The Arena (Rp Thread)

Kiro Akira

Kagura's Yarn

Warped to different dimension

Appearance change slightly

Arena based

No guns

Medieval style weapons

Just tagging

everyone in the rp

so they can find

it easier




@Ember Bare



You began your day as any other average person would, it went as planned and everything had seemed perfect. But that was before you went to sleep. As you slept a small light emitted through your window and engulfed you pulling you from your bed. It was quiet and harmless but as you awoke you would open your eyes to a new world. (Choose your starting place and be creative with it please? I like creativity and such, and it gives you choices on what you want to do. Explanation of the "world" will be explained shortly)

Around your neck would be a necklace with a pendant on it holding a gem in the center, if you would try to remove it a small shock would be emitted to your body as well as the necklace feeling like dead weight unable to be removed. Aside from the necklace would be a weapon laying next to where you awoke. (If you choose magic this does not apply.) Also a small change in your appearance will be seen if you look at yourself in the water or some form of mirror.

The land you come to:

The coliseum will be in the center of the island you woke up on. The island is fairly large and has free roam capabilities when a battle is not going on in the coliseum. At time during battle, everyone must be there to witness the battle due to a possibility of them being up next. From the coliseum it is surrounded by a large forest, to the North of it will be a semi-large beach area. The water is crystal clear in this area and the sand is a golden yellow. At night the beach holds a soft glow when the moon hits it giving it an amazing look at night. To the East of the island is a large medieval village. Filled with shops, a statue of the founder of it, as well as a church, black smith. Just about everything you could ever imagine. When night hits this sector everything seems to die off to an undead nightmare.To the West of the coliseum is a large desert area. It's a practical wasteland but somewhere in the desert another small village can be found much like the one to the East, At night tho. The entire desert frosts over and becomes a winter icefield. Everything is frozen solid as if it were like that for millions of years. And lastly, the South of the island is much like a tropical wonderland. Various fruits and vegetables can be found, snakes even. Just a basic rain forest with a little twist when the night comes. At night the rain tropical forest begans to alter, trees shift and block your way back, theres even word of werewolves and other mythical beasts lurking about.

(After your opening post this will apply)

From that point the gem on your chest would begin to glow and point towards the coliseum as if motioning for you to head for it.When the coliseum would be reached you would come to a large front gate which opened as you had come close to it. Inside there could be seen a large dining hall, the table would hold about twenty people at once as well as a single chair at the end for the "host" Others who suffered the same fate would soon show up or already be there as well.


1.No god modding

2.Obey Site rules

3. No bunnying

4.Don't rush ahead of everyone

5.No perfect character, it's annoying

6. @XEmptiness and me run the rp and ideas


All fights will be chosen at random and at random times

When your not in battle and roaming the island, you can be attacked by anyone or anything

You can play an NPC and attack someone

Safe Zones:

Either villages East and west. Besides at night

The Coliseum

Theres a few shacks inside the tropical forest which are safe zones

Sign Up Thread:
Kiro sighed softly as he laid down into his bed. It was a long day at school, not to mention he had to work after that. It was only 9 o clock but it felt so much later then that. It felt as if he had stayed up all night studying for his semester test in college. The boy sighed softly only to close his eyes and relax. It was comfortable and felt as if he would be sleeping on a cloud. Kiro had shifted around in the bed only to sit up grumbling realizing his comfy spot wasn't all to comfy. He then yawned and moved around the bed and removed the covers to lay down there and reside back to being comfy. He smiled softly closing his eyes as he had drifted off to sleep.

Kiro soon awoke in a small field just south of the coliseum. It wasn't a large open field so he was still surrounded by trees holding berries and things of that sort. Kiro would then sit up quietly blinking a few times and look around the area before standing up and peering off into the distance, he would double take a few times and began to wander about exploring the field. "Is this a dream?.........Or not?" He mumbled to himself and looked to his hand before biting at his finger seeing if the pain would set in and awake him from his sleep. Yet Kiro had winced closing his eyes tightly feeling a sharp cut enter where he bit. The boy would then feel on his teeth realizing his fangs had become sharper, yet the rest of his teeth had stayed the same. "Hm...."

Kiro sighed softly and continued to wander the field before entering the forest, his stomach grumbling softly as the smell of fresh fruit entered his nose. He would then glance about only to see a banana tree nearby. Rushing to the tree, Kiro smiled and climbed the base of it until he was a few feet off the ground and in range of a patch of bananas hanging off one of the higher limbs. He would then pick one off, and begin to peel it eating it.
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Gryphon stumbles through the door to her house, muscles aching from practice. She stretches out her arms before tossing her backpack to the side. Practice had run long, going from two hours to four. She unravels her long black hair from it's bun atop her head, running her fingers through the long, thick mass. She jogs up the stairs and collapses on her bed, barely staying awake. She still has heaps of homework to do, but just isn't in the mood right now. She rolls onto her side, gazing at the clock. Still only six, and she's starving. To lazy to go downstairs, her eyes search her room, spotting nothing. Her eyes slowly drift shut and her body shuts down, putting her to sleep.

