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The Altered.

Hyde- I've spent the night here before. It is really peaceful. I like coming during the day the most though. I stretch out and just nap in the sun. Are there any places you really like to go?
Umiko- Umm...*Tries to think but comes up with nothing* You know... I really can't think of anything... Maybe the Library? *Smiles with a bit of embarrassment* That's a little nerdy huh? *Gets a call on her cell phone* Oh.. I'm so sorry.. *Looks at it* 'Call From: Uzagi', hits ignore and looks back up at Hyde* It's no one.
Hyde- Haha I don't mind the library. To each their own I guess. *Looks around while Umiko looks at her phone.* You know it is getting really dark. I can make the stars out now. Are you sure you don't need to be heading back soon? I don't want you to get in trouble. My Dad doesn't care about it at all, but my sister will be worried. I guess I should call her real quick. Pardon me. I'm sorry. *Calls Kasumi to tell her everything is alright and not to wait up for him.*
Umiko- Um.. I can stay a little while longer. *smiles and goes to sit at the shrine's steps to the offering box* So, how long have you been in this town? * Looks over at him*
Hyde- *Leans against the post of the Shrine looking down at Umiko.* My family has been here for as long as I remember. My Dad works at the factory still. I don't really know what he does there but he doesn't seem to mind it much. He doesn't come home as dirty as he used to, so I guess he has moved up there. My Mom I think was born here but I don't really know. She passed away giving birth to Kasumi. I know that I don't really want to be here anymore though. I really want to move out of this town and go to college. I'll be the first one in my family to go to college. I feel like Kasumi will be the first to graduate though. She is much smarter than I am...

So what about you? How long have you been here?
Umiko- Heh, our stories are quite similar. My father also works at the Factory. He's taken a night shift lately so I really don't get to see him at all anymore... but I miss him. *Looks down* My.. mother left us when I was five. It really tore him up so... he's not very easy to talk to anymore... I really try and help but I don't feel like i'm getting through to him most of the time. I know he tries to put on a happy face for my bother and I but... I can see through it. *Realizes her story is getting a bit sad* Oh.. heh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say all of that.

Aw come on! You are very smart too, i've seen you in class. *Smiles* I'd really love to go to a college outside of town as well. *They hear some rustling in the woods behind them, looks at Hyde then quickly looks behind them* What was that?
Hyde- *Puts Umiko behind him and focuses intensely in the forest. Smells the air some and starts to settle down.* That's just Erebus. He will probably show himself soon. Don't worry it is nothing bad. *Looks back at Umiko.* Thank you for telling me that story. You know something. I don't think anyone in town really has a good family anymore. I'm pretty sure most families have broken, someone has died, or some gets sick. That seems so odd.... I wonder....
Umiko-...Oh, you can tell? *Looks up at him for reassurance* ..Hm.. actually now that you mention it.. That's true... *Looks down in thought* ..Maybe we should get back soon anyway.

Erebus-*Comes out of the woods and waves a bit* Sorry to interrupt.
Hyde- *Looks at Erebus.* It is alright. We are actually about to leave. I've got to get Umiko home. See you tomorrow Erebus. *Walks with Umiko toward her home.* I've had a really good night tonight with you. I really like spending time together.
Umiko- Good night Erebus. *Walks with Hyde*

Erebus- See ya. *Sighs a little in relief* ~Bed time.~ *Lays down behind the offering box*

Umiko- *Smiles* I've had a really nice night with you too... I've never really been together like this with a boy my age before.. Heh, I thought I would be a lot more nervous than I am. ~Wait.. did I really just say that to him?!~ ..Um! ....I mean.. *Sighs, they get to Umiko's house* ...Thank you for tonight Hyde. *Smiles* See you tomorrow at school?
Hyde- Of course! I thought I was going to be a little more nervous as well. I hope you sleep well tonight. See you tomorrow. *Waits just outside on the street for Umiko to close and lock the door before he leaves.*
Uzagi-*Grabs Umiko and pushes her inside then shuts the door, grabs Hyde's hood* HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Umiko- *Opens the door again* Uzagi stop!!

Uzagi-*Glares at Umiko* Get inside!! *Turns back to Hyde* Look, I don't know your deal but you stay the hell away from my sister got it! She doesn't need to be hanging around with bums like you! *Lets go of his hood with a little push and goes inside with Umiko* I said get inside!

Umiko- *Looks back at Hyde like 'I'm sorry'*
Hyde- *A little shocked at what happened and still trying to figure out what is going on.* ~That was crazy. Who was that. Wait a second, he was really aggressive, he can't treat Umiko like that. What if he hurt her throwing her inside like that. What the hell type of a person does that.~ *Turns back around gathering himself after being pushed. Pounds on the door. Gets himself psyched up and ready for a fight.* UMIKO! ARE YOU ALRIGHT! WHAT IS GOING ON! HEY YOU BASTARD YOU CAN'T HURT UMIKO LIKE THAT! COME OUT HERE! *Pounds on the door more. Begins snarling showing off his teeth starts to breath very heavy and losing control of himself. Starting to rage more and more.*
Uzagi- *Standing in front of the door from the inside* Go to your room Umiko... NOW!

