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Multiple Settings The Aspirant

The Errant [1-10]
The music is really quite much for Arich's tastes, a little louder than he can think.

After mentally informing Anor to keep tabs on Fiola, Arich heads past the steward's desk and pushes open the solitary door between him and the galleria.

The ranger is immediately faced with louder music, the vibrant colors from the dim lights all around the ceiling and walls, and the commotion all around the room. There are all kinds of well-dressed people around, wearing variations of casual and formal clothing. Some of them appear to be in the midst of dance while others are conversing or grabbing drinks from the miniature bar at the left of the room. Arich takes a piece of cheese from one of the steward's trays before moving forward, pretending to admire the various paintings on the walls.

At the front of the room appears to be a stage with several glass displays featuring almost all the artifacts that would be sold. Arich could see all of them from where he was, but it quickly became obvious the amulet he was looking for wasn't on display at all. He thought it was somewhat strange, considering how it was supposedly one of the items up for grabs as well.

This place certainly isn't short of ways to pass the time, so what should Arich do before people start preparing for the auction?

A. Take a look at the artifacts anyway. Arich didn't bring enough money for an auction, but he hasn't seen some of these before and wants to know more about them.

B. Go to the bar, get a drink, and see what the patrons are talking about. It'll be a lot easier to just overhear them, though Arich may asking a question or two.

C. Quietly head back outside and see what Fiola's doing. Anor says she is currently behind the mansion.

D. How about this? (Write-in.)

arcane bow folds neatly in half, but is completely lacking in subtlety
when you absolutely need to get your hands dirty
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
Last edited:
Guess we should take a look at them. They might be interesting! Unless anyone has a better idea.
The Errant [1-11]
As he approached the stage, Arich could see there were plenty of interesting items available for the auction, each one contained within their own glass case. He also noticed some of the partygoers opening up the cases and taking a look at the items, grasping them in their hands and getting a feel for the various enchantments each of them had. He thought he wouldn't have enough money to join in earlier, but as it turned out the starting bids on some of these items weren't nearly as ludicrous as he'd expected them to be.

At the far left of the stage, Arich noticed what he assumed to be the musicians who were playing earlier. They had stopped to take a brief look at a lute, testing out its notes and talking about what a hit it would be for their next performance. The instrument didn't sound too bad, but the ranger wasn't sure he wanted to stick around for much longer once they got their hands on it.

There were several other items on display, and Arich spent some time handling them all. Jewelry seemed to be the most common thing on the stage, with signets, bracelets, and a necklace that caught his eye. The ranger wasn't that interested in the rest of the jewelry, but he knew a dream necklace when he saw one. Almost all the senior Riders had one along their neck at all times, from what Arich had seen, and he figured it would be quite the shame if he wasn't among that number within the year.

Arich skimmed through the rest of the items, but the rest were either too expensive or not as interesting, and he noted only a few additional pieces before a man with red vestments with a sleek black haircut along his head and face made the announcement that the auction would begin very shortly. Soon enough, a small crowd of partygoers and collectors had gathered all around the stage, awaiting the opportunity to take one of the many valuable objects home with them. The man, who introduced himself as Eran Creue, made a short speech expressing his appreciation to those who attended, and spoke about the maison itself, which he had acquired exactly a year ago. Arich tuned most of Eran's speech out, listening for any news from Anor and waiting for the moment they would reveal the object of his search.

Still, some of the items at the auction seemed promising. Perhaps it's worth trying...
Options that present clear risk have the level of risk shown if Arich or his companions know just how difficult it will be. When these options are taken a twenty-sided die will be rolled to determine the result. Rolling the lowest or highest possible number may yield interesting results.

A. Arich has barely enough money to try getting one item, if he's lucky:
1. Make room for a
scented candle (modest).

Aside from smelling really nice, it lets Arich clear his mind, making him immune to mental attacks.
2. Try to get a
dream necklace (chancy).

These aren't rare in cities where magic is common knowledge, but Arich wants to see what all that dreamworld business is about.
3. Bid for an
altuni cloth (tough),

one of the most dangerous clothing enchantments. If the wearer would pass out or die, the cloth will break and cause this to happen to an ally instead.
4. It's going to be the
warp blade (high-risk) for sure.

Simply hitting something with this dagger allows the wielder to warp a short distance.
B. Don't take part in the auction, and just wait it out until they get to the last part.
C. (Write-in.)

arcane bow folds neatly in half, but is completely lacking in subtlety
when you absolutely need to get your hands dirty
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
The Errant [1-12]
The auction kicked off quickly and efficiently, with Eran or one of his stewards stating the initial bid and a few of the collectors firing off higher and higher bids until someone gave in. They had started with the cheapest items first, and after about ten minutes of bidding, things had started to slow down a little once they reached the warp blade, the halfway point in the auction.

