The apartment experiment


One Thousand Club
Hey all, this is my first group rp, hopefully I'll get to know a few of you.

This is going to be a fairly loose rp, without a specific plot, but if folk have ideas theyd like to add, just say and i'll almost definitly be cool with it.

Im not going to be super strict with grammer, but the more effort people put in, the more fun they'll have.

The whole point of the thread is fun, and some of the best rp's i've had have been about going to the beach or someones birthday and the hijinks that ensue, so don't feel your ideas have to be world changing.

Now then, the scene.

Free folk and humans have long been aware of each other, but have led seperate lives, with free folk living in the coldest of artics, the highest of mountains, the deepest of forests.

Consequently while they each know of the others existence, very little is known about each other.

The leaders of the world, Mayors and tribe leaders, Queens and Presidents have regularly held meetings to keep the peace, but the ever expanding towns and citied have began to border on enchanted forests, and tensions have started to rise.

The leaders of one small town and it's forest have met together, and decided to set an exampler of peaceful cohabitation to the benefit of all.

To this end, your leaders have summoned you and a group of other representatives to leave the forest and live in an apartment in the centre of town, alongside some normal humans.

This will be filmed and broadcast, in the hopes of showing that 'monsters' can live alongside humans, and even enhance their lives.

You have been summoned to a meeting in the centre of the forest, where you will be adressed and taken to your new homes...

People's characters should be either a free folk of the forest, or one of the humans who already lives in the apartment. The apartment will have shared living space and bedrooms.

As there is no specific major plot people will be able to drop in and out to a fair degree, but obviously the more you are in the better.

Try to keep your characters well balanced, if they are powerful, they should have an equal degree of weaknesses.

You can be absolutely any kind of spirit, faerie, monster or sprite you like, but you'll earn a bonus point with me if you pick something fairly rare like a Vodanoy or a specific type of faerie like a rose sprite.

But, above all, have fun!

Heres an example character sheet (with my character.)


Name: Florence (No second name)

Alias: Flow

Age: Looks about 18, is around 23.

Gender: Female

Species: Naiads; A Greek type of water spirit that lives in small lakes, etc. Whilst in water they are completly soluble and can reshape themselves, add water to their mass, etc, but outside of water they appear human but with a waterfall of hair. Generally live in peace without bothering other species, but occasionaly one decides to leave. Outside of water they can turn into a puddle to avoid harm, but if any water is lost when they reform they will have much less mass unless they return to their source water to reabsorb. They can temporarily absorb other sources of water to throw around, temporarily change shape etc, but the only water they can permenantly keep is their source water. They are also poisioned by salt water, and are vunerable to extremes of temprature. In cold they can freeze up, and in heat they can evaporate and have trouble keeping shape.

Appearance: Wears simple clothes, has a faint blue tinge to skin and has flowing water for hair which matches the colour of their source water (In this case; the sort of colour a fresh water fountain is.)

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Looks like this while solid, but the hair is constantly flowing.

Personality: Generally happy and cheerful, but has very little exposure to the world beyond the small fountain she grew up in, so is easily delighted, shocked or saddened by the outside world, her limited experience with people outside of her lake makes her unusally trusting of strangers, even though she knows bad people etc exist, she hasn't really experienced them first hand, so always expects people to be good until they prove otherwise.

Naiads are nymphs who preside over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.

In Florences case, a spring.

The woods have a series of magical barriers that keep dangerous monsters out, as well as stopping mechanical weaponary from working. Each tribe of free folk maintains one of the magical source points in the centre of the woods that maintains the barrier, and Florence lives in a great fountain that rests over the water spirit seal.

The Naiad species as a whole gets on very well with other free folk, as they are happy to channel water to other species who need it, and have no border disputes etc as they have no need of dry land.

They get on well with other water creatures such as mermaids and Undine, as since they don't need a physical space whilst in water they can co enhabit the same places.

They have the best relationships with Dryads and other plant related spirits, as the Naiads keep there trees well watered in return for the Dryads filtering out impurities from their water to keep it clean.

They are closely related to other water creatures such as mermaids, and to faeries.


(I'll start the setting etc, if people want to join they can just post there character, and hop right in.)

On a warm dusty summer evening, the leaders of the various peoples of the forest sat alongside the mayor, on a rough stage constructed of wood.

The Dryads had been insistent only deadwood was used for it's construction, so it was a little uneven, but servicable. A ruddy orange glow of fire illuminated the clearing, and the trees had willingly leaned back to allow the suns remaining light to fully enter the area.

