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Fandom C L*A N N A D


Sins and sorrows

Co-Owned by @Forest Dragon Slayer


OOC, Rules and Universe & Overview:


Character Overview:

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Makoto stared up to the ceiling when he lay in bed with his hands behind his head. His clock would go off in about 5 minutes, although he was awake for a half an hour already. While staring up the ceiling, Makoto thought of the people he would see again, after a long summer vacation. Mishima, his club manager and girl-friend, not like girlfriend, but she's a friend and she's a girl. He was hyped, yet nervous to play soccer again. Makoto wanted to win the cup this year more than he ever wanted something else. He'd also see his friend Hayashi, who was always willing to help Makoto with anything, really. His alarm began to rang and he put it off immediately. "Here we go again." he sighed. 

Yuuki, Makoto's older sister, offered him to bring him to school. He didn't want to make to big of an intro on his first day. That's why he said: "No thanks, Yuuki, I don't want you stealing the spotlight on the first day." With a big grin on his face.

"Well, well, is that how it is, huh? Still competitive as ever I see?" She said and punched him on his shoulder, harder than expected.

"You know me sis," While rubbing his now sore shoulder.

Yuuki always knew him well. They shared a lot of personality traits and habits, such as the same kind of stupid/not-funny humor. He never had a real good bond with is brother Ichiro, who lived outside of town.

"Itadakimasu" You heard the family say before getting themselves a good breakfast. He always admired his mothers cooking abilities. 

"I'm off!" Said Makoto when he walked out of his house. He decided to walk to school, just like most of the students do. It was a nice temperature with a little breeze every now and then. On the way he heard a voice he didn't know. "Ohayō, Yoshida." A group of girls walked past him, giggling and mumbling about something. He could've sworn the one who greeted him even winked. "Ohayō?" He asked more than he said it with a friendly smile. He checked if there was anything wrong with his appearance, but there wasn't. Happy, yet unsure why he got greeted so nice in the morning, he walked past the dorm where he saw Hayashi. "Hey! Hayashi!" Makoto said as he quickened his pace to catch up with his friend. It was a fine morning, he thought.

@Forest Dragon Slayer
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Eruna laid in her bed happily dreaming. She was in a pretty deep sleep and it did not look like she was going to wake up anytime soon. But the alarm would soon ruin the peaceful sleep she was in. The alarm started going off very loudly more loud then usual actually. The alarm actually scared Eruna and she practically jumped out of her bed when upon hearing it. Once she coal down she through her pillow at it totally annoyed. "Why was that so loud!?" She then got up and quickly got ready for school. After she was done getting dressed she headed into the dinning room to ear breakfast. Her mother was already at the table drinking some tea. "Morning Eruna it's rareto see you up on time." Eruna was about to speak but then though for a moment. "Wait a min your the one that turned up my alarm. You almost gave me a heart attack it was so loud!." Her mother took a sip of her tea. "Well I was pretty sure would live through it." Eruna looked at her slightly stund. "What do you mean by you were pretty sure?!?!" Her  mother smiled not bothering to answer. "Ugh!" Eruna got up from the table. Her mother laughed to herself. "Have good day at school." Eruna stopped walking to the door and looked back at her and smiled. "Will do mama." She then headed out the door.

As she was heading to school she noticed Yoshida. "Well if it isn't the captain." She stopped walking for a moment as a thought came into her mind. She gave a devious smile. "Time for my good morning tackle to for the captain." Eruna had friends but her two close ones were Momoe, who she saw as her best friend, and Makoto. They are all actually part of the soccer team. Momoe being manger and Makoto being captain. Eruna and Makoto had a more of love and hate relationship. She couldn't stand his strict and bossy attitude in practice and which would cause them to argue. She gave a devious smile and quietly approached behind him and then suddenly tackled him yelling out. "Morning Captain!"

@Ezri (mentioned you)


@Forest Dragon Slayer
He just stood next to Hayashi, when someone kicked him on his foot.

"Morning Captain!"

"Damn it Suzumiya!"  Makoto screamed out as he grabbed his foot, hopping on one leg.

"Can't you ever behave yourself?" He yelled at the devious little girl while he stood up and rubbed his hair to the right side. Eruna Suzumiya, a small, hyperactive and upbeat - which Makoto found quite annoying - girl who played on the same team as he did. Makoto would describe her as a "devious little midget" or "gnome' to tease her, and she'd always get mad for it. Although her lack of length, she was really skilled with the ball, quite agile and fierce in a duel. She laughed and Makoto smiled back, with his eyes rolling towards the sky. Suzumiya was the kind of girl whom you could never hate. She was pretty and good company.

