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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Name: Ryke Tasciotti

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Aura: Ryke's aura allows her to create illusions, though she has yet to perfect it so she's only capable of simplistic illusions.

Occupation: Ryke works alongside her parents in a family owned cafe, though she's not considered an employee.

Affiliation: None at this time

Personality: Ryke is outgoing and social, with great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Quite open and friendly, she tends to be rather well-liked by others. Her enthusiastic and creative outward appearance just adds to this. She get quite excited by new ideas, but is easily bored with details. Being open-minded tends to get her into trouble, but it also lets her be herself. Disorganized, Ryke is prone to losing things. There are times when she will act without thinking, often ending badly for all those involved. Despite that, she will often to her best to correct the mistakes she makes due to her irresponsibility. Easily distracted, Ryke isn't one to go to with a set plan or notation, or to be expected to stay on task. Attracted to strange things, she likes to stand out, something her parents aren't sure about.

History: Born into a family of rather normal, uninteresting kemonomimi, Ryke's life has been rather uneventful. As a toddler, she spent most of her days playing with her cousins and neighbors under hawk-like supervision. Over time, as the girl grew, she became more outgoing, and began to wander more, getting to know those who lived around the family cafe quite well. She often went along with many of the area's children's schemes, getting her into trouble every which way. Eventually, her parents began to grow annoyed with her antics, and decided to teach her the working of the cafe. After a short amount of time, she was working diligently within the cafe, and often drawing more customers in. She still took the time to hang out with friends, but her work at the cafe became a priority soon enough. However, like most young people, she dreams of doing something more than waiting on tables with her life.

Sexuality: Undiscovered at this time

Crush: Undiscovered

Appearance: (Image) Ryke also has a thin, mouse-like tail, similar in color to her hair. She's rather on the smaller side of life size-wise, though that may change, it's highly unlikely.
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*sigh* I was trying to vary ages...since everyone is either teenagers or adults I thought maybe there should be a younger kid....and in Maximum Ride, angel is ten and she is very smart...and she's part animal...so...


Viridi Natura Solotov






Deer/Elk Komono


Natures Pure Aura

Viridi has connected with natures aura far much than others,she has great control over it but most her powers come from this deep connection,abilities she can preform of a large list are: The ability to communicate with nature directly and "speak" with it.

as well she has the ability to control Plants such examples would be making thorns spike from the ground or make Flowers bloom,,In short her ability is the control Over nature but not Fully as her ability have there limits do compared to most she has much higher control over it and so her aura.

Her abilities like mention range from talking to nature or manipulating plant life or any other Living plant or thing,this as well lends her the slight ability to communicate with animals as they are one of natures great creations,But her most dominant ability to put it simple is Plant manipulation Like
Poison Ivy From comics...just a easy way for you to Understand


"I am Gaias High priestess...I carry her fruit to those in need"

Aswell the one to begine and speech the "The Blessings of Gaia"


secretly she is part of The Guardians of Aura


Viridi is a silent,calm and wise priestess,She is caring Loving and Overall a Respectful woman,she follows gaias Rule to respect all living things and that is what she dose,always being the Blooming rose to all even to her enemies as like one says "The enemy of my enemy is my friend",she is willing to share that same respect and love with all.

DO under that rose personality she as well (for a priestess) is Very Energetic when she is on her free time,she Loves going to the beach,playing chess and other activities but she keeps herself serious and calm like always but for a priestess she is surely Fun


Viridi...The High Priest..The Catalyst of Gaias Words

Viridi was born not in the city...But far in the wilderness in one of the many Gaia Blessing grounds "Gaia Naturalesa Divina" is one of the 7 Gaia Blessing grounds and as well each have beautiful structures were Priest and Priestesses Live and as well high worshipers,only few can live here as her Mother Natalina and Father Markov were Both Priest of Gaia,they can have Kids but only two...If they have more than 2 they are not consider priest as rules state that priest may have only 2 sons and no more,as well to lend them to gaia,as she was born her both Deer/Elk Komono Parents notice her skin was oddly pale...do still with some coloration,but her hair was as well White as paper.They were scared but as she was born it was just a odd mutation...they worried but dint seem to effect her with the sun as she could stay all day in the sun and not suffer burns,as white as she is you would think she would be very sensitive to the sun when in actuality she is resistant to it,its unknown what cause her to have such pale skin and hair...but her parents thought was a blessing of Gaia.

As time pass Viridi slowly learn about gaia with her parents,she follow them and learn with them to the point at only the age of 7 she became one of gaias servants that assist at the altar when the priest are giving the word,she was loyal like her parents and pass time from dawn to dusk learning and respecting gaia,and as she grew she learn her aura...it was not like her parents but she was unique....when she was 13 she said a white rose told her she was pretty, immediately her parents were shock as a Flower spoke? she told them that the flower felt alone and wanted other flowers with it...now hold the phone....like they are worshipers of gaia and seeing a rose talk to there odd pale daughter...what dose that mean to you?..Oh yea! SHE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF THERE GOD!..But that was just pass quickly as they discovered her aura was powerful enough to connect with nature itself,she cant just talk to nature but aswell animals! as they are a great part of it,and control Plants at will....aswell they thought this was a blessing of gaia as she worships her...ALOT

as time pass and she became older she slowly started going Higher levels from a Servant...To a Priestess and Finally the High Priest of Gaias word,and to this date she gives the word to gaia to all living things...do she is secretly part of the guardians....