There was to be a party held in honour of the new spirit of cooperation between the people of the forest and the town, to allow the selected individuals who would soon be living together to get to know one another.

Some of them already knew each other, and some of them had ever met.

The morning after the party they were going to be shown to the apartment and given a tour of the town where they would be living.

The party was scheduled to start soon, and new arrivals were sure to be arriving soon.

The meeting was by the great magic seal of the water-folk, and there was a table with drinks and food laid out by the fountain.

A band was setting up their instruments for a performance, and people were just starting to converge...
I would love to join, I'll post the profile from my other rp in just a moment

Name: Lorelle Diana Faye

Nickname: Faye, Diana, Elle

Age: 18

---Age you appear to be: 18

Creature/human? Fairy

Personality: Faye is a delightful being to be around; she has a tendency to be all over the place and is constantly moving. She's bubbly and sweet and can be overly emotional. She's bright without being brilliant. People would describe her as naive a lot of the time because of her stubborn optimism. She has a curiosity that is easily piqued. She respects peoples' opinions of her and allows herself to be criticized. She's extremely neat, almost OCD about a lot of things. She's a perfectionist and thrives around beautiful things. She has an easy laugh and a frequent smile. She loves nearly everyone she meets. She's fiercely protective of those she's close to.



Crush?: Open

Other?: Her wings can disappear and she can change size from tiny to human sized. Her skin has a faint sparkle about it. Her particular fae species has a tendency to remain closer to the fields of flowers and that is made evident in the almost shimmer that the plants have. The particular plant that her home was built around were the painted ladies, a pale pink and yellow lily.
nice one, good to have you on board! Even if we happened to have mostly same characters we should have a fair bit of variation since your woods rp is relativly serious plot wise, whereas this is semi silly-ish.
Cool beans :)

Well, hopefully more peeps'll join, but for now I'll start off and we can always add more characters ourselves if this ends up 1x1.

As the time reached 7:00 pm, the gathering offically began. There would be a speech from the Mayor and the leaders of the forest later, but for now guests were left to mingle until the chosen delegates of people and fair folk were all in attendance.

So far there were mostly the fair folk who lived the nearest to the centre of the forest in attendance, mainly the close families of the chosen, as well as various leaders, and nearby residents.

The magic of the forest allowed for a great variation in terrian, so there were open meadows, mountains, deserts and all manner of land, all within the circular confines of the forest.

A light sprite shot voer the glade, leaving a rainbow in it's wake, and balls of light hung in the air to keep the area well lit.

The site was in the glade by the great fountain of the water folk, which was built to protect the magical seal underneath.

Drinks and food were laid out by the fountain, as it made a good central point.

One of the chosen fay folk, a Naiad, lived inside of the fountain. She had rarely left the fountain, and never left the immediate surroundings, so she was extremely excited by so many people being nearby, but also very nervous.

Unused to so many people she hadn't any clothes beyond a simple smock that wasn't entirley appropriate for the situation, so she was currently busy creating a dress with the help of a mermaid and a Kelpie, waiting for people to start congregating by the food to introduce herself.

Lorelle allowed her elder sister arrange her golden curls perfectly, weaving in springs of various flowers as she did so. The fairy had deemed her typical dress more than appropriate for the occasion, deciding that she would worry less about clothing that way. She pulled the shimmering pale pink frock on, her wings fluttering excitedly and causing her to find it more difficult than usual to dress. After slipping her shoes on and stepping out of her home, she spun, blinking once she was standing the size of a human, before heading over to the area in which the gathering would be while her friend packed her bags for her.

She chewed at her lip slightly, a little bit embarrassed by the lack of people she knew currently in attendance. She gravitated towards the refreshments, hoping she would more easily fade into the background that way. Unfortunately, as a fairy, it was a bit more difficult for people to ignore her appearance.
After a little hassle; getting dressed underwater was as hard as you might expect; Florence thanked her mermaid Aunt and looked up at the surface.

There was a faint sparkle nearby the edge of the fountain nearest the food table, which seemed curious.

FLorence bit her lip nervously, breifly worrying people may not take kindly to a species so rarely seen, but having grown up surrounded by nice people she almost invariably expected everyone to be universally nice.

The sparkling would be a good place to come up, she thought.

Unfortunatly, the sparkling dazzled her a little more than she expected.