"How was your vacation, Suzumiya? And yours Hayashi?" While the three were picking up the papers that fell out of Makoto's bag, when he got tackled.


@Forest Dragon Slayer
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It was a morning like any other morning. Yuuto got up early and began breakfast preparations as his little sister and grandfather have yet to wake up. As the rice began to cook, like always, he went out for a run with a length of about 5 km. His body was physically fit enough to run the entire thing, almost sprinting at times, without breaking much of a sweat nor causing him to breathe heavily. When he got back home, he finished the preparations for breakfast and set it on the table just as his grandfather came into the room. "Morning Grandpa." He said in greeting.

"Good morning Yuuto." The grandfather said before looking around. "Is your sister still not awake?" He asked with a sigh. It was quite normal for the said girl to sleep in even on the first day of school. While that was fine during vacation, it wasn't exactly good at this point in time.

"I'll go wake her up..." Yuuto said with his own sigh as he wished his little sister would someday wake herself up now that she was almost of high school age. He went to his sister's room and knocked on the door. "Hisako, it's time to get up already." He said to no avail not to his surprise. "I'm coming in." He said before entering his little sister's room. As expected, she was still buried underneath her covers sound asleep. "Hisako, get up already..." In response, the girl mumbled for five more minutes. Yuuto decided to go with the direct approach and quickly pulled off the covers, resulting in Hisako curling up into a ball in an attempt to preserve her warmth. "What are you, a pill bug!?!" Yuuto couldn't help but retort. After much effort, he managed to get his sister to wake up somewhat and come down to the table for breakfast.

"So today will be the first day of school for you two?" The Grandfather asked his two grandchildren who were now both in uniform and eating breakfast with him.

"Yup, so we have to go early or else we'll miss the opening ceremony." Yuuto said in response as the two siblings hurried to finish their breakfasts before rushing out the door. "See you later Grandpa!" they said as they did so.

"Remember your training later!" The Grandfather called out after them.

"Got it!" Yuuto said in reply. The two siblings walked down the street together wondering as to how the new school year would go for them. It was then a thought popped into Hisako's head.

"You know Onii-chan, you've gotta think about yourself more sometimes." She said to her older brother with a somewhat stern expression in contrast to her normally carefree one.

"Where'd that come from all of a sudden?" Yuuto said in surprise. While this wasn't the first time this was brought up, this came out of nowhere. 

"You worry so much about other people that you haven't had time to even get yourself a girlfriend!" Hisako exclaimed, shocking Yuuto and making him flustered. "I mean, it's not like you're ugly but you haven't even tried to hit on a girl!"

"Only a small percentage of guys do that..." Yuuto said with a sigh. "And besides, I can't think of any girl who'd want me anyway. I'm not that great." He said with a small smile although it was clear that he didn't have much confidence in this matter.

"What are you talking about!?! You're a martial arts master, you're on the student council, there's a lot of stuff going for you!" Hisako was getting visibly annoyed towards her brother's attitude. "I'm going on ahead!" She then walked at a faster pace, leaving him the dust.

Yuuto continued to walk at his own pace, now thinking about what his little sister said. It wasn't like he never had the thought but as said already, he didn't feel like he was that much of a catch. It was then he heard a voice call out to him. It was a friend of his, Yoshida Makoto. "Morning Yoshida. Ready for our last school year?" He then remembered that Yoshida wanted to make it to the top in the soccer competitions. "You need help again this year practicing your shots? I don't think you'll be able to reach the top if you can't score against me." Due to his reflexes, as a goalie since he could use his hands here, no ball has ever gotten past Yuuto, causing people much frustration. Later on, Suzumiya Eruna came up to them and said her greetings. "Good morning Suzumiya-san how are you?" He said with a small smile.

Yoshida then asked about their vacation. "It was all the usual really, I just trained or helped other people with something." He said good naturedly. "What about you?



@J e s t e r





((OOC: Everyone join in!))
After she greeted the Captain she looked over and noticed Hayashi. "Oh morning! I'm doing fine thanks!" She then looked over towards Yoshida as he asked how their vacation was. "Oh it was fine went to see grandma and grandpa at the hot springs they run. So that was pretty nice. Let me tell ya there is nothing better then a out door bath." She said as she sighed happily. "So what about you about Captain? Was yours ok?" After she said that she noticed she dropped her bag and then bent down to pick it up. "I wonder how the others are I didn't get to see really anyone during vacation."  

@Forest Dragon Slayer

Shino rolled over and peeked over the blanket she had covering her face. She quickly looked out the window, noticing it was already sunrise. 'God damnit' she thought, 'How could a whole night go by and I didn't get any sleep?'. She groaned and sat up, waiting for the rush of dizziness to go away. She slumped over to her alarm, pressing the off button, knowing now that she wouldn't need it anymore. She stood up and starting searching for something, oh, her cigarettes. Quickly she found them, they were under the pillow for some reason. She jammed one in between her lips and lit it before taking a long drag. 

