The Barren Mother

eheu said:
I have no idea what even is happening anymore.
I think I'm just going to sit here and... ...

... yeah. Just going to sit here.

Hi folks.
Teach to sob mathematically! Aye! I'm ready!
My name was mentioned many times what did you want me to do

There is too much text and I refuse to read it all
I was displacing the post order from Goats unto you, then Kin and I were just being annoying. <3
Speaking of seems as if you still haven't made a character for The Laity Hotel...
Mystery man I see or a ghost more like it. Except we have a ghost already, right @Ghost can't make another one.
betch u kno u were supposed to pm me

But lol this is fine, I just didn't know you were done. xD

*leaves rustle nervously*

Kin... there's only supposed to be one female in this role play... and that's already been taken. ; w;
I mean... I can go ahead and give you pointers here, sure, but I figured people would like the privacy. *shrug*

But... ahaha... yeahhhhhhhhhhh.

that was stated in the sign-up thread btw i'm not keeping secrets or anything this role play is 88% bromance
Ahh, sorry about that. *w*

Is there any particular thing you were wondering about?

I'm not the best at wording things I'm not afraid to admit.
Psh. Np. You have presentation down for sure. I hear compliments about your stuff a lot. I'm going to get super technical e.e Can't help it.

About the pieces each character needs, like a dog, tree-house, etc. Do characters include this in their app from the get-go? Or you pick and choose who gets what? is it possible to end up having none of the special items? Also, I see minor and major characters. A minor character would be like shop-keep that posts once in a while and such? I see they are neighborhood friends. Do we create other setting like school, the doctor's office, stuff like that, or will you be supplying them before-hand? T_T
C-compliments? ; w;

ego stroke ego stroke ego stroke


Now that we have this multi-tab thing, I could probably do a bit of reorganization... but at the same time that would be so much work. *whines*

Ah, yes, about that.

Those aren't really needs.

Rather, those were just suggestions and things I was hoping to incorporate.

Ideally after we have all of the characters accepted (which has obviously been screwed up by people falling off the face of the earth), I wanted to work out the relationships these characters had with each other.

Being a small town setting, and even more specifically focusing on a group of friends, they obviously would have a history together, and everyone in general would have a sense of familiarity with each other.

So I wanted to work out all of that stuff before thrusting the characters into the world.

With that being said, the tree house, dog and such were ideas that I had to make the group particularly unique from other tiny cliques like that, or whatever you would call them, if that makes sense?

(This role play is sort of a spin-off of another role play that I created long ago that never got past the planning process, though we had laid out the entirety of the plot-line, so I later got permission from the people I collaborated with to make a book out of it which, fingers crossed, I'll eventually get around to.

With that being said, this is the second role play I've created on this site after having a craving for a small town bromance and being pressured by a friend to follow through with it, so all of this content is really old tbh. lol

BUT ANYWAY when I had originally been plotting out the last role play with those people, we had come up with little things like the group having a tree house where they would meet up and a dog that would hang around, and me being absolutely in love with the ideas thought it would be cool to incorporate them here... but I guess that's a little off-topic.)

So you CAN include it in the app if you want, or it can be something you decide on right before jumping into the role play.

If multiple people are interested in the same thing, I'll act like the final say-so if an agreement cannot be met between those parties interested.

But like I said, none of it is required in the role play... they were just ideas I had and loved.

Minor characters are basically NPCs.

What I'm doing with minor characters is letting a role player solely take control of an NPC if they so desire (because personally it bothers me when I share NPCs and someone portrays them inaccurately, because naturally, the best person to role play your character can only be yourself).

I guess it's possible to have them act as traditionally NPCs and let anyone take control of them, if they so desire, but I don't feel like this is preferred.

With all of that being said, minor characters are primarily there to establish a setting (like world-building, but on a much smaller scale specific to the town), but it can also be a way to compensate for the fact that we're only allowing one character per person while there's a limited number of spots in the role play for people to join.

So you could very well go the duration of the role play never role playing a minor character even after making them, but they're just there to give a feel for the feel of the town and possibly even be mentioned.

All role players have pretty free-reign over the setting, though presumably when someone claims a particular minor character, they also take control of that particular feature of the town.

For example, the only one of the minor characters that I actually came up with were Stella Garcia, Mr. Jenkins, Father Laurence and Mayor Joe Whims.

By doing so, I basically am saying that I have a solid idea of how I want the gas station, Mr. Jenkins' house, the local church, and also the town hall (or whatever the hell the place is where the mayor is... I honestly haven't thought too much about this lol).

So... does that clear things up?

you're like those people on fb

who try to chat with you

and they're like


and that's it

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