Eyes fluttering open and long red hair mashed over her face, Gryphon looks around in confusion before realizing that her hair is the bright fiery red, alight with the fire from her temper. She pushes it away from her face, and looks around in confusion. She's stuck in the middle of a large field, nothing else in sight. Her brow furrows in confusion, and she takes off at a light jog, looking around. In a couple of minutes, she's at a tree that looked to be miles away. Eyes wide in confusion, she barely even feels tired, as if she just took a couple of short steps. Gryphon wanders around, trying her best not to take off running. Her new ability scared her.

Coming to a small grove of trees, she glances around. Looking up into the trees, and deciding that it isn't worth the effort to climb them right now. She notices a boy in a tree, and shouts up at him "What is this place?"
Walking into his room with a big old grin on his face,Shan fiddled with little rag dolls hanging from his ceiling by nooses."Well that was a lovely day."He said sarcastically to himself and then started rambling about what sounded to be math,science,and random junk that didn't seem to fit but even though he sounds like a complete mess he was very smart. His room was covered in paper and each paper covered in sketches,drawings,notes, and some were pictures he had taken. Then three screens hung from one wall with a desk right below them,a keyboard,mouse,and a stereo sat on the desk with speakers set on the floor on both sides of the desk,even more papers covering them and the desk.His bed was the only clear spot in the room it seemed and sat against the wall across from his desk.As he rambled he had walked over to one of the walls with a pencil trying to find a clear area,after finding one he quickly jolted things down before he forgets."Gees what a pain,first they have a malfunction with the system and expect me to fix it then completely cut it all off as if they never started the project..."He said to himself and paused everything for a moment,then burst out laughing."Oh their hopeless."He then went across his room and opened a door to his closet wasn't able to be seen at first because of the papers,taking off his shirt he tossed it in a basket in his closet and grabbed a new one. Jumping in bed he leaned down and grabbed a pad of paper and a remote,aiming his remote he turned the stereo on and listened to music as he continued to write. After hours of his working around here and there he checked the time and sighed seeing it was getting really late,"Oh well,guess I'll work on it tomorrow."He chuckled and left everything he was doing where it was,then turned his lights off and went to bed.

Opening his eyes he looked around,trees stood all around him and the leaves above him moved with a soft breeze he could feel blowing. Sitting up he looked around again and pinched himself just incase,seeing this wasn't a dream he smiled and hopped up to his feet he started walking calmly with his hands resting behind his head."Nice,crazy but still it is interesting."Walking on he started thinking of what he had stopped doing last night,then got a funny feeling he was being watched and turned around. Seeing nothing he shrugged his shoulders and carried on as the feeling went away,seeing the trees slowly start to lower in numbers he figured they'd clear out soon. Then he heard someone and went to go investigate,seeing some girl with really red hair which wasn't hard to spot."Oh well looky here..."He said with a smile,not hiding what so ever he just watched seeing where she was looking he looked as well and saw someone else."Wow,wonder how many more there are..."He wonder to himself.
After a long day of school and homework and doing crap right afterwards, the teenaged girl had decided to hit the hay, taking the scenic route early into dreamland. She quickly changed from a typical baseball tee, a black plaid skirt, black silk socks, and school shoes into her silly-looking pair of pajamas with frills and laces, donning it quite nicely with her cute brown hair in twin tails and blue eyes. Her brother, who she had supposed was still up working on his own homework or something socially related, might have just decided to do the same and go to sleep. But she didn't care much about this; she was tired, and the bed was calling her name. Begging for her to meet with it.

Lorelei, this normal kid, hopped into bed and threw the sheets over her. She didn't bother shutting off the lights, or setting her alarm. She supposed she'd have to deal with whatever happened when she woke up.

But, she wasn't expecting what had actually happened when she woke up.

