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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Name: Aine Golden

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Monkey

Aura: Fire Elements

Occupation: Traveler Performer

Affiliation: None

Personality: Kind, Stubborn, Funny, Reckless

History: She and her families are the performer Acrobatics. They travel the world and called themselves "The Golden Acrobatics". The become famous as Aine become the star of the show.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Not yet



Other: She love bananas and making people smiles with her performing.
JessBeth said:

Name: Aine Golden

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Monkey

Aura: Fire Elements

Occupation: Traveler Performer

Affiliation: None

Personality: Kind, Stubborn, Funny, Reckless

History: She and her families are the performer Acrobatics. They travel the world and called themselves "The Golden Acrobatics". The become famous as Aine become the star of the show.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Not yet



Other: She love bananas and making people smiles with her performing.
Welcome to the World of Gaia!
Larentia Shikari


  • Name : Larentia Shikari

    Age : 22

    Gender : Female

    Species : Red Fox

    Sexuality : Bi-Sexual

    Crush : No one as of now

    "There used to be this guy..he was pretty amazing! But...he's gone now."


    Affiliation : Civilian
StoneyJr said:
Larentia Shikari

  • Name : Larentia Shikari

    Age : 22

    Gender : Female

    Species : Red Fox

    Sexuality : Bi-Sexual

    Crush : No one as of now

    "There used to be this guy..he was pretty amazing! But...he's gone now."


    Affiliation : Civilian

Dolerus "Doll" Agia







Aura, Weapons, Equipment

Doll's Aura ability is strength enhancement. She has the ability to augment her thrusting power and transfer the energy into a single point. The pressure caused by this ability allows her to be powerful enough to break through a wall. In times of intense stress or anger, her power increases. However, she can only channel this energy into one point at a time. Her golden heavy lance is her preferred weapon. The fast pace at which her wings beat allow her to buzz about the battlefield at great speeds, allowing her to harry and confuse her enemies.


Part Time Mercenary/Bounty Hunter


Guardians of Aura


Doll is a hot-head. She has an aggressive and bombastic persona. Her manner of speaking is blunt, direct, and insulting at times. The bee woman comes off as untrusting and volatile. Her paranoia often leads her to assume the worst of people. She tends to threaten anyone deemed suspicious with violence.

However, she has a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and the greater good. She believes that a Guardian must be stalwart, immovable, and willing to protect justice at any cost. She takes her job very seriously, and trains often to make sure that she's on top of the game. In battle, she is merciless and brutal.

She does have a sweet and friendly side but its still wrapped in her brash and crude nature. Doll is inquisitive, and is told that she asks too many questions by many. Her loyalty towards those she cares about is unwavering, even more so than her loyalty to the royals.

Doll is terrible at flirting and definitely comes on way too strong. She is highly insecure about her height. She's a short girl with a short temper. Flowers are her favorite thing in the world, and of course, she loves honey.


Doll was born to be a Guardian. It runs in the family. Bee Kemonomimi are known for their fierce combat prowess, and Doll is no different. Her aura ability to increase her strength was inherited from her family. Though she was born with many siblings, the majority of her family died in a fire when she was young. Her father was only able to save her.

That's when her training began. Her father was strict and emotionally numb after the death of their family, and Doll eventually took on his blunt and straightforward personality. She joined the guard as a teen, and has been a valued member for her combat skills. Feeling that she could be doing more for the every man, Doll took it upon herself to help people "solve problems" in the kingdom. As a mercenary, she only takes jobs that are morally just, she'd never knowingly allow herself to be hired for nefarious purposes.




No one at the moment, but I feel bad for whoever she falls for.



Doll is tiny, standing at about 5'0. I guess you could say she's semi busty for her size. No, she doesn't walk around wearing a crown. She has long, grayish white hair that she typically keeps in pigtails. She has large, translucent wings and short black antenna.


She has a light voice and here's a song.


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SirBlazeALot said:

Dolerus "Doll" Agia







Aura, Weapons, Equipment

Doll's Aura ability is strength enhancement. She has the ability to augment her thrusting power and transfer the energy into a single point. The pressure caused by this ability allows her to be powerful enough to break through a wall. In times of intense stress or anger, her power increases. However, she can only channel this energy into one point at a time. Her golden heavy lance is her preferred weapon. The fast pace at which her wings beat allow her to buzz about the battlefield at great speeds, allowing her to harry and confuse her enemies.


