The Beginning of the End


Don't let the name scare you.
Character Sheet:




Appearance (No anime):



Equipment and Weapons

(Don't be extreme with this. Don't do anything unrealistic):

Skills (Don't go crazy):

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

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Name: Tommy Compton




Former military, served as a Line Medic for 6 years and then everything went to hell. Tommy ignored the PSA and tried to get his wife and child to a ranch owned by his parents, they were attacked and his kid was killed, Him and his Wife was taken by the men who had decided to use the end of the world as a reason to torture and beat others. The night they killed his wife, after taking advantage of her for numerous days, Tommy escaped his captivity and proceeded to murder the men who had wronged him

Personality: Has a few screws loose, will not take advantage of others in distress, and actively seeks out to kill those who prey on others.

Equipment and Weapons


Skills (Don't go crazy): An extensive knowledge of Medicine and Trauma Medical Skills, a solid shot

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.): Morgan Freeman is his favorite actor

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So is this zombies or just a virus that kills people?

can people be immune?

will our characters have to walk around in gas masks or...
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.a67c71e93b6ff7a5d41553e668454c23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.a67c71e93b6ff7a5d41553e668454c23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elizabeth was a typical teenage girl. When the virus started her father got out to see what was happening and got infected. He killed Elizabeth's mother and Elizabeth had to kill her father. She left with her brother and promised to take care of him.

Personality: Elizabeth is stubborn and rebellious. She is brave and loyal but she doesn't trust strangers easily.

Equipment and Weapons:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.ae214024aaed794c5e807e8b52670204.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.ae214024aaed794c5e807e8b52670204.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

10 bullets left

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.d62d88cabb8c020c9383b399360c9486.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.d62d88cabb8c020c9383b399360c9486.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.f61b1504eec0bd47e434ae95cb832a4e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.f61b1504eec0bd47e434ae95cb832a4e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills: Elizabeth has a great aim and is a good liar. She has a high level of attention and knows how to convince people very easily. She is very sneaky and agile. She can sing and play the guitar but she never does that anymore

(Optional Stuff - Theme song, quotes, etc.):

"This is my life and you know what? No one fucking invited you so... There's the door"


Name: Brian Blackwell

Age: 10

Gender: male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.48fff3cf358c3b7be9075f29c7163993.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.48fff3cf358c3b7be9075f29c7163993.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History/Background/Bio: Same as Elizabeth

Personality: Justin is friendly and has a warm heart. He likes to meet new people and trusts everyone. He is very innocent

Equipment and Weapons

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.075c029b50e47c9eb6d8a941652ca205.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.075c029b50e47c9eb6d8a941652ca205.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.454871a7e4553cfeeb86f33d2bbfa38c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29623" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.454871a7e4553cfeeb86f33d2bbfa38c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Optional Stuff - Theme song,quotes, etc.): He is Elizabeth's brother

Morgan freeman




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@Metronome - The gas masks are optional to you :) Yes, it's zombies. I may be changing the way certain things work with them over the course of the RP, so consider it a... Dynamic developing RP, and no, no one is immune. As far as the survivors know ;)  
@EmilyPower, @DrCompton - Read the rules please, guys. 
They're in the IC Section, for the record. 

Name: Alex Cross

Age: 16

Gender: Male




"Because I'm older, little man."

Uplifting, humorous, defensive, caring, trustworthy, wary, strong-minded, obsessive.

Despite Alex being a caring person, he's still the most troubled of the three that he travels in. Being the oldest, he was the one that was put in the position of either leaving their rotting parents to shamble around and plague the earth being the monsters that they fought so hard for themselves and their children to stop becoming, or he had the choice to kill them both.

He killed them.

Being hardly experienced in anything, and having nothing to support himself and his younger brothers with, he was forced to make the best out of everything, but he became overly-obsessive when it came to wastefulness. Funny, right? Most kids grow up hating their parents for them lecturing about 'wasting food' and all that, but Alex chose to embrace it if it meant keeping their little group of three stocked for an extra day. He's the most defensive and dependable brother out of the three, and continuously goes off on rants of anger or throws himself into the way of danger if it means keeping his only remaining family safe.