Lorelei woke up with a grunt, like she always does. She grabbed onto the psuedo-sheets ontop of her and rolled onto her side, not wanting to wake up just yet. But what she grabbed for was air... And the side of her face wasn't met with bed. Instead of being in the warm comfort of her room, she was somewhere else. Some kind of beach. The water drew up to her face and almost drowned her, causing her to stumble up and cough up the water that made itself into her mouth and nose. What the heck? Lorelei rose a hand to her face, wiped... Sand? Off of her face, then looked around to see what the hell had happened. Initially she had thought, without looking, that her father had dumped water on her from her bed, but upon looking around she concluded that she wasn't where she was before. Where the hell did she go to? She strictly remembered going to sleep, not to a dumb beach trip and sleeping right at the shore. Lorelei crawled over to the water and stared into it, seeing if this were really real. She knew, from experience, that mirrors often gave the wrong reflection in dreams. Water was the same. She could see her figure, but instead of her pretty brunette self, she had pink hair and red eyes.

She stared at herself in the water in horror. Then, all at once, she had her outburst.

"What, what the hell!! I'm not a damn anime character! I HOPE THIS ISN'T A F*CKING PRANK!!" Lorelei hit the water hard with her fists. She stood up, facing south angrily. Then she realized, she normally wasn't this angsty either.

With just getting done with his usual daily schedule, Baransu was heading back to his house where he had lived alone due to his parents having jobs that forced them to be away from home most of the time. It was around seven o'clock in the evening as the young man was coming from his Martial Arts academy. Walking up the road with a plain facial expression he approached the front yard of his home, though he paused for a moment from feeling something out of the ordinary. Glancing up at the night sky he stared at the stars as well as the moon which illuminated a glow upon his fair complexion. After a few seconds, he realized there was nothing there and decided to continue into his front door, unlocking it and entering his home. Upon entering he walked up the stairs leading to a hallway leaving the lights off, usually doing so to practice his other senses. Baransu was slightly paranoid and was always on alert, subconsciously thinking that there was an intruder in his home, he truly did despise people from past events in his life.

Opening his bedroom door he stepped inside and walked towards his bed, dropping down his duffle bag with equipment inside. Reaching towards his lamp which was on top of a shelf next to his bed, he flicked on the switch which spread a dim light throughout his room. Sitting on his bed he let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes for a few moments contemplating on how his day went. Standing back up he removed his clothing and wrapped his waist with a towel he used the previous night. Walking out of his room he went into the bathroom and showered, always being refreshed and ready for bed after a nice shower. After he was finished he walked back into his room and put on fresh underwear, sitting down he felt his stomach growl but was too tired and worn out to care. Drying his hair until it was damp he hung the towel on his bed post, turned off the light, set his alarm for six o'clock in the morning and laid on his back staring up at the ceiling. After a few minutes he slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Baransu frequently dreamt of the world coming to an end, sometimes in different ways but mostly in flames and destruction. While asleep he dreamt of horrible things. The sound of people screaming, the feeling of an evil aura shrouding his body and taking over. He turned and mumbled, and suddenly woke punching the air around him while sweating slightly. In his blurred vision he could see leaves and branches around him burning to a crisp, along with a feel of high temperature surrounding him. Gasping for air he stood up on his feet and immediately had to catch his balance as he noticed he was standing in a nest like structure at the top of a really high tree. Baransu's eye's widened as he stared down, only seeing tree branches and the color of green. Feeling a sharp pain going from his head to his eyes he winced and palmed his face with both his hands, clenching down on his teeth as the pain subdued slowly.

Remaining still for a moment and trying to clarify what was going on he lifted both of his hands and stared at them, having the feeling that he was something completely different. "Is this... A dream...? It can't be, this is too real..." Looking back at the burns he inflicted on the area around him, he realized that they were from his own hands. He couldn't explain it, but he felt stronger, and while looking off into the distance he knew he was here for some sort of reason. Fixing his eyes down to where he woke, he spotted two weapons, a fairly long tachi and a shorter blade, which he equipped immediately. The clothing he was wearing was different and was conveniently set for the type of weapons he had. Suddenly he heard a shout which made his ear twitch a bit, it was faint but it sounded like a females voice. His expression turned into an angry one and while taking a breath he leaped from the top of the tree, grabbing onto a thick branch and began to make his way toward the sound, leaping from tree to tree. Baransu noticed how quick and agile he was, this surprised him at first but he felt a rush of adrenaline which excited him ignoring any fears he had.

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A pencil mark here, an eraser mark there and finally, Blake had finished his math homework. "After one hour of this, I think I deserve a break." he said, letting out a small sigh before rubbing his fatigued eyes. He put his head down onto his pillow before raising it back up to take a look at his alarm clock, grabbing it off of his night stand and setting the alarm for an earlier time. He then placed the clock back onto the night stand and turned off his lamp, his face crashing back onto his pillow, for what he would hope to be a nice long sleep. He grabbed his blanket and threw it over his body, covering his face to black whatever light made its way through the blinds on his window. He closed his eyes and let his music blare from his headphones, peacefully drifting off to sleep after some ten minutes, which to him, had felt like hours.

