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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

StoneyJr said:
I graduated highschool aheh. :')
Don't remind me that I'm gonna have to do exams.... plz no. "^3^
TheHappyPikachu said:
Don't remind me that I'm gonna have to do exams.... plz no. "^3^
Trust me, they're a breeze. Not once have I ever studied for an exam, and I passed with pretty damn good grades.
StoneyJr said:
Trust me, they're a breeze. Not once have I ever studied for an exam, and I passed with pretty damn good grades.
"^3^ problem is... I'm good at everything but math. I'm failing math but getting B's in other M.E.S.H subjects and I'm in a specialist art program (getting A's in Art, Technology, Health and Drama.).
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TheHappyPikachu said:
"^3^ problem is... I'm good at everything but math. I'm failing math but getting B's in other M.E.S.H subjects and I'm in a specialist art program (getting A's in Art, Technology, Health and Drama.).
Hrm. Yeah math isn't something that people see eye to eye with..

I am not sure exactly what'll happen. But I want to stay and see!

Fero: "And I need to wait. Till mate day. Then I can tell her!"
The Mythic Dragon] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16600-thehappypikachu/ said:
There you go! One 2:30 AM post just for you!
Thanks!! xD ( It's 4:42PM for me! ((Aussie time.)).)
Inutsuki: 'I wonder why I'm not feeling well... wait a moment. Pika!~ No!!!! Fero! help me!~~' she blushes whilst holding up the note.

@The Mythic Dragon

Fero: "Mate day... I have her gift... we go out to the lake... I finally get to tell her..." *Notices Inutsuki* "Hm? Oh. Urf... Don't worry. I'll protect you and your child." *Goes back to his thought-space* "And then... when I tell her... we kiss..."
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]@The Mythic Dragon [/size][/b]


Fero: "Yes... very much so..." He turns to look at Inutsuki from the Kitchen. "Besides, I'm a wolf. I can smell it." He smiles "Just make sure you love that child, no matter its origins."
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]@The Mythic Dragon

you gonna respond or are we waiting for @The Mythic Dragon

I suppose I could post that he finishes the food... but after that we must wait for @Zareh

Fero: tail goes stiff. "If they find you, and try and take you, I swear I will take my sword to their throats." He growls
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]@The Mythic Dragon

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SirBlazeALot said:
We need way more human worshipping fuckboys.
//Never enough Human-Worshipping Fuckbois

Zareh said:
I'm just doing a check up on everyone but I was wondering if there is anything you find that is wrong with the roleplay that might need attention because I noticed that people have been dropping.
I don't mean to sound like a dick -prepares to totally sound like a dick- but maybe it's good if a few people drop out? Not that I want to get rid of people! Just that it's such a huge RP (definitely the largest RP I've ever been in <-- used to small RPs), so those who are really dedicated to it should be the ones who contribute (those who are here for more casual reasons might get swallowed up, which is like natural selection and maybe that's cool and maybe they should find an RP suited to their pace). I know it's only been a few days since the RP started, but maybe @Zareh can give an ultimatum like "those who haven't posted by xyz day shall be cut from the RP due to lack of interest." Like SizBlaze said, "trim the fat." -hope that didn't sound too dicky but it probably did-

Also I have noticed that there are a lot of little spinoff plots which are great because I got a more "slice-of-lifey-mixed-with-overall-plot" vibe from this thing from the beginning, but I like the idea of requesting more IC tabs for people that want to do a more casual roleplay (like a few lines per post) with smaller groups of friends, ect. (example: random non-plot related Guild quest to go find xyz random item and maybe it's referenced later but not a game-changer-type-thing). Then the main IC could be more meatier / overall plot relevant posts and people who aren't at all involved in the side posts don't have to stress about going through them all because there are so many things happening so fast! D:

Like I had to miss a day (which is going to be normal for me because of school + time zone + general lack of wifi) and I already feel overwhelmed but more importantly guilty that I have been unable to contribute more because I already have the feels for this RP, but I'm caught between not wanting to hold other people up and not wanting to always make posts that deliberately keep my chares out of the action.

SirBlazeALot said:
Ok so first off, I just wanna say, @Zareh you guys came up with a great idea, and it's cool to see so many people that are so eager to participate. There's a first time for everything, and managing an RP this large can be balls to the wall hard. Especially with the fleeting nature of most RPers I've come across in my short time as a member. Many people lose interest, or one person gets several people caught in a post chain, or maybe a guy pressures people to post TOO fast and causes people to feel rushed when posting. My advice would be to trim the fat at this point. It may seem mean but sometimes cuts have to be made if a character isn't doing anything to enhance the narrative. Also, I wouldn't stick to a rigid 20 post time cycle, because two or three people can easily take up 20 posts going back and forth, and it would just end up in more time warped puzzles. What I would do is simply check with everyone to see when they're ready for a timeskip, and then go from there. If people don't get back to you soon enough, timeskip without them. But yo, your RP, your rules. Waiting to timeskip would take loner to transition, but it would give players who can't post as much a chance to catch up.
Zareh said:
So here was my plans for my roleplay, when I first started out the roleplay idea with @Kenzimalija I expected it to be a peaceful kind of roleplay while everyone is having their own little story within the roleplay. I didn't expect it to evolve into something much more compelling and complex but that's a good thing that people are interested into this and I really don't want this to end up dead because it's only been a few days and everyone has been really into this!
I'm really happy that I skimmed the OOC because everyone has been coming up with some really interesting ideas! I have to agree with @SirBlazeALot that the relationship between the Brotherhood and everyone else should definitely be a "slow burn," which will give us plenty of time for the more fun slice-of-lifey things / relationship-building / ect. I like the idea of going through a cycle of a few holidays first to give a general timeframe for when things are gonna start heating up (maybe not all of them because then we will have something we can use to bring up moral later or as a political point for the Royalty to gain back support if we are going to go the political intrigue route [which I am 10/10 down for but IDK about the others])(also I like the idea of a holiday where the main 4 bots + kemonimimi have finally gotten on well enough terms to celebrate together then BAM bad things happen and distrust is renewed, heheh). But I think that hiking up the time to go even faster is a mistake since people are already feeling the pace is too fast (I don't think I'm alone on this just from what I've skimmed through the OOC).

Re: the disease spread thing, I think that's another intriguing idea because it ties all of the groups together and gives them all a specific goal (find / control the cure), which will help give them structure against the over-arching plot of robots/human technology + kemonomimi society (also if Hidden were one of the ones inflicted with it it would give a nice twist to the royal family having to deal with loss of power both inside and out @StoneWolf18 ...and just from the little I know of the fam they are not prepared to deal with any of this lol but I love you guys so I want us to grow stronger together (B') ).

Maybe a really good question to ask right now is what the majority of the people involved in this RP + the GM thinks is the best direction for it to go? Should we make it more plot-based / "darker" by brining in conflict between the robots vs. Kemonomimi society / loss of faith in government / rebellion / spread of disease / ect., or are more people more interested in making a more slice-of-lifey type thing? I'll say I personally am more interested in the former because I love the different factions and the world and think it has a lot of potential! But I'm also curious about what people were thinking when they signed up for the RP and giving the people what they want. -Throws confetti-

Also I just wanted to shout-out to @Zareh that I think you're doing a good job especially for first time GMing with such a huge group (I know I'd be really dizzy by now tbh lol) and just -pat on the back, bro-

Now to go find a way to intro Rune BBBBB)
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Is nobody gonna crack an egg joke? Alright then. Let's beef it up with some bear puns instead of these meat puns. I'm going to start making some bear puns now so... bear with me.

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