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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
As Arona waved happily as everyone left, she shuts the door and slumps down to the floor and sighs. Horatio joins her and the two sit on the floor together with tired bodies. "Man....so much happened today...can you believe it?...I hope that tomorrow won't end up like this...I hope we don't run into those jerks again..." she said with a tired expression but her face then shifts to a more annoyed look "Especially that Metal Garbage jerk...I mean SERIOUSLY! What is wrong with him?! It's like he doesn't give a crud about anything at all with his smart mouth remarks! What the heck?! Even his Face! HIS FACE is like someone dipped his head in cold water and it became a face that is all frozen! Arrrgghhh! He just annoys me soooo much!" she exclaimed with a bit of anger and annoyance.
Horatio turned his head and looked at her
"But you gave him the book right? He will come back eventually to return it" he said. Arona's cheeks start to puff as she begins to rant again. "I really couldn't care less if he brought back that book or not, I have like five more copies of that book. I just really hope we don't run into him again! Why are all stupid metal thingies so rude, heartless and emotionless! It's like his parents didn't teach him crud! MY GOSH!...I'm starting to wonder why humans would create such piles of garbage in the first place..." she finished ranting and takes a deep breathe.

Horatio lowers his head as he begins to feel guilt, Arona looked at him and realized what she said.
"Oh...I didn't mean...that you..." she said in a soft voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that about you....I mean your different in a good way! Even though you both are metal thingies....you're not like him....you're not garbage...I'm really sorry for saying that..." she apologized after everything that he did for them.

"It's alright, don't be sorry. I completely understand what you mean...it's really hard to grasp the concept of machines." he said and faced towards her "There's a reason why he's like that Arona, he's a machine and machines are based to do logical and rational reasoning...we can't feel emotions like you do...machines can't be happy or sad or angry...it's just the way we are built to be...so please don't blame him...he was built like that..he cannot help it..." he explained.

"So...he doesn't have a Mother or Father?...I don't quite understand how it works...I mean you can walk and talk so doesn't that mean he is alive and everything that is living can feel....right?" She asked. Horatio stands up and begins to walk into the kitchen, he brings out a metal pot and places it on the floor. "Like I said before, robots cannot die...we were never alive to begin with...we are merely just imitations of life, built into this world to follow our duties that our creators meant us to do. Like this metal pot...you see...this metal pot is built for a purpose...and it does it's purpose but... imagine that pot with arms and legs...it can also talk and think like you..that is what a machine is..." he explained.

Arona poked the pot and looks back to Horatio
"So...you guys are all walking talking pots?" she asked innocently. Horatio sits down next to Arona and let loose some steam from his mouth...literally "I guess you kind of got the right idea but we aren't pots...however we are made out of metal." he explained. "But...if you say machines aren't alive...you seem happy and sad especially surprised when I told Inutsuki about that little special talk..." she giggled "But seriously though, do you like her? I'm just wondering...don't worry...I won't tell her...I promise!"

Horatio looks at his own hand back and forth "I don't see her as romantically attractive if that is what you are asking, I just feel like I can relate to her because I too have forgotten my past....and sometimes I wonder if I even had one to begin with...maybe someone threw me inside a cave because I was defective...a defect with the ability to feel and wonder...." he said sadly.

Arona pats Horatio on the back and smiles brightly at him
"Don't worry about it! To me I think you're really amazing and special! Don't care about what others say about you! You have a kind and brave heart...you even helped Inutsuki and that's proof to everyone right there!" she says encouragingly. "You should get some rest! Tomorrow is Mate Day! and we will have lots of fun and romance! Even if I am single with no mate. Love will be in the air...and I get to stalk some cute bird guys..." she said while laughing a bit as she went upstairs. "Good Night Horatio! Sweet Dreams!" she says happily as she goes upstairs to her bed room.

"Good Night Arona"
he said calmly as the night settled in...

An hour has passed and Arona is fast asleep, Horatio is sitting on the couch analyzing his hands and body hoping to find clues...but so far....nothing.
"What am I?" he asked himself. Realizing that he would get no answers decided to take a short rest to conserve power.

