The Apocalypse is upon us. (Zombie Roleplay, Open!!)


New Member
Jay and his family (Mom, Dad, younger Sister) were driving, off to the airport to get on the plane to get to their vacation spot, Banoi ((Yes, I know, I'm unoriginal :P )). Everything was going smooth, but...then the plane started shaking, people started to panic. Pilots told everybody the safety procedure and everybody calmed down. The plane started getting smoother. Not even a minute later the plane started going downward. People panicked even more and then....darkness. Jay opened his eyes to see people screaming and running, Calling 911, sorts of panic. Jay closed his eyes again.

Jay opened his eyes again seeing no people...except the dead ones. He got up, pushing away some rubble on top of him. He looked around seeing his Mom on the ground, blood everywhere. Dad and Sister nowhere to be found. Jay started to feel tears welling up in his eyes. Then saw his suitcase. He grabbed it and ran away from the plane crash. A few minutes later he saw somebody. He called out "Hey!! Over...." Seeing what this person looked like, Jay screamed. Blood everywhere, Intestines....What is this person?! Jay remembered what they called cannibal's....Zombies.

But this could only be true if this person has been dead...and...turned. Jay guesses it could happen. He smelled it. And seeing that thing he looked at what he was eating.

Jay King's dad....

Jay looked down and tears started running down his cheeks. He placed his suitcase down and opened it. Inside was a Machete. A perfect Machete. He unsheathed it and looked up. "RAAAAAAHHHH!" Jay screamed and ran full force at the 'Zombie'.

Next thing you know, the Sword is bloody and the 'Zombie' is down. Right through the head is the strategy...To kill the undead.

Next stop. Atlanta, Georgia.

Form Time


Name: Jay King

Age: 16 1/2

Gender: Male

Personality: Nice, sweet, an ass at times, and pretty sarcastic.


History: Before the apocalypse started, Jay lived with his parents and younger sister in a small house on Long Island, Ny. Him and his family were traveling and their plane crashed. Jay escaped, finding his mom dead and dad gone, sister gone to. He remembered the Machete he had in his suitcase. He then ventured off out of the plane crash area, until....the first outbreak he saw. His dad was being mauled and chewed by a....human? Jay backed up and ran the other way. ((The plane crash was in the middle of a field btw))

Starting Weapon(s): Machete



Age (14+ Please!):



Appearance (Picture please~!):


Starting Weapon(s):


1) Cursing is ALLOWED

2) Since i'm a fan of The Walking Dead, You can have sex but don't get like TO into whates going on...

3) No matter where you are we're meeting up in Atlanta


5) No killing other peoples Characters (Fighting is allowed...just no killing)

6) You can use color, for your text. No light light colors that you can't even see though.

7) Have fun

-SirPanda (Jay King)

(ok thanks panda!)

Name:Nichole Lowe



personality:shy but comes out as a strong fighter, can be stubborn, loves helping others and drawing!

appearance:(it wont upload for reason)

(she rarely wears stuff that show off alot of skin)

history:She was just on her way from school when she smelled nothing but death! she walked down an alley hearing screams to find a zombie eating a girl! Nichole felt sick to her stomach and pulled out 9-millimeter and shot point blank in the head. the zombie fell dead and Nichole knew the best thing to do for the girl was to shoot her too! she was never the same after that experience.

starting weapons:9-millimeter and a ak-47
(ok panda!)Nichole was at target practice practicing her shots. she hit some targets with great aim "good thing i locked my self in a sports and hunting goods store!" she had blockaded the entrance and windows. Nichole was smart enough to stock up on supplies and necessities. her dog Smokey kept watch of the door and was at a safe distance away. The African American teen wiped her forehead and took off the earmuffs and goggles. she put her regular glasses back on and smiled.
Jay was walking along a road, trying to find a place to stay. He was getting hungry so he put his suitcase down and looked for a snack. Granola bar, that'll work.

He started zipping his suitcase up and then he heard them.

A whole group of them coming from every direction.

Not knowing what else to do, he started killing and screaming "HELP!!! SOMEBODY! HELP ME!!!"
Nichole's ears picked up on the screams. she pulled the boards away and grabbed some ammo and her two 9-millimeters. "stay!" smokey nodded as Nichole grabbed a medical kit, a little food and water. She locked the door and ran into the direction of the screams. She started shooting zombies left and right.
Hearing the gunshot's, Jay stabbed a zombie in the head and jumped up "Gah~!" Zombies kept jumping on him. Somehow he knew he was going to die, but he kept fighting.
Jay finished the last one off and smiled. "Just peachy...heh" He slugged off in the direction she came. "You look pretty prepared. You have a base?"
After following Nichole for a while, Jay sees a big warehouse. "Woah.." He walks inside and hears barking and a dog coming at him. "Wah! Shut him up! The sound attracts them!!"
Name: Maddilyn Jay Hart

Nickname: Maddie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Sweet, Funny, Kind, Adorable, Silly, Crazy, Random, Bipolar.

History: Maddie had woken up one morning around 4am. There was a strange moaning sound coming from downstairs. As she headed for her door, she heard a bright shriek. Maddie had frozen in place as she pulled the door open. As she approached the stairs, She saw it. Or them. Two Men were huddled around her mother. She lied on the ground. Maddie was paralyzed in fear. Only then did she realize they were eating her mother. Maddie screamed, which provoked their attention. She ran out the backdoor, snagging a pocket knife as her only tool.

Starting Weapon: Pocket Knife

Appearence: Maddie is tall for her age, although she is not the tallest person in the world. She had golden blonde, back length straight hair. She has sweet hazel freckles splashed on her pail skin. Maddie is skinny, with Sapphire blue eye's. She mostly wears T-Shirts and short Jeans.

OCC: To Late to Join?
OCC: Thank you! :-P I'll Start now.

Maddie held her blade firmly. She walked down the isolated street. Which provoked her, where were all the crawlers? She wondered. Maddie turned into an Alley. Although it wasn't a smart move she had to find shelter. As she turned, she stopped in her tracks. A Horde of Crawlers were huddled over a carcus of a dead deer. She backed away slowly. As she proceeded, she kicked a can, that erupted with noise. Maddie glanced down and froze, as she looked back up. She noticed all the crawlers, had stopped eating and were staring at her. Damn! She thought, As they began to rise. Maddie turned and dashe down the street, the crawlers after her. Maddie slipped and rolled onto her knee's "Crap!" ​ She called out, Maddie rose to her feet and ran once again.
Jay went to the bathroom and checked for bites. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He got out of the bathroom and walked to the middle of the floor and sat down. He picked up his Machete and started cleaning it.

"So. How long you been here?"

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