Viridi is a tall 6.7 FT tall female Komono,right off the looks her skin is as pale like paper,she docent say why her skin is of such color but what can be said is well...not much sun but the fact in reality is she did her skin like this,like paint,she is actually and oddly very light skin close to the color of her paint,speaking of white her hair is as well white as paper,around her eyes they are a shade of red as well her eyes are Light green and reflect light,she is a tall slender Figure but her appearance up close is beauty with a slight heart shape face and thin lips,but most her facial appearance is hard to tell with the white paint.She has long antlers coming from the top of her head,sprouting in to multiple smaller ends (Imagen her antlers little longer)

She always wears a Long and elegant white and red dress as her daily wear,she carries odd orange glass spheres as each are full with water and multiple seeds, theas are used for places that have no plant life or use it in combat as she manipulates nature,Her dress posses 2 Very long red Ribbon tied "strings" starting from her shoulders all the way down to the ground.she carries few scrolls with her each containing words of Gaia and a long large open scroll being drag like a cape with multiple writings of gaia


Her favorite flower is a white rose and aswell she is a vegetarian
SummerWolf said:
Name: Ryke Tasciotti
Age: 13

Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Aura: Ryke's aura allows her to create illusions, though she has yet to perfect it so she's only capable of simplistic illusions.

Occupation: Ryke works alongside her parents in a family owned cafe, though she's not considered an employee. (Subject to change if need be)

Affiliation: None at this time

Personality: Ryke is outgoing and social, with great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Quite open and friendly, she tends to be rather well-liked by others. Her enthusiastic and creative outward appearance just adds to this. She get quite excited by new ideas, but is easily bored with details. Being open-minded tends to get her into trouble, but it also lets her be herself. Disorganized, Ryke is prone to losing things. There are times when she will act without thinking, often ending badly for all those involved. Despite that, she will often to her best to correct the mistakes she makes due to her irresponsibility. Easily distracted, Ryke isn't one to go to with a set plan or notation, or to be expected to stay on task. Attracted to strange things, she likes to stand out, something her parents aren't sure about.

History: Born into a family of rather normal, uninteresting kemonomimi, Ryke's life has been rather uneventful. As a toddler, she spent most of her days playing with her cousins and neighbors under hawk-like supervision. Over time, as the girl grew, she became more outgoing, and began to wander more, getting to know those who lived around the family cafe quite well. She often went along with many of the area's children's schemes, getting her into trouble every which way. Eventually, her parents began to grow annoyed with her antics, and decided to teach her the working of the cafe. After a short amount of time, she was working diligently within the cafe, and often drawing more customers in. She still took the time to hang out with friends, but her work at the cafe became a priority soon enough. However, like most young people, she dreams of doing something more than waiting on tables with her life.

Sexuality: Undiscovered at this time

Crush: Undiscovered

Appearance: (Image) Ryke also has a thin, mouse-like tail, similar in color to her hair. She's rather on the smaller side of life size-wise, though that may change, it's highly unlikely.
Welcome to the World of Gaia!
[QUOTE="Wild Born]*sigh* I was trying to vary ages...since everyone is either teenagers or adults I thought maybe there should be a younger kid....and in Maximum Ride, angel is ten and she is very smart...and she's part animal...so...

Angel deserves to get her neck snapped and get her thrown into a fiery pit. She is 10 so her mentality is focused on herself, between saving nudge and getting a lollipop, she would get the lollipop because it offers immediate gratification. Realistically, she would have been dead within 28 minutes due to her age even though she is part animal. She was raised by teens so she obviously wouldn't know how to function in society correctly.
@Of the Red

Skyping her, wanted to voice her input.
Yonsisac said:


Viridi Natura Solotov






Deer/Elk Komono


Natures Pure Aura

Viridi has connected with natures aura far much than others,she has great control over it but most her powers come from this deep connection,abilities she can preform of a large list are: The ability to communicate with nature directly and "speak" with it.

as well she has the ability to control Plants such examples would be making thorns spike from the ground or make Flowers bloom,,In short her ability is the control Over nature but not Fully as her ability have there limits do compared to most she has much higher control over it and so her aura.

Her abilities like mention range from talking to nature or manipulating plant life or any other Living plant or thing,this as well lends her the slight ability to communicate with animals as they are one of natures great creations,But her most dominant ability to put it simple is Plant manipulation Like
Poison Ivy From comics...just a easy way for you to Understand


"I am Gaias High priestess...I carry her fruit to those in need"

Aswell the one to begine and speech the "The Blessings of Gaia"


secretly she is part of The Guardians of Aura


Viridi is a silent,calm and wise priestess,She is caring Loving and Overall a Respectful woman,she follows gaias Rule to respect all living things and that is what she dose,always being the Blooming rose to all even to her enemies as like one says "The enemy of my enemy is my friend",she is willing to share that same respect and love with all.

DO under that rose personality she as well (for a priestess) is Very Energetic when she is on her free time,she Loves going to the beach,playing chess and other activities but she keeps herself serious and calm like always but for a priestess she is surely Fun


Viridi...The High Priest..The Catalyst of Gaias Words

Viridi was born not in the city...But far in the wilderness in one of the many Gaia Blessing grounds "Gaia Naturalesa Divina" is one of the 7 Gaia Blessing grounds and as well each have beautiful structures were Priest and Priestesses Live and as well high worshipers,only few can live here as her Mother Natalina and Father Markov were Both Priest of Gaia,they can have Kids but only two...If they have more than 2 they are not consider priest as rules state that priest may have only 2 sons and no more,as well to lend them to gaia,as she was born her both Deer/Elk Komono Parents notice her skin was oddly pale...do still with some coloration,but her hair was as well White as paper.They were scared but as she was born it was just a odd mutation...they worried but dint seem to effect her with the sun as she could stay all day in the sun and not suffer burns,as white as she is you would think she would be very sensitive to the sun when in actuality she is resistant to it,its unknown what cause her to have such pale skin and hair...but her parents thought was a blessing of Gaia.

