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I have a very raw concept in mind for a historical fantasy RP set during the American Revolution, although several details still need to be fleshed out. Some components were inspired by the (practically unfinished & wildly inaccurate) mobile CYOA game Sons of the Cherry, but this RP will have a decidedly different premise.

SIDE NOTE: While I have been working to brush up my knowledge on the real American Revolution in preparation for this RP, I am by no means an expert on the subject. So if there are any history buffs out there who would know more about it, any insights you can contribute to help build this RP would be greatly appreciated!

And without further ado, on to (the rough draft of) the story!

A secret society of wizards originally founded in Britain has been keeping the balance between humans and the supernatural for centuries. An American offshoot of the group was formed in the early days of Britain’s New World Colonies, and despite the witch hunts of the past, both branches have survived to continue their work in the much more peaceful Age of Enlightenment.

But as relations between Britain and the Colonies start to sour, with more and more Americans seeking independence, those same political tensions are threatening to fracture the wizard society as well. The brewing war is starting to encroach on supernatural territory, and the situation can only be ignored for so long before catastrophe ensues, but what exactly are they to do? Wizards in the group fiercely disagree on whether to directly interfere in the conflict, and on which side. Some members have even been going rogue, using their magic and their supernatural knowledge of the Americas to focus on helping their chosen side, even if it means compromising the society's mission. And who knows what the supernaturals themselves will do in the wake of this conflict!

For purposes of this RP, "Wizard Gifts" primarily refers to the natural gifts/talents that a wizard is born with. These gifts are powers that even an untrained wizard can naturally call upon, although even these natural gifts can be made more effective with adequate training.

Wizards can still use magics outside of their natural gifts, but never quite to the same degree as a wizard with that gift. For example, Watchers tend to naturally have dreams/visions of past, present, and possible future events, even without actively using scrying or divination magic. Likewise, while non-Landwardens can still study herbalism and learn to harness nature in their magics, true Landwardens are so at one with the natural world that they are practically children of the wilderness, able to commune almost effortlessly with plants and animals and instinctively sense the state of the natural world around them.


Landwardens have a strong affinity with nature and nature-based magic. Some would say Landwardens can “control” plants and animals (including some supernatural species), but this is not quite accurate. Rather, plants and animals instinctively trust and favor Landwardens enough to assist them and share nature’s secrets freely with them. The latter also gives Landwardens a heightened sense of the state of the natural world around them, including telepathic communication with nearby plants, animals, and even humans. More experienced Landwardens tend to accumulate a vast knowledge of the natural and magical properties of various plants and stones.


Watchers are able to naturally see highly accurate visions of past and current events, even in their dreams. They can also see possible future events, but future visions are much more fickle, requiring a certain degree of wisdom on the Watcher’s part. The future is never truly set in stone, so any attempts to change or prevent an envisioned future could very well succeed, or fail, or even create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Untrained Watchers’ visions tend to appear unexpectedly, but a trained Watcher can sometimes actively trigger a vision. For instance, visiting and studying a certain place can trigger visions of past events that took place there, while thinking intently of a person can trigger visions of where they are at that present moment.


Scriveners specialize in magical symbols, from arcane sigils and glyphs that have been used for centuries, to newly drawn symbols purely of their own design. They have a knack for identifying the magical properties of any man-made symbol, even if they’ve never seen the symbol before, and can even create their own unique symbols by drawing freestyle with a specific purpose in mind.

An untrained Scrivener may at times find themselves aimlessly scratching away at a piece of parchment with their pen, or tracing lines with their fingers on any surface within reach… sometimes without even realizing that they’re doing so. The resulting magic from these idle marks can be unpredictable, usually drawing power from the Scrivener’s mood or intentions at the time. On the other hand, a well-trained Scrivener can focus more intently on the purpose and design of the symbols they draw, and can even study the symbols of other cultures (past and present) and learn to use them properly and incorporate them into their own drawn symbols.


