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Fantasy The Adept

hitman654 said:
Name: Olivier Kantor
Age: 19

Gender: Male


Eye Colors: Green and red

Adept: Evasion and acrobatics, Olivier can dodge anything coming towards him, a fist, an arrow, a bullet - it doesn't matter, he can evade it - he is also insanely agile and quick - being able to hop across buildings with ease

Kingdom of Origin: Hasa

Personality: Olivier is ruthless - stopping at nothing to get what he wants. He is also very single-minded, once he sets his mind to a goal he will let nothing stand in his way and will often come up with ways to achieve it that would be impossible to most.

Other Skills:

Knife wielding

Fluent in several languages

excellent at planning escape routes

Extracting information


Olivier was born to a whore - his mother left him on his father's doorstep and was never seen again, likely she died long ago. Olivier displayed his ability early, constantly running across rooftops from the ago of 4 onwards, his father - a butcher - attempted to teach him how to prepare meat - in order that Olivier might one day follow him into the business. However Olivier was only interested in the knives of the trade, in particular the delicate blades used to hollow out the carcass, he loved the ornate look of them and would attempt to wield them for hours at a time. His true skill however - lay in his incredible agility, when he would get in fights he often would be completely unscathed - other children never landing a blow unless he let them.

At age 6 he was drafted into the king's service and trained even further in the use of knives, becoming the king's best assassin in a matter of weeks. Often the king would challenge Olivier for his own amusement - rumour has it that once the king set up a firing squad to test the young prodigy's ability to evade and not a single arrow found it's mark. By age 14 Olivier had realised that if he followed this life he would never be able to live for himself - so he planned, and he trained. By age 16 he was honed into a perfect evasion artist and could find his way out of seemingly inescapable situations. So he fled, taking only his most prized blade - a beautiful and precise weapon.

Since that age he has been on the run from the king's forces, flitting from country to country and city to city in search of true freedom.
The evasion thing is too closely related to another character up above. That said, I would ask you to remove either evasion or acrobatics regardless. There is still a lot you can do with acrobatics. Even with an acrobatic adept, however, running across rooftops would be impossible at the age of 4. You're still a person and not physically capable of such an act at such a young age. Next, you became the kings best assassin in a matter of years. Even if you had a knife adept it would take years to train anyone to become a proper assassin. Considering you have only as much skill with knives as a normal person, even just a couple of years wouldn't be enough time. Reading the whole archery squad section should prove just how overpowered this character is.
VioletDancer said:
She can read emotions and tell peoples opinions incredibly well, reading body language, listening to the tone of there voice or occasionally the way things are worded. This also gives her the ability to easily react to harsh situations in the appropriate manner.

Sorry the with touch thing was in graceling xD Thanks for telling me!
northguy said:

Axel. The Gunslinger.


Name: Axel Zloxistile

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearence: Axel has rugged blonde hair that covers the top of his head, cut short and leading down to a bearded chin and face. Axel's body from a glance is somewhat impressive, although standing at a rather average height of 5'10 he has a very maintained build, completed with good endurance and strength. Axel's features are rather clean-cut, his eyes a cloudy blue-grey and his skin newly tanned. Axel is overall a messy individual, letting his long blonde hair get easily messed up when it's out of its braid.

Eye Colors: Axel's left eye is ice blue color, almost seeming to shine in some lights. While his other his a bright gold with copper flakes, his central pupils are often a bit undilated, making his eye colors seem to pop.

Adept: Shooting. While not exactly skilled in the overall field of shooting, Axel is exclusively skilled with the use of rudimentary firearms, specifically flintlock pistols. Axel possesses overwhelming skills in quickly drawing, firing, reloading, and accurately hitting his target, though is slightly held back by the low quality of weaponry.

Kingdom of Origin: Born in Meilan, travelled much of the world.

Personality: Some would describe this average looking man a maniac. With an obsession made for his guns and firing them, he constantly obsesses on finding ways to improve himself and his arsenal. Axel is hesitant toward killing unless deemed entirely necessary, usually shooting out people's limbs through gruesome areas. Axel can go into moments of insanity at random points in time, although these can come from emotional triggers, some have been sporadic. Axel can also be a good conversationalist and story teller with other people, although his language can often include many curse words, he has a small bit of charisma to him. He is a very cultured man, acting as if a member of his born culture while being able to comprehend people from all different lands.

Other Skills: With his skill to handle a gun, he is as well skilled in quick reflex to anything else, and has extremely sharp vision through his right eye. He is also a very fast learner to many new technologies and is able to quickly learn the components of firearms set in front of him. Aside from this, from his long years of travel he has became an expert survivalist and a jack of all trades, knowing small pieces of knowledge in many different fields.


Axel was born in high mountains, living his earliest years in severe winters as his family of old tradition suffered in continuing forward. It was when he was five when they had abandoned their posts in the mountains, and managed up some money to buy a horse to pull their caravan. The family travelled the world, Axel being exposed at a young age to many different types of people he had never comprehended to have existed. As they went through, they were eventually stopped by a travelling army during one of their more gracious periods of wealth. They managed to pay off a small group of the soldiers for additional protection, Axel being around eight at this point, eventually managed to find one of their rifles in their caravan. This event began his passion, quickly picking up on understanding the weapon and eventually learning additional mechanisms afterward.