He slept for some several hours, until feeling some type of light source peek through his eyelids. He thought maybe it was the lamp or that somebody had opened the window shade. Morning already? It didn't matter either way, since it was bright enough to get him to barely open his eyes and look to find a way to turn off this light source. He looked around trying to observe where the light was coming from, but hadn't expected to see what was all around him. He quickly got up and looked around, noticing that he was in a cave. At first, it had seemed as if the cave itself was glowing, but upon closer inspection, it appeared to be some type of bioluminescent fungi which kept the cave lit. "Great, I'm in a f*cking cave..." Blake said to himself, throwing his hands to his sides before looking around, checking himself for any missing things. Mainly clothes and appendages, obviously his house and family were gone. Well, not all of his family, as he had yet to figure out. "I need to get out of this damn place..." he muttered, turning around and walking that direction, hoping to find his way out. The fact that the number of bioluminescent fungi was decreasing was the tell tale sign that a more natural light source was around, and within a span of several minutes, he had exited through the cave entrance.

He again looked at the surrounding area, finding the more tropical climate confusing, trying to find an explanation behind all of this. There was no way that it was a dream. He knew when he was dreaming, and this was most definitely not a dream. "I need to find somebody who actually has a clue about this and get some answers." he muttered, grabbing a somewhat sharp rock from the ground and walking, marking trees with x's as he continued, hoping to find somebody soon. With any luck, he would find somebody who had a clue about what was going on.
Hex walked into his room and fell face down onto his pillow, it had been a long day at school. "Stupid GCSE's." he shouted but it was muffled by his face in his pillow. All he wanted to do now was sleep and sleep and then......more sleep and hope that school would be cancelled forever. As he curled into a ball and attempted to sleep one of his eyes opened to look at hims alarm clock. He hit a button on it which set the automatic alarm and let his hand fall to the side of the bed before drifting off into a deep, amazing sleep.

Hex felt the sunlight break his sleep, "curtains!" He mumbled, "I thought I shut you?!" Slowly Hex pried his eyes open and shielded them with his hands as the burning sunlight seared his corneas. He started to blink rapidly and look around. He wasn't too far from the coliseum, around him were immense trees standing high and leaving multiple shadows in the emerging sun. He looked to the left as he heard water and saw a glistening river leading into a massive lake that reflected everything, again in the light. Hex got up and went over to the lake. He looked in and saw the same kid 15 year old kid that had been sleeping in his bed not too long ago, but now he had noticed his hair, it was black. Hex put a hand to his head where his dirty blonde hair should have been, but it wasn't dirty blonde anymore, now it was black. He didn't panic about this just smiled, he liked the change, "Black suites me." He grinned but then he noticed the gem on the necklace around his neck.

Hex stood back from the lake and took the end of the necklace in his hands, "I don't like Jewellery!" She scowled before attempting to rip it off with great force. He winced as he felt the sharp electric pain run through his body, it was awful to feel that pain. He shut on eye and let go of the necklace, it stopped. Hex sighed gratefully and decided it wasn't clever to grab the necklace. He decided to take a little tour around this pace, he was good enough at surviving and maybe this was a dream? Who knows, his dad had thought him a lot about survival and life. Hex decided to venture off into the wilderness.

(My longest post EVER)
Kiro jumped nearly falling out of the tree when he was spoken to, a small flame lighting a nearby patch of grass. "Woah!" He let himself flip upside down looking to the female staring at her softly. "H-hello there. You scared me for a second there. Um.......I don't know what this place is really, I just kind of made it here myself, woke up and boom I was here. Saw the tree got hungry and took a banana, thats all I know." He said before grabbing the branch with his hands and letting himself flip backwards and swing onto another branch. Kiro then proceeded to move down the tree until he had reached the ground smiling softly. "Kiro Akira, pleased to meet you."