Arich was confident he would easily be able to secure the knife for himself, and once Eran announced the starting number he quickly responded with a slightly higher one. As a flurry of other bids came in from the crowd, Arich found himself caught up in the rush of bidding and decided he would be victorious at any cost. Whenever a bidder spoke up, the ranger responded in a louder voice. This continued for several minutes until the others inevitably gave in, and Arich stepped up to the stage, leaving what he assumed was enough gold in a small bag on the podium as a steward presented the dagger to him.

As the ranger walked away from the stage, he took a little time to admire his newfound piece. It was a graceful-looking weapon, which appeared somewhat like a stiletto knife with a mahogany handle and a blade with arcane script faintly etched into it. Even if it hadn't come with the little enchantment Arich had sought it for, it still looked like it would make a decent weapon in a pinch.

He quickly looked up to see Eran standing in front of him, holding the bag of gold and an accusing stare against him.

"There something wrong here?" Arich asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Do you remember how much your final offer was, there?" Eran quietly inquired. After Arich confirmed the offer, he shook the bag lightly and continued. "This doesn't feel like two hundred twenty-six gold to you, does it? You didn't seem particularly intoxicated when you were going on your little bidding spree there, but I'll be lenient just this once. I'll let you hold on to the stiletto."

"You sure?" Arich said, with more than a hint of apprehension in his voice. "Then you'll let me hand it back over and we can forget about the mistake back there, right?"

Eran shook his head. "I'm afraid not, my friend. A deal has been struck here, and it would be in poor taste to go back on a purchase so soon. There is simply the matter of taking care of the rest of the payment. I have no doubt you are armed based on your appearance, so I simply ask that you reveal all your weaponry to me before I have one of the stewards search you in front of this crowd."

Arich sighed and pulled out the leather satchel where his arcane shortbow was kept, removing it and presenting it towards the man. When Eran simply continued to wait expectantly, he reached into his right pocket and pulled out his knuckledusters. He watched as Eran took both of the weapons, putting the knuckles in his vest pocket and examining the bow with great interest. Arich hoped the man would have no idea what he was looking at, but within a few seconds he had the bow unfolded and was testing out the conjured bowstring, which hummed a deep purple.

"Is that going to be enough?" Arich mumbled in a dejected tone.

"These will most certainly suffice, my good friend," Eran asserted with a smug grin. "Now, would you be quite gracious as to turn around and escort yourself outside the mansion?"

The ranger solemnly complied. Not wanting to make any hasty moves for the sake of his task, he was outside the front door of the mansion a few moments later, as the muffled sounds of music resumed. Immediately after the doors closed behind them, Arich kicked a nearby stone with as much force as he could muster.

"Bollocks!" he yelled, the mixture of anger and frustration evident.

Arich couldn't possibly go inside the mansion again, not with the risks involved. Fortunately, after a while, he had calmed down enough to assess his remaining options.

Perhaps he still has a chance to get something done tonight.

A. Go behind the mansion where Fiola is - quietly. Who knows what she's been up to while Arich was inside?

B. Go behind the mansion and immediately approach Fiola. There are a few questions that need to be answered.

C. Take out some anger on one of Eran's stone fountains, and warp up to the roof of the mansion. It looks doable from here.

That son of a bitch...
warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells

✧ c. take out some anger on one of eran's stone fountains, and warp up to the roof of the mansion!
The Errant [1-13]
After confirming with Anor that Fiola was still behind the mansion, Arich slowly walked around, keeping close to the walls and making sure the music would mask the sound of his footsteps. He peeked around the side of the mansion and saw the lady was simply leaning against the back wall, her arms crossed in deep thought. Once, she glanced around herself cautiously, but Arich was well hidden.

What had she been doing while Arich was inside?

She has been waiting, Anor answered, for some time. Whether she waits for a person, or for time to make it's course, I am not certain.

After a few seconds, Fiola began slowly walking towards the back hedge, likely aiming to leave the courtyard and do something interesting with whatever was in her handbag.

Arich has no intention of watching her leave.
Anor informs you he will be landing nearby, and that he does not quite see anything behind the courtyard at the moment.

A. Just sneak behind Fiola as she leaves the courtyard.

B. Sneak up close to Fiola - and try to take her handbag without being noticed. (high-risk)

C. Walk towards Fiola and get her attention. You don't want her to get too far just yet.

D. Walk towards Fiola, stab the grass, and warp right in front of her.

warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
C. Walk towards Fiola and get her attention. You don't want her to get too far just yet.
The Errant [1-14]
Arich wasn't certain whether or not Fiola would be expecting someone beyond the courtyard, but what he was sure of was that she would provide something of value, either from her handbag or her own words. As he got closer, he could hear the familiar jingling sounds coming from the former. It seemed the lady didn't want to waste any time getting some distance from the mansion.