As time pass Viridi slowly learn about gaia with her parents,she follow them and learn with them to the point at only the age of 7 she became one of gaias servants that assist at the altar when the priest are giving the word,she was loyal like her parents and pass time from dawn to dusk learning and respecting gaia,and as she grew she learn her aura...it was not like her parents but she was unique....when she was 13 she said a white rose told her she was pretty, immediately her parents were shock as a Flower spoke? she told them that the flower felt alone and wanted other flowers with it...now hold the phone....like they are worshipers of gaia and seeing a rose talk to there odd pale daughter...what dose that mean to you?..Oh yea! SHE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF THERE GOD!..But that was just pass quickly as they discovered her aura was powerful enough to connect with nature itself,she cant just talk to nature but aswell animals! as they are a great part of it,and control Plants at will....aswell they thought this was a blessing of gaia as she worships her...ALOT

as time pass and she became older she slowly started going Higher levels from a Servant...To a Priestess and Finally the High Priest of Gaias word,and to this date she gives the word to gaia to all living things...do she is secretly part of the guardians....






Viridi is a tall 6.7 FT tall female Komono,right off the looks her skin is as pale like paper,she docent say why her skin is of such color but what can be said is well...not much sun but the fact in reality is she did her skin like this,like paint,she is actually and oddly very light skin close to the color of her paint,speaking of white her hair is as well white as paper,around her eyes they are a shade of red as well her eyes are Light green and reflect light,she is a tall slender Figure but her appearance up close is beauty with a slight heart shape face and thin lips,but most her facial appearance is hard to tell with the white paint.She has long antlers coming from the top of her head,sprouting in to multiple smaller ends (Imagen her antlers little longer)

She always wears a Long and elegant white and red dress as her daily wear,she carries odd orange glass spheres as each are full with water and multiple seeds, theas are used for places that have no plant life or use it in combat as she manipulates nature,Her dress posses 2 Very long red Ribbon tied "strings" starting from her shoulders all the way down to the ground.she carries few scrolls with her each containing words of Gaia and a long large open scroll being drag like a cape with multiple writings of gaia


Her favorite flower is a white rose and aswell she is a vegetarian
Welcome to the world of Gaia!
StoneWolf18 said:
Angel deserves to get her neck snapped and get her thrown into a fiery pit. She is 10 so her mentality is focused on herself, between saving nudge and getting a lollipop, she would get the lollipop because it offers immediate gratification. Realistically, she would have been dead within 28 minutes due to her age even though she is part animal. She was raised by teens so she obviously wouldn't know how to function in society correctly.
@Of the Red

Skyping her, wanted to voice her input.
That's mean, some people enjoy that manga series... If your al going to criticize my character then I just won't join...God you've really been mean

Name: Indigo Gorne

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Crow

Aura: Tinker

Indigo has a unique ability to figure out technological and mechanical contraptions extraordinarily efficiently. He can notice very small details as if they are clear as day. This ability also allows him to be aware of aspects of people, though this is mostly because of his nature.

Occupation: Tinkerer/Repairman

Affiliation: Sapient Brotherhood


Some have described Indigo as essentric, others as obsessive. He himself as agreed to both of these descriptions, though neither one is completely on the mark. Indigo is inquisitive to a fault, yet he is more concerned with what something does rather then how it works. He is manipulative at times, but he does not see himself as cruel. He is utterly unable to let go of his idea of humans, yet he loves his own race dearly. No, when it comes down to it, Indigo is simply a young man who wants to make a difference.

Indigo sees humans as, at the very least, lesser gods who were struck down by Nature because they were growing too powerful. He sees this as a disastrous incident, as he thinks that if humans were allowed to grow in their creativity and intelligence, they would usher in a golden age of peace and prosperity. The young man refuses to believe that the humans are extinct; in his mind, they are simply sleeping, waiting for their opportunity to come out of hiding. Thus, Indigo has decided that when the humans do come back, he will place the Kingdom into their just and wise hands. He knows full well that he will likely be killed, even if his plans do come to fruition, but he is willing to die for his beliefs...though he really, really doesn't want to.


Son, look. Humans have left their mark on every inch of this world. To fear them is to fear our own planet.

Indigo Gorne's father was a librarian, a collector of artifacts and old manuscripts. He taught Indigo of the infamous humans, who, according to their kind, were scoured from the face of the earth for their crimes. However, the Gornes secretly believed that humans were deities, beings to be worshiped, not vilified. This belief came from their studying of their findings, but any attempts made to tell others about their findings were met with stiff resistance. Thus, the Sapient Brotherhood, as Indigo's father dubbed their few followers, stayed hidden.

Indigo's father died at a relatively young age (Indigo would always suspect an assassination, but the theory is largely unfounded), leaving his son to carry on the tradition. However, the younger Gorne took his father's practices to the next level, seeking to smuggle and redevelop human technology in order to better the world. Recently, he has maintained perfect secrecy, biding his time and gathering resources...

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: No one right now


Other: Indigo likes shiny stuff. He has accidentally stolen jewelry, but it has become such a common occurrence that he is never charged.
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[QUOTE="Wild Born]That's mean, some people enjoy that manga series... If your al going to criticize my character then I just won't join...God you've really been mean

... I warned you that I don't sugar coat anything in a previous post, ask anyone. I am known for being quite blunt. And we are talking about the angel in the book, not the manga series but personally she was an extremely poorly made character. I apologize for attempting to help with your character and being...myself?
kaito9049 said:

Name: Indigo Gorne

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Crow

Aura: Tinker

Indigo has a unique ability to figure out technological and mechanical contraptions extraordinarily efficiently. He can notice very small details as if they are clear as day. This ability also allows him to be aware of aspects of people, though this is mostly because of his nature.