Part Time Mercenary/Bounty Hunter


Guardians of Aura


Doll is a hot-head. She has an aggressive and bombastic persona. Her manner of speaking is blunt, direct, and insulting at times. The bee woman comes off as untrusting and volatile. Her paranoia often leads her to assume the worst of people. She tends to threaten anyone deemed suspicious with violence.

However, she has a strong sense of duty, loyalty, and the greater good. She believes that a Guardian must be stalwart, immovable, and willing to protect justice at any cost. She takes her job very seriously, and trains often to make sure that she's on top of the game. In battle, she is merciless and brutal.

She does have a sweet and friendly side but its still wrapped in her brash and crude nature. Doll is inquisitive, and is told that she asks too many questions by many. Her loyalty towards those she cares about is unwavering, even more so than her loyalty to the royals.

Doll is terrible at flirting and definitely comes on way too strong. She is highly insecure about her height. She's a short girl with a short temper. Flowers are her favorite thing in the world, and of course, she loves honey.


Doll was born to be a Guardian. It runs in the family. Bee Kemonomimi are known for their fierce combat prowess, and Doll is no different. Her aura ability to increase her strength was inherited from her family. Though she was born with many siblings, the majority of her family died in a fire when she was young. Her father was only able to save her.

That's when her training began. Her father was strict and emotionally numb after the death of their family, and Doll eventually took on his blunt and straightforward personality. She joined the guard as a teen, and has been a valued member for her combat skills. Feeling that she could be doing more for the every man, Doll took it upon herself to help people "solve problems" in the kingdom. As a mercenary, she only takes jobs that are morally just, she'd never knowingly allow herself to be hired for nefarious purposes.




No one at the moment, but I feel bad for whoever she falls for.



Doll is tiny, standing at about 5'0. I guess you could say she's semi busty for her size. No, she doesn't walk around wearing a crown. She has long, grayish white hair that she typically keeps in pigtails. She has large, translucent wings and short black antenna.


She has a light voice and here's a song.


Welcome to the World of Gaia!

Name: Yin Shui

Age: 15



Water Element (also healing power)


A Village Girl

Shy, Sweet, Hard-working,


History: She lived in the outside the Beach Town, a little village that is not much to see. She help a lot in her village, but since it not much money to support her mother, she decide to go to city to make more money. She have a best friend, Aine Golden.


No one



She may not look at it, but she is very gluttony. She'll eat anything.
JessBeth said:

Name: Yin Shui

Age: 15



Water Element (also healing power)


A Village Girl

Shy, Sweet, Hard-working,


History: She lived in the outside the Beach Town, a little village that is not much to see. She help a lot in her village, but since it not much money to support her mother, she decide to go to city to make more money. She have a best friend, Aine Golden.


No one



She may not look at it, but she is very gluttony. She'll eat anything.
Welcome to the world of Gaia!

Varoh Turturem

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Turtle

Aura: Forming defences with anything, a wall of trees, a sudden river of water, etc.

Occupation: Researcher and tinkerer, looking to repair and improve human tech.

Affiliation: Arkhaios

Personality: Kind and caring when people ask, but generally introvertive, looking to further himself and improve that which he has found.

History: Varoh followed in his father's footsteps, looking into the secrets of the ancients, those that were, the humans. He soon found that their robots were fantastic pieces of technology, some more lifelike than the Kemonomimi around him. He would spend his life fixing them to working condition or helping to repair those around him. He set up his robo-repair shop between the kingdom and the deathvalley, looking to help those robot emerging from the dreaded ruins, though often traveling to the Kingdom for supplies and to travel to the guild to learn and teach. It was during one of his rarer visits, into the ruins, that he met her. she called herself Mary once he had fixed her up, she looked just like the statues and images of humans, but she was robot, but with some form of human 'rubber' as skin. He soon grew fond of her and asked her to stay with him and help him in his shop, he asked rather than expected since he strongly believed in allowing robots freedom, like all sentient creatures should and is willing to help anyone to achieve this.

Sexuality: Hetro-Robosexual

Crush: Mary

Other: Hmm. He has a walking cane...

Mary Marlida

Age: Very late human robot/android age 50,000 (I think the lore would make it?)

Gender: Female

Species: Designed to create a very human like robot, to sell to introverts as a companion, fully self aware.

Occupation: Veroh's assistant

Affiliation: Robot survivor

Personality: Mary was designed to be friendly and easy to interact with, while she would slowly adapt to form her own personality this is how she was set. This changed little as people interacted with her and she has remained friendly and caring to those that are kind to her.