Just before Fiola could reach the hedge, Arich called out her name, and she turned to face him. The ranger gradually slowed to a stop, a short distance from the lady.

"How long have you been spying on me, Liam?" Fiola asked cautiously.

A. "Hey, Fiola, mind if we skip the small talk? I know you have it."

B. "I haven't done anything like that. I am curious, though - where are you headed?"

C. "You must be joking, right? I left the mansion just a minute ago."

D. (Write-in.)

warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
The Errant [1-15]
"You're joking, right? I left the mansion just a minute ago," Arich replied. "I didn't come here to waste money on an auction, so I decided to step outside until they were finished."

"Enough with the lies," Fiola spat. "It's an awful coincidence that you happened to stop me just before I had the chance to get over the hedge."

The ranger shook his head. "You're being really paranoid if you think it's not reasonable for someone to want to relax outside a little. Or sulk, in my case."

"There's a good reason for the paranoia," Fiola said, "but I'm not telling you any more. Just make sure I don't see you behind me once I'm past the hedge."

She turned around and began walking away in a hurry, and Arich took notice of her right arm, which was reaching for something within her dress.

Well, Arich definitely needs to do something here.

A. Attempt to reason with Fiola. (Write-in.)

B. Keep following Fiola and see if she's actually going to try something against Arich.

C. If Fiola won't say anything, Arich will take matters into his own hands. Warp in front of her and make a threat. (chancy)

D. Anor is supposedly hidden somewhere behind the hedge. Tell him to reveal himself, and pretend it's Arich's first time seeing him.

warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
these might actually look alright in the middle of a mansion party
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
✧ a. attempt to reason with fiola.

arich can tell her he really meant no harm and only wanted to get to know her better (dejected-puppy style.)
The Errant [1-16]
Anor? Arich quickly thought out. Can I have you ready to jump out of the bushes when I need you?

I will be ready,
the dragon answered. But I would wish to not reveal myself to anyone tonight, if you can avoid that.

Arich took a couple light steps forward before yelling "Wait, Fiola!"

She stopped just before the hedge, turning around to regard the ranger with a glare. "Please... just turn around and leave."

In the darkness, he could barely what the lady was reaching for just a few seconds earlier, but after a moment of silence he realized she was holding a sleek wand in her left hand. She swiftly raised it towards Arich, but made no attempt to conjure any sort of spell just yet. Still, the ranger wasn't totally sure what Fiola was capable of doing at this point, so he put his hands up in a defensive gesture and prepared himself to sidestep any spell she might launch.

"Take it easy, Fiola," Arich softly pleaded. "I didn't mean any harm at all tonight. When I saw you sitting on that bench inside, I just saw someone who was lonely, someone who could've done with the kind of company a party couldn't provide." Noticing Fiola wavering just slightly, he pressed on. "Just understand I didn't have any bad intentions or anything like that when I came here. I just wanted to talk and get to know you better, that's all. Can we still do that, Fiola?"

Perhaps it was the sincere tone of Arich or something else she heard, but Fiola sighed and decided to lower her wand.

"Fine..." she breathed out. "Fine. I suppose I should apologize for being so suspicious of you earlier, shouldn't I? And perhaps I should show you the reason I'm on edge."

She slowly opened up her handbag, reaching into it and pulling out the unique amulet Arich had recognized from the pictures he had seen at in the foyer. He saw the chain's mixture of gold and blood jewels, saw the strange symbol inlaid with an onyx gemstone. The ranger couldn't help but stare into the gemstone with fascination. It wasn't calling out to him, and it didn't seem to radiate any sort of energy from what he could see. He was certain that it represented something powerful, and his suspicion was confirmed when Fiola began speaking again.

"I won't tell you exactly what this is or what it does, but you can tell just by looking that it wasn't made with good intentions, right? Whatever it does, it's been troubling my father and his stewards for a couple months now. I'm going to find a way to get rid of it."

"Wasn't that supposed to be at the auction?" Arich asked. "What's your father going to do when he realizes the necklace was grabbed?"

"It doesn't matter," Fiola replied as she put the amulet back into her handbag. "He'll understand eventually."

Suddenly, she began to clutch her handbag tightly, her fingers whitening as the bag gradually took on the shape of the amulet inside. Realizing what she was doing a few seconds later, Fiola reached into her handbag again, casting it aside as she took out the amulet once again, grasping it in her hand. Arich turned his gaze higher to see if Fiola's expression had changed any, but it now it seemed as if the ranger's words had never reached her earlier. She raised her wand again, this time with an apologetic look on her face.

"I shouldn't have said anything to you, Liam," she whispered. "I didn't want anyone to know what I was about to do."