Umiko- Uzagi please!! It was my fault we stayed out this late!! You can't do this!! *sounds distressed and scared*

Uzagi-*pushes her a bit towards her room as he turns to open the door* I said go! *Opens the door and pushes Hyde back* STOP! If you want to fight come on!

(Uzagi has been well trained in fighting, starting when he was very young so he isn't intimidated by Hyde) *Gets into a fighting stance* She's MY sister! I WILL protect her from scum like you!! You wont hold her back in this piece of shit town!!

Umiko- Uzagi STOP!! Hyde!! Please! Just go!... *Standing in the door* Please! *Starts to tear up out of nervousness* I'm so sorry!

Uzagi- Don't apologize to him!!
Hyde- *Instantly tells Uzagi is capable of fighting based on his stance yet he is still raging and not thinking correctly.* You are a crap bastard for treating her like that and yelling at her! How dare you put your hands on her like that! You think you have to protect her from me and you are the one throwing her around like a rag doll! *Gets in a defensive position for fighting. Knowing he won't have a chance if he attacks but he won't back down either.* If you want to push someone and feel big why don't you try it with me! Leave her alone and don't hurt her again!
Uzagi- I'm not the one who is hurting her here! I'm warning you now if you fight me I wont hold back on you because of your ignorance! I'm giving you one more chance to get the hell off my property! NOW!

Umiko- NO!! *gets in front of Uzagi* Please stop both of you! This is crazy!!

Uzagi- Get out of the way Umiko!! I told you to go inside!!!

Umiko- I'll only go if you do!! *pushing on his chest to try and get him to go but not budging him* please!!
Hyde- I have a sister and if I ever treated her like that she would tell me I was hurting her! I'm not holding her back from anything I'm supportive of whatever she wants to do in her life. I'm not backing away knowing that Umiko is in that house with a brother that throwers her around! You should be ashamed of yourself! *Hyde prepares himself for a fight. He raises his huge hands and starts to protect himself with his superior reach.* I won't let you hurt her so you better come try to hurt me! You'll be surprised at what I can do! *Knowing he doesn't have anywhere near the level of technique Uzagi has Hyde gets in a more powerful defensive stance so he can use his reach and better strength to his advantage.* ~I know I can't beat him outright but I'll make him pay. I'll hurt you, you bastard. I'll rip your knee apart, or break your shoulders. You'll hurt me but I'll be sure to break you before you put me down.~ *Looks at Umiko and sees her distress and tears.* I won't let him hurt you Umiko. I won't.... *Looks back at Uzagi and gives him a look of pure determination. You can see in his face that he knows he will lose but he won't give up, truly believing he is doing the right thing for Umiko.*
Uzagi- You're a real dumb ass aren't you!? Can't you see YOU'RE the one hurting her! Tch... you don't even know anything about her! I've been holding back knowing Umiko would hate it if I fought you! Besides... heh.. you don't stand a chance kid. ...Umiko lets go inside. *looks back at Hyde* Go home. You're in over your head with her. She isn't interested. *goes inside with Umiko who is in tears and unable to form words at the moment, slams the door*


(Next Day, Early Morning, Homeroom)

Everyone trails in except Umiko.

Erebus-*Looks at Umiko's empty seat* ~Wasn't she with Hyde last night..?~ *Looks at Hyde then taps his shoulder* Hey, you okay?

Ludwig-*Talking with Nadine* So Nadine, what's a BBQ anyway? *turns around in his seat*

Ick- Isn't that like a uh... like a grilling thing? *Looks back*
Hyde- *Still looking angry and distraught. Leans in his seat and turns around to Erebus.* I think I need your help. Umiko's brother was very violent last night when I brought Umiko home. I don't know if she is alright and her brother Uzagi looks like he knows how to fight. I think I could hurt him but I know I couldn't win. I don't know what happened to Umiko and I'm scared. I think I'm going to ask Kane and Sebastian to come as well. If Umiko is hurt or bruised I think all of us could take Uzagi pretty easy. *Looks at Erebus giving a face of not really knowing what to do.*

Nadine- Yeah that is right. We grill a lot of food! It is going to be great I think you will really like it. *Looks at Umiko's seat.* ~I was going to ask her if she could come work with us tonight. I wonder if she is sick.~
Erebus- *Looks a little surprised* Really? ... Looks Hyde, those are her own family issues.. I don't think it would be very smart of you to get involved like that.. Especially when you are talking about taking an entire group of guys to go beat up Umiko's brother... How do you think she would react to that? I'm sure she's fine.. Maybe she's just running late? ..Uzagi runs a fighting studio. In the day it's just a harmless self defense class but at night he turns it into this fight for money thing. He knows what he is doing,.. I wouldn't get tangled up with him.

Ludwig- Hm, that sounds really good. I like food. *smiles a little*

Ick- Haha "I like food" You sound like a moron! Hahahaha!

