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Fantasy The Adept

[QUOTE="Jeremy Jangle]Name:
Jaxxon Leatherwood






View attachment 288174

Eye Colors:

Black and purple


Slow motion perception

It is a subjective perception
of time in which things are perceived as passing by slower than the normal perception of time. As a result, Jaxxon is able to think faster and act faster then other people. This gives him a high edge in combat as his opponent is always moving slower to Jaxxon's perception.

Kingdom of Origin:



Jaxxon considers himself to be a nice and respectable gentlemen. Which is completely false if you ask anyone he knows. Jaxxon is a very rude pervert. He often tells horrbible jokes, and is never serious. Not even on the battlefield does he take a break from being "himself". Despite this Jaxxon still has what he considers his "weakness". Jaxxon is very emotional and has a very soft heart despite what he may do. Often comforting sad people or taking in injured animals to heal them. He is also very impatient as things are always moving slower to him.

Other Skills:

Gifted swordsman

Excellent cook


Great with animals

Can swallow almost anything :^)


Jaxxon grew up under circus performers who were known as "Chuck the sword swallower" and "Cherry the lion tamer". Being known as "Jaxxon the adorable clown" he was happy growing up with his friends and family. His parents had for some reason continually made him a eye patch all the time to cover his different colored eye. He learned many things over his years as a circus performer. Sword swallowing, animal taming, rope swinging and much much more.

He often had a problem of being extremely impatient, but he didn't ask for help nor did his parents explain what he was. On 13th birthday the circus had been burned down with his father inside it. His mother had to sell what remaining things they had to keep them from starving until she found another job. Jaxxon was heavily devastated and was eventually sent to a orphanage by his mother so he could be properly taken care of.

Over the years at the boy's home he started hanging around older (and perverted) teenagers. He often found them funny and started to pick up on their habits of jokes and perversion. He often was beat for sneaking into the girls bathroom, and was always quick to start fights with people he didn't like. However, he was eventually known as "Big Brother" as he repetitively helped all those that were in need before taking care of hinself.

On his sixteenth birthday he eventually started to not wear his eye patch which quickly gained everyones attention real fast. He was eventually adopted by a General of the king. His name was Austin Leatherwood and he had taken an interest in the boy with two colored eyes finding out that he was indeed special. He was immediately taken to the king to start his new life.


He has several crushed amongst the others (boys and girls alike), but never let's on who exactly he is crushing on.


Your adept, as I understand it, is not within the parameters of what an adept can be. The closest you could do is incredibly fast thinking, and I already had another character tone that down to superior reflexes. Basically that path is closed unless you can see another I do not. The next biggest problem is that a circus is so far from the era the RP takes place in that I simply cannot envision it existing. Now if you want to call it something else and try to fit it for the era and unamericanize it that would be fine. Lastly, if an eyepatch was all it took to keep Adept from being discovered then there would be a lot more people running around with eyepatches on. Basically, an eyepatch isn't going to keep you from being discovered.
You still accepting, cause I like the idea. If yes then:

Name: Alec Magroh

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Eye Colors: Bright blue and dark brown

Adept: Photographic Memory

Despite often not seeming like it, and although he often plays down his ability, Alec possesses a almost computer like memory. Able to memorize entire pages on information after reading it only once. However, he can't just use his memory to learn to be an expert sword fighter or something, although he can read about it and memories all tactics, he can't train his body to use it on the field. He can't trade in experience with book smarts.

Kingdom of Origin: Deva

Personality: Alec is a very enthusiastic, loving person. And perhaps a little hyper. He. Won't. Stop. Moving. Cute animals, children, shiny objects, he will be there. And he will be dying inside. He has a very bright outlook on life, believing all people have good in them and wanting to give people perhaps too many chances, which can be dangerous. He loves socializing and meeting new people, believing every stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet.

Despite being childlike and seeming to not give a care in the world, small comments or movements can hurt his fragile feelings, due to a slight abandonment issue, causing him to retreat into his shell around the perpetrator. This grudge will last until the person gains his trust, which is not hard due to his trusting manner.

Also, somewhat unexpectedly, he is very competitive. One of the only times he's ever serious is in a good, fair competition

Other Skills:

Great social skills and can gain trust easily

Good liar


Bio: Alec was born and raised in the same area as Amori, and although he certainly talked to her often enough, as it was a small area, they weren't particularly close due to the child-like grudge between genders. After his eyes changed, his parents were quick to hand him in. It wasn't that they didn't love him, but they had enough kids on their hands and they believed he would be better off at the castle. His six year old mind was not sharp enough to understand this, however, and their actions left him with severe abandonment issues.

Once taken to the castle, he was taken away by the highest scholars to train his mind. It didn't take him long to outsmart them. Once he did, and after it was realized that, for all his intelligence, he was a hopeless klutz and lousy on the field he was simply used for strategizing and other odd jobs that required book smarts. He is fairly close with Amori, platonically, due to their past. It's like a little slice of home.