Occupation: Tinkerer/Repairman

Affiliation: Sapient Brotherhood


Some have described Indigo as essentric, others as obsessive. He himself as agreed to both of these descriptions, though neither one is completely on the mark. Indigo is inquisitive to a fault, yet he is more concerned with what something does rather then how it works. He is manipulative at times, but he does not see himself as cruel. He is utterly unable to let go of his idea of humans, yet he loves his own race dearly. No, when it comes down to it, Indigo is simply a young man who wants to make a difference.

Indigo sees humans as, at the very least, lesser gods who were struck down by Nature because they were growing too powerful. He sees this as a disastrous incident, as he thinks that if humans were allowed to grow in their creativity and intelligence, they would usher in a golden age of peace and prosperity. The young man refuses to believe that the humans are extinct; in his mind, they are simply sleeping, waiting for their opportunity to come out of hiding. Thus, Indigo has decided that when the humans do come back, he will place the Kingdom into their just and wise hands. He knows full well that he will likely be killed, even if his plans do come to fruition, but he is willing to die for his beliefs...though he really, really doesn't want to.


Son, look. Humans have left their mark on every inch of this world. To fear them is to fear our own planet.

Indigo Gorne's father was a librarian, a collector of artifacts and old manuscripts. He taught Indigo of the infamous humans, who, according to their kind, were scoured from the face of the earth for their crimes. However, the Gornes secretly believed that humans were deities, beings to be worshiped, not vilified. This belief came from their studying of their findings, but any attempts made to tell others about their findings were met with stiff resistance. Thus, the Sapient Brotherhood, as Indigo's father dubbed their few followers, stayed hidden.

Indigo's father died at a relatively young age (Indigo would always suspect an assassination, but the theory is largely unfounded), leaving his son to carry on the tradition. However, the younger Gorne took his father's practices to the next level, seeking to smuggle and redevelop human technology in order to better the world. Recently, he has maintained perfect secrecy, biding his time and gathering resources...

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: No one right now

Other: Indigo likes shiny stuff. He has accidentally stolen jewelry, but it has become such a common occurrence that he is never charged.

Welcome to the World of Gaia!


Feros Kilian








Ice Creation and Control


Orphan, but a skilled freerunner so often delivers packages. Also a decent blacksmith, created a shortsword for personal defense.


The Arkhaios Guild


Friendly, Curious, excitable, loyal, somewhat shy. Feros always tries to be friends with everyone, although he can have trouble being outgoing when in large crowds of people he doesn't know. When someone accepts him as a friend, he is supremely loyal, defending and even fighting for them.


Feros doesn't remember too much of his life before he was 10, and after that it was a blur of failed friendship attempts and getting beat up by the darker side of Fauna. He became really good at running away, and was a blacksmith's apprentice for a time, learning how to forge blades. One day the store was robbed, and he fought off the criminals with a shortsword he had crafted. Unfortunately, his master was killed in retribution, and Feros ran again.

Eventually, he came to the door of the Arkhaios Guild, beaten, bloody and hungry. One of the members, who called herself Arona, helped him. Out of gratefulness, he chose to join as well, hoping to repay her (and grow closer) by helping her with her adventures.




Arona Iris



As pictured, but older.
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[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]


Feros Kilian








Fire and Ice Creation and Control


Orphan, but a skilled freerunner so often delivers packages. Also a decent blacksmith, created a shortsword for personal defense.


The Arkhaios Guild


Friendly, Curious, excitable, loyal, somewhat shy. Feros always tries to be friends with everyone, although he can have trouble being outgoing when in large crowds of people he doesn't know. When someone accepts him as a friend, he is supremely loyal, defending and even fighting for them.


Feros doesn't remember too much of his life before he was 10, and after that it was a blur of failed friendship attempts and getting beat up by the darker side of Fauna. He became really good at running away, and was a blacksmith's apprentice for a time, learning how to forge blades. One day the store was robbed, and he fought off the criminals with a shortsword he had crafted. Unfortunately, his master was killed in retribution, and Feros ran again.

Eventually, he came to the door of the Arkhaios Guild, beaten, bloody and hungry. One of the members, who called herself Arona, helped him. Out of gratefulness, he chose to join as well, hoping to repay her (and grow closer) by helping her with her adventures.




Arona Iris



As pictured, but older.

Only one Aura power I believe.

[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]


Feros Kilian








Ice Creation and Control


Orphan, but a skilled freerunner so often delivers packages. Also a decent blacksmith, created a shortsword for personal defense.


The Arkhaios Guild


Friendly, Curious, excitable, loyal, somewhat shy. Feros always tries to be friends with everyone, although he can have trouble being outgoing when in large crowds of people he doesn't know. When someone accepts him as a friend, he is supremely loyal, defending and even fighting for them.


Feros doesn't remember too much of his life before he was 10, and after that it was a blur of failed friendship attempts and getting beat up by the darker side of Fauna. He became really good at running away, and was a blacksmith's apprentice for a time, learning how to forge blades. One day the store was robbed, and he fought off the criminals with a shortsword he had crafted. Unfortunately, his master was killed in retribution, and Feros ran again.

Eventually, he came to the door of the Arkhaios Guild, beaten, bloody and hungry. One of the members, who called herself Arona, helped him. Out of gratefulness, he chose to join as well, hoping to repay her (and grow closer) by helping her with her adventures.