The boy's eyes would only stop for a moment before glancing to the burning patch of grass, not giving the female time to respond he rushed over and patted the burning pile trying to put the flames out only to succeed moments later. He then smiled softly looking to the male who was not to far from the two and pointed. "Hey look someone else. Hey sir! Do you know where we are?"
Gryphon jumped backwards, slightly surprised but refrained from moving otherwise. Whenever she did, it freaked her out. "Sorry..." She says shortly "Same here." She adds, then watching him get off the tree, impressed with his agility. She ignored her starving stomach, eyes flickering to the tree. There was no time for that right now "I'm Gryphon, nice to meet you too." She says, before noticing that he'd run off. With a roll of her eyes, she attempts to jog over and is slightly startled once she appears to be what feels like a quarter mile away. Cursing under her breath, she walks back, trying to keep her speed under control. Once she reaches the group she turns to the boy, Kiro, she says "Gryphon, nice to meet you too." Before adding to the both of them "Have either of you noticed anything... weird... about yourselves? My hair should not be red, and somehow, when I try and just walk I run." She says, slightly embarrassed.
"Ada boy, pick up those feet, moves those arms , breathe in that toxic air ...but don't stop running." Eon spoke as she jogged in place since the other new recruits were slow on their feet. A smaller boy with white hair coughing as he covered his mouth. "Sir how much longer till we reach the free zone." The boy spoke to the tall female who stood above the young ones. Her red hair spiked but held down by a metal head gear that covered more of her forehead than her hair. "Asking questions is not part of the entrance ceremony. This right of passage involves nothing but your mind and body, now let me see those legs moving."

Eon said before turning her back toward him and looked out toward the right. "MOVE OUT." The smaller boy looked at her face like when a camera zoomed in on it's main star. She was beautiful and strong. Had quite the attitude and to much energy to waste. He tried his best inhaling the smoke from the running factories. He forced his legs to move on but after the hill they had just ran up they only moved but an inch in front of the other. He felt weak at the time, unable to do anything. His heart jumped though when he heard chains and barking. Cops screaming while some firing off their guns. "WHY ARE THEY SHOOTING AT US." Eon sneered before pulling the boy by his collar. Eon was apart of a world wide group. Families placed all over the world due to the money they had to spend.

She was only scouted three years ago but she had already made it up to the ranks. Taking on this task was because she had a week before she was shipped out again. "Oi oi oi, pay attention and move your legs kid. It's either you get running like the rest or your left behind to fend for yourself. " Eon said before turning again and running off around the corner. Her hair bounced and it was shiny , well when the sun found a crack through all the pipes and smoke around the,. He was dazed by her, how much she could do under a situation like this. "YOU THERE HAULT." The boy turned around. The cop so close to him he could feel the heat falling off of him. The cop wasted not time and lifted his gun to strike the boys head. The boy closing his eyes tightly before he heard clanks of metal hit.

He reopened them, her head gear blocking the gun's path. The dogs teeth tightly on to her leg while the other cop had grabbed her wrist. She stood strong , her eyes cold but her lips , her face she was smiling. The boy reached for her but her jaw tightened. Her glare sliding toward his own eyes. "Boy run." The boy shirked before her turned around and ran. Slugging behind and stumbling as he tripped over a pipe. "A woman like you protecting a kid... I am surprised, it's not like you." Eon smirked before she lunged for his throat but instead lunged into another world , her head gear slamming against a trunk of a tree. She gritted her teeth as she fell to her knees, slamming the side of her fist into the trunk. "THE HELL."

She looked up , her eyes filled with rage as she looked around. She was about to kill two cops and a dog that needed to know when to bite. she hissed as she stood to her feet, putting her hands on her hip. "The fuck am I..." She looked around more , before walking out into the open. She felt like she was in anime , the wind rushed past her making her hair fly in front of her face. She held it back though with her hand as she looked up toward the two suns and open field that led to a tall building that was a few ways ahead. "Oh fuck me."
Mattin was just getting back from his part-time job as a "Back-room employee." at the bookstore less than a mile from his college dormitory. He spent the day cataloguing new books, making a list of overdue customers- the bookstore would often rent books out to people, much like a library. He talked to no one, and no one talked to him. It was just the way he loved it- and hoped it would stay that way. ..Why couldn't he just disappear? He wasn't benefitting anybody- and there was no one who benefitted him. His parents abandoned him as soon as he was old enough to go to a university. Damn parents- they were supposed to be there for you.

He started to count all of the things he hated about his life on his fingers.

Depression. Ink. Pain. Sweat. Tedious work. Agony. Hunger. Anger. His parents. The world. His college dormitory.

And so many more....

....He was going to need more fingers.

Mattin wasn't even looking at the road as he crossed. He didn't need to. The traffic was stopped. He walked with everybody else. He bumped into somebody, sliding his hands into their pocket, and taking out their wallet and phone. "Sorry!" Mattin mumbled quickly, and the man spoke about how it was no problem. ...How wrong that man was. Mattin continued on, and the man stopped to feel around in his pocket for his phone. He figured he had put it in his suitcase that was with him. He flicked it up and open quickly, unexpecting.

The light turned green.

And the pavement turned red.

Mattin looked on from the sidewalk, unfeeling. He didn't even care. Why would he? It was the survival of the fittest- clearly this man wasn't cut out for it. Mattin turned around, walking home. Everybody else was frozen to the spot, many people screaming- so much screaming.. People flipped out their phones, calling the police as fast as they could dial. The police arrived, and Mattin departed.