Other: He is severely allergic to cats. But they're so cute. He can't help himself. He's nearly died countless times because of this and often has to be physical restrained when a cat is in his field of sight.
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[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]You still accepting, cause I like the idea. If yes then:
Name: Alec Magroh

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Eye Colors: Bright blue and dark brown

Adept: Superior Intelligence

Despite often not seeming like it, and although he often plays down his ability, Alec possesses a almost computer like intelligence. Able to work out complicated sums at the speed of a calculator, which is handy because (I could be wrong, I know nothing about history) calculators haven't been invented yet. His intelligence does not only extend to maths though, he is intellectually superior in almost every way, assuming it's 'inside material' (I don't know how else to put it, but it's kinda like he can't just use his intelligence to learn to be an expert sword fighter or something, although he can read about it and memories all tactics, he can't train his body to use it on the field)

Kingdom of Origin: Deva

Personality: Alec is a very enthusiastic, loving person. And perhaps a little hyper. He. Won't. Stop. Moving. Cute animals, children, shiny objects, he will be there. And he will be dying inside. He has a very bright outlook on life, believing all people have good in them and wanting to give people perhaps too many chances, which can be dangerous. He loves socializing and meeting new people, believing every stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet.

Despite being childlike and seeming to not give a care in the world, small comments or movements can hurt his fragile feelings, due to a slight abandonment issue, causing him to retreat into his shell around the perpetrator. This grudge will last until the person gains his trust, which is not hard due to his trusting manner.

Other Skills:

Great social skills and can gain trust easily

Good liar

Bio: Alec was born and raised in the same area as Amori, and although he certainly talked to her often enough, as it was a small area, they weren't particularly close due to the child-like grudge between genders. After his eyes changed, his parents were quick to hand him in. It wasn't that they didn't love him, but they had enough kids on their hands and they believed he would be better off at the castle. His six year old mind was not sharp enough to understand this, however, and their actions left him with severe abandonment issues.

Once taken to the castle, he was taken away by the highest scholars to train his mind. It didn't take him long to outsmart them. Once he did, and after it was realized that, for all his intelligence, he was a hopeless klutz and lousy on the field he was simply used for strategizing and other odd jobs that required intelligence. He was kept apart to the other adepts, not on purpose but simply because he had an 'inside' job and didn't have chances so see them often, so he is fairly lonely. This is why he is so friendly and exited to meet new people.

Other: He is severely allergic to cats. But they're so cute. He can't help himself. He's nearly died countless times because of this and often has to be physical restrained when a cat is in his field of sight.

First and foremost, I did say that I would know if you haven't read the rules. My only other problem is that I feel as though your adept is just a bit too much. As anyone who has been keeping up with my posts in this thread can tell you, I'm a bit paranoid about how people might use their abilities past their acceptable limits. My solution is to change your adept to a perfect memory. You can recall any information that you have been exposed to perfectly. With this you would also be a fast learner. Say you read a book on some super advanced arithmetic; you would still be able to recall and use the information even if you don't quite understand it yourself because all of the information required to understand it would be in the book which you have memorized. Anyway, this is just my suggestion and I am sorry for rambling.
Shog said:
First and foremost, I did say that I would know if you haven't read the rules. My only other problem is that I feel as though your adept is just a bit too much. As anyone who has been keeping up with my posts in this thread can tell you, I'm a bit paranoid about how people might use their abilities past their acceptable limits. My solution is to change your adept to a perfect memory. You can recall any information that you have been exposed to perfectly. With this you would also be a fast learner. Say you read a book on some super advanced arithmetic; you would still be able to recall and use the information even if you don't quite understand it yourself because all of the information required to understand it would be in the book which you have memorized. Anyway, this is just my suggestion and I am sorry for rambling.
Nah man, your rp your rules. Sorry, I did read the rules I just kinda zoned out by the last one you know? And ok, I'll change the adept now. Thanks
[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]You still accepting, cause I like the idea. If yes then:
Name: Alec Magroh

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Eye Colors: Bright blue and dark brown

Adept: Photographic Memory

Despite often not seeming like it, and although he often plays down his ability, Alec possesses a almost computer like memory. Able to memorize entire pages on information after reading it only once. However, he can't just use his memory to learn to be an expert sword fighter or something, although he can read about it and memories all tactics, he can't train his body to use it on the field. He can't trade in experience with book smarts.

Kingdom of Origin: Deva

Personality: Alec is a very enthusiastic, loving person. And perhaps a little hyper. He. Won't. Stop. Moving. Cute animals, children, shiny objects, he will be there. And he will be dying inside. He has a very bright outlook on life, believing all people have good in them and wanting to give people perhaps too many chances, which can be dangerous. He loves socializing and meeting new people, believing every stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet.

Despite being childlike and seeming to not give a care in the world, small comments or movements can hurt his fragile feelings, due to a slight abandonment issue, causing him to retreat into his shell around the perpetrator. This grudge will last until the person gains his trust, which is not hard due to his trusting manner.

Also, somewhat unexpectedly, he is very competitive. One of the only times he's ever serious is in a good, fair competition

Other Skills:

Great social skills and can gain trust easily

Good liar


Bio: Alec was born and raised in the same area as Amori, and although he certainly talked to her often enough, as it was a small area, they weren't particularly close due to the child-like grudge between genders. After his eyes changed, his parents were quick to hand him in. It wasn't that they didn't love him, but they had enough kids on their hands and they believed he would be better off at the castle. His six year old mind was not sharp enough to understand this, however, and their actions left him with severe abandonment issues.

Once taken to the castle, he was taken away by the highest scholars to train his mind. It didn't take him long to outsmart them. Once he did, and after it was realized that, for all his intelligence, he was a hopeless klutz and lousy on the field he was simply used for strategizing and other odd jobs that required book smarts.

Other: He is severely allergic to cats. But they're so cute. He can't help himself. He's nearly died countless times because of this and often has to be physical restrained when a cat is in his field of sight.