Born into none other than a regular slightly-upper-class family, he was the eldest out of the three children that his parents ended up having. He was a practical but also somewhat strange kid. He didn't love all of the technology like the other kids did - he stuck to the good old-fashioned stuff ninety percent of the time - the majority of his days were spent swimming in the house's pool, at school, spending time with his brothers, or in school. He was a smart kid, for sure. In all of his classes he succeeded flawlessly, but lived a normal and happy life despite the amount of time he sunk into studies.

Over time he was always known as the 'hero brother', the one that was always there for the other two to turn to when they needed help with just about anything. Whether it was homework, electronics, fixing something, or even getting tucked into bed at night - Alex was always the humorous but thoughtful macho-brother.


Remington R-15


'The American Joe' Colt M1911


SA80 Bayonet


Woodland Digital Camo Military Backpack


He specializes in carrying any food they have in their possession.


"That's because it ISN'T right, stupid."

The brains of the three. Despite having a heavy amount of muscle-power, he always works on ways to avoid a fight. He has high survival skills due to his obsessiveness and practical thinking; he is weak in most other fields - his eyesight isn't fantastic but it isn't dreadful either. He's usually too busy thinking to have a high attention-to-detail level, which is why is youngest brother is so useful.

Theme Song:



Name: Eric Cross

Age: 14

Gender: Male




"And I suggest that you go and fuck yourself."

Easily impressed, self-centered, obnoxious, partially friendly, cares for family, despises new people, antisocial.

Eric Cross... One of the most angry and obnoxious adolescent boys to walk the face of the apocalyptic earth. Friendly with his family, but is also quite aggressive and cold towards them as well. Has constant clashes with his younger brother and shows no care or concern whatsoever. Constantly fights with Alex to be the one who 'leads them' - He hates being second-best, and does whatever he can to crawl to the top, or as close to the top as he can get. After a run-in with someone who he thought he could trust after he was caught in the middle of hell on earth while being away from his family, he was betrayed and almost died due to it. Since then, he's refused to trust anyone he and the others come into contact with, and will not even do so much as make the effort to even try and trust or even talk to someone who's new to them.


"It's not like you ever thought any differently anyway."

The second born child and younger brother to Alex. He grew up with the good old 'I don't care about the world attitude', and where he ended up was a position where he did mediocre in terms of school, and sat in his room playing guitar and singing from an early age. At least he had something to impress with, because his attitude and general knowledge on how life worked was absolutely atrocious; as pretentious as Alex was when he was growing up, by the age of eleven he actually said to Eric himself that he'd taken the role of 'Master of Music' in the household. He was somewhat distant from his parents but was most close with his father and Alex; once their parents died, his relationship with Alex was dropped completely, and his whole mindset on things just went all over the place.


Metal Baseball Bat


Butterfly Knife (x2)


USP .45 Silenced.


Taylor 514CE Western Red Cedar Solid Top Acoustic Guitar


Knife Thigh Holster (x2)


Woodland Digital Camo Military Backpack


He specializes in carry any food they have in their possession.


Professional guitarist and singer; very good at uplifting the group if ever needed. Began practising with two butterfly knives he took from a friend's house after the apocalypse began. Quite physically strong, hence why he uses a baseball bat - despite being someone who played an instrument that someone could hear from two blocks down, he's good at being quiet and careful when he needs to be.

Theme Song:



Name: Carl Cross

Age: 5

Gender: Male




"Maybe--.. Maybe if we do that, we won't fight no more!"

Easily Impressed, vulnerable, friendly, quiet, thoughtful, funny, caring, loving, peaceful.

Possibly the most friendly little boy you'd ever find, especially in a world full of walking corpses. As what his family described to be 'the face of happiness', it turned out to be true. Even in the dark times, he gives off a smile or grin that would make anyone's day better; he isn't one to fight a lot, nor does he like conflict or arguing, which is why he gets extremely upset whenever Eric gets aggressive towards him or Alex, he also dislikes it when Alex and Eric fight.


".. I miss mommy and daddy, but... I'm happy that I'm with you and Eric."