She continued on with her morning ritual, which really didn't take much time. She threw on her rumpled and wrinkly uniform, which she hated, and pulled her un-brushed hair into a ponytail. She realized she smelled of alcohol, 'What happened last night?', and decided brushing her teeth was probably the best. Quickly she did so, and even brushed her hair before putting it up again. It looked more like a birds nest then hair, she couldn't be going anywhere like that. 

Finally she walked out of her bedroom, wishing she could just skip the first day, but of course her grandparents wouldn't let her. She walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a plate shoved into her face. "Good morning, grandmother," she said with a smile before sitting down. Her grandfather sat across from her, he was already digging into his food. He was big and loved to eat, but that made Shino love him all the more. She inspected her own plate and realized it was eggs and toast, more American than her grandmother usually cooks. She dug into it anyways. 

After finishing the quick meal she got up and hugged her grandmother, and kissed the top of her grandfathers head. "We hope you have a great day, Shino," her grandmother said her face lighting up. Shino knew how much it meant to them for her to do better this year, make friends. Too bad it just wasn't her style. She continued smiling anyways, and only stopped when she was out the door, a new ciggerate in her mouth.

Was she late yet? She wasn't quite sure she never looked at a clock in the morning. Her thoughts dissipated when she spotted the growing group of students in their uniforms, going to the same place as she was. She froze up a bit, not quite sure what to do. It's not that she was shy or awkward, her conscious was just battling with her. Part of her wanted to please her grandparents, but another part simply didn't care enough. 
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Kayo Yukimura

Kayo woke up with the feeling of an old bony hand shaking her shoulder gently, rolling to her side to see her grandfather in front of her. "Good morning Chichi*." Her head rising from her bed, pulling herself up to sit on the corner of the bed, her silver hair ends laying against the soft cushion of the bed. Her half-open golden-brown eyes looking a little darker in the dimly lit room, the calendar at her desk marking the date as the first day of school. Her grandfather smiling as he saw where her eyes drifted to,  "Get ready soon, we don't want to keep Sobo* waiting..." She gave a small nod, looking at the imprint of his cane. "Watching your own daughter sleep, how perverted can you get." Her blunt voice reaching the grandfather's ears.

The elder male instantly froze and began to justify his actions, "W-well it's normal for a close family member to uh, watch their dear younger member sleep. Parents do that all the time..." 

"But you aren't my parent."

"You say I am not your father now of all times!"

"But that is just a nickname."

The creaking door of her room having an ominous dark aura coming from it, her wrinkly old grandmother reaching out to drag back her grandfather. "...What were you doing waiting all that time dearie?" The evil aura matching her calm face, obvious who she got that slice of her personality from. She gave a small welcoming smile to Kayo, "Don't worry, I'll deal with your grandfather before breakfast so get ready, we wouldn't want to have you being late of course." Her grandfather groaning and weeping for his life as she gave a small nod to the 'normal' scene of the day. She got ready, wearing the skirt, coat, and blouse that came with the school's uniform policy. Her hands sliding the pale blue clip over her silver hair,  which somewhat acceptable in the school's regulations if she was correct on that.

After having breakfast with the now-bruised grandfather and smiling grandmother, she picked up her bag, putting it over her shoulder before stepping outside. "I'm off!" She announced to the old couple, walking through the groups of students, eavesdropping and interrupting their conversations as she went through the crowd. Her brutal honesty not helping her social reputation this year either. Although, she did manage to find a few that liked her enough to call her 'friends', and by a few, she meant around two or three. The majority of them being in the Student Council and some of them in the Choir if she was stretching it. However, from where she was in the crowd, it was difficult to try to search for one of those few people to talk to them as they walked.
Momoe quickened her pace, growing increasingly worried that she wouldn't make to school on time despite it still being early. Since it was the first day of the new semester her parents had offered to drive her to school, but she insisted on walking herself. Thinking back to the discussion she sighed -- showing up at school in a car would draw a lot of attention, wouldn't it? It wasn't like she was too good to walk or something, and it was good to enjoy the weather and the fresh air. She slowed her pace for a moment, looking through the other groups of students as they passed hoping to see someone she knew. Just as she was getting disheartened however, she finally spotted some familiar faces and hurried towards them.