The Dark Void....

An endless abyss of darkness....Horatio wakes up to find that he back in this depressing place "Back here again..." as he drifted across the void, he begins to hear a voice...at first he thought it was Arona but this was a different voice..of a woman.

"Don't look back....whatever you do...don't look back.....just......run....run!.....RUN!!!"

Sounds of gun shots, men shouting and flying choppers fill the scene as the dark void grows more louder and louder...it begins to hurt...like something was trying to drag him down....close to the darkness...the void of ignorance....the loneliness...the pain....

Horatio reactivates immediately from shock...he remembered something but one answer only leads to a thousand questions. He did not know what to do but at least he remembered something important. He ponders...who was that woman? why were there gun shots? why did he feel so much pain? All these questions...not sure if he would be able to solve them...

He decided that the best thing would be to take a walk in the night...after all, no one would probably be around and he can roam the town freely without anyone noticing him. Horatio walks to the front door and opens it....however what he saw did surprise him. He sees Inutsuki sleeping on the sidestep of the door. It all makes sense now...the running ....the power.....the sadness....Horatio now understand that Inutsuki has no other place to go to besides here which she feels the most comfortable where she has friends to be with. He felt guilt and sadness....he did not understand why he would be able to feel these emotions but it did not matter. What matters is that Inutsuki is safe and sound because he vowed to protect her and keep her safe.

Horatio carries Inutsuki without waking her up and walks back into the house. He lays her on the sofa while covering her with a blanket that he had from last night. He walks over to the fireplace and lights it with some flint and steel...bringing in that cozy warmness that is welcoming to Inutsuki's cold body. Horatio looks at her....he begins to gently and slowly glides his hand on Inutsuki's hair, comforting her and making sure she felt welcomed.

"It's alright....don't worry....you are safe now...you can rest peacefully" he said in a soothing voice as he watches her sleep.


"Horatio reactivates immediately from shock." Shock. I see what you did there.
[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]You should jump in with me! I've been lurking for so long because I got so lost ;A;

Alright! Where is your character right now?
SirBlazeALot said:
No one. We all lose.
God dammit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/5119380_t.jpg.a601d8c7ceeb34c453c087604fe09559.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/5119380_t.jpg.a601d8c7ceeb34c453c087604fe09559.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@The Mythic Dragon @Zareh

Just DO IT!

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Zareh said:
So Mythic? Just wondering...where exactly is the lake in the Kingdom of Fauna? Where is it?
Well, I made an assumption that not too far out from the kingdom there was a large lake that is fed by a river that runs from the forest where the spiritual tree is... on the map, somewhat below and to the right of the kingdom.

Is that alright?
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Zareh said:
I still have no idea Verdas?
So Mythic? Just wondering...where exactly is the lake in the Kingdom of Fauna? Where is it on the map?
Here is me, trying to make you understand what I mean, and failing miserably to do so. "Mate" Day. Mate.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/5749473.gif.2aec7e1d2855fa6168ccef4e9c0f3314.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/5749473.gif.2aec7e1d2855fa6168ccef4e9c0f3314.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LeSoraAmari said:
Lol I really do need to post now lmao I'm so behind ugh
@Blackrose7 shall Leon and Mary meet or?
Mary: I am still on the roof of the castle, plus I wanted to talk to Leon about what we are going to do tomorrow, since it's mate day. =3
@Zareh You do understand what I mean now, right?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/giphy.gif.a7108d12869855823014b55627280604.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80206" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/giphy.gif.a7108d12869855823014b55627280604.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Or do I have to post this...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mo074q577w1s6gvmio1_400.gif.b68f5acb1ae7c6060a6568fe27c2c4d5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80207" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mo074q577w1s6gvmio1_400.gif.b68f5acb1ae7c6060a6568fe27c2c4d5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I should stop now.

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[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]Well, I made an assumption that not too far out from the kingdom there was a large lake that is fed by a river that runs from the forest where the spiritual tree is... on the map, somewhat below and to the right of the kingdom.
Is that alright?

Yup! Fine by me!

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