The Apocolypse is done... what now?

How many survivors should be allowed?

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One Thousand Club

Well, obviously it's set in a post-apocalyptic world. Only few survivors (number to be decided) have to re-build and structure a new world, trying now to make the same mistakes as the old.

Actual plot:

The day after the world ended, the sky was sickly pink, with touches of strange grey clouds. The streets were quiet, no busy traffic like before, the world looked like a barren, desolate wasteland. The buildings were destroyed with flecks of ember flying of every now and then. The trees broken and burned, the roads were cracked, and the smell of burnt rubber was strong. You stare at your one possession... [insert possession here], and wonder if you're the only one left. You walked down the charred footpath and sighed. What do we do now?


No god-modding

No bunnying

Couples are allowed, but if you take it too far, you'll be blacklisted on this thread and will not be allowed to post, as I will also give you warning on the IC thread

Remember guys, it's post-apocalyptic, you can't just find a random, new-looking dagger on the street or something, and if you do find a weapon, at least clear it with me first.

There are rocks flying down from houses that could kill you, no one can have too much power.

And have fun, it's meant to be what could possibly happen if the world ended.


Full name:




Possession of choice: (Make it sensible)



Crush/partner: (Optional)

Short bio: (Of their life before the apocalypse)



Accpeted people:

I Love Death the Kid -- Jessica

TheFallOfItAll -- Jason

Autumn -- Aspen

CJTaylor -- Nicholas (Nick)

TheCreativeUsername -- Rose

ForgeKeeper -- Athos

Beta -- Marcus

StarDust -- Chase

Victor -- Nicky

HeartBrokenIceQueen -- Ellemea

Doctor Who? -- Eyrn

Number of Survivors needed:


Characters left:

[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] I actually really like the sound of this RP!!

Full name: Jessica Rose

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long dark hair, crystal blue eyes, freckles on her nose. Currently wearing a pair of old, faded jeans and a slightly worn tee shirt

Possession: A necklace her mother had given her on her birthday

Likes: Being alone and reading by herself

Dislikes: Boys. (Will explain in bio.)

Crush/partner: No one

Bio:Jessica's mother died shortly after Jessica's fifth birthday, which had caused Jessica to become very distant from people. Jessica has sworn never to love again ever since the love of her life had broken up with her a few years back. Ever since that tragic day, Jessica had hated every boy she had met and refused to become close to another one.
Full name: Jacob Marks

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dyed blonde and black hair. The hair over his eyes is black, and the rest blonde. His eyes are a light green, but they look sorrowful. He's dressed in a shirt that seems skin tight, and it's red. On his chest is one of those dirt bike protective gear things. He has black jeans on, and black boots.

Possession of choice: (Make it sensible) A 44. Magnum revolver. You'l see why in his history.

Likes: Acting. Riding dirt bikes. Being with his family, and the woman he loved. Reading. Singing.

Dislikes: People who don't like singing, or reading.

Crush/partner: (Optional)

Short bio: He was one of the most popular kids at the school. The recent drama production, was Romeo and Juliet, he was cast as Romeo, and the love of his life was Juliet. The ironic thing later, was shortly after this madness hit, she, and his family went insane, and deathly ill. He had no alternate choice but to put them down with his 44. Which he now carries with him. A grim reminder of what he should have done.

Other: He is very much on the verge of suicide. But, he knows he might have hope to survive.

I brought this character over from an old zombie Apocalypse story I had, but I gave up on.
Accepted both, welcome!!

Full name: Rose Li

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Black hair, grey eyes, high cheekbones, tall, svelt, sallow

Possession of choice: (explaining in the bio) Her golden dagger

Likes: Technology, Japan, Travelling

Dislikes: Running, sleep

Crush/partner: (Optional) No one yet

Short bio: From the minute she turned 5, her family drifted apart. She was always shut in her room as she heard the distant shouts of the fights her parents had. Her father soon left for the Army, and just before he left he gave Rose a golden dagger, which she later used to stab her mother, as she was slowly rotting from Cancer and couldn't bare to see her one morning unconscious; she put her mother out of her misery and she doesn't regret it.