Accepted. Thank you.
Name: Ethan Jex

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Because you can only see his face in this image, I'll describe his wardrobe and overall build for you.

He stands at just under 6 feet tall and boasts a modest frame. He doesn't look particularly impressive, but underneath his clothes he sports an intimidating musculature. It serves him well, as his targets don't see him as a threat before they make the biggest mistake of their life.

His usual attire consists of a sharp navy-blue coat that he wears in the presence of nobility, with a sleeveless black undershirt beneath that. He wears black trousers that are tucked into his similarly-colored cuff boots.

Eye Colors: Mustard yellow (Left) and a downright brilliant shade of pink (Right)

Adept: Hand-to-hand combat. Whether it comes to grappling, martial arts, or just a no-holds-barred, bare-knuckle beatdown, Ethan is the best there is.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: While he's usually unnaturally calm, he conceals a hidden brutality and can almost come across as perpetually unhappy. He has a very low patience threshold when it comes to stupidity, but without sufficient reason, he doesn't just randomly blow up at people. For the most part, he enjoys his conversations with Thomas, but sees him more as a protege than an actual friend.

Other Skills: He may not seem like it, but he fancies himself quite the culinary artist. He typically steers more towards salads and the like, rather than anything that actually needs to be cooked. He's also quite thorough when it comes to cleaning, and his quarters are perpetually and meticulously tidy.

Bio: Unlike most parents, Ethan's were unconditionally loving despite the fact that he was an Adept. If it were in their power, they would have raised him as their own. Unfortunately, the king's men came to take Ethan away shortly after his 6th birthday.

After Ethan discovered his gift, he quickly became known as the court thug. While Thomas was groomed to be an assassin, Ethan became more like a... teacher. Whenever the king wanted to put someone in their place without killing them, Ethan was usually the one he called upon to "teach" them the error of their ways.

When Thomas was brought into the castle, it was almost a relief for Ethan. It meant that he might actually have somebody to relate to and connect with. Unfortunately, Thomas was not only significantly younger than Ethan, but also notably and frequently absent, so that left little opportunity to actually connect with him.

Other: He never wears his coat when he's fighting. It simply wouldn't do to stain it with blood, so he takes it off before fighting.

Miss Music


Name // Melody Albatroz

Age // 19

Gender // Female

Orientation // Pansexual

Kingdom of Origin // Japura

Adept // Extremely keen hearing. Melody is able to pick up very quiet sounds that a normal human could not hear, high pitched noises, and can differentiate between different sounds easily no matter how minute the difference may be.

Melody is a free spirit, someone who likes to go with the flow of things or do things the way she would like to. Of course, she is well aware of her responsibilities as an adept and although she doesn't like the feeling she gets knowing it is near inescapable, she continues to perform what is asked of her without dispute. Some might see her as a lazy person because of the kinds of things she enjoys doing. Of course, most of her free time is spent lounging in the sunlight, thinking, or playing her lute, an instrument she holds to a higher value than her own life. She doesn't like staying in one place for too long, whether that be under a tree for a couple hours or in a distinct city long enough for it to become too predictable. The fact that is she is constantly called back by the King to perform tasks kills her inside and drives her nuts. Sometimes she would want nothing more than to run away, take a different name for herself, but that is something one cannot do when their eyes is the easiest give away. Melody is a charismatic girl with a foreign aspect to her. She's different, people see that easily, but are often drawn to her charitably and easy going nature. She can talk for a while, tell many interesting stories or jokes, and be content with that. Often times she incorporates her stories into songs accompanied by the music from her lute. This is also how she earns most of her money. Melody doesn't care what others may think of her, that has never been something that has swayed her any way, but she likes to be in the spotlight and can easily maintain a center of attention. As for permanent friends, she doesn't really have many of them, not because she doesn't want them but because her actions have left her with the inability to make long term friends, although it isn't something she is consciously aware of.

Height // 5'4"

Weight // 128 lbs.

Eye Colors // A deep
Violet; A turquise mix

Hair Color // A soft medium brown

Body Mods // Many, many self acquired ear piercings.

Clothing Style // Flowy, sometimes revealing clothes that are very pale or very bright. Her arms, ears, legs, fingers, and neck are always adorned with matching jewelry.

Named by her single mother, Melody, because she said when she gave birth to Melody, she laughed and it was the most beautiful melody she had ever heard. Not to mention, her mother was already very fond of music, the woman owning a type of flute which she never left home without. The two lived without much to their names, always moving around Japura and living off street performance funds, were never really unhappy. In fact, Melody loved this way of life. It was wonderful. The love between the two was a strong and unbreakable.

By the time she was five she was earning just as much money was her mother, playing for the smiling faces of Japura. What she did notice was the sad and cautious looks they also gave her when they say her eyes. Her mother, all too aware of her daughters fate, had originally planned to run with her daughter, stay in hiding, and continue moving. It wasn't entirely different from the way they were living now. But it was when the woman joined the crowd surrounding her daughter a few days before she was to turn six, and saw her daughters big toothy grin as she strummed her heart out for the people that her mother knew she couldn't do that. Melody could never play again, they would either see her as a runaway or disregard her as an Adept reject. As much as she would miss her daughter and she knew she would miss her mother, it was decided that she would have to be sent to the king.