Rather than gradually emerging from the water so as not to suprise anyone;as she had planned, she misjudged how far she had left to go and erupted from the fountain directly infront of Lorelle, a cascade of water torrenting out along with her.

Lorelle shrieked, jumping in her astonishment and then coloring a bright pink that was unfortunately very obvious in her pale complexion. She looked down at her soaking wet clothes, still not entirely certain that she was not dreaming. Her eyes went back up to the girl, her brow furrowing in slight curiosity. She brought her hands up to wring out her hair, more than slightly amused by her reaction at this point. A pleasant change from the humiliation she had briefly experienced.
Florence looked around and blinked, slightly blinded by the sudden light. She was now in human form up to the waist, with her lower half simply merging with the water.

Still fully transparant, she noticed Lorelle infront of her.

"Hi there! What's your name? Are-" she stopped mid sentance, noticing the girl in front of her was drenched.

"What's wrong with you? Did a fire sprite accidentaly set you on fire or-" she broke off again and gasped, her eyes wide with shock.

"Oh oh oh! Did I just do that to you? Im so,
so sorry! I swear I didn't mean it! Here, let me help!"

Florence surged forward to the edge of the water, forgetting she didn't have legs yet.

Meaning to step out over the edge of the fountain, she instead did a funny little hop, over the ledge.

Rather than landing on her not currently existing legs, she careened towards the floor.

"No no no!" she shreiked, before colliding with the floor, succeding in splashing Lorelle a second time.

As she hit the ground she splatted on the floor in to a puddle, before popping back up to her full size, solidiying entirely other than her hair, which remained fluid, cascading down her back like a waterfall.

"Um..." she coughed, cheeks flaming.


Lorelle's astonishment fled in a burst of amusement, laughter bubbling to the surface. She covered her mouth, not wishing to offend the girl. She cleared her throat slightly before twisting her hair to try and dry it. "Hi," she replied with a bright grin. She pulled the wilted blooms from their twists in her hair. "Naiad?" Lorelle asked her, conversationally. She had heard of them, but had never personally met one. And certainly never had she been soaked by their clumsiness. But she was hardly one to talk, as she was constantly making mistakes. She wasn't one to identify with clumsiness, but she was able to sympathize.
The Naiad looked at her a little shyly at first, before starting to laugh along with her.

"Oh my gosh, Im really very sorry. Im not really used to being out of water, it takes me a little while to get used to well, actually having a body. Here, let me help with that. I promise you'll get
less soaked this time." Concentrating breifly, the moisture on Lorelle seperated from her in little droplets, the sparkle around Lorelle shimmering and amplified by them, causing an aura of light round her, before the moisture formed an orderly jet of water and sprayed back in to the water.

"Oh, did I wreck your flowers? sorry again." she bit her lip anxiously.

"They werent like, your house or anything were they? Oh, you've heard of me. Cool. Yup, im a Naiad. Well, if you want to be
really technical im a Crinaeae since I live in a spring, but, thats a technicality."

She smiled at her warmly.

"I'd prefer if you called me Florence, though, because, well, that's my name! What's your name? Are you a flower Fairy? My cousins a rose fairy."

Lorelle waved her apologies off easily, adjusting the skirts of her dress slightly. "No, they weren't my house," she promised, another smile crossing her features. "I do try not to make a habit of wearing my home. But I will absolutely call you Florence. I'm Lorelle Diana Faye, and I go by any one of my names. I'm a spring fairy, so yes, I suppose you could definitely call me a flower fairy. That, at least, is my main forte. Lilies specifically." She reached down and plucked some of the flowers that were blooming in the grass near the area in which they were standing. She started to easily weave them through her curls. "Are you to be living with the humans also?"
"Oh, thats good!" Florence sighed in relief.

"Because snails have there homes on them. I broke one by accident once. I offered him a shell as an apology, but, he did unsanitary things in my water." She wrinkled her nose up as she spoke.

"Oh thats cool! I like spring. Im in charge of the watering for the plants along the west field." she said, voice bursting with pride.

"Yup, im gonna live with the humans too. Did you know they're elemental power is making big metal things that crawl around on round feet? Oh oh, and they make sugar, and these things called 'cakes', and they make houses that aren't made of forest!" As she spoke she waved her arms animatedly, almost hopping up and down in excitement.

"Oh, im sorry, did you say you have
three names? How exactly does that work?" she gasped as a (wrong) intuition came to her.