Arona Iris



As pictured, but older.

Welcome to the World of Gaia!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.0e7a555a0014ceecf9e7ff2c86deefc7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.0e7a555a0014ceecf9e7ff2c86deefc7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Lyre Altaira




    Performer/Dancer in the Noah’s Ark Circus

    Sapient Brotherhood


    Crush: Currently Not Available

    Height: 5’8”

    Weight: 78 lbs

    Appearance - Strut Your Stuff

    Lyre is very dark grey skinned with white/gold hair and plumage. He has two peacock like feathers in his tail that have a wide range of motions and that he effectively uses in his dances, as well as light gold fuzzy looking feathers around his tail. He has two large, dark grey wings that jut out proudly just below his shoulder blades. His eyes are a deep brown tinged with green and he often likes wearing a bright scarlet belt to accentuate that, along with a white flowing shirt, a warm gray vest, and dark red pants.

    The kemonomimi’s movements are lithe and graceful which show his years as a dancer, and he walks with a proud strut; though his mannerisms don’t point to self-absorbed snootiness. Just a strong confidence in himself and his abilities.



  • Lyre.jpg
    81.9 KB · Views: 111
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RubyRose said:
View attachment 175645

  • Lyre Altaira




    Performer/Dancer in the Noah’s Ark Circus

    No Affiliation


    Crush: Currently Not Available

    Height: 5’8”

    Weight: 78 lbs

    Appearance - Strut Your Stuff

    Lyre is very dark grey skinned with white/gold hair and plumage. He has two peacock like feathers in his tail that have a wide range of motions and that he effectively uses in his dances, as well as light gold fuzzy looking feathers around his tail. He has two large, dark grey wings that jut out proudly just below his shoulder blades. His eyes are a deep brown tinged with green and he often likes wearing a bright scarlet belt to accentuate that, along with a white flowing shirt, a warm gray vest, and dark red pants.

    The kemonomimi’s movements are lithe and graceful which show his years as a dancer, and he walks with a proud strut; though his mannerisms don’t point to self-absorbed snootiness. Just a strong confidence in himself and his abilities.

Welcome to the World of Gaia! (Still I do have a question on how your character knows what a robot is?)

? Zenario Zeid ?







Aura, Weapons, And Equipment

Zenario's aura power is air. He's capable of creating powerful gusts and weaving small tornados. He can also use it to increase his speed while flying. However, his most dangerous ability is using it to spread his "special" inhalants about.

His favors projectile weapons due to his ability to fly. Throwing knives and small, crude, explosives are his ranged weapons. He wields a battle staff for combat in close quarters.

His toxic powders must be inhaled to take their effect, and the amount inhaled will lengthen the duration. He has several forms:

  • Suggestion: The victim becomes prone to suggestion.
  • Lust: The victim becomes strongly attracted to the next person they see.
  • Sleep: The victim falls asleep.
  • Laughter: The victim falls over and can't stop laughing like a stoner watching The Hangover.
  • Hallucinate: The victim starts tripping balls and seeing things.
  • Poison: The victim becomes terribly ill.

I know, seems a bit OP, but he's really not very good close up, the staff is more of a defensive thing. Plus, you know, he's a villain so I figure he should be a challenge. I promise I will use the powders sparingly and mostly on NPCs, and I will ask for permission before using them on a player character. Scout's honor.


Cult Leader on the low, Medicine Man on the high.


Team Leader of the Sapient Brotherhood


Oh Zen-Zen. You clever little bastard. Zenario is a textbook narcissist. He truly believes it doesn't get any better than him, and if there's anyone who should be running things around here, it's him. The butterfly believes in one principle: progression. He believes the Kemonomimi are being held back and stifled by their avoidance of technology. The benevolent human Gods left behind all of their stuff for a reason, right? It was to propel the Kemonomimi into an age of enlightenment! Nothing will stand in the way of Zenario's ambition to see the world he envisions become a reality.

Zenario is a textbook wolf in sheep's clothing. He is soft spoken, gentle, thoughtful, and understanding on the outside. But on the inside he uses these positive traits to manipulate others and warp their minds. He is quite convincing and charismatic. One of his many talents include using warped logic to get others to join his cause and do his bidding. He comes off as loving and benevolent, which he is to some degree, but ultimately he sees all people as pawns and a means to an end. If there's something worth doing, it will take sacrifice, and he truly believes that each death will be worth it for the world in the long run.

Zenario has a diabolical sense of strategy. You'll find that he's the guy to turn to when you need a well thought out plan. He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, in fact, he believes in the policy: If you want it done right, do it yourself. Zenario is not sentimental and will without a doubt expect his cultists to be okay with sacrificing their own lives or the lives of innocents. Remember, the goal of an enlightened Gaia carries far more weight to him than a few lives. However, he believes he is the only one who can see this thing through, and thus, he must remain alive. One could say that he possesses a Messiah complex.


Zenario Zeid felt that he was born to change the world. From a young age he displayed a keen intelligence, a gift for problem solving, and leadership skills. He was born into a well off family of apothecaries. Zenario was determined to pick up the family business, and developed an extensive knowledge of herbs and natural remedies. It was in his younger years that he began to experiment around with different toxic powders, testing the lethal ones on small animals and the non lethal ones on neighborhood children.