History: She was built with the intent to be someones companion, a friend or, perhaps, more intimate partner for life, designed to have fondness for her 'master' but with a fully functioning AI that would allow her to shape her own path, though it is likely once the software was ready for mass production and such that she would have been hard coded with an attraction or fondness for somekind of her master that would be irreversible. She remember little of her life before the big sleep. She was trapped under the building in which she was being showcased when something occurred and, as such, she was trapped for 50,000 years. Her body went into sleep mode, keeping vital hardware and software running while shutting down less vital stuff, such as consciousness. Then Varoh awoke her. Told her she was free to set her own path in life, that she was free to join society as a being an shape her own future.. but then asked her to stay... This is where she is now.

Sexuality: She can love all the things but is more or less Demisexual by default.

Crush: NONE
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Rumdarjun “Rune” Feynhardt.








Researcher (and part time Spy).


The Sapient Brotherhood (though occasionally pretends to be in the Arkhaios Guild to purloin information).


He can alter something's tangibility: In other words, the power to make the intangible tangible, and the tangible intangible. The former is mostly only useful when combined with an Aura that creates illusions, such as his brother Casper’s. Through adding his own Aura projection, Rune can give an illusion weight and feeling, though it still remains nonexistent in the outside world. The latter (making the tangible intangible) is what he uses more often, being able to easily slip through solid structures such as walls or even protect himself in non-solid structures such as water. For the moment he only knows how to use his Aura on his own body, but he trains daily to be able to extend it to others so that he may be more useful to the Brotherhood.


Even though Rune can have a rather naive look about him, with his soft blue eyes and pale features etching him the perfect personification of an “innocent lamb,” in reality Rune is only naive (in fact, cripplingly so) in one thing: Sexuality. In other words, he has no idea where babies come from and if someone were to take their clothes off in front of him he’d simply wonder “Where’s the bath?” Romance is an entirely different matter, and is something that Rune is greatly interested in, being the one thing (outside of human culture) that he seems able to fantasize about. But this is where his naivety begins and ends. In truth, Rune is a rather logical individual, and has spent his entire life as an Alexithymiac. In other words, he has great difficulty in understanding and distinguishing between emotions. It’s not that he doesn’t care for others, because he does, he just doesn’t care about them, or feel empathy the way others might. As a child he thought that this was how everyone functioned and so did his best to copy them, thinking that everyone else was doing the same. While he has since learned that this is not the truth, he is still surprisingly adept at copying others’ social and emotional cues. Since he experiences emotions differently, he may come off as manipulative, especially taking into account the fact that he often works as a spy, fringing on the Guild to learn what he can about humans and relaying it back to the Brotherhood. His expressions can also seem utterly fake, and he has been told multiple times that his smile is so completely unnerving in its gross wrongness that he’s better off keeping it away. When outside the Brotherhood, he is quick to adopt a very mild, kind, and shy persona, staying in the back of rooms and doing his best to remain unnoticed. However, despite his timidity, he speaks with great conviction. With the Brotherhood he feels he can be more himself, and so is more inclined to go on tangents about great Romances or the beauty of human history, and thinks of the Brotherhood as his literal surrogate siblings. Finally, he’s also a bit of a germaphobiac to the point where he’ll always use his own silverware to eat, washes his hands quite frequently, loathes being touched, and always keeps his clothes pristine (just like his brother taught him). He relaxes when using his Aura as it allows him to feel separate from the world and therefore its germs.


Growing up the two Feynhardt brothers were fairly close and the four of them (parents included) lived a normal, peaceful life. The two brothers, noting the way their Auras could be played off one another, would often team up to create elaborate shows or soft hearted pranks. Even though Casper was a third-rate storyteller, at best, the illusions he could conjure fascinated Rune, and he began to crave his brother’s presence and attached to him like a shadow. After a while, however, being around Casper so often, Rune started to notice little things, like ripples made by dragonflies, which began to create a gap between them. Since he grew up with a form of Alexithymia, a younger Rune thought that everyone shared the same problem, but when his brother began to show a genuine interest in serving the Fauna Royalty as a member of the Guard, Rune was left in utter confusion, being completely unable to identify with Casper’s steadfast loyalty, and being unable to understand the emotions that stirred within himself. He never told his brother (nor anyone else, for that matter) about his condition, being unsure of what the repercussions might be. During this time, Rune was training to become a member of the Arkhaios Guild, as his brother’s stories and his own interest in what he saw as the “Romantic” human culture drew him to want to learn more about them. He saw something alluring in the rise and fall of humanity, and began to admire them despite their major faults. This eventually lead to Casper and Rune gaining very different world views, and a catalyst finally pushed a confused and frustrated Rune into the realm of the Sapient Brotherhood. Since he was still officially a member of the Guild, Rune began to use this to the Brotherhood’s advantage, hoping to find information to help them recreate human technology.