"Do you have three differnt spirits inside you? If I tickle you will you kaplode?"
Lorelle listened to her, a little bit stressed when she didn't immediately grasp all of the things she was saying at once. "I don't think that humans really have...powers..." she trailed off, chewing her bottom lip slightly. "And do not believe I have three different spirits inside of me, no."
(Will do! When you're ready to join, just post a character sheet and jump right in!)

"Oh, sorry." the blush that had almost left her cheeks returned in force.

"My older sister told me people only have extra names if they're possesed. She might have, um, been lying. Isn't it wierd how people can say things they don't mean?"

About to launch into another stream of questions and comments, the Naiad looked at her audiences slightly confused face.

"Im sorry, Im babbling aren't I. You're the first person I've talked to who isn't made of water, and our thoughts tend to flow like, well, a river. I'll
try to slow my thought process down."

Looking over her shoulder, she saw the fairy Queen
(If you'd rather your folks leader was something else, just pretend thats what I called them and call them what you want in your response.)) stood by herself.

"Oh wow! Come on, you have to introduce me. See? I only said one thing, that time!"

All the Naiad's relatives were exclusivly female, her father had died when she was young; and since they all lived within the same body of water, they were always in close proximity, and even regularly passed through each other entirely.

This combined with the fact she'd rarely left the area meant the Naiad had virtually no concept of personal space with other females. Consequently, unaware of any connotations it might have with non water based society, she happily took Lorelle's
hand in hers, and started to pull her over to the Fairy's leader happily.
Lorelle allowed her to pull her warily, furrowing her brow slightly. "Umm...okay," she managed as she looked at the fairy queen. She carefully removed her hand from Florence's before curtsying to the queen, catching the slight smile on her face and relaxing.

"Well, Ella," the queen addressed her with a slight nod. "I see you're already making friends," she acknowledged the naiad. "Hardly surprising, I suppose, but impressive all the same." Her eyes slid from Lorelle to Florence, looking her over a bit.

Lorelle watched her, fully at ease before directing her own gaze to Florence. "This is Florence. She's a naiad."
Since i can't fine a sign-up sheet in the sign-up area, i'll post this here...

Name: Marchus Frankin

Nickname: Mark, Marco

Age: 19 1/2

Creature/human? Human

Personality: Marchus is a realist, he always has been, he first realized he was during religious studies in school, he bounced between many religions, Christianity, Islam, judaism, but none could hold him, he was never satisfied with what the books said, of course if you want to get technical, he was a bit iffy about santa claus and the easter bunny by the time he was 6, marchus has done well in school so far, and has found himself to be a natural sportsman, however he lacks many social skills, more than once he has completely blown off a beautiful girl because he had no idea she was coming on to him, Marchus spends his time either studying, or beating the absolute hell out of his punching bag, although he loves martial arts, he is a very non-violent person.

He has a passion for the arts and has a strong belief in responsible growth and sustainable living, but he is anything but a "hippie" in fact, he HATES hippies, he sees them as hypocrites and posers, Marchus realizes that you can't just disown everything science has given humans, but he also realizes that humans need to start being more responsible in how we grow, expand and sustain ourselves.

Hi here's a strange idea, hope you let me do it :)

Name: ToRo

age: 19

species: woodland troll. Double the size of a human and very furry, and with big eyes and big sharp pointy teeth. Actually so furry it's hard to we his shape and size. Think totoro or Domu- kun.

appearance: Well, he is one very big ball of brown fur, He wears a big nice looking hat with flowers in it. Always has an umbrella ready too keep him dry( it's a big mess if u get him wet trust me) and he always carries a big handbag with seemingly endless stuff and brings a small whiteboard to help him communicate since he doesn't really talk. And his mouth and teeth are really big( probably big enough to eat a human in one bite) but always smiling friendly, if your not trying to eat him or he's trying to eat you.

personality: very kind and caring and Also very hungry always trying to eat something. He was sent by the troll community to prove that they wAnt nothing but to live in peace. He doesn't know much about humans though he's trying to learn the lAnguage even though he can't really say the words. He figured he could sign his way through most of it( read sleep his way through most of it) and the fairy queen is sure he won't hurt anyone on purpose.

Pretty simple stuff really? Can I join?
(Hi to you both.

Thats not a formal sign up sheet no, the plan was to just drop in as you please, theres not going to be a set amount of people or anything.

