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Fantasy The Ark in Nothingness CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Ark in Nothingness' Character Sheets are now open for submissions.

Approved CSs
Elcea Morngette Mayali Mayali
Quanna Regna Thanny Thanny
Sakura Cerae Miria Miria
Seolfor Silverbell Miria Miria
Zeno Lathlaeril Veritas purplemarble purplemarble
Character Info
Appearance: (can be written description or image, make sure to credit the image's creator though)
Short Personality:
Short Background: (include the 60+-year-old magical scholar approaching and sending/pushing the character through the portal.)

Likes: (Include at least 5)
Dislikes: (Include at least 5)​
Relationship Preferences: (Het, Bi, Homo, etc., but it is optional if you'd rather play the character some before deciding)

Work Prior to Being Sent Through the Portal: (i.e. Scholar, Magical Scholars, Blacksmith, Jeweler, etc.)
Possessions: (Items they had on them when sent through the Portal)
Skills: (Include at least 3)
Magical Spells: (Magic spells are partially like Rune Ability Spells in Rune Factory. For example, the Cure, Cure All, and Master Cure in Rune Factory are all along the same line of spells, but they all can be leveled up. It is similar here in that those with magic have a small selection of spells starting out that can get strong with practice, but also can get other spells along the same line of spells, or learn other spells from others with different magic. A character with magic can start out with up to three spells. I'm not going to make a spell list, you can make up your own spell functions but keep them along the lines of early Rune Factory abilities.)

Additional Info
Misc.: (Anything else you'd like to include about your character)
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(Due to time constraints I just found a fitting image online)

  • Name: Elcea Morngette
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Appearance: The paleness hanging over her complexion and red hair isn't really to the point of being sickly, but it still stands out in how much both contrast with the dark pink eyes she possesses. Other than that, her clothing style makes it clear that she must've come from at least a moderately well-off family as it is too fanciful for her to have come from anything else than someone well-known.
    Short Personality: Shy, but protective, Elcea will opt to put others before herself no matter how often they may make her flustered over something. Her patience, likewise, will seem calm and endless as long as there is no actual danger present for her to potentially throw herself headlong into.
    Short Background: Elcea Morngette came from a family consisting predominately of Magical Scholars. One of her two siblings, her parents, her uncle, two of her three living grandparents, and two of her grand aunts/uncles are Magical Scholars, and coming from that long line of such she too also ended up in that profession. Several of her relatives had enlisted with the Human kingdom to take part in studying the Corruption and her parents' fixation carried over to Elcea as she too intended to enlist. However, her grandfather, Malkét Morngette, came to her shortly after Elcea had become a full-fledged Magical Scholar. He told her she would have another calling, that she was to be among those who would survive. Her protests that she wanted to study the Corruption and do her part to protect others seemingly fell onto deaf ears seeing as he still sent her through the portal he'd opened.
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Character Info

Quanna Regna
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Scintillate
Appearance: With water-swirled hair greener than her skin and muddy brown eyes, Quanna has perplexed many a landbound individual with her presence outside of the swamps and rivers. Her face is that of persistent curiosity, and her hands hardly remain still with a need for keeping busy. Dressed in farming garb more meant for ruggedness and comfort, and handling a crooked walking stick, she does not have much visual appeal, but appearances can be deceiving. Beneath this facade lies the strange true form of a Scintillate, the fishlike water folk -- a form she has not shown to anyone who passed through yet.

Short Personality: Quanna is persistently curious about whatever she could possibly learn, though her skill set chiefly revolves around agriculture and the rearing of livestock. She is mercurial and willing to give many things a try, as long as it does not breach the centuries of tradition of a Scintillate and her own ethics, but many may consider her eccentric and hard to understand. While this is so, children attract to her like with magnetism, interested in her differences and childlike nature. With the corruption, she holds a special interest and fear, as according to Scintillate myths and legends the oceans and its depths are the gods' demesnes, and the corruption seems as if a disaster brought upon by a jealously protective god.

Short Background: Born from a human father and a Scintillate mother through a greatly forbidden marital union, Quanna was quick to learn that she was unique compared to other children, unable to transform into that of a true human, but able to alter into the likeness of her mother's people. Efforts were soon made to hide her true existence within fields and grazing animals, which she took a great liking to. Plants, sheep, and goats were her bread and butter until she was fifteen, when she could not hold back her curiosity and wandered into town to sate herself. This turned out to be the best decision. In meeting new people, gaining acceptance from others, and becoming more than a farmhand, she gained connections and information. She wove, sewed, built, tried rhetoric, and entertained, making her an effective teacher and learner. Perhaps this could have been her calling if not for the devastation caused by the corruption, and the eventual demise of all that she knew. Her mother and the occupants of her native land were ultimately doomed to be swallowed by the corruption, which made her think for the future, for the children. Of those chosen to live on, she could help reform civilization, at least according to the magical scholar that had learned of her existence. The answer was simple, and once the opening to a dimension beyond her own yawned open she did not resist being sent through.


Medicinal plants and crops, fish, learning new skills, shiny things, kindness, acceptance, anything sweet
Dislikes: Negativity, cold, crowding, heights, arachnids and insects, impatience.
Relationship Preferences: Het


Work Prior to Being Sent Through the Portal:
Farmhand, Teacher, Weaver
Possessions: Shepherd's crook, a mortar and pestle, a knife, and a flint rock.
Skills: Transformation between half human form and Scintillate form,
Magical Spells: [Never did play Rune Factory very far, so I will try my best to match.]

Water Magic: Water Squirt -- fires up to one gallon (4 litres) of water in an area or to one target.
Water Magic: Healing Mist -- heals slight injuries of up to three people at a time within fifteen feet (4.6 metres).
Scintillate Magic: Mark, Recall -- Marks a location that one can return to with Recall. Greater distance means greater chance of failure. Optimal distance is 50 feet (15 metres).

Additional Info

Ties a blue ribbon around her right wrist for an uncertain purpose.

  • Name: Zeno Lathlaeril Veritas

    Age: 26 human years

    Gender: Male

    Race: Elf

    Appearance: [coming soon I haven’t managed to settle on a look yet but it’ll be a long haired tall boi :3]

    Short Personality: + Altruistic + methodical + hardworking + romantic + charismatic || – bossy – controlling (here, let me do it) – stubborn perfectionist – a little vain
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It's the Prince!

Happy The Promised Neverland GIF by HIDIVE
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and if you don't celebrate it, hope the days have been well.

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