Sex is a fairytale made up by parents who feel uncomfortable teaching their children about the stork.


He has a boyish idolization for Zenario, wishing to become such a masterful manipulator. Whether that translates into a crush or not... ?


A bit on the smaller side, even his average-framed brother makes Rune look like a runt. They share the same fluffy white hair, though Rune’s tends to have a more off-white shade to it. His eyes are a deep rock pool blue which almost look sunken into his jarringly pale skin. His horns aren’t as fully-developed as Casper’s and curl a bit tighter around. Although it can be hard to see at times, he also has a light dusting of freckles over his face. He loves to wear elaborate clothing in the style of human religions, though he can barely afford them.


He continues to hold onto an ugly sweater Casper made for him a long time ago. It may be just because his brother told him to never throw it out.

no slide
Extra Image Because Finicky and Horns


((Casper is played by @wizard nibblers and is the Second in Command))
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"My name? Inutsuki. it's... kinda strange but-... It's the only thing I ever got from someone who wasn't a guard, so never once have I wanted to change it. I have no idea what my second name is though..."


"I'm currently 17... I think?"


"F-Female!? I, err... thought that were fairly obvious?~..."


"M-Me? I... that... a white fox... I know I'm weird!!"


"My power... people don't like it... in fact they chain me up because of it. I mean, they should! I-I just... it.. I'm not allowed to make any friends. I see the same guards day in and day out, when I was little they hired some trained guards to act like friends for me... but one day I heard the truth and they worked out I knew pretty quickly... and just ended up leaving me alone. I didn't choose to have this... I would probably do anything to not have it, but-... that's not possible... so I guess-... if this is the only time I'll get to explain to people what it really is... and that... I'm not dangerous... then.. sure."

"My Aura gives my words a lot more power than they should have. because of it I'm not allowed to speak... If I were to say, 'I love you' then that person would love me back... If I were to say 'Die' that person.... would die. every sound that comes out of my mouth hurts an unbelievable amount... and there's no telling which words have power and which don't... so I'm chained up on my hands.. they restrict me... I can't talk because of them... occasionally they're taken off but even then I'm watched over carefully. only someone with a key can open them... and now that I've escaped I don't know if I'll ever take them off again... but what scares me more? how long they'll last."


"I'm... a prisoner... ok, I was. but I escaped! and now I work as a royal maid... but-.. the others always bully me because I can't talk... and because I'm different."


"I'm a Royal Maid... kinda."


"I'm... kinda nervous... and Lonely, I guess that's to be expected in my situation, but I'm always positive! after all... without hope what else do I have left? I cry easily and I'm a wuss in most situations... I have a rather short-temper and I'm quick to act, generally without thinking but I'm shy and small-spoken at the same time... kinda depends on the day and what I remember..."


"I can't remembering anything when I was younger than 9... I don't know what happened but I apparently have a form of amnesia.... sometimes I just forget things... people, places... and being locked up only makes it worse. it's-... indescribable to try and explain the feeling, of the rare times when I'm allowed out... and everything Is new to me... some days when I'm allowed outside I'll go up to a tree and rack my brain for hours over how a tree suddenly grew... when really it had been there for ages."

"anyway, ever since I can remember I've been locked up, held control of, protected... whatever you want to call it. there's not much to tell really, at one point they gave me some 'fake friends' but.. noting else. I've all but forgotten it. I know about my power and why they keep me secret from everyone.. it's for their safety. I'm told that every day along with my meals... but now? I'm gonna escape."


"T-that?... I'm... I mean, I don't really mind..."


"Well, I haven't really had a chance to meet anyone for... a long time..."



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/qN9jTMh.png.64795b5839ab1c2e74ee10aa93eec709.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/qN9jTMh.png.64795b5839ab1c2e74ee10aa93eec709.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Battle Mode):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Momiji.png.c7f3bba98772ac6d8bb70c1daf9995ff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Momiji.png.c7f3bba98772ac6d8bb70c1daf9995ff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



(Battle Mode):


(What she sings):


"I like to sing sometimes... I'm not very good, but-... with no one else listening that's not a big problem..."