If you both just have a quick read through the thread so you both get a general idea of the tone and the current setting, then you're both absolutely welcome to join in, great to have you both :) )
Suddenly a big mass of fur appeared in the forest clearing at the festivities outskirts. He seemed to be wearing a bowler hat with a wide arrangement of flowers and his fur was well groomed in big lushes locks for the occasion. TorO put on his best widest smile at all the humans starting to notice him edging towards the fairy queen. On his way closer to the fountain he folded out his huge umbrella to protect himself for them mischievous water nymphs, claiming even more space from the masses around him. The crowd become hushed and worried as he made his way forth and bowed before the queen – ignoring the two Faye that were chatting to her and let out a whelp that seemed to profess his greetings and well meanings (or so he hoped).

“Ah, yes this is or participant from the woodland trolls, TorO, a tribute to show that they wish only to live in peace with humans and all other woodland beings alike”

(if queens statement is wrong just change it someone)

A small cheer rose from the crowd as most seem to relaxed by the queens statement. TorO holds up his chalkboard with a beautiful scribbled peace sign and danced around a bit. Then looks at the queen and growls “food?” scaring a person or two in the crowd.

The queen gestures toward the buffet and TorO walks over there sheepishly and rather confused oogling all the delicacies in silence.

Once out of ear the fair queen whispers to Ella” Maybe you and your friend came make sure that thing doesn’t accidently crush someone please” ((or something like it.. hope its not to ooc))
(no worries. There's a differnt leader for each type of peoples, like a water Queen etc, but fairys are the biggest general grouping, so miscalanious creatures like Toro could fall under the fairy Queens followers.

For the sake of being able to carry on to a certain degree whilst not everyones here, i'll just say anyone is welcome to use secondary characters freely whilst your main's tied up, but i'll try keep everyone as involved in the key parts with main characters as much as possible. At some point we may well all end up with a couple of main characters anyway, and If as we keep going there seems to be sort of two groups of people on at differnt set times, then we can always split.)

Whilst Toro was by the buffet, Florence's Aunt, a mermaid, swan to the surface of the fountain, leaning on the edge of its stone basin, tail swishing in the air lazily.

She look slightly suprised when she saw a large, shaggy ball of fur over by the buffet, before she noticed he had a mouth, and was infact a leaving creature.

"Hello there, dear." she said warmly, eyeing him lazily.

"You should be careful not to eat any of the fairy food from there. I've been told it makes you burp rainbows. Dreadfully high in calories, too."
Lorelle looked around, noting with slight surprise that more people were beginning to show up. She felt her wings flutter a bit nervously and the queen placed a hand just barely on her shoulder to hold her in place. "I trust that you two will be able to look after each other in this apartment place?" she inquired, glancing between Lorelle and Florence.

Lorelle's sister's tinkling laugh sounded and Lorelle looked over her shoulder to see her lovely sister making her way over with her suitcases still quite small in the palm of her hand with a friend of theirs.

"Hi, there," Lillian said, greeting Florence cheerily after handing the tiny luggage to one of the queens' attendants and curtsying.
"Wow. This is literally more people than I've ever seen in one place before. In my life."

As Florence started to speak, she bubbled with excitement.

Quite literally.

Her skin started to bubble and ripple, and the water in her hair started to flow faster.

Despite her generally clumsy demenour and lack of world knowledge, she had been well schooled in the polite way to adress her superiors.

She curtsied deeply to both the Queen and to Lillian, with a grace and exquisite detail that almost elevated the act to an art form.

"Your majesy, my lady, im honoured to meet you both."

She pulled a small vial of water from a pocket on her dress, presenting it to the Queen.

"A vial of live water from my source, your highness. Pour it onto a flower, and it will never wilt as long as I live."

After the formal greeting, she turned to Lillian, adressing her much more casually.

"Hi, there! Do you know Lorelle? Shes my best freind! Well, I mean, shes my only freind who isn't related to me, and I doubt im her best freind, but...yeh!"

Lorelle watched the queen press the bottle into one of her lady's in waiting's hands. Lillian watched Florence with a looked of great amusement, her brilliant green eyes twinkling slightly.

Grateful that her perfect sister chose not to embarrass the naiad, Lorelle watched as she nodded slowly. "I do know Diana, yes," she replied. "She is my sister. And you are a naiad. I am proud to see that my sister has apparently been making friends so easily, not that it is of any surprise. We tease her that she could make friends with a rock, if she decided to do so. Of course, it is a little bit difficult to believe that she would be your only unrelated friend," she mused, twisting her golden red hair up into a bun without seeming to think about it.

Lorelle raised her brow at that. "Yes, it is a surprise. Haven't you ever met anyone else?"

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