Mattin opened the door to the dormitory, and walked inside. No one shared the room with him. It was a two-person room, but his roommate had contracted some virulent disease from somewhere. Just another thing he hated about the world. Sickness. He put his new "treasure" in a drawer, and fell onto his bed. He set his alarm for two a.m. He would work better in the morning; he always did.

But the morning would never come.

Mattin rubbed a blade of grass between his fingers. Grass. ...Wait, grass!?! He sat up like a rocket, standing up. The area around him was covered in vegetation, and the grass was just some of it. He felt elated, however, and for one reason. "There's no peo-!" He stopped. There was movement ahead of him. "Damnit, so close...." He mumbled. Why couldn't he have a break from it all? Next to him was a pair of claws. He slid them on, and with his strong hands, wrists, and forearms, it was easy to wield them. As he looked down, however, a strand of silver hair fell in front of his eyes, and he saw his new clothing.. He was dressed, (rather fashionably) in an old general's uniform? Strange...

Quite curious...
Hester stammered through the door of his house. He was meet with the usual "Hello, honey how was you day?" and "How are you feeling?" Hester ignoring the questions from his wife. After training with his seals buddies. After a short time sitting in his recline chair, He decided to head to bed. He entered his bedroom, his head hit the pillow with a thud. Feathers shooting in the air. His eyes would begin to close slowly. His muscles relaxing. Finally he felt relaxed.

When he awoke he was in a farm house to the east. He was on the cold ground. He was warring some leather, and some fluffy junk as pants. He looked around trying to find something that he could find useful. The only thing he could find useful was a pair of oddly shaped knives that curved down around his knuckles. He put them in a leather sheathe that was outside the door. He walked out the door, and found a village. He walked out, trying to find out what was going on.

He walked up to a man dressed in robes, who he guessed was in power."excuse me, can you tell me what is going on?" he got no response. "Excuse me sir, I asked you a question." He grabbed the guy in robes's shoulder. He was answered with force, and thrown out of the village. So he began to walk around the island trying to find some reasonable people.
Hex walked for awhile through the vast greenery, he started to get angry not know where he was going. His hand by his bad curled to look as I'd he was holding a ball and he stood still. Then it happened, in his hand there was a dark energy like ball. Hex held his palm infront of him to look. "Whoa!" The energy whirled and shifted around like a snake scrambling away. Hex wasn't standing there long when he started to hear voices. He clenched his jaw and put his hand to his side. The dark energy changed into a katana and he gripped it tightly.

As Hex walked through the wilderness again he could hear the voices closer and closer and closer. He decided to run as he hear something behind him which made him stop in his track and freeze turning around. This was when he found out, as he started running he could feel his feet moving fast. Then as he got more into it he could see that he was going faster than he ever had done before, a lot faster. Hex, still clenching the katana, ran towards the side of a tree and launched himself up it. He grabbed a high branch with both hands and swung onto it to listen.

Continuing to dash and leap onto the thick tree branches, his movements and agility increased the more he moved and got used to his agile abilities. He felt himself draw closer to where he previously heard the voice from, when suddenly a glow began to shine from a necklace around his neck which he was completely unaware of. Being slightly startled from this, he noticed that the gem on his necklace was pointing towards a certain direction. Figuring with all of the strange things that were going it would be best to go into the direction to where this gem was pointing too, wherever that might be. As the trees in front of him seemed like a blur to his quick movements, directly in front of him now was a young man with jet black hair. He was within the trees, and seemed like he was investigating on two other people on the ground level.

As Baransu approached this person, it seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion, his eyebrows furrowed as his red eyes glared at this person. Noticing a weapon within this young mans hand, Baransu immediately began to draw his tachi from the satchel attached to his belt with the cutting edge downward. Having a sudden intent to kill as he was in mid air only a few feet from him, Baransu made a quick hand gesture waving his weapon sideways attempting to slice the young man's head off. His jacket and hair moved within the wind at the speeds he was going and with a wicked grin he hoped that he wouldn't be noticed in time for him to make his kill.

Hex looked intently for the people who connected to the voices. He froze as he heard some strange movement. It was like fast running, very fast running. He honed in his sense and redoes himself gripping the blade tighter and tighter, he heard the footsteps weaken to nothing and he relaxed alittle looking for the people through the trees again.

It was only when a person came right up close could he hear the breathing, he made his breathing silent and listened as he heard someone just feet away from him. Hex wasn't scared, his dad had taught him about this stuff and so he was readied for the attack. As he heard the blade swing towards his head with a foul whining noise he turned within and instant clashing his katana with the blade. Holding the blade off he looked up to see the owner, an adult much older than himself stood there with an evil grin on his face. Hex returned the grin and looked at him in the same dodgy way.