Ludwig- *Glares at Ick* Shut up will you?
Hyde- *looks angry* God damn it. What a bastard. I swear I'm going to train and get stronger and I'll make him pay. You all don't have to help me. I'll do it myself. I know Kasmui would never let someone just be abused like that. *Turns away from Erebus but not being angry with him.* ~I know he is right, but I can't let that keep happening. what can I do to help Umiko. I'm not just going to leave her alone and hope her brother doesn't do anything. I might have to go to that fight studio.~

Nadine- Hahaha I like food too. So I guess I'm a moron as well. *Looks at Ick.*
Erebus-*Sighs a bit. knowing Hyde is upset about the issue*

Ick- Oh uh... no no! That's not... I mean how he...Ahh!

Ludwig- Hahaha. *Smiles at Nadine*


(School End, Umiko never came to school, Weekend and the INN)

(Erebus and Hyde are walking together with Rend to the Inn)

Erebus- So Rend.. Have you taken a liking to Hyde? I guess he really is popular with the ladies.. *Smirks knowing it will piss her off*

Rend- What the hell did you just say mutt?! *Glares at him*

Erebus-*Shrugs* Nothing.. *Looks over at Hyde* ...I'm sure she'll be there.. You can talk to her then. *Seeing that Hyde is still upset*

Rend- I don't get it? What's wrong with you? *Looks up at Hyde*

Erebus-Leave him alone shrimp.. *Pokes her forehead and keeps walking*

Rend- HEY! Don't touch me!! *pushes him but he doesn't move much*

Erebus= Ehhhh... you are such a pain..*Sighs* Look were here will you behave?
Hyde- *Not really listening to Erebus and Rend talking. Somewhat makes out Rend's question but chooses to ignore it.*

(Last night after Hyde leaves Umiko with Uzagi.)

Hyde- *Walking home through the woods.* ~I just don't understand. I've never been treated or confronted like that before. I'm not holding Umiko back. I know I'm not. Maybe I should just bury my feelings. It has worked in the past. I could never sleep when I did that though. I've always had trouble sleeping I guess. I just can't accept what happened.~ *Starts to look up at the sky and the stars.* ~I hate this town. I hate this stupid small town that has nothing in it but that factory. What a stupid waste of a life this place is. I can't stand my dad anymore. He just looks like he gave up and doesn't care anymore and that isn't me. Maybe I can't get everyone out of this place but I can sure try to get the ones I care about. I have to help Kasumi get out of here. Does Umiko really matter though. I mean I just met her.~ *Starts to make himself angry thinking the way he is. He starts grabbing trees and ripping bark off the trunks.* ~That is stupid. I can't give up on Umiko yet can I? Did I ever really try to help Umiko? God, what a stupid crush this is. I need to focus on my grades and getting into that wrestling team. Maybe I could join that fight studio Uzagi runs. I could train because I have access to the high school gym and weights now. I could learn the technical side of wrestling and watch the other guys fighting to pick up more of the street fighting. I'll build myself into something worth getting out of this town.~ *Starts feeling more confident even though he is somewhat giving up on Umiko already.* ~I'll focus on me and if Umiko or any one else comes along I'll give them a chance but I'm not going out of my way anymore. I'm a sophomore. I have three more years to get myself together, earn money, maybe get a scholarship and get out of here. I'm not working at that factory.~ *Gets home and only sleeps about an hour.* ~So it starts again. No more sleep. Just gives me more time to study and practice.~

(Weekend, Inn)

Hyde- *Gets to the Inn with Erebus and Rend. Trying to keep true to himself from the conversation he had with himself from the night before. Still showing he deep down cares about Umiko though.* Yeah well we are here. I guess it is time to help out with all the work. *Tries to be more distant from the group than normal.*

Kasumi- *Can tell something is off with Hyde but tries to help more at the Inn.* So Nadine, where can we start helping?

Nadine- Thank you everyone for showing up! Come on we will start moving some boxes. If the guys could grab some of the heavy things the girls can start moving lighter things and cleaning.
Umiko- *Already there with her brother, see's Hyde come in and looks down* ...*Walks over to him*...Hi.. Hyde. Um.. Can I talk to you please? It'll only take a minute..

Uzagi-*Looks over at them then goes back to working*

(Ludwig and Ick walk in as well)

Ick-WOO Were here! You can start the party now! *Smiling and looking around* Heeeeyyy, why is everyone so down?!

Ludwig- Hey, we have to work first you know? *Looks over at Ick* C'mon. *Walks over to Nadine and smiles* Hey, were here. What do you want us to do?

Rend- She already said move the heavy things moron! ...Heh... if you can. *Smirks and goes about her business helping out*

Ludwig- *Curls his lip in sarcasm* You really don't like me do you... *Shrugs* I guess I can't say I care much. *Starts moving some boxes with Ick*

Erebus- ...uh...hey.. *Rubs the back of his head nervously as he tries to work up the courage to talk to Nadine*
Hyde- *Being distant. Makes eye contact with Uzagi and feels a heat building in his stomach.* ~I hate you Uzagi.~ *Looks back at Umiko.* Yeah that's fine but it should be quick since we are supposed to work.

Nadine- *Turns around with a perky smile on her face.* Hey Erebus, whats up?

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