//Covered in bruises and scratched because of the other staff bullying her.//

//She has a Katana and wears clothes similar to Traditional Japanese clothing (Shown in Battle Form picture)//




  • qN9jTMh.png
    495.4 KB · Views: 126
  • Momiji.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 125
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]

Varoh Turturem

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Turtle

Aura: Forming defences with anything, a wall of trees, a sudden river of water, etc.

Occupation: Researcher and tinkerer, looking to repair and improve human tech.

Affiliation: Arkhaios

Personality: Kind and caring when people ask, but generally introvertive, looking to further himself and improve that which he has found.

History: Varoh followed in his father's footsteps, looking into the secrets of the ancients, those that were, the humans. He soon found that their robots were fantastic pieces of technology, some more lifelike than the Kemonomimi around him. He would spend his life fixing them to working condition or helping to repair those around him. He set up his robo-repair shop between the kingdom and the deathvalley, looking to help those robot emerging from the dreaded ruins, though often traveling to the Kingdom for supplies and to travel to the guild to learn and teach. It was during one of his rarer visits, into the ruins, that he met her. she called herself Mary once he had fixed her up, she looked just like the statues and images of humans, but she was robot, but with some form of human 'rubber' as skin. He soon grew fond of her and asked her to stay with him and help him in his shop, he asked rather than expected since he strongly believed in allowing robots freedom, like all sentient creatures should and is willing to help anyone to achieve this.

Sexuality: Hetro-Robosexual

Crush: Mary

Other: Hmm. He has a walking cane...

Mary Marlida

Age: Very late human robot/android age 50,000 (I think the lore would make it?)

Gender: Female

Species: Designed to create a very human like robot, to sell to introverts as a companion, fully self aware.

Occupation: Veroh's assistant

Affiliation: Robot survivor

Personality: Mary was designed to be friendly and easy to interact with, while she would slowly adapt to form her own personality this is how she was set. This changed little as people interacted with her and she has remained friendly and caring to those that are kind to her.

History: She was built with the intent to be someones companion, a friend or, perhaps, more intimate partner for life, designed to have fondness for her 'master' but with a fully functioning AI that would allow her to shape her own path, though it is likely once the software was ready for mass production and such that she would have been hard coded with an attraction or fondness for somekind of her master that would be irreversible. She remember little of her life before the big sleep. She was trapped under the building in which she was being showcased when something occurred and, as such, she was trapped for 50,000 years. Her body went into sleep mode, keeping vital hardware and software running while shutting down less vital stuff, such as consciousness. Then Varoh awoke her. Told her she was free to set her own path in life, that she was free to join society as a being an shape her own future.. but then asked her to stay... This is where she is now.

Sexuality: She can love all the things but is more or less Demisexual by default.

Crush: NONE

I'm sorry but I cannot accept your two character sheets at the moment. Please take a look at the things in the CS and edit them. I'll tell you what is wrong with the character sheets.

1) The first problem is that unfortunately your character "Mary" cannot be a part of the roleplay since all the survivor positions have been taken, I'm sorry about this. However your other character "Varoh" is a viable character for this roleplay but there are some problems with the bio that is clashing with the lore.

2) I should have made this clear and I apologize for this confusion. Basically Kemonomimi don't have a grasp on technology and know what it is including the subject of robots, machines, etc. The only Kemonomimi who truly understand the technology would be the Sapient brotherhood. The Arkhaios are studying it but don't quite understand it completely.

Please edit it and I will check it again! If you have any other questions please ask me!
(Ok. so what changes do I need to make exactly?... I mean what could she be that still makes her locked up?)

@Blackrose7 @Zareh
Zareh said:
I'm sorry but I cannot accept your two character sheets at the moment. Please take a look at the things in the CS and edit them. I'll tell you what is wrong with the character sheets.
1) The first problem is that unfortunately your character "
Mary" cannot be a part of the roleplay since all the survivor positions have been taken, I'm sorry about this. However your other character "Varoh" is a viable character for this roleplay but there are some problems with the bio that is clashing with the lore.

2) I should have made this clear and I apologize for this confusion. Basically Kemonomimi don't have a grasp on technology and know what it is including the subject of robots, machines, etc. The only Kemonomimi who truly understand the technology would be the Sapient brotherhood. The Arkhaios are studying it but don't quite understand it completely.

Please edit it and I will check it again! If you have any other questions please ask me!
Mary: Another me?

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