As his blade clashed with the young mans blade a lightning sound filled the area causing slight sparks to shoot out from their weapons. Baransu glared into the eyes of his target for a few seconds, subconsciously marking him for dead, but that wouldn't happen just yet. There was something he needed to do for right now, before any blood could be spilled he needed to figure out his purpose here. He felt as though he could read the thoughts of this person, and at that single strike he somehow knew they would draw blades again. Using his upper body strength and the weight from the speeds he was moving, Baransu forced the young man's blade out of his way sliding his tachi off of his katana and pushed forward stepping onto another tree branch. Before fleeing the area he glanced at the people below for a split second, and within a few seconds was out of sight.

His mood changed into a frustrated one, he could not explain why but had a feeling it was because he didn't have his way back there. Sheathing his weapon, he spotted a glimmer of light just ahead of him, and dashing out of the last remainder of trees he landed onto the grass and began to sprint out into a large field continuing to follow where the gem was leading him too. While running with great speeds he spotted another male with eyes as red as his though cat-like within the field staring towards where he was coming from, he stared at him with little emotion though being in a much fouler mood. Feeling the temperature in his body rise, he leaped over the man and shot fire from his fist creating a large circle of fire which would surround the both of them. Landing in front of him he smirked and rushed towards him appearing next to him and attempting a round house towards his backside. His kick held great force and if successful would easily injure the male and have a high chance of paralyzing him if making contact with his spinal cord.

The sparks of lightening thrashed everywhere, he marked this guy as an enemy now and glared into his vicious eyes. Hex saw felt the mans frustrated mood, as the man shot the katana away with force it turned back into dark energy and surged into his hand. Hex was about to send it flying and injure the man but within seconds he saw no more of him. He felt like this wouldn't be the last time they would meet and next time there would be more of a battle. He would be ready, he was always ready.

Hex shook off the thought and looked back down at the people he was invetigating, he may need to make some alliances in here and figured that these two would be perfect. He sat there looking at the views and into the trees and around listening to them talking and waiting for an appropriate time to jump down. He still had the image of that man clashing swords with him and that something went on there and it wasnt normal. A bird perched next to him and squwaked and with this he jumped and fell out of the tree landing in front of the two people he had been watching, "Owch..." He mumbled rubbing his head.


Everyones little necklace should be glowing right about now :P

All of them will be pointing towards the Coliseum.

Hester began to notice that the strange necklace around his neck began to glow. He tried taking it off so that he could follow it in the direction it was pointing but was meet with a shock. "AAAAHHHHHH." He screamed, and fell to the ground. "that's worse then being hit with a tazer and pepper spray combined." He looked at, it was green, it also had a little arrow that was pointing him in the direction of a massive structure. "hum, that's strange." He began to follow the glowing arrow.

After a bit of walking he finally hit a massive structure. It looked like the coliseum in Rome, yet different. He began to walk into the structure. "This is weird. but the arrow is pointing into it, I guess I should walk in." he mumbled to himself as he began to walk into the massive structure. He walked into the arena to find chairs set in a circle. He sat in one.

(I get rid of the last part if you guys don't like it.)
(Gees O.o )

Shan looked around hearing movement,"So there are more? I wonder..." Now thinking he wanted to find out what this was all about,how many people there were and if and if any of them knew anything,so many questions popped to his head. He just smiled seeing this as a new puzzle,and quite a few questions he could answer himself just by investigating a bit. But one thing he wasnt sure he wanted to find out was what dangers this place had,crossing his arms he sighed with a pout."Wish I had my note much to keep in mind...." turning to head on to answer some questions he slipped on something and fell flat on his face,"What the heck?"Looking over he noticed a black note book lying on the ground."....Eh?"Picking it up he stood to his feet and flipped through it,the book was empty but the pages were all black as well."How you use chalk in it?"He rubbed a page with his fingers and he started walking again,it felt like normal paper.As he walked examining the book he listened around hearing others,"three,four....five ....gees some of them are loud..."He chuckled and looked up thinking he heard something and he was right,a man that he hadn't seen before and he didn't seem to be too friendly. Shan didn't seem surprised till the fire action which was odd of course but he didn't take his eyes off the man since he figured that would be a bad idea with the way this guy was working he could tell he was in for a fight. Shan ducked under the man's attack just barely since it felt as if it was hard to keep up with him,"Gees that's not very nice."He said looking to the man with a smile."Is this how you always say hello to strangers?"
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Mattin sighed. Life was so irritating sometimes. He felt a light weight being lifted from his neck. As he looked down, he saw a small necklace with a gem imbedded in the material, and it was glowing on its own, like an LED lightbulb of sorts. Mattin reached out for it, then froze. If it's glowing and or is pointing you somewhere, it's probably a terrible idea to touch it. Mattin agreed with his subconscious. He found that he did agree with it a lot. He continued walking forwards, a large arena-typed area being shown behind the trees. Curious... Mattin thought, with a blank face. He went into a light jog.