Other: She always gives advice, even though she needs it the most.
Full name: Aspen Grey

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, petite, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and brown boots

Possession of choice: empty backpack

Likes: Playing piano, dancing, swimming, reading, meeting new people, writing

Dislikes: Loud noises, fighting, death

Crush/partner: None

Short bio: Aspen was the daughter of a seemingly perfect family. Her father was a successful lawyer and her mother was a nurse. She has an older brother who was away at college. The four of them were almost picture perfect. At home, however, things were different. They rarely spoke, often only seeing each other for a silent dinner. Aspen was a great student: she was highly intelligent, was on the swim team, danced, volunteered almost every weekend, and always did what she was told. Really, she was so involved and loved school because she could stay away from her home. Her parents always had high expectations for her that Aspen tried her hardest to meet. Her parents were away on vacation when this all started and she has no idea what happened to them.

Other: She is a very helpful and kind person
[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] When do you think you'll make the actual thread for the RP? Also, how many people are you requiring to start?
Um, whenever 8 more people join. I guess that answers both questions. So, I'll spread the word around about it, I'll get my friend CJ to join. You know, if you could help that'd be nice, but you don't have to.

[MENTION=3145]I Love Death the Kid[/MENTION],
Full name: Nicholas Abelardo

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short black hair, iced at the top, piercing blue and green eyes, a smile to die for, freckles on his cheeks and a few across his nose, black shirt with Panic! At The Disco on it, purple skinny jeans and green Vans

Possession of choice: Pliers

Likes: Quiet, comfort, boys <3

Dislikes: Flirtatious girls,

Crush/partner: None

Short bio: Well, actually, he had amnesia for quite a while and doesn't remember a lot about before a apocalypse.

Other: Has never been in a relationship, and doesn't give a damn whether he does or not.
Name: Athos Redver


Gender: Male

Appearance: Black wavy hair that goes down to his eyes. A sturdy build with wide shoulders but not too large. He has a medium sized body type, not skinny but not bulky with almost no fat and good defined muscles with set of six-pack abs. He has a handsome face that's a boyish but at the same time adult like and he stands 5'9".

Possession of Choice:He carries with him a black combat knife that he keeps sheathed in a holder on his belt.(will be explained in bio)

Likes:Peace and quiet

Dislikes: Perverts, seeing people cry

Short Bio: His father left when he was a baby with just a note addressed to him on the table and the combat knife. The note said "you will do great things one". He was left with his mother who was always sick and his abusive older brother. When he was seven his brother ran away from home leaving him alone with his mother. He lived in poverty with his mother then at the age of 13 his mom died of sickness. He then spent the rest of his days in an orphanage till this happened. He was very quiet often keeping to himself but if someone said something he didn't like he would often get into a fight. Life was never easy but he worked hard and did well in school and sports. He was on the football, baseball and basketball teams and was one of the top students.

Other: He is in top physical condition, knows martial arts and has trained himself to use the combat knife. He may not always act like it but he is a kind person and wants to help others.
Full name: Marcus Kristoff

Age: 22

Gender: Male


View attachment 9609

Possession of choice: A giant key-ring of keys

Likes: Driving, Weightlifting, Practicing Russian Combat Martial Arts

Dislikes: Sitting still, Asian Food, The smell of Tar


Short bio: The Kristoff family owned a set of car lots before the strange apocalypse occurred. Marcus awoke and found himself to be the only person around... no matter how loudly he called out to them. Suddenly... he was alone in the world... and what's worse... he had no one to sell cars to or get paid by to fix their cars. It was a sad day for him. And do he walked around for a short time, contemplating what to do. In time, he decided to take the keys to the lot, along with the keys to all the cars ON the lot, and the access key to the maintenance garage on the side of the lot. Marcus figured it could come in handy. If nothing else, he surmised, it wouldn't be useful to anyone else that came across it... as he had all the keys. And so, after closing all the metal shutters behind the doors and windows... Marcus set off to find and acquire food from a local store. If he was the only one left... no one would really stop him.

Other: Yeah. Car lot and Maintenance Garage. Come at me. (( Also... my history segments are usually a lot longer than that... but I'm sleepy and lazy right now. ))
[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] i know how much you like this character so here you go.....

Full name: Chase Stihn

Age: 19


Appearance:View attachment 9681

Possession of choice: (Make it sensible): his old Acoustic Guitar(in its case obviously)

Likes: Music, he also has a soft spot for sweet foods.

Dislikes: obnoxious people, his parents(even though they are dead.)

Crush/partner: (Optional) none, if he was to fall in love, it would take a lot to break down the walls he puts around himself.