"Oh, good morning everyone!" Momoe waved and approached the group with a warm smile. Eruna was her excitable best friend, and Makoto was a good friend and teammate as well. "It's nice to see you both again, Eruna-chan, Yoshida-san! I hope you enjoyed yourselves during the break." Her family kept her pretty busy talking about the inn over the interim and she hadn't been able to hang out with people her own age much. Coming back to school was almost a relief, and now that she could see her friends again she hoped they would have fun stories to tell her.

Momoe suddenly seemed to remember that there was a fourth person among them, and she covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh, please excuse me! You're Hayashi-san, correct? I apologize for not greeting you before..." A small frown appeared on her lips -- what an embarrassing mistake! She didn't know him very well, although she was pretty sure he'd gone to their school for as long as she had, but it was still very impolite to exclude him from their conversation. Hopefully he wouldn't be upset...



@Forest Dragon Slayer
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Yuuto wondered where everyone else was among the crowd as the three of them continued to walk down the street. It was then Momoe Mishima, a manager from the soccer team. Obviously, she greeted her friends Eruna and Makoto first and started talking to them about the break. It was then she finally noticed him and apologized for not greeting him before. "No, don't worry. I'm sure you didn't mean anything mean about it. Good morning Mishima-san." He said with a kind smile to assure her that he wasn't offended or upset.

It was then he noticed a short little person among the crowd. It almost seemed as if she was about to be swallowed up by it. If not for her silver hair, he probably wouldn't have noticed her himself. He managed to spot her hand and grabbed it before gently pulling her out from within the larger crowd she was stuck in. "Good morning Yukimura-san." He said with a smile. "You know, you should be careful not to get caught in a crowd like that. You're so short that people wouldn't notice if they knocked you over." He wanted to tease her a little.

Later on, he noticed another friend of his. Well, this girl was sort of his friend. It was hard to say honestly but he had always made an effort to reach out to her ever since last year when he met her. "Arakawa-san, good morning!" He called out to her with a smile and a wave. "Want to walk to school with us?" He invited her to join them hoping this would lead to her getting more friends. He also worried for her physical health since she smoked and drank even at her age.




@J e s t e r


((Btw Ezri, schools in Japan start in spring, not fall/summer so she'd be talking about spring break not summer break))
Shino's head shot up when she heard her name, it wasn't often people wanted to speak with her. However when she noticed who it was, she immediately regretted making eye contact. She sighed and took one last puff of her cigarette before snuffing it out on the bottom of her shoe. The guy who called out to her, he wasn't a bad guy. He was just annoying to all hell. They had met last year, and since then it seemed like he was bent on fixing her. It was better than nothing she supposed. 

She eyed the crowd he was walking with, and only noticed a few faces. Wasn't that the captain of the soccer team? She wasn't sure. She didn't pay that much attention to sports anymore. Of course there was her 'friend' of who, sadly, she didn't even remember the name of. She didn't even recognize the few girls in the group, however that wasn't very shocking considering her social standing. 

She shrugged and decided to join them anyways. She didn't have anything better to do and it would just be awkward if she declined. She fast walked in order to catch up, and took a stand next to... Yuuto Hayashi. There we go. It was sometimes still hard for her to remember Japanese names, even though her own name was. It could also be due to the fact that she didn't much care to remember anyone's names. "Good morning." She said curtly, and continued walking, only sparing one glance to the group in order to nod her greetings. 

@Forest Dragon Slayer


@J e s t e r


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"My vacation was fine, thanks." Makoto said after being asked how his holiday went. "We went to a house near the coast for two weeks. My brother came along, which was fun, he doesn't visit us very often. He works outside town and lives with his girlfriend there." Makoto heard a voice he recognized immediately. It was the gentle voice of Mishima. "It's nice to see you both again, Eruna-chan, Yoshida-san! I hope you enjoyed yourselves during the break." 

"If it isn't our favorite club manager. How was your holiday?" Said Makoto while they passed the boys dorm. They were nearly at the school gate. He noticed Hayashi talking to a girl he didn't recognize. Wasn't she the girl who always smokes in front school?

@Forest Dragon Slayer


@J e s t e r


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She should have expected it from Eruna, but Momoe was still taken a little off-guard by the other girl's forceful hug. After she recovered from the surprise she laughed and accepted their linked arms, walking along happily with her friend. "Favorite?" Momoe's expression turned puzzled as she looked towards Makoto, but then she broke into a smile. "Aren't I your only club manager? Heheh! My break was fine, thank you for asking."

Another person joined them, and it seemed like they'd formed quite a lively little group. It was much more fun than going to school alone in a car. Momoe had never seen this other girl before, but she looked a little bit rough, and maybe coldly terse. Still, it was better to be friendly; she waved and offered a greeting of her own. "Good morning!"


@J e s t e r



@Forest Dragon Slayer
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