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Fantasy The Albert Branch OOC Chat

Noam Noam Asuhra Asuhra
Given the limited number of slots in this RP (10 player slots overall) and given I've tried to reach out to both of you in this thread and PM over the past few weeks I am considering kicking you both, which would be a crying shame given I find both your characters very interesting.
I'm giving you both until the 15th of June and after that I will be kicking you both from the RP unless I hear from you. I get that personal circumstances get in the way and the like (has been the case for myself before) but as I genuinely haven't heard from either of you since the RP went active and given the limited slot number I have to make room for potential players.

Anyway, I hope I don't have to resort to kicking anyone and the same goes for you two. Hopefully I hear from you soon.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Hiya, I hope this is the right place to ask you if there's room for 1 more PC. In case it isn't, by all means let me know and direct me to the correct sub-section to make sure it doesn't happen again. Also, I realize I'm a newbie on this forum and you might be hesitant to let me participate but the setting really piqued my interest so had to take a shot. :)

Let me know what you think, thanks.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Hiya, I hope this is the right place to ask you if there's room for 1 more PC. In case it isn't, by all means let me know and direct me to the correct sub-section to make sure it doesn't happen again. Also, I realize I'm a newbie on this forum and you might be hesitant to let me participate but the setting really piqued my interest so had to take a shot. :)

Let me know what you think, thanks.

There is room for one more as I had to increase the number of slots from ten to eleven.
Thanks for you interest.

Sorry, I wrote my response ages ago and I could have sworn I posted it..... Obviously not!

Apologies for the delay
Given the total lack of interest in this thing I have decided to kill it. Players just dropped without saying and this thing was basically left. There were a few things I probably could have done differently but oh well.
I will probably take what I had planned and use it to write a solo story of some kind, that way it does not go to waste outright but it's a shame as I had stuff planned for people's characters that probably won't get used.

Anyway, see ya.

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