Firetamers harness energy in its purest forms, whether by drawing energy into themselves or expelling it outward. Despite the name, the energy that Firetamers control is not restricted solely to fire or heat, but can also include lightning and any supernatural energy, although the latter can pose additional risks to an untrained Firetamer.

Proper training is essential for Firetamers to be able to safely control their gift. Not only might an untrained Firetamer accidentally start a fire or other disaster, but they can also injure themselves or become seriously ill if they absorb or expel too much energy at a time.

A Firetamer with a good scientific or practical understanding of how energy works can learn to use their gift more efficiently. This can range from heating or cooling a cup of tea without noticing, to being able to set off larger explosions with less energy required on the Firetamer’s part.

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What is the 'aesthetic' or feel of magic? Is it like dr-strangey with lots of magic circles? more like harry potter? or just more spontaneous and based on instinct?
What is the 'aesthetic' or feel of magic? Is it like dr-strangey with lots of magic circles? more like harry potter? or just more spontaneous and based on instinct?

I’m aiming for a low-fantasy magic aesthetic, more or less along the lines of BBC’s Merlin series and/or the Harry Potter series when it comes to wizard magic.

The original British society would have started with traditional British folk magic and gradually started integrating the scientific advances of the time. The American offshoot had a similar start, but in the decades since its foundation, it has also been learning from, partnering with, and even recruiting magic-users from the indigenous/native populations and any other non-British cultures they came in contact with in the New World, making them more diverse in both membership and methods than their British counterparts.

Lastly, as for non-wizard supernatural creatures, I’m aiming for a mix of American cryptids (of which there are surprisingly many) and some conventional horror fantasy races (vampires, werewolves, ghosts/ghouls, etc.), with other species/races on a case-by-case basis.

Hope that helps with your question!
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I’m down for this, though I’m the first to admit I don’t know a ton about the American Revolution, given the fact that I’m Canadian. I do really like taking cryptids and making them actual characters, and I’m currently drawn toward the Mothman or the Jersey Devil.
Id be down for this, playing some kind of American cryptid. Im native so, i know a lot about native beasties
I’m interested if you’re still looking for participants! I love the concept and general vibe you seem to have in mind!
Definitely!! I'm hoping for a reasonably balanced roster as far as Patriots/Loyalists/Neutrals and Humans/Wizards/Supernaturals before we start.
Sounds good I’m willing to play whatever kind of character needed! A couple questions though since I’m loving the idea and I want to talk abt it-

Would religion play as big of a role in the colonies’ founding? Or would the whole “moving away to escape religious prosecution” part of moving to the americas not be as influential due to the existence of magic kind of messing with the church?

Would people still have muskets and flintlock pistols and whatnot despite magic existing?

Edit- ignore all of this, I realized I’m an idiot and didn’t read the “secret” part of the secret society of wizards
Sounds good I’m willing to play whatever kind of character needed! A couple questions though since I’m loving the idea and I want to talk abt it-

Would religion play as big of a role in the colonies’ founding? Or would the whole “moving away to escape religious prosecution” part of moving to the americas not be as influential due to the existence of magic kind of messing with the church?

Would people still have muskets and flintlock pistols and whatnot despite magic existing?

Edit- ignore all of this, I realized I’m an idiot and didn’t read the “secret” part of the secret society of wizards
LOL yep. Not only that, but this was not too long after the infamous witch hunts of the previous centuries, so magic on the whole is a carefully guarded secret from conventional human society. Of course, there may occasionally be a wizard supremacist (a la Grindelwald or Voldemort from the Harry Potter universe) who may try to change the status quo and assert wizard dominance by force, but such sentiments are severely frowned upon by the majority of wizards, who fear that such upstarts could easily send them back to the era of the witch hunts (and during a war, no less).
Some questions, probably too many questions.

Are there any style, formatting, or length requirements?

Are there requirements for how frequently we should post or what order we all must post in?

Will discord be required for the rp?

What are the vampires like?

