The apartment experiment

archus smiled "of course, thats what it is, a machine to transport lots of people at once, the human world is FILLED with such machines, some are bigger, some are smaller, some run on great rails across nations, some fly high above the clouds, some even go underground, of all shapes and sizes, some are louder, some are quieter, but at the core, it's all the same kind of machine" he hoped this would get them wide-eyed and amazed by such machines, it seemed like such machines were completely alien to them, just as magic was alien to him.
"Cooool. Do they all have names? Do you own some? Can you make one? Can I make one?" she ran over to the bus and pressed against it to get a better look.

"It has seats in it!?"

Karl laughed at her display.

"Guess it might take them a while to get used to the town, huh."
Lorelle stepped up to the open doors before breathing in deeply and getting onto the bus. She selected a seat near the front, where a window was open. It made her feel better to know that she could get out at a moment's notice.
"hmm, yes, yes, no, maybe, and yes it has seats in it, 42 to be exact"

he glanced at Karl "are you kidding? i'm planning on blowing their freaking minds with a computer and a 3D T.V when we get there"

he walked up behind Florence, smiling "hop in, pick a seat, i think you'll like it..."
Karl grinned and laughed.

"I dunno, I think Florence might explode. From what I've seen, probably literally."

He walked over and sat next to Lorelle.

"Dont worry, you'll get used to it.

As they were talking, Florence ran around the bus like a whirlwind, seating in each indivudal seat to seat if there was any differnce, till settling in the row behind Lorelle.
archus went and sat next to Forence on the bus "okay, calmed down a but now?... trust me, this bus will be the LEAST impressive thing you'll see, you'll see buildings of stone and steel stretching into the sky, you will see machines so complex that you could study them for years and not understand them, a bus is a simple, common sight, heck, when we get there i'll have my car sent over and i'll take you for a drive, hows that sound?"

he smiled as he said it, she reminded him of an over-excited child
"Ive seen a building before. Lorelle has one! It even has more than three rooms!" she smiled happily and settled down.

"The engine sounds like a dragon. Yeah, a ride sounds cool."
Lorelle frowned slightly and lifted her feet up off of the ground when she felt the bus rumble beneath her toes. It would have been far easier if she had been allowed to fly. But her queen had explained the necessity for her to interact with the humans on her way there.
Marchus laughed again "three rooms is small Florence, i'm talking about buildings with hundreds of rooms, thousands of rooms! going high into the sky and deep into the ground, and believe me, if you think THIS sounds like a dragon then you should see some of the SUVs that some people drive, they make so much noise you'd think they were a while flock of dragons roaring at the same time, and even that is just a scratch of the human world, we have machines smaller than your finger that can play music right into your ears, and have thousands of songs, machines that can let you talk to people from the other side of the world instantly, machines that can... hang on, i'll show you"

Marchus pulled out his phone, pointed it at Florence and took a picture, then he turned the screen around "see? this is you, a picture of you, like a painting but it's taken instantly"
Florence clapped and giggled.

"Thats cool. I can do it for you though!" she smiled and then morphed herself into a glassy mirror image of Marchus.
Marchus smiled and laughed as she changed form "woah nice!..." he leaned in, examining the mirror image of himself "damn.. i look GOOD!" he joked.

He smiled a bit more, but this made him think "hey... if you can form oter people... was that way you were looking before, was that your real form or...?"
"Uh huh, thats what I look like when I relax. Changing form needs a lot of tensing up, lots of concentration."

She paused to think.

" in your real form?"
"Humans can't change form, we don't have any abilities, that is why we make so many machines, we lack special abilities so we use our brains to make machines to serve us and make things easier, that is how we became the dominant species on the planet" he smiled a bit, then his face became sad "although, some humans don't use machines responsibly, and they're ruining the earth with them"

He sighed, feeling sad of how bad humans were making the earth.
Florence smiled gently.

"Im not sure you're going to be able to use 'dominant' so much anymore once people learn more about us."

She looked sad when he talked about misuse.

"Well, maybe we can help you live with nature better. Were pretty good at it, after all."
Lorelle jumped when the bus started moving, her fingers folding even more tightly together. She wasn't entirely convinced that this contraption was safe.
Marchus sighed deeply, Looking at Florence "Well, we do have the ability to live with nature, for example, we have the technology to get power from the sun itself in a safe and healthy way... but too many people make too much money with exploiting oil and coal that they prevent the rest of us from switching to solar, wind or hydro power... and i think we're dominant, there is over 7 billion of us in every corner of the world, we're all over the land, the air and the sea" he smiled, looking into Florence's eyes "but still... i think learning about you will make things change for the better... we humans can be greedy, cruel and selfsh, but we're not heartless after all"

he turned away, before he started blushing or something like that
"How do you know there arent 7 bamillion and two of us?" she asked with a smile.

"Aww, im sure you'll get the hang of it." she said with a smile, patting his cheek.
Marchus smiled "i think if there were, we would have noticed you by now, after all, we have satelites watching everything from space! almost everyone has a camera on thier phones, etceterra..."

He leaned back, smiling "you know, i really want to know about your people, all i really know are from old stories"
Bet they can't see through trees though, can they." she smiled.

"That's cool, I havent seen much in person, but I've read a lot and stuff I could tell you about."

Carl looked at Lorelles worried face, and patted her shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry, it's not going to blow up or anything. They're safe. Really"
Lorelle's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Blow up?" she squeaked, another fear running through her head and joining her previous uncertainties.
"Well, sure, but, there isn't exactly a lot for us to crash into here, is there? Were sort of the only vehicle here."

Florence leaned over from behind them.

"Ooh, what if the wheels fall off? Or a tree falls over? Or the bus gets hungry and decided to eat us?"
Lorelle looked back at her with alarm. Wheels falling off? Trees falling over? She clasped her fingers tighter together, biting at her lip.

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