When she asked those devoted to the king to take her daughter to him, tears streamed down her face. Her daughter cried and screamed for her mother, reaching out with her little still somewhat round hands but her mother only stood there, watching her go. At first, she was brokenhearted that her mother would so easily give her away. It wasn't until much later when she was entrusted as a Spy for the king that she understand the sacrifice her mother made.


Can't edit my post for some reason, so here's the updated one. o-o


Llywelyn Llaw Ereint

  • Nicknames:






    Eye Colors:


    Appearance Under Robes





    Kingdom of Origin:


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Stamper said:

Miss Music


Name // Melody Albatroz

Age // 19

Gender // Female

Orientation // Pansexual

Kingdom of Origin // Japura

Adept // Extremely keen hearing. Melody is able to pick up very quiet sounds that a normal human could not hear, high pitched noises, and can differentiate between different sounds easily no matter how minute the difference may be.

Melody is a free spirit, someone who likes to go with the flow of things or do things the way she would like to. Of course, she is well aware of her responsibilities as an adept and although she doesn't like the feeling she gets knowing it is near inescapable, she continues to perform what is asked of her without dispute. Some might see her as a lazy person because of the kinds of things she enjoys doing. Of course, most of her free time is spent lounging in the sunlight, thinking, or playing her lute, an instrument she holds to a higher value than her own life. She doesn't like staying in one place for too long, whether that be under a tree for a couple hours or in a distinct city long enough for it to become too predictable. The fact that is she is constantly called back by the King to perform tasks kills her inside and drives her nuts. Sometimes she would want nothing more than to run away, take a different name for herself, but that is something one cannot do when their eyes is the easiest give away. Melody is a charismatic girl with a foreign aspect to her. She's different, people see that easily, but are often drawn to her charitably and easy going nature. She can talk for a while, tell many interesting stories or jokes, and be content with that. Often times she incorporates her stories into songs accompanied by the music from her lute. This is also how she earns most of her money. Melody doesn't care what others may think of her, that has never been something that has swayed her any way, but she likes to be in the spotlight and can easily maintain a center of attention. As for permanent friends, she doesn't really have many of them, not because she doesn't want them but because her actions have left her with the inability to make long term friends, although it isn't something she is consciously aware of.

Height // 5'4"

Weight // 128 lbs.

Eye Colors // A deep
Violet; A turquise mix

Hair Color // A soft medium brown

Body Mods // Many, many self acquired ear piercings.

Clothing Style // Flowy, sometimes revealing clothes that are very pale or very bright. Her arms, ears, legs, fingers, and neck are always adorned with matching jewelry.

Named by her single mother, Melody, because she said when she gave birth to Melody, she laughed and it was the most beautiful melody she had ever heard. Not to mention, her mother was already very fond of music, the woman owning a type of flute which she never left home without. The two lived without much to their names, always moving around Japura and living off street performance funds, were never really unhappy. In fact, Melody loved this way of life. It was wonderful. The love between the two was a strong and unbreakable.

By the time she was five she was earning just as much money was her mother, playing for the smiling faces of Japura. What she did notice was the sad and cautious looks they also gave her when they say her eyes. Her mother, all too aware of her daughters fate, had originally planned to run with her daughter, stay in hiding, and continue moving. It wasn't entirely different from the way they were living now. But it was when the woman joined the crowd surrounding her daughter a few days before she was to turn six, and saw her daughters big toothy grin as she strummed her heart out for the people that her mother knew she couldn't do that. Melody could never play again, they would either see her as a runaway or disregard her as an Adept reject. As much as she would miss her daughter and she knew she would miss her mother, it was decided that she would have to be sent to the king.

When she asked those devoted to the king to take her daughter to him, tears streamed down her face. Her daughter cried and screamed for her mother, reaching out with her little still somewhat round hands but her mother only stood there, watching her go. At first, she was brokenhearted that her mother would so easily give her away. It wasn't until much later when she was entrusted as a Spy for the king that she understand the sacrifice her mother made.


Accepted. Sorry for the wait, I've been pretty busy.
laughmaker said:
Can't edit my post for some reason, so here's the updated one. o-o


Llywelyn Llaw Ereint

  • Nicknames:






    Eye Colors:






    Kingdom of Origin:


  • First, dumb it down. I'm hoping this is an exception, but every other time I've seen a CS where they cake it with words and throw in several scientific terms they are trying to get away with making their character more powerful than they know would otherwise be allowed. What I get from "

    Llywelyn precisely applies the contractile force of each skeletal muscle along the movement of the initial ground force of an action, culminating as explosive speed and power. However, he cannot overcome things such as the absolute refractory period of muscles, or his lactic threshold so his bursts of power cannot be used in rapid succession without risk." is something like what I found in this video (though not quite as powerful (I'm still wondering how I found this)): [media]

    [/media] My point is that it could easily be abused and I'd need some more information on it's capacity rather than how it works (again, in "common tong").
    "He is more tolerant than most to extreme temperatures." How about the majority of the kingdom of Hasa who lives in the desert? And then the other part of Hasa that lives in a hot swamp? (this isn't really a problem, I just felt the need to point that out) "...those jovial thoughts were quickly washed away by the harsh reality of war." (and the next paragraph) What war? How often do you think war breaks out in this world? The correct answer is: not common at all. A war is about to break out in the RP right now and the closest war I'd allow to that point would be the civil war you mentioned.

    "...he awakened his adept as a survival instinct." An adept is woken during the early years of their lives. There are certainly outliers and some may not notice it for a while (with something as physical as yours this wouldn't be the case), but there is no way an adept would be awaken this late in someone's life.