She sighed as ice began to emanate from her wand. "I hope you can forgive me for this."
If Arich fails to get through to Fiola, he will just have to take the force of the spell, which isn't going to hurt him that seriously. He doesn't want to risk letting a spell hit the mansion, for obvious reasons.

A. Reveal Arich's identity and try to convince Fiola his colleagues have something better in mind for the amulet. (chancy)

B. Counter-attack by hitting the spell with the warp blade, putting Arich right in front of Fiola. (chancy)

C. Tell Anor to jump out, now. And stop Fiola while he's at it.

D. There's gotta be another way. (Write-in. There may be risks involved depending on the action.)

warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
hopefully they'll still look good after this
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
I'd suggest doing the teleport thingy, but i'd rather not screw around with chances.
Guess Anor should save us since he's -such- a professional.
The Errant [1-17]
Fiola had her wand pointed forward, prepared to launch an ice projectile, but Arich quickly made sure to have his thoughts known before she was finished speaking.

She's about to shoot a spell at me, Anor. Quick, jump her!

In the space of only a few seconds, Arich watched with a mixture of fake surprise and genuine awe as the titanic form of Anor leaped from his hiding spot behind the hedge, spreading both his wings fully and obscuring the brightly lit full moon behind him. Despite the great shadow that was cast and the ranger's shout of warning, Fiola was barely able to turn her head sideways before one of the dragon's clawed hands sent her to the ground with just enough force to avoid any actual injury. She began screaming at Arich for help, but Anor moved his head closer to issue a warning in a rough, deep voice.

"Another word from you, and you shall not watch the sun's ascent tomorrow, or ever again." Fiola immediately ceased her screaming, but still whimpered and trembled with fear as she couldn't turn her head enough to see what had attacked her.

Anor looked up, seeing the strange amulet had slid from the woman's grasp and fallen a few steps from where Arich was standing. In a meek voice, he had to pose the question: "What are you going to do to us?"

"Listen to my instructions carefully and you needn't discover what I am capable of," the dragon replied. "Do you see the amulet on the ground, boy?" Arich quickly nodded. "Send it past the hedge."

"No, Liam!" Fiola yelled out in despair. "You can't let him- agh!"

Arich quickly complied as Anor tightened his grip on his victim, grabbing the amulet and launching it far over the hedge. "Alright, done... are you going to let us go now?"

"I will grant both of you thirty seconds to run back to your little house," the dragon growled as he released his grip on Fiola. "If you fail or turn to face me, they will be the last thirty seconds of your life."

Fiola spent the first few seconds struggling to get back on her feet, and once she managed to do so Anor quickly spun around, swinging his tail against her head and sending her sprawling across the grass until she came to a stop near Arich. The ranger took one look at her head, seeing a slow trickle of blood, mouthed "Ouch," and took off through hedge, with Anor following behind.

"She's going to be fine, right?" Arich asked as he made his way towards where he assumed the amulet had landed.

You need not fear for the girl's life, Anor responded. He waited for Arich to look towards him and motioned downhill with his head, setting off in that direction. David will be waiting for us here.

Several seconds later, the two had gotten clear of the incline, and Arich could see David leaning against the tree. As he uncrossed his arms upon seeing their return, it became clear he was wearing the amulet.

"Wait, why are you wearing it!?" Arich exclaimed in surprise. "There clearly isn't something right with that necklace. Should I be worried, Anor?"

David held out a hand to stop Arich before he could say any more. "Relax, it's nothing you need to worry about. I'm wearing the amulet so no one else touches it by accident. It doesn't affect me, but save your question for later."

The rider clasped the amulet in his hands, feeling the onyx gemstone and turning it around to examine the five letters on the other side. "You did good finding this thing, Arich, even if you did need some help at the end there. I didn't get to see what happened inside, so do you mind telling me how well it went in there while I get this saddle on Anor?"

Arich thinks about what he wants David to hear before they fly back to Chorral.

A. "Couldn't have been easy without Anor. Every task goes a lot smoother with a good pair of eyes in the sky."

B. "Oh, nothing interesting happened inside the mansion. Fiola was the real key here."

C. "Uh, well... about that bow Corey gave me..."

D. (Write-in.)

warp blade a sharp arcane dagger that lets you warp after hitting something
for dishonest people or fledgling riders on a mission
body armor
studded pauldrons provide a small but comforting amount of protection
hopefully they'll still look good after this
trained in combat knowledge of weapon techniques from rider training may be useful
maintain awareness and clarity of thought in chaotic situations. arich cannot panic
elemental knowledge
arich dislikes using magic, but he knows a decent amount of earth and ice spells
✧ a. "couldn't have been easy without anor. every task goes a lot smoother with a good pair of eyes in the sky."

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