The Bandit and the Princess

"Don't worry, I wont hurt you." He got a piece of cloth and bound her arms and legs and mouth. "I just need something of your brothers." Jace smiled and kissed Jasmine on the forehead.
When they arrived Jace carried Jasmine into his room and he pulled away his bookshelf. Behind it was a room and he put Jasmine inside. He shut the shelf again and sat down on his bed and sighed.
Jace got some food for Jasmine and undid her mouth restraint. He put the food in so she couldn't scream and did the restraint back up. "Remember to chew before you swallow."
Jasmine looked very upset as she watched him leave.

Meanwhile Heath had finally noticed his sister's absence. "Where is she? Where could she have gone?" he searched about and asked many servants if they had seen her.
Jace sighed. He wanted the thing her brother had taken from him, but he also had feelings for Jasmine.
Jace left the room and went down to the palace kitchen. "I'm feeling a bit ill, please tell mother and father not to disturb me," he said to a servant, then he left back to his room.
Jasmine thrashes about the room she's in, unable to hold it in much longer.

Heath gets servants to search all about the palace for Jasmine so as not to cause a panic.
Jace left and got a bucket. "There we go," he put the bucket in the corner and untied Jasmine's arms and legs.
"Nope," Jace replied, "now hurry up, I need to tie you up again." Jace sat down and waited impatiently for Jasmine to do her business.
"But then you could stab me in the back, or run away," a sly grin crept up Jace's face. "Fine, fine, I'll trust you," he said and turned around.
When he heard Jasmine finish he turned around, but didn't tie her up. "As long as you stay silent, I wont tie you up, understand?"

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