It was during this time that he became enticed by the tales of humans. His interest grew to such an extent that as a teen, he joined the Arkhaios guild and traveled the world in search of human artifacts. His time in the guild earned him quite the reputation as one of its most knowledgeable members. As his obsession grew, he discovered The Sapient Brotherhood. He dropped the guild and took the guise of a simple apothecary. He climbed up the ranks of the guild until he became very close to its leader. Using his Suggestive powder, he goaded the leader into announcing that he would perform a sacrificial ritual and bestow leadership upon Zenario. There was initially some dismay, but Zenario eventually charmed the Brotherhood into accepting his leadership.

Present day, he's used his guild connections to discover rumors of mechanical men from the human era. He plans on capturing all known robots and using their strength and knowledge to kill the royals and take over Gaia.


Heterosexual, but will often use homosexuality to manipulate others.


No one yet, but if he wants to bang you, he won't stop trying until he does. I'd uh...watch out. He's not exactly against rape. Willing to bang 16 and up.



Zenario is a beautiful, youthful looking young man. He stands at about 6'0 and is pretty much a textbook pretty boy. He has soulful eyes and a thin, yet elegant frame. He's quite proud of his colorful wings. His hair is multi colored, his roots are violet, but the shiny locks transform to a magenta hue. His dark blue antennas add a good seven inches to his height.


tl;dr He's not a nice guy. Also, I imagine that he sounds like Tom Hiddleston (Loki)


SirBlazeALot said:

? Zenario Zeid ?







Aura, Weapons, And Equipment

Zenario's aura power is air. He's capable of creating powerful gusts and weaving small tornados. He can also use it to increase his speed while flying. However, his most dangerous ability is using it to spread his "special" inhalants about.

His favors projectile weapons due to his ability to fly. Throwing knives and small, crude, explosives are his ranged weapons. He wields a battle staff for combat in close quarters.

His toxic powders must be inhaled to take their effect, and the amount inhaled will lengthen the duration. He has several forms:​

  • Suggestion: The victim becomes prone to suggestion.
  • Lust: The victim becomes strongly attracted to the next person they see.
  • Sleep: The victim falls asleep.
  • Laughter: The victim falls over and can't stop laughing like a stoner watching The Hangover.
  • Hallucinate: The victim starts tripping balls and seeing things.
  • Poison: The victim becomes terribly ill.

I know, seems a bit OP, but he's really not very good close up, the staff is more of a defensive thing. Plus, you know, he's a villain so I figure he should be a challenge. I promise I will use the powders sparingly and mostly on NPCs, and I will ask for permission before using them on a player character. Scout's honor.


Cult Leader on the low, Medicine Man on the high.


Team Leader of the Sapient Brotherhood


Oh Zen-Zen. You clever little bastard. Zenario is a textbook narcissist. He truly believes it doesn't get any better than him, and if there's anyone who should be running things around here, it's him. The butterfly believes in one principle: progression. He believes the Kemonomimi are being held back and stifled by their avoidance of technology. The benevolent human Gods left behind all of their stuff for a reason, right? It was to propel the Kemonomimi into an age of enlightenment! Nothing will stand in the way of Zenario's ambition to see the world he envisions become a reality.

Zenario is a textbook wolf in sheep's clothing. He is soft spoken, gentle, thoughtful, and understanding on the outside. But on the inside he uses these positive traits to manipulate others and warp their minds. He is quite convincing and charismatic. One of his many talents include using warped logic to get others to join his cause and do his bidding. He comes off as loving and benevolent, which he is to some degree, but ultimately he sees all people as pawns and a means to an end. If there's something worth doing, it will take sacrifice, and he truly believes that each death will be worth it for the world in the long run.

Zenario has a diabolical sense of strategy. You'll find that he's the guy to turn to when you need a well thought out plan. He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, in fact, he believes in the policy: If you want it done right, do it yourself. Zenario is not sentimental and will without a doubt expect his cultists to be okay with sacrificing their own lives or the lives of innocents. Remember, the goal of an enlightened Gaia carries far more weight to him than a few lives. However, he believes he is the only one who can see this thing through, and thus, he must remain alive. One could say that he possesses a Messiah complex.


Zenario Zeid felt that he was born to change the world. From a young age he displayed a keen intelligence, a gift for problem solving, and leadership skills. He was born into a well off family of apothecaries. Zenario was determined to pick up the family business, and developed an extensive knowledge of herbs and natural remedies. It was in his younger years that he began to experiment around with different toxic powders, testing the lethal ones on small animals and the non lethal ones on neighborhood children.

It was during this time that he became enticed by the tales of humans. His interest grew to such an extent that as a teen, he joined the Arkhaios guild and traveled the world in search of human artifacts. His time in the guild earned him quite the reputation as one of its most knowledgeable members. As his obsession grew, he discovered The Sapient Brotherhood. He dropped the guild and took the guise of a simple apothecary. He climbed up the ranks of the guild until he became very close to its leader. Using his Suggestive powder, he goaded the leader into announcing that he would perform a sacrificial ritual and bestow leadership upon Zenario. There was initially some dismay, but Zenario eventually charmed the Brotherhood into accepting his leadership.

Present day, he's used his guild connections to discover rumors of mechanical men from the human era. He plans on capturing all known robots and using their strength and knowledge to kill the royals and take over Gaia.


Heterosexual, but will often use homosexuality to manipulate others.


No one yet, but if he wants to bang you, he won't stop trying until he does. I'd uh...watch out. He's not exactly against rape. Willing to bang 16 and up.