Could wizard magic not covered by the four kinds listed in the interest check be a thing? I have some ideas, but I'm not sure they'd be a fit.

How many characters are we allowed to make?

How true to the times should we be in terms of non-revolt related politics, demographics, and terminology?
Some questions, probably too many questions.

Are there any style, formatting, or length requirements?
Third person past tense format. As for length, while I don't plan on any specific requirement or limit, I do ask that each player write enough per post for other players to be able to respond to. Give us something to work with and help move the story along.

Are there requirements for how frequently we should post or what order we all must post in?
Not planning on any specific frequency, because I know life happens. I would also like to have everyone take turns posting in rounds, so that no one is left out, although the precise order will depend on who posts when in the first round (or I could have it randomly selected if people would prefer it that way), with exceptions on an as-needed case-by-case basis.

Will discord be required for the rp?
Not planning on requiring Discord, but I will happily start a Discord server if everyone wants it!

What are the vampires like?
This is a good question, and I haven't fully fleshed this out yet. I could see them having the standard strengths and weaknesses (drinking blood, hypnotic charm, vulnerability to sunlight/garlic/etc.), but I haven't fleshed out much beyond this. Will follow up on this as the lore develops further!

Could wizard magic not covered by the four kinds listed in the interest check be a thing? I have some ideas, but I'm not sure they'd be a fit.
Certainly! In fact, the list of gifts right now is incomplete, and I would be more than happy to take requests for any Wizard Gifts you would like to add to the list.

How many characters are we allowed to make?
My only restriction on number of characters is, don't make so many that you end up monopolizing the RP. If you have 10 characters while everyone else has 2-3 at most, you've got a problem. That's an exaggeration, of course, but in general I ask that each player use their best judgment in this regard. NPCs do not count toward this.

How true to the times should we be in terms of non-revolt related politics, demographics, and terminology?
I'm not really qualified to answer this, because I myself am still learning the full details of the actual history and politics involved. The more accurate you can be, the better, but I won't nag players for every little mistake. Only if an inaccuracy clearly doesn't fit with the basic historical context of this RP will I put my foot down and say no.
EXAMPLE: In the "Sons of the Cherry" game I mentioned in the OP, George Washington is portrayed as a religious bigot and mass murderer who ordered the slaughter of civilians in an American town while they were planting a cherry tree, claiming that they were devil worshippers and whatnot. No such event ever happened in reality, and for George Washington to murder American civilians in cold blood and call them devil worshippers without proof makes absolutely no sense in the historical context, so that kind of portrayal would not fly in this RP.
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Oooh! As a huge am-rev history buff, count me in! I don’t know exactly what kind of character I’ll play, but I have a few ideas. Enslaved person signing on with the British who promised emancipation? Some type of Culper Ring spy action? The wife of a general who’s the one with the actual strategy? A member of the continental congress or a dirt poor recruit in the continental army? So many options, I can hardly decide!

And I can provide help with historical accuracy. History major who got started with a Hamilton phase. You know the drill
Sounds interesting! I'm thinking of trying out a fae-type character (if allowed, and subject to the whims of my lackadaisical mind).
EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1
FANTASTIC!! I'll definitely be sending you a DM in the very near future!

Sepokku Sepokku
Very good; consider them reserved! I am willing to accept multiple characters as long as it doesn't reach a point where you end up monopolizing the RP, so for now have at it!

DracoNightshade DracoNightshade
Awesome! I'll send you the character page as soon as it's ready.

Remembrance Remembrance
Interesting! I'll be happy to take a look at what you have in mind, and if it fits with this RP's universe, I'm all for it.
Third person past tense format. As for length, while I don't plan on any specific requirement or limit, I do ask that each player write enough per post for other players to be able to respond to. Give us something to work with and help move the story along.

Not planning on any specific frequency, because I know life happens. I would also like to have everyone take turns posting in rounds, so that no one is left out, although the precise order will depend on who posts when in the first round (or I could have it randomly selected if people would prefer it that way), with exceptions on an as-needed case-by-case basis.