Short bio: (Of their life before the apocalypse): Chases life was anything but perfect. his dad was in the slammer for vehicular homicide in a drunk driving accident(he was the drunk one) his mother abandoned him because her rich Fiance hated kids and he lived in an orphanage for years. he has a passion for music and will play his guitar whenever he needs to find peace. his songs are usually made up spur of the moment and reflect what he is currently feeling. when the apocolypse hit he didnt really care because he didnt have anyone close to him anyway. basically, unless you say something just right or really push him to break his personal walls, he may seem like a straight up a**.

Other: when he was about 8 he had a friend at the orphanage, but sadly, his friend died at age 10 of a neurological disease.
I'll do something completely different.

Full name: Nicky Stone

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, thin, lanky, wiry (6'2", 175#). Think a bigger Clint Eastwood from the Man With No Name films. I'll cough up a picture if you need, but that's probably going to be the inspiration for it.

Possession of choice: His dog, Rocky, a 3-year-old Alaskan Malamute

Likes: Dogs, hard rock/metal, motorcycles, booze, cigars, vinyl records, hiking, climbing

Dislikes: Cats, country/pop, little kids, CDs, crappy beer

Crush/partner: None

Short bio: Nicky grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, and joined the Army when he was 18 just like his father before him. He served for 22 years, eventually retiring at 40 as a Master Sergeant. He inherited his father's land and went back after his retirement only to find things in a shambles. Three long years he spent rebuilding only to have the whole world go to crap in the meantime. What a pain in the ass. Now he's taken to the road with his dog Rocky, and survives however he can.

Other: Nicky is a lifelong bachelor, has a bit of a drinking problem at times, and smokes like a chimney whenever he can get his hands on cigars/cigarettes. Still, don't underestimate him - even though he's old, he's a grizzled vet and tough as nails.
Full name: Ellemea Torren

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance: Elle has short dark red hair that stands out against her pale white skin and her big blue eyes. Freckles across her nose and cheeks but barely noticeable. Wears a pair of black and white sneakers, oversized black hoodie witt the text

"The more I study the more I know, The more I know the more I forget, The more I forget the less I know. So why study?"

And some BIG nerd glasses.

Possession of choice: Pocket knife

Likes: Mechanics, bunnies, books, mmorpg´s and Rick, her brother.

Dislikes: Arrogant people, bullies and dogs.

Crush/partner: None

Short bio: Elle is extremely smart since a young age and has a talent with many things. Having her brother in the army was hard enough but she gets bullied at school. The day that the apocalypse happened was her birthday and thus the few hours before she was spending with her family. A few minutes before she was suprised with her older brother visiting. Then it happened, she woke up and found her brothers present at the floor. A pocket knife with the writings SOLDIER.

Other: She loves mechanics and thus knows a bit more then an average 12-year old
Full name: Eryn "Octo" Mitchell Flinn

Age: Twenty; born May 8th

Gender: Female

Appearance: Reddish orange hair that reaches down to her breasts and has blonde dip dyed at the bottom. Side swept bangs are pushed to the right and the rest of her hair sits on her left shoulder. It is naturally curly/ wavy when air dried. Her eyes are a dull sapphire blue with a ring of forest green around the pupils. She stands five foot seven and weighs one hundred thirty-two pounds. Her stature is slim, but not overly, her curves are normal and such. She wears a pair of dark black sunglasses, the ones those sherriffs wear. Awhile back she found a rocker store and took whatever clothes were left, they are sort muddy and cut up by now though. Example - Another

Possession of choice: An old rustic mechanical pocket watch with an octopus on the top. She wears it as a necklace and when shes nervous she tinkers with it.

Likes: Challenges, playing pranks, painting, tinkering with mechanical stuff

Dislikes: Rude people, silence, pears

Crush/Partner: Nobody and she is sort of shy towards guys, although she's a tough rocker chick with an upbeat attitude.

Short bio: Before the apocalypse she was living away from home in England where she was a painter and worked on cars. She had a nice life and she was always a tough chick, something her older brother Wes taught her to be. On the day of the apocalypse Eryn took a trip back to the states where her older brother was going to introduce her to his newborn daughter and wife for the first time. They were always close, since their parents had died in a car crash when they were little, and meeting her new niece and sister in law was very exciting for Eryn. When she arrived at their homestead she noticed something different, the sky was darker, and the wind was deathly chill. As suspicion creeped into her spine she let herself into her brother's home to find that the family she loved and was going to love was gone. She continues to search for them though and she refuses to believe if they are dead or not.

Other: Mechanical devices calm her down and she loves to paint on the ruined streets.

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