    I was trying to think of a way to put this next part tactfully, but I couldn't think of anything so I'll just say it bluntly. I don't believe people from this time period could have selectively breed for this genetic mutation. Especially when, as I understand my research, both parents need to have the mutation. This throws a monkey wrench into the whole 22 half-sibling thing. I'm perfectly ok with selective breeding to induce strength (that's been happening since the dawn of domestication), but if I'm being honest I'd just prefer that entire aspect be dropped.

    The last thing I have to say involves their lifestyle. This isn't something I often criticize, but hunter-gatherer/nomadic lifestyles are not conducive to the setting of the RP. There are well established kingdoms and borders in this world and I don't imagine any king being too willing to let a large group of these people roam through the land they have claimed while the king (and just about anyone else I the kingdom) believes the land belongs to the royal family. And once again, war isn't that common. I wouldn't think it common enough to make a family of mercenaries be beneficial.

    So yes, I am pretty critical. I apologies if it sounds like I'm viciously attacking you. I'm just trying to make sure no one's experience is ruined by the addition of a character. Also, I think you got it worse then most people (though I tried not to I know I didn't completely succeed). I just spent the last several days surrounded by people and forced into many social interactions and I am reaching the end of my line (I am an introvert).
Shog said:
So yes, I am pretty critical. I apologies if it sounds like I'm viciously attacking you. I'm just trying to make sure no one's experience is ruined by the addition of a character. Also, I think you got it worse then most people (though I tried not to I know I didn't completely succeed). I just spent the last several days surrounded by people and forced into many social interactions and I am reaching the end of my line (I am an introvert).
Naw, it's cool. I was very ambitious with Llywelyn and put a lot of things I knew may cause problems. I don't have a very fleshed out idea of the actual workings of the continent, so I had to make a lot of assumption based on multiple civilizations during the Middle Ages; there was bound to be at least some friction.

I'll also give an aforementioned apology because I can be particularly argumentative in my reasoning.

First, dumb it down. I'm hoping this is an exception, but every other time I've seen a CS where they cake it with words and throw in several scientific terms they are trying to get away with making their character more powerful than they know would otherwise be allowed. What I get from "
Llywelyn precisely applies the contractile force of each skeletal muscle along the movement of the initial ground force of an action, culminating as explosive speed and power. However, he cannot overcome things such as the absolute refractory period of muscles, or his lactic threshold so his bursts of power cannot be used in rapid succession without risk." is something like what I found in this video (though not quite as powerful (I'm still wondering how I found this)): [media]

[/media] My point is that it could easily be abused and I'd need some more information on it's capacity rather than how it works (again, in "common tong").
Sorry, I'm a med major so I really wanted this to be as good as physiology could let me play with (; w;). It'd be kinda uncomfy for me if I just say he was reaaaaally good at something in a magic-less world if I didn't ground it in science. I'll reiterate that his Adept's main perk is control of his muscles, the burst of power is a side application by using the body's full strength without destroying his form and technique, which are another source of power. If I had to ball park striking power, Llywelyn's full body punch should be able to match or be better than a grounded punch from Alphaius' Halfthor in only power, strength is Llywelyn's complete loss. In speed application, maybe somewhere around 28mph for 1 or 2 steps?

"He is more tolerant than most to extreme temperatures." How about the majority of the kingdom of Hasa who lives in the desert? And then the other part of Hasa that lives in a hot swamp? (this isn't really a problem, I just felt the need to point that out)
I'm going under the assumption that those peoples actively use shade and heat insulation during the day and heavy clothing and fires for the night. I can change it to him doing ascetic training by enduring those conditions with bare minimums if that sounds alright. For swamp settlements, I believe that humidity is the bigger problem which Llywelyn isn't acclimated to.

"...those jovial thoughts were quickly washed away by the harsh reality of war." (and the next paragraph) What war? How often do you think war breaks out in this world? The correct answer is: not common at all. A war is about to break out in the RP right now and the closest war I'd allow to that point would be the civil war you mentioned.
My bad, I was going off European medieval times because of the frequent territorial wars/internal conflict, buuuuuut this ain't medieval Europe :c. Either way, it doesn't have to be war I guess. Any form of prolonged armed conflict is fine for his background, ie bandit extermination/skirmishes/whatevs

"...he awakened his adept as a survival instinct." An adept is woken during the early years of their lives. There are certainly outliers and some may not notice it for a while (with something as physical as yours this wouldn't be the case), but there is no way an adept would be awaken this late in someone's life.
Sure, can be adjusted being awakened to that he could feasibly keep up with his training.

I was trying to think of a way to put this next part tactfully, but I couldn't think of anything so I'll just say it bluntly. I don't believe people from this time period could have selectively breed for this genetic mutation. Especially when, as I understand my research, both parents need to have the mutation. This throws a monkey wrench into the whole 22 half-sibling thing. I'm perfectly ok with selective breeding to induce strength (that's been happening since the dawn of domestication), but if I'm being honest I'd just prefer that entire aspect be dropped.
I figured, so let me try and sway you first o3o.

Gonna correct your research here. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is caused by a single gene mutation that can be found on both X and Y chromosomes and said gene is surprisingly a dominant one (in short, it's pretty darn easy to pass down). One mutant gene is enough for enhanced strength, but people with two are even stronger.