Mattin walked between two people who were talking, completely ignoring them. He despised humans, why did they have to exist? Why couldn't it just be him, alone, in the planet? Mattin didn't care about them, and so he completely disregarded their presence, and continued on jogging. He half-tripped a few seconds later, hitting a small button in his right-hand claw. It began to spin in circles incredibly fast, much like a blender. Mattin was both scared and interested by this- but he moved on after it died down, and he got his balance again.

Mattin arrived at the arena, and walked into the large opening. As he did, the gem died down. He was in the right place, apparently... Mattin looked all around him. There were two people and a table. It only felt natural to sit at it. He sat in a random chair, and again, completely ignoring the humans around him.
Hester sat in one of the chairs that was numbered. It had the number 7 on it. He didn't pay any attention to the number, he just sat where it felt right. After a while of sitting alone he noticed someone that was trying to hide. He didn't call him out. After a while someone else walked in. "Hey." He called out in his booming and authoritative voice. "Do you know whats going on here. Why am I here." His words echoed in the room. His muscles were tightened, his face looked like it was going to bust it was so red with anger.
Gryphon is confounded as she feels something around her neck tugging forward. A fiery orange crystal gleams from a suede cord around her neck, as she looks at it it seems to glow with the life of a fire burning atop hot coals. She stumbles forward as it leads her on and she takes off at a run, coming to a coliseum in less than a minute. She walks inside, and the necklace lands back on her chest. She typically doesn't wear jewelry, though this is cool enough to leave on. After all, it's like fire. She walks into a room, seeing a group of people, each sitting in a chair, she sits in one as well.

"Do any of you know what the heck is going on?" She immediately demands, not caring about what the thought off her. Nerves taking over, Gryphon latches her hair atop her head in a thick bun.

Leaning back and fiddling with the necklace, she gazes about the table expectantly at the group. After all, they were here first and the table is like one used for meetings. Hence, they must have had some meeting about what the heck is going on here. Plus why she isn't just at home, dead asleep from that exaughsting practice. Just thinking about it makes her a bit tired, and Gryphon has to take a moment to pry her eyes open.
A sharp blue light has lit up in front of her face. Her eyes squinting as she held up her hand thinking it was the sun. However the light had dimmed down and was now a bright blue that had a line flowing from the center and outwards. Eon poked it before looking up, following the line and where it stops. "Oh, looks like a fighting arena from the roman times. " She snickered a she crouched down. Her nails stabbing at the light but all she could here were the clanking sounds when the met. She had looked around while she did this, it seemed odd that she would end up in a place like this. She was once in a factory, the pipes and buildings over their heads. Loud barking and gun shots now morphing into birds singing and the wind blowing the grass unto one another making a whispering sound. Her ears would twitch to every sound, picking up on the doe that hid behind the fifth tree, the bunny that came out of hiding. And something in the sky that made this picture perfect world seem so twisted. Just the thought made chills run down her spine.

She had stood up none the less and continued on her way. Following the blue light that guided her toward the building she first saw when she awoke. "I must be having one hell of a dream...or I died." Somewhere along her walk she had crossed her arms, her head gear had fallen over her right eye and she had grown quiet. Lost in her thoughts that was over flowing with question with no answers. Was this a world or was this a dream. How did she get her, why was she here and who brought her here. Would she get demoted from her job, what happened to the kid who couldn't run but an inch from where he was stopped. What would happen to her younger brother who is being watched by the gang. Her hand the rested on her shoulder tightened a little as she huffed. This was an issues, far more greater then she thought it would be. New world sounded great and all but she had priorities to deal with, and they were not here.

She had a dazed look about her. The blazing crimson eyes were nothing but faded , just like the light on her necklace. This made her snap out of her thoughts, raising her head up high to see the structure at its finest. It was tall with the right side missing a few pieces. She instantly felt like she was in Rome or at least in the story book she was read to. She huffed again before entering the building. Her eyes scanning the area, finding a smaller young gent sitting down in a chair. She squinted before leaning up against the wall. She refused to sit with anyone she did not know, anyone she could not identify let alone a perfectly set up with chairs for more than one.

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