Zenario is a beautiful, youthful looking young man. He stands at about 6'0 and is pretty much a textbook pretty boy. He has soulful eyes and a thin, yet elegant frame. He's quite proud of his colorful wings. His hair is multi colored, his roots are violet, but the shiny locks transform to a magenta hue. His dark blue antennas add a good seven inches to his height.


tl;dr He's not a nice guy. Also, I imagine that he sounds like Tom Hiddleston (Loki)


Welcome to the world of Gaia!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.f35afd94f44567d93782faa37b71ca20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.f35afd94f44567d93782faa37b71ca20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Neha Soven



    Kangaroo Rat


    Arkhaios Guild Member


    Crush: Currently Not Available

    Height: 5’11”

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Appearance - Light and Comfortable

    Neha can most often be seen in duller colored clothing- warm browns, soft beiges, dark greens, things she can blend in with. Because she's often out in the heat tracking down what she can find from old ruins, her clothing tends to be as light and open as is possible. Her hair is a darker brown then the rest of her but only marginally, her skin color being a warm chestnut. She has dark markings on her cheeks that attribute to her species, and her tail can often have a mind all it's own. She is fairly slender, and tall for being female and for being a rat. Her slim appearance has saved her a few times when needing to hide in the shadows or escape a death trap. Her body is lithe and nimble, flexibility allowing her to climb quickly and her genes allowing her to be quick of foot and have a rather high jump.



  • Neha.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 109
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Laiea Thaygyn

(I will make it prettier later on with many many bbcodes, but it is rather late)


Lay-ah They-gin








A bird, specifically a tropical one called the Indian Roller.


Lai can fly, how cool is that? Although it goes deeper than simply being able to fly. Her wings can emit light, or even sparkle beautifully in the sunlight. Though this ability is not exactly useful or powerful, Lai can fly for abnormally longer periods of time without getting tired easily, flying faster than the average bird without even trying. She can also manipulate the element of air, adding onto and explaining her ability around wind. She can form balls of wind with her hands, fly in the opposite direction in the wind and is practically immune to cold...cold from the windchill that is, though she still is vulnerable everywhere else. Her powers are not fully mastered and controlled, the most she can do is make a mini, non-dangerous tornado with her hands. The wooden pendant around her neck does enhance her power to some extent, though the girl doesn't have many opportunities to use the blessing to it's full extent. Besides, she isn't as very violent person, so the chances she will use vigorously use her abilities are very slim.


Lai is a peaceful and laidback creature, not preferring any sort of job. Though she does offer tours around the beach town occasionally due to her extensive knowledge of the beach.




Laiea is like the wind. She is laidback, and goes with the flow, just simply enjoying the fun. She might not look it, but Laiea is good at hiding a history most people would deem sad or depressing, but what cheers her up the most is just being happy, even if it's faking it. Lai is probably the most forgiving person you could meet, she doesn't hold grudges easily and simply loves to love. She is a chronic daydreamer and a bit too idealistic for her own good. Lai is humble, kind hearted and compassionate, even though she wasn't born with very much, Lai still has a lot to give. Even though she is extremely kind hearted, she hates crowds and small spaces, even talking to large groups of strangers will make her a bit uneasy. Occasionally, there are times when Lai can even get a bit deep and philosophical, normally these thoughts can come when she is alone or flying in the wind at night, which she loves to do. She enjoys music very much, enjoying songs and dancing peacefully to her own rhythm.

Some bad parts about her is that she is very innocent and naive, she doesn't know too much about the world, or about humans and robots in general. The phrase "curiosity killed the cat" applies greatly to her. Laiea can be a bit too trusting of others, getting herself easily hurt. She has a natural curiosity for many things, even to the point of being downright nosy and meddlesome. If you bring up certain topics or make fun of someone in her line of vision, be prepared to be literally blown away by Laiea. She has a sense of pure justice and righteousness that she abides by, and loves to stick up for the little guy. Overall, the freedom-loving Laiea just tries to be a good person whenever she can.


Although she doesn't remember much of her history, it is rather humble and not very interesting. Laiea was born an orphan who had never actually met her real parents and found herself just there, on a beautiful beach all by herself until an elderly fox couple had taken her in. Luckily, the couple treated her with the love and respect a girl like her deserved. She wasn't wealthy, in fact, they were barely getting by, but Laiea and her family were satisfied with their life. That was until her wings began to mature. Her wings gradually grew to become a beautiful palette of colours that would shine whenever she flew. Her parents (what I am going to refer the fox couple as) decided to let her fly around town, and help them run tiny errands throughout the beach town, such as getting them food and performing little shows with her aura abilities.

As she grew older and more familiar with the town, Lai decided to make a living of helping tourists enjoy the beach, getting coins and other goods to feed her and her family. This was her first and only job for as long as she can remember. When Lai turned 17, her parents had died peacefully of old age, but not her father gifting the youth a necklace with a small pendant made of some sort of magical wood before passing away. The necklace had been carved, even blessed from the Earthly Spiritual Tree. Since then, she always felt a bit lighter and freeflowing in the air. In the present, Laiea lives in a small, but humble hut right next in front of the beach town of Mari Usque, flying around and enjoying her days.




Open for PM, though she does see a lot of people every day.



Laiea is a girl with soft and very feminine features. Like a bird, she is lightweight, with small nimble muscles, not a very strong person. She is surprisingly a lot more flexible than most people would assume, flying around the air for long periods of time. She is also small, standing at only 4'10.5''. Laiea has long raven coloured hair and bright grey eyes. Normally she is seen wearing a navy blue dress with ruffles and various types of flowers in her hair. Her wooden pendant is normally tucked into her dress or whatever clothing she is wearing, tied up with a silky black ribbon. On her back are beautiful wings, coloured with different shades of blues and purples, tucking neatly into her back at will.


Laiea hates exercise and fighting.

Her favourite food is typically just fruits, especially berries.