The Ereint clan achieved a high amount of members with enhanced strength through inbreeding since it was pretty common practice back then. The half siblings are mostly from direct relatives in the interest of producing as much offspring in a short period of time. Since Llywelyn was born on a whim from an escort, he only has a Y mutation. It's a bit like the Mongols during the Middle Ages. Though the heads of Mongol clans would take many wives and have many children with them, only a portion of them were considered as true heirs. I picked 22 Llaw Ereint children for fun since there are 22 major arcana, and I wanted him so have some relation to The Hanged Man arcana. ;)

The last thing I have to say involves their lifestyle. This isn't something I often criticize, but hunter-gatherer/nomadic lifestyles are not conducive to the setting of the RP. There are well established kingdoms and borders in this world and I don't imagine any king being too willing to let a large group of these people roam through the land they have claimed while the king (and just about anyone else I the kingdom) believes the land belongs to the royal family. And once again, war isn't that common. I wouldn't think it common enough to make a family of mercenaries be beneficial.
The first point is fair enough. I'll change them to be based in the plains of Camorin, but I'd like them to still be able to function as mercenaries. The real life parallel to them would be the German Landsknects who took part in almost every major battle in Europe during the 1500s (I'd assume the reasoning for this is their reputation and to preserve a kingdom's own soldiers.) I also totally wrote my reply from the bottom up and read this paragraph before the other ones. Gonna need help or suggestions on this for them to be able to remain a neutral party. e-e
laughmaker said:
Sorry, I'm a med major so I really wanted this to be as good as physiology could let me play with (; w;). It'd be kinda uncomfy for me if I just say he was reaaaaally good at something in a magic-less world if I didn't ground it in science. I'll reiterate that his Adept's main perk is control of his muscles, the burst of power is a side application by using the body's full strength without destroying his form and technique, which are another source of power. If I had to ball park striking power, Llywelyn's full body punch should be able to match or be better than a grounded punch from Alphaius' Halfthor in only power, strength is Llywelyn's complete loss. In speed application, maybe somewhere around 28mph for 1 or 2 steps?
This all sounds good.

laughmaker said:
I'm going under the assumption that those peoples actively use shade and heat insulation during the day and heavy clothing and fires for the night. I can change it to him doing ascetic training by enduring those conditions with bare minimums if that sounds alright. For swamp settlements, I believe that humidity is the bigger problem which Llywelyn isn't acclimated to.
I would have expected you to use tactics to try and regulate your heat as well. My only point was that the majority of an entire kingdom lives, and most likely born, in a desert and would be very tolerant to these conditions. Like I said, it's not a problem. I just wanted to point that out.

laughmaker said:
My bad, I was going off European medieval times because of the frequent territorial wars/internal conflict, buuuuuut this ain't medieval Europe :c. Either way, it doesn't have to be war I guess. Any form of prolonged armed conflict is fine for his background, ie bandit extermination/skirmishes/whatevs
Wars in the sense that we commonly think of today were actually not that common. Most of it was feuds between powerful land owners and, as one source said, "large-scale banditry." Another thing to consider is that conflict would be more common because they were split up into a lot more than 6 largish kingdoms. Bandits or smaller skirmishes would b fine, in which case mercenaries would be in a higher demand for.

laughmaker said:
Sure, can be adjusted being awakened to that he could feasibly keep up with his training.
There really doesn't need to a reason for it to be awoken. It would certainly help with his training, but no event is needed to bring out an adept (sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say).

laughmaker said:
I figured, so let me try and sway you first o3o.

Gonna correct your research here. Myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy is caused by a single gene mutation that can be found on both X and Y chromosomes and said gene is surprisingly a dominant one (in short, it's pretty darn easy to pass down). One mutant gene is enough for enhanced strength, but people with two are even stronger.

The Ereint clan achieved a high amount of members with enhanced strength through inbreeding since it was pretty common practice back then. The half siblings are mostly from direct relatives in the interest of producing as much offspring in a short period of time. Since Llywelyn was born on a whim from an escort, he only has a Y mutation. It's a bit like the Mongols during the Middle Ages. Though the heads of Mongol clans would take many wives and have many children with them, only a portion of them were considered as true heirs. I picked 22 Llaw Ereint children for fun since there are 22 major arcana, and I wanted him so have some relation to The Hanged Man arcana. ;)
I'm just going to trust you there since I didn't totally understand my research. The biggest question is how enhanced is your strength? And if you insist on keeping this, then edit into your appearance. He looks downright scrawny and the pictures I saw when trying to research this showed over-bulked muscles. I don't expect you to change his appearance to a brick wall, but please bulk him up a bit.

laughmaker said:
The first point is fair enough. I'll change them to be based in the plains of Camorin, but I'd like them to still be able to function as mercenaries. The real life parallel to them would be the German Landsknects who took part in almost every major battle in Europe during the 1500s (I'd assume the reasoning for this is their reputation and to preserve a kingdom's own soldiers.) I also totally wrote my reply from the bottom up and read this paragraph before the other ones. Gonna need help or suggestions on this for them to be able to remain a neutral party. e-e
Camorin would be better because of the wide open spaces, but they'd still need a central base of operations (in Camorin, not just sayi Camorin is their base). Land owners wouldn't be too happy about a group of mercenaries setting up a camp on their land (unless war or skirmishes happen).

Please start at the top and work your way down because I tend to build on some concepts as I worked.