The youngest born child of the family. He was in kindergarten when everything went to hell, but he was always described by Eric as the 'favorite child', and it was all with good reasoning. Their parents held Carl's hand through near enough everything, but left him to be independent in most cases when it came to taking care of himself, and so on. He loved drawing, reading, and the way Eric played guitar - not so much the sound, but he loved to watch how Eric's fingers moved across the neck of the guitar, and he loved to see how colors went together on a piece of paper. He was a happy kid that loved the detail behind pretty much everything.


Glock 18




Infantry Army Messenger Shoulder Bag


Specializes in carrying any ammo they have in their possession.


Has a high attention-to-detail level. He usually picks up anything that his older brothers miss which makes him one of the most helpful and efficient. Since he became aware of his parents' deaths he did his best to try and prove himself to Alex and Eric but only made himself worse - he's very optimistic, but he's a terrible shooter and can't hit anything unless it's up close. He doesn't like conflict. At all.

Theme Song:


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Name: Sasha Belov

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: Sasha is an interesting man. On the outside, he doesn't appear to be much. He portrays himself as an asshole who makes eyes at any female he sees, gives people irritating nicknames, and is concerned only with his own gain. But there's more to Sasha than what the eye can see. He can be thoughtful when he wants to be, maybe even kind. He's not the kind of guy to completely screw someone over; he has a conscience. He's intelligent and skill at what he does, having practice in combat and tactical defense. And maybe, even deeper than that, all he's looking for is somewhere to belong.

Past occupation: Mercenary

Weapons: AK-47 (30 rounds), Glock 22 pistol (15 rounds), a very sharp combat knife, and a multi-tool knife

Supplies: He has a working ham radio, a backpack, several loose packets of condoms (latex free), flashlight, bottle of apple juice, one can of peaches, a lighter, some bandage wraps, a screwdriver, pack of mint gum, a bottle of ibuprofen, and a half melted chocolate bar.

Other: His native tongue is Russian, but he speaks English fluently. Knows bits and pieces of other languages as well. Sasha speaks with a Russian accent. His favorite actor is Morgan Freeman.

Appearance: Sasha is a large, muscular man. He stands at 6'6", has pale skin and dirty blonde hair that is kept in a neat buzz cut. His eyes are a gray-ish blue. Sasha has several tattoos, one being the simplified bird seen in the picture above. He may be big and scary looking when you first meet him, but that usually wears off as soon as he opens his mouth.


Clothing: Army pants, field jacket, tactical vest, combat boots.


Sasha grew up in Kazan, Russia. His mother had been a drug addict, and overdosed when Sasha was 5. He was left to be raised by his father, who fell into depression after the loss of his wife. The man was an alcoholic, and a violent one at that. After Sasha's mother had died, his father had essentially lost interest in being a father. He would often invite his equally drunken friends over to watch soccer games, drink, and play poker while Sasha hid in his room and pretended not to exist. Sasha wanted to get out of the house as soon as he could, and joining the military seemed like the best option. However, Sasha had something of an authority issue when he was younger. His father's abuse had turned him into a rebellious little shit. After 6 years of service, his shenanigans finally got him dismissed from the Russian armed forces.

But Sasha didn't give up easily. He was going to be a soldier whether the military wanted him or not. Maybe it was some inner need to make something of himself rather than turn into his father. He went into the mercenary business when he was 24. His job allowed him to travel the world, gathering skills as he went. He worked for several companies, fought in several wars, and met many very interesting people. Sasha slowly lost most of his 'punkass kid' attitude, but his personality remained as flamboyant as ever. He was working for a man in America before the virus broke out, doing uninteresting grunt work as a body guard. Once dead people started roaming the streets, all deals were off.

Sasha took what gear he could carry and went off on his own. He's been traveling from city to city, using his radio to communicate with some guy who lives out in the country. The stranger claims to have a large farm that's he's opened up to refugees, but he's under threat of a group that wants to take it for themselves. He's encouraging Sasha to come help with the cause. Essentially, Sasha is doing what he's always done: work for whoever has the most to give him. 


Isam Hajjar

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: Isam is a serious, all business kind of guy. He is a born leader: cool under pressure and level headed. But at the same time, he won his friends loyalty and trust with the softer side of his personality. He cares for his friends, what few he has, and it shows. He's not much a talker, but Isam believes that actions mean more than words anyway.