She almost never wears pants, typically sticking to flowy dresses with petticoats
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RubyRose said:
View attachment 175762

  • Neha Soven



    Kangaroo Rat


    Arkhaios Guild Member


    Crush: Currently Not Available

    Height: 5’11”

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Appearance - Light and Comfortable

    Neha can most often be seen in duller colored clothing- warm browns, soft beiges, dark greens, things she can blend in with. Because she's often out in the heat tracking down what she can find from old ruins, her clothing tends to be as light and open as is possible. Her hair is a darker brown then the rest of her but only marginally, her skin color being a warm chestnut. She has dark markings on her cheeks that attribute to her species, and her tail can often have a mind all it's own. She is fairly slender, and tall for being female and for being a rat. Her slim appearance has saved her a few times when needing to hide in the shadows or escape a death trap. Her body is lithe and nimble, flexibility allowing her to climb quickly and her genes allowing her to be quick of foot and have a rather high jump.

Welcome to the world of Gaia!
theglassangel said:

Laiea Thaygyn

(I will make it prettier later on with many many bbcodes, but it is rather late)


Lay-ah They-gin








A bird, specifically a tropical one called the Indian Roller.


Lai can fly, how cool is that? Although it goes deeper than simply being able to fly. Her wings can emit light, or even sparkle beautifully in the sunlight. Though this ability is not exactly useful or powerful, Lai can fly for abnormally longer periods of time without getting tired easily, flying faster than the average bird without even trying. She can also manipulate the element of air, adding onto and explaining her ability around wind. She can form balls of wind with her hands, fly in the opposite direction in the wind and is practically immune to cold...cold from the windchill that is, though she still is vulnerable everywhere else. Her powers are not fully mastered and controlled, the most she can do is make a mini, non-dangerous tornado with her hands. The wooden pendant around her neck does enhance her power to some extent, though the girl doesn't have many opportunities to use the blessing to it's full extent. Besides, she isn't as very violent person, so the chances she will use vigorously use her abilities are very slim.


Lai is a peaceful and laidback creature, not preferring any sort of job. Though she does offer tours around the beach town occasionally due to her extensive knowledge of the beach.




Laiea is like the wind. She is laidback, and goes with the flow, just simply enjoying the fun. She might not look it, but Laiea is good at hiding a history most people would deem sad or depressing, but what cheers her up the most is just being happy, even if it's faking it. Lai is probably the most forgiving person you could meet, she doesn't hold grudges easily and simply loves to love. She is a chronic daydreamer and a bit too idealistic for her own good. Lai is humble, kind hearted and compassionate, even though she wasn't born with very much, Lai still has a lot to give. Even though she is extremely kind hearted, she hates crowds and small spaces, even talking to large groups of strangers will make her a bit uneasy. Occasionally, there are times when Lai can even get a bit deep and philosophical, normally these thoughts can come when she is alone or flying in the wind at night, which she loves to do. She enjoys music very much, enjoying songs and dancing peacefully to her own rhythm.

Some bad parts about her is that she is very innocent and naive, she doesn't know too much about the world, or about humans and robots in general. The phrase "curiosity killed the cat" applies greatly to her. Laiea can be a bit too trusting of others, getting herself easily hurt. She has a natural curiosity for many things, even to the point of being downright nosy and meddlesome. If you bring up certain topics or make fun of someone in her line of vision, be prepared to be literally blown away by Laiea. She has a sense of pure justice and righteousness that she abides by, and loves to stick up for the little guy. Overall, the freedom-loving Laiea just tries to be a good person whenever she can.


Although she doesn't remember much of her history, it is rather humble and not very interesting. Laiea was born an orphan who had never actually met her real parents and found herself just there, on a beautiful beach all by herself until an elderly fox couple had taken her in. Luckily, the couple treated her with the love and respect a girl like her deserved. She wasn't wealthy, in fact, they were barely getting by, but Laiea and her family were satisfied with their life. That was until her wings began to mature. Her wings gradually grew to become a beautiful palette of colours that would shine whenever she flew. Her parents (what I am going to refer the fox couple as) decided to let her fly around town, and help them run tiny errands throughout the beach town, such as getting them food and performing little shows with her aura abilities.

As she grew older and more familiar with the town, Lai decided to make a living of helping tourists enjoy the beach, getting coins and other goods to feed her and her family. This was her first and only job for as long as she can remember. When Lai turned 17, her parents had died peacefully of old age, but not her father gifting the youth a necklace with a small pendant made of some sort of magical wood before passing away. The necklace had been carved, even blessed from the Earthly Spiritual Tree. Since then, she always felt a bit lighter and freeflowing in the air. In the present, Laiea lives in a small, but humble hut right next in front of the beach town of Mari Usque, flying around and enjoying her days.




Open for PM, though she does see a lot of people every day.



Laiea is a girl with soft and very feminine features. Like a bird, she is lightweight, with small nimble muscles, not a very strong person. She is surprisingly a lot more flexible than most people would assume, flying around the air for long periods of time. She is also small, standing at only 4'10.5''. Laiea has long raven coloured hair and bright grey eyes. Normally she is seen wearing a navy blue dress with ruffles and various types of flowers in her hair. Her wooden pendant is normally tucked into her dress or whatever clothing she is wearing, tied up with a silky black ribbon. On her back are beautiful wings, coloured with different shades of blues and purples, tucking neatly into her back at will.


Laiea hates exercise and fighting.

Her favourite food is typically just fruits, especially berries.

She almost never wears pants, typically sticking to flowy dresses with petticoats

What is up with bird Kemonomimi and their missing wings xD

Anyways welcome to the world of Gaia!

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