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Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Emilia Knight

New Member

Hello Everyone!

So I know my "overview" explination is not the greatest, however if there is any questions I would love to answer them!

So just a few things I would like to cover before I get to excited.

1. You may have more than one character, however! I ask that if you are making more than one character and they are not related, please have two seperate profiles for them. It will make it easier on me and for others. Thank you!~

1.5. To add to the statement above; you may have a character that is from the original Awakening game. I do ask however that if you would like to play as a character from Awakening, you notify me before making the profile. Just so that I don't end up having three different Chroms'. Y'know?

2. I would like to have a minimum of four people join this roleplay, however the more the merrier right? So if you know someone who likes the game then please, by all means tag them and they can join in!

3. This is a bit of a picky thing of mine and I apologize if this bothers anyone, but, I am the type of person who likes to have a bit of order in what is going on. So I would like to ask people that once and order is set out that we keep to that order. For example; person 1: "Blah blah blah, (insert character stuff)"

person 2: " 'Yeah!' Blah does blah"

person 3: "(Insert words and stuff)"

person 4: "(words and such)"

etc... You get what I mean right?If not I can try and explain it better...

4. I ask that you do not control other people's characters. I personally hate it when people do it to me, so I can imagine that people dislike it when it happens to others. Also I ask that your character is not super overpowered. They are still sort of learning. They will make mistakes.

5. I don't really know what else to say besides have fun!~ If there is any concern about what I have said here, please let me know and I shall address the situation ASAP!

Thanks for reading!~
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Hey, I am intrested in joining and I have a character in mind whose story might eaffect the state of the world. What do you think of a plegia big in a state of civil war over leadership after gangriel and validar? I am thinking of my character being the exiled son of a failed claiment to the throne disguised as just refugee.
@Emilia Knight

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Hey, I am intrested in joining and I have a character in mind whose story might eaffect the state of the world. What do you think of a plegia big in a state of civil war over leadership after gangriel and validar? I am thinking of my character being the exiled son of a failed claiment to the throne disguised as just refugee.
@Diran the Thief this may be a little late now, however in this area, actually in my rules I did ask that there would be some sort of order to the roleplay. However you (and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki) progressed with the story without waiting for the others. However I am willing to look past it for now. Though there is one more thing that is slightly bothering me. Please remember that this roleplay is a "Casual" roleplay. So I ask that you please start replying with at least a paragraph, if you are confused about what a paragraph is, it is at least six to seven fair sized sentences with a minimum of three sentences. However the less you right, the less the rest of us have to go off of, and then the more quickly the roleplay goes dead.

We will continue from where the two of you went (and no I am not mad, I understand) though I ask that once everyone has relied that, that order is kept to.

I realize that this is a lot, however I am a rather picky person when it comes to writing.

Thank you.

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