Equipment and Weapons: Double barrel shotgun, a backpack with some food, water, batteries, clothing, and other basics. A couple saddlebags with medical supplies, ammo, old electronics, and the like. His mode of transportation is his horse.

Skills: A pretty formidable fighter, although mostly skilled in unarmed combat. This doesn't help much with zombies. A fair shot with his gun, and decent with a knife.

Isam in a tinkerer. He likes messing with electronics, trying to make them work again.

On the other hand, Isam speaks mostly Arabic. He speaks little English.

Appearance: Isam is 5'6" and muscular. His hair is black, curly, and shoulder length. It is often unbrushed and unruly, sometimes worn back in a ponytail. He often sports facial hair. His skin is a medium brown, and his eyes are dark brown. Isam's body bares extensive scarring, most of it from his years as a wanderer. His fashion choices are hardly that; Isam is a utilitarian by nature. He wears army pants, earth tone t-shirts and tank tops, and combat boots almost every day of his life


History: Isam was born and grown in Iraq. He lived with his mother in a small village, his father having been killed in war. Isam was 13 when his mother fell ill, and being too poor to get her medical attention, he was forced to stand by as she died. He remained living in their small hour until he was 16, when his village was attacked and taken over by terrorist forces. Isam was forced to flee as everyone he knew was burned to death by napalm gas.

All Isam had to his name was a bag of essentials and a a yearling horse that hardly knew how to behave. He became a drifter, wandering from town to town, never really having a home. He lived in the desert most of his life. It wasn't easy; he was attacked, mugged, often left beaten. But he always managed to get back up.

Isam managed to save up enough money doing odd jobs to leave his war torn country. With the rise of terrorist forces, the people were slowly getting more and more violent, more afraid. He couldn't stand living there anymore. So Isam got a plane ticket and came to America.

At the age of 26, he came to the US and found an Arab owned farm to work on. It was humble work, hard and dirty, but he liked it. Life was good for a while; it was easy for once. That is, until the virus broke out. Isam was forced to go on the run once more. He took one of the farm's horses and left for the open road.

Theme song: [media]



Jared Allen







Jared has a field hat with a strange but neat-looking jacket, some jeans, and some combat boots.


I sadly can not find a picture of just the jacket but here's what it looks like,


The jeans on the left are his.



Jared was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania. (Yes, the Scranton, Pennsylvania) He's had a very simple life but loved the TV show "Macygyver", the show has taught him quite a few things and Jared has picked up on quite a few survival skills. When he got to the age of 18, he moved to New York City and proceeded to live in an apartment, when he heard about the whole disease thing he got as much supplies possible and started travelling.


Jared is an edgy fellow, not insane, but kind of jumpy due to the whole world ending ordeal. He's actually kind of a joker but his material isn't really that great.

Equipment and Weapons :

Stevens Model 1897


A CZ-75


A crowbar,


An army rucksack


A melodica



Jared is good at running and scavenging for supplies. He's also good at making weapons and modifying stuff. He can also do good impressions of people, he's still working on his Morgan Freeman.

Theme Song:

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@Stew Accepted. Very well-played on that part by the way ;) We'll most likely be starting at some point tomorrow as I'm going off soon. Hopefully we'll get another person in the meantime, but it's fine if we don't. The first few posts that everyone should be making are story-setters; mine will be, at least. (As I have three characters, a story's needed) We'll see where it takes us, though! :)
*eyes the Jared Padalecki picture*

Don't think I don't know who you are.


umm...can I join too?

Also,can I draw my character? I'm pretty specific with features and stuff.
@DryPunishment Sure, go right ahead. Just make sure you read the rules - And if you can, try drawing it as realistic as possible (No anime, etc.), but it doesn't have to be spot on :)
DrTrollinski said:
@DryPunishment Sure, go right ahead. Just make sure you read the rules - And if you can, try drawing it as realistic as possible (No anime, etc.), but it doesn't have to be spot on :)
Don't worry,I don't do anime.
DrTrollinski said:
@DryPunishment - No problem, post it whenever it's ready. We're not starting until tomorrow anyway :)
Allrighty,I think it will be done by tomorrow.
If you need extra time to do it, don't worry. You can describe what your character looks like if you can't finish it on time.

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