Thank you for working with me in a calm and reasonable manor. I appreciate you putting in time to do actual research. That said, it must be taken with a grain of salt. This RP is grounded more in fiction than reality and only basic concepts from reality are taken over to this world. For example, how the Mongols worked IRL wouldn't work so well in this world and, as stated earlier, real medieval conflicts don't happen as frequently or to the same extent as they did IRL. Again, I appreciate you finding real arguements to use, but you need to lose such heavy groundings in reality. ESIT: Please forgive any spelling errors as I did this on a touch screen.
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I'm just going to trust you there since I didn't totally understand my research. The biggest question is how enhanced is your strength? And if you insist on keeping this, then edit into your appearance. He looks downright scrawny and the pictures I saw when trying to research this showed over-bulked muscles. I don't expect you to change his appearance to a brick wall, but please bulk him up a bit.
Enhanced enough to use a two-handed sword with ease and to use it single handedly as well (much slower of course). I think the picture is fine really since he has incomplete inheritance. Estimating through the big anime hair, using the head as a benchmark, his shoulders and biceps are pretty huge. I envision Llywelyn's musculature to be something like this :

Camorin would be better because of the wide open spaces, but they'd still need a central base of operations (in Camorin, not just sayi Camorin is their base). Land owners wouldn't be too happy about a group of mercenaries setting up a camp on their land (unless war or skirmishes happen).
Aye, from what I can tell from the map, Camorin has the most amount land, exposed borders, and spread out cities. With that as the case, hiring mercenaries to invigilate more remote territories would be alright, right. Especially if they're designated as suppliers in the RP, which paints a target on their head.

Please start at the top and work your way down because I tend to build on some concepts as I worked.
Thank you for working with me in a calm and reasonable manor. I appreciate you putting in time to do actual research. That said, it must be taken with a grain of salt. This RP is grounded more in fiction than reality and only basic concepts from reality are taken over to this world. For example, how the Mongols worked IRL wouldn't work so well in this world and, as stated earlier, real medieval conflicts don't happen as frequently or to the same extent as they did IRL. Again, I appreciate you finding real arguements to use, but you need to lose such heavy groundings in reality. ESIT: Please forgive any spelling errors as I did this on a touch screen.
As for the other stuffs, I guess I can omit some details. A lot was just flavor text anyway. =w=
Name: Otto Waltree

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Many people mistake him for being a couple of years younger)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.78ec61ad03ec9db9ff0fb24a92f01b8c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.78ec61ad03ec9db9ff0fb24a92f01b8c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Colors: brown (left) green (right)

Adept: Is very good with animals. Otto could tame a horse or if he's carefull get one to throw its rider off its back, things like that.

Kingdom of Origin: born in banswara But shortly after birth moved to north of lake Danon where it is very rural. (Bandar)

Personality: at first Otto seems like a complete and utter crybaby, he is. But he's more then that he is very smart, and despite being scared he sees others life

Other Skills: Due to spending so much time in the forests with animals Otto has a good just of what plants to eat and what not to eat, meaning he has a good knowable of natural toxins and medicines.

Bio: Otto was the first and only child to the rich noble couple the Waltrees, who had suffered a series of miscarriages before him, as they had no other children and it was unlikely that they could ever have anymore, his parents cared for him despite being an adept for in their opion they headed an heir. When he was 6 the King took him, but deemed him useless and returned him to his parents. His parents moved far north to shield him from people, who might not like adepts. It was very rural their so human friends were rare and hard to comeby but he gained a close connection with the forest animals. But eventually the King wanted Otto back and Otto gave himself up to the King.

Other: he is a new recruit who just came into the castle. Due to his close connection with animals he is vegetarian.



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SilverSkyWolf said:
Name: Otto Waltree
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Many people mistake him for being a couple of years younger)

View attachment 291147

Eye Colors: brown (left) green (right)

Adept: Is very good with animals. Otto could tame a horse or if he's carefull get one to throw its rider off its back, things like that.

Kingdom of Origin: born in banswara and aged 6 moved to north of lake Danon where it is very rural.

Personality: at first Otto seems like a complete and utter crybaby, he is. But he's more then that he is very smart, and despite being scared he sees others life

Other Skills: Due to spending so much time in the forests with animals Otto has a good just of what plants to eat and what not to eat, meaning he has a good knowable of natural toxins and medicines.

Bio: Otto was the first and only child to the rich noble couple the Waltrees being their only son and heir his parents loved him, despite being an adept. When he reached the age of 6 his parents despite being loyal to the King couldn't bear give their son away so moved north, further away from the castle. It was very rural their so human friends were rare and hard to comeby but he gained a close connection with the forest animals. Soon rumours spread about him and Otto gave himself up to the King so that nothing would happen to his parents.

Other: he is a new recruit who just came into the castle. Due to his close connection with animals he is vegetarian.
Being born in Banswara is fine, but it does ask for the kingdom of origin. So being an adept born in a peasant family in Banswara is going to attract attention. People knew he was adept longe before his 6th birthday, so disappearing just before then isn't going to do anything but delay the inevitable. They will hunt you down because you are an adept and because a noble family disappeared. But I don't think that would happen in the first place. Disobeying the king could easily cause you to be stripped of your nobility status and running away with an adept definitely will. If the king is in a bad enough mood, he might just say it's treason and execute them. In a time where children kill their parents for power, I don't believe that they would risk so much for him. This doesn't mean he has to stay with the king. He could say he has no use for his adept and send him back. In the RP he will have been recently called back because of the war, but that's still just about the same amount of time you said he'd be back anyway.
laughmaker said:
Enhanced enough to use a two-handed sword with ease and to use it single handedly as well (much slower of course). I think the picture is fine really since he has incomplete inheritance. Estimating through the big anime hair, using the head as a benchmark, his shoulders and biceps are pretty huge. I envision Llywelyn's musculature to be something like this :

Aye, from what I can tell from the map, Camorin has the most amount land, exposed borders, and spread out cities. With that as the case, hiring mercenaries to invigilate more remote territories would be alright, right. Especially if they're designated as suppliers in the RP, which paints a target on their head.