Not planning on requiring Discord, but I will happily start a Discord server if everyone wants it!

This is a good question, and I haven't fully fleshed this out yet. I could see them having the standard strengths and weaknesses (drinking blood, hypnotic charm, vulnerability to sunlight/garlic/etc.), but I haven't fleshed out much beyond this. Will follow up on this as the lore develops further!

Certainly! In fact, the list of gifts right now is incomplete, and I would be more than happy to take requests for any Wizard Gifts you would like to add to the list.

My only restriction on number of characters is, don't make so many that you end up monopolizing the RP. If you have 10 characters while everyone else has 2-3 at most, you've got a problem. That's an exaggeration, of course, but in general I ask that each player use their best judgment in this regard. NPCs do not count toward this.

I'm not really qualified to answer this, because I myself am still learning the full details of the actual history and politics involved. The more accurate you can be, the better, but I won't nag players for every little mistake. Only if an inaccuracy clearly doesn't fit with the basic historical context of this RP will I put my foot down and say no.
EXAMPLE: In the "Sons of the Cherry" game I mentioned in the OP, George Washington is portrayed as a religious bigot and mass murderer who ordered the slaughter of civilians in an American town while they were planting a cherry tree, claiming that they were devil worshippers and whatnot. No such event ever happened in reality, and for George Washington to murder American civilians in cold blood and call them devil worshippers without proof makes absolutely no sense in the historical context, so that kind of portrayal would not fly in this RP.

Everything is good with me then, but the posting order.
In my opinion, not only does it kill realism, but I don't want to be holding up the rp should I be unable to post promptly enough.

Also, what medium should we use for showing our characters' appearancec? Would we be allowed to use a thorough description instead of a picture? I tend to have trouble finding pictures that actually look like my characters as I imagine them, but to make up for it my descriptions of their appearances are pretty detailed.
Everything is good with me then, but the posting order.
In my opinion, not only does it kill realism, but I don't want to be holding up the rp should I be unable to post promptly enough.
This is understandable, which is why I am more than happy to let players "cut the line" as needed on a case-by-case basis. Not so much so that a small handful of players ends up hogging the RP to themselves and leaving everyone else out (which I have seen happen in past RPs). But if someone can't post for whatever reason (because again, life happens), they can be skipped as needed (though I do ask that players let us know in advance if possible). Likewise, if a post comes up such that the usual posting order would be unrealistic, I'm happy to make whatever adjustments are necessary.

Also, what medium should we use for showing our characters' appearancec? Would we be allowed to use a thorough description instead of a picture? I tend to have trouble finding pictures that actually look like my characters as I imagine them, but to make up for it my descriptions of their appearances are pretty detailed.
You can use pictures, descriptions, or both as you see fit. I would prefer more realistic pictures or photos if you do use images, but as long as you give enough detail for other players to work with, you're fine.
This is understandable, which is why I am more than happy to let players "cut the line" as needed on a case-by-case basis. Not so much so that a small handful of players ends up hogging the RP to themselves and leaving everyone else out (which I have seen happen in past RPs). But if someone can't post for whatever reason (because again, life happens), they can be skipped as needed (though I do ask that players let us know in advance if possible). Likewise, if a post comes up such that the usual posting order would be unrealistic, I'm happy to make whatever adjustments are necessary.

You can use pictures, descriptions, or both as you see fit. I would prefer more realistic pictures or photos if you do use images, but as long as you give enough detail for other players to work with, you're fine.
Excellent! You can count me in!
Sounds interesting I will have to do some research on Native and early colonial folklore because playing a supernatural being sounds fun but am more then happy to just play a wizard.
ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Lost Martian Lost Martian Sepokku Sepokku Aelia Aelia Quailie Quailie StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Remembrance Remembrance Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

I'm happy to report that the groundwork has now been laid for the OOC, Character, & Lore threads. There are still gaps to be filled out, but hopefully this helps everyone with brainstorming!


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