The Apocolypse is done... what now?

How many survivors should be allowed?

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  • Somewhere between 20 and 25

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  • Somewhere between 25-30

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  • Somewhere between 30-35

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  • Total voters
Full name: John Al

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: John is tall, at about six foot seven. He has eye length messy brown hair and a small amount of a beard on his chin. He eyes are sky blue near the center and dark blue on the outer edges. He has a simi athletic build from his time in the military.

Possession of choice: M1911 that he carried around with him everywhere(if that's not ok, let me know and ill change it) and 2 spare clips

Likes: He loves the night sky, seeing as how he cannot sleep much and spends a lot of time looking at it.

Dislikes: He doesn't have many dislikes other than the heat.

Crush/partner: none

Short bio: John was in the military for two years, at twenty he got out just before everything happened. HE cant remember what he was doing when everything started. He just remembers waking up on a beach alone, and since then has been looking for a place to stay and call home.

(if there is anything oyu want me to change or anything let me know)
Full name: Derek V. Collins

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Derek is about average height, Six foot even. Short blonde hair with a full beard. Greenish-blue eyes. Kind of chubby but attractive in a strange way. Looks like a guy who enjoys metal.

Possession of choice: The only thing Derek has in possession is a rusty, dented, metal baseball bat. (if not okay, I'll change)

Likes: Likes listening to music and playing it.

Dislikes: Green vegetables and people who push other people around

Crush/partner: None... Yet

Short bio: Derek was a high school student who got overall good grades and was in a band. When the whole end of the world happened, he was jamming in his friends' basement. Then he blacked out. when he woke up, Derek's friends were gone. He ended up wandering around and looking for survivors.
If your still acepting i would like to join ^.^

Full name: Kristie Mays (friends can call her Kris)

Age: 18

Gender: female

Appearance: long blonde curly hair, with calm blue eyes. wears faded denim skinnies, black tank top and black and grey striped hoodie, and converse.

Possession of choice: (Make it sensible) a scarf she keeps tied around her waist.

Likes: kids, her scarf, most people

Dislikes: jerks, the dark, being alone

Crush/partner: (Optional) n/a

Short bio: (Of their life before the apocalypse) She lived on her own in her apartment with her cat Mo, selling her paintings to who ever wanted them. Kristie's parents had offered to pay for a house but she wanted to acheive this herself. her inspiration came from many things but mostly her dear grandmother who, when passed was only able to leave her her scarf.

Other:in many situations she thinks heart over mind. something she'll have to work on if shes to survive.

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