As for the other stuffs, I guess I can omit some details. A lot was just flavor text anyway. =w=
I suppose I didn't make it very clear what I wanted. Just make a section and write out the differences from the picture. If you want to post that picture I certainly won't object. Though I still think he looks rather scrawny. I feel confident saying that because I am scrawny and and am of similar height and proportions. Regardless, just make the propper edits and I'll see if there is anything else I missed.
Shog said:
Being born in Banswara is fine, but it does ask for the kingdom of origin. So being an adept born in a peasant family in Banswara is going to attract attention. People knew he was adept longe before his 6th birthday, so disappearing just before then isn't going to do anything but delay the inevitable. They will hunt you down because you are an adept and because a noble family disappeared. But I don't think that would happen in the first place. Disobeying the king could easily cause you to be stripped of your nobility status and running away with an adept definitely will. If the king is in a bad enough mood, he might just say it's treason and execute them. In a time where children kill their parents for power, I don't believe that they would risk so much for him. This doesn't mean he has to stay with the king. He could say he has no use for his adept and send him back. In the RP he will have been recently called back because of the war, but that's still just about the same amount of time you said he'd be back anyway.
I've edited it. Can you check if it's fine now?
Shog said:
I suppose I didn't make it very clear what I wanted. Just make a section and write out the differences from the picture. If you want to post that picture I certainly won't object. Though I still think he looks rather scrawny. I feel confident saying that because I am scrawny and and am of similar height and proportions. Regardless, just make the propper edits and I'll see if there is anything else I missed.
Hey, I kinda have been watching this debate and that last comment felt a little unnecessary. Artistic interpretation, especially for a fantasy setting, shouldn't be so limited. He looks strong enough to me, and some people are more compact than others. Idk. This just felt a little knit picky is all, I just haven't seen this much with the other applicants. I think @laughmaker 's character would be awesome in the role play, and the detail for the concept is cool. He doesn't seem all that over powered or anything to me, even if he played him as One Punch Man. xD (Which I doubt he would)

Just throwing in my two bits, I don't mean to interrupt your application process or tell you how you're supposed to handle applicants, just seeing this kinda irked me a lil. :<
Shog said:
I suppose I didn't make it very clear what I wanted. Just make a section and write out the differences from the picture. If you want to post that picture I certainly won't object. Though I still think he looks rather scrawny. I feel confident saying that because I am scrawny and and am of similar height and proportions. Regardless, just make the propper edits and I'll see if there is anything else I missed.
Yeep, gonn just use the picture. Did some minor editing too. You feel like it's a step in the right direction?

Also, if your biceps are around size of your head, you are definitely not scrawny. Gotta give yourself more credit :P .

northguy said:
Hey, I kinda have been watching this debate and that last comment felt a little unnecessary. Artistic interpretation, especially for a fantasy setting, shouldn't be so limited. He looks strong enough to me, and some people are more compact than others. Idk. This just felt a little knit picky is all, I just haven't seen this much with the other applicants. I think @laughmaker 's character would be awesome in the role play, and the detail for the concept is cool. He doesn't seem all that over powered or anything to me, even if he played him as One Punch Man. xD (Which I doubt he would)
Just throwing in my two bits, I don't mean to interrupt your application process or tell you how you're supposed to handle applicants, just seeing this kinda irked me a lil. :<
Nyahaha, thanks! I actually feel my character is quite strong compared to the others because of all of the combat oriented details I put in him. Some of the details also shape the world more than the other characters do, so a little more scrutiny is justified methinks~
SilverSkyWolf said:
Name: Otto Waltree
Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Many people mistake him for being a couple of years younger)

View attachment 291147

Eye Colors: brown (left) green (right)

Adept: Is very good with animals. Otto could tame a horse or if he's carefull get one to throw its rider off its back, things like that.

Kingdom of Origin: born in banswara But shortly after birth moved to north of lake Danon where it is very rural. (Bandar)

Personality: at first Otto seems like a complete and utter crybaby, he is. But he's more then that he is very smart, and despite being scared he sees others life

Other Skills: Due to spending so much time in the forests with animals Otto has a good just of what plants to eat and what not to eat, meaning he has a good knowable of natural toxins and medicines.

Bio: Otto was the first and only child to the rich noble couple the Waltrees, who had suffered a series of miscarriages before him, as they had no other children and it was unlikely that they could ever have anymore, his parents cared for him despite being an adept for in their opion they headed an heir. Due to this his parents never publicly announced his existence and moved far north, a long way away from the King. It was very rural their so human friends were rare and hard to comeby but he gained a close connection with the forest animals. But eventually the King found out about him and due to threats to his parents Otto gave himself up to the King.

Other: he is a new recruit who just came into the castle. Due to his close connection with animals he is vegetarian.
*sigh* Fine, accepted. Just remember that he is no longer part of a noble household because the king certainly would have stripped them of that status for hiding an Adept. For my benefit, would you please tell me what is so horrible about being discovered early in life?

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