsui (blue fire crash down). Hiro fired the blast at the first pillar, then formed another after another launching them one by one at each pillar. Once the blast would make contact with the pillar the impact would cause a large explosion of reiatsu that could consume the entire area after all the blasts impacted. Hiro would await the results of the todem pole pillars before she made another move.
As the dust cloud dissipated, Riyoshi looked up to see a battle far different then the one that he was just in. Standing off in the distance, he seen one figure fire multiple blasts at another figure which made him study the fight a little. It seemed as though their skills were similar to his own, but varied slightly. Slamming his hands upon the ground, a large dome covered the figure and the pillars. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi took off running towards the battlefield where he would soon meet up with the combatants. As he ran, he took out a single kunai from his leg holster and charged it with his wind chakra.
The blasts, destroying the front lines of his totem poles, were soon moot by the rising of another set of totem poles. These, now thirteen once more, quickly shot down into the ground, and back to the surface, in an attempt to intimidate Alviss's opponent. He meant no hard to her, and if she left him be, this fight would end well. However, he did not believe that this would happen anytime soon.

Fishing for options, Alviss began thinking about all the options he had at his disposal. Bird-in-a-cage Darkness ARM? No, she wouldn't be surprised enough for it to work. Immobilization Darkness ARM? No, no. Again, no element of surprise. But wait, that was just it. Alviss could create the surprise.

Coming up with his plan, three totem poles sank into the ground. He awaited her next move, to hopefully catch her off guard...
Robin, i had joined in on your fight. I had sent a large dome to protect you from the blasts.

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