Despite being the naturally gifted shot he was, his time with the troops did not last particularly long. After a few months of travel, the soldiers were overrun by a sudden ambush by the king's army, Axel being taken prisoner and his family left in the wake. However at his young age he hardly understood the situation, simply having fun playing with the soldier's gun at any opportunity he could. They eventually reached the king and he was evaluated for the months to come. It took a while for them to find the talent he had at first hid, though it was surely found. Axel spent a few years of his youth in royal courtyards, showing young nobles various displays of his ability for 'show'. It was not until Axel's sixteenth year that he had decided to make his own use of himself, and left the castle upon given a mission far away. He began to settle his own reputation for the years to come, picking up his own missions as a lone mercenary or committing to the king's work, before he finally discovered Eleonora at the age of eighteen.

The two were quick to begin working together, Axel coming by on visits to her clock tower where he would receive new weaponry from her and work with her, before being gone on his way the following day. This went on for multiple years and seemed to continue before Axel came toa halt. Finally being stuck on a mission in the city she confides herself, Axel is making his first visit longer than a week. This could be a mess.
It's ok if you specify the city you were born in as well, but I also need you to list the country (Deva, in your case). Also keep in mind that guns are few and far between, most in the military still using bows since that is where their years of training have been in. Other than that you are pretty good.
VioletDancer said:
Amorine "Amori" Castien






View attachment 287447

Eye Colors:

One honey brown eye, one violet eye.


She can read emotions and tell peoples opinions incredibly well, reading body language, listening to the tone of there voice or occasionally the way things are worded. This also gives her the ability to easily react to harsh situations in the appropriate manner.

Kingdom of Origin:



Amori is very kind and happy, always trying to find a way to make people smile. She's highly simpathetic and inteligent but fairly naive in her weaker moments. She enjoys teasing and is easy to make laugh, however she is a bit of a trouble maker. She's also rather sarcastic times, but constantly carries a pleasant gleam in her eyes. She's very stubborn as well.

Other Skills:

Amori is very good with negotiating, and is easily likeable, leaving her as a courtier in training.


Amori was born on the winter solstice, in a fairly poor, but comfortable home. At an early time one of her eyes started darkening, not alarmingly though, for awhile she was raised normally, but her one eye progressed into violet. Her parents clung to there little girl as long as possible but eventually she was taken to the castle and her gift was put to use.

She started studying in negotiations, etiquette and history as well as self defense from a young age seeing as her skills come in fairly handy as a negotiator. Her ability of reading emotions left her easy to find what people liked and didn't like.

Amori trained to be a courtier, incredibly unimpressed with were the future headed. She secretly despised her role, but played along anyways. Every once and a while she took dance lessons, but is constantly dancing in her spare time, she has performed for the king at certain events due to her skills. She is soon to become a full fledged courtier on her 18th birthday.


She has a pet cat named meeki (mee-key)
Shog said:
It's ok if you specify the city you were born in as well, but I also need you to list the country (Deva, in your case). Also keep in mind that guns are few and far between, most in the military still using bows since that is where their years of training have been in. Other than that you are pretty good.
I tried to make it seem that was the only rifle among the soldiers since they are rather rare, and it was probably only used by them when they were drunk and wanted to have some fun. I assumed they were rare though I believe its fair he has a good amount now that he's teamed up with @xEmoBunnehx 's character. I also edited in the country as you asked, hope everything's fixed. :)
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northguy said:

Axel. The Gunslinger.


Name: Axel Zloxistile

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearence: Axel has rugged blonde hair that covers the top of his head, cut short and leading down to a bearded chin and face. Axel's body from a glance is somewhat impressive, although standing at a rather average height of 5'10 he has a very maintained build, completed with good endurance and strength. Axel's features are rather clean-cut, his eyes a cloudy blue-grey and his skin newly tanned. Axel is overall a messy individual, letting his long blonde hair get easily messed up when it's out of its braid.

Eye Colors: Axel's left eye is ice blue color, almost seeming to shine in some lights. While his other his a bright gold with copper flakes, his central pupils are often a bit undilated, making his eye colors seem to pop.

Adept: Shooting. While not exactly skilled in the overall field of shooting, Axel is exclusively skilled with the use of rudimentary firearms, specifically flintlock pistols. Axel possesses overwhelming skills in quickly drawing, firing, reloading, and accurately hitting his target, though is slightly held back by the low quality of weaponry.

Kingdom of Origin: Born in Meilan, Deva.

Personality: Some would describe this average looking man a maniac. With an obsession made for his guns and firing them, he constantly obsesses on finding ways to improve himself and his arsenal. Axel is hesitant toward killing unless deemed entirely necessary, usually shooting out people's limbs through gruesome areas. Axel can go into moments of insanity at random points in time, although these can come from emotional triggers, some have been sporadic. Axel can also be a good conversationalist and story teller with other people, although his language can often include many curse words, he has a small bit of charisma to him. He is a very cultured man, acting as if a member of his born culture while being able to comprehend people from all different lands.

Other Skills: With his skill to handle a gun, he is as well skilled in quick reflex to anything else, and has extremely sharp vision through his right eye. He is also a very fast learner to many new technologies and is able to quickly learn the components of firearms set in front of him. Aside from this, from his long years of travel he has became an expert survivalist and a jack of all trades, knowing small pieces of knowledge in many different fields.


Axel was born in high mountains, living his earliest years in severe winters as his family of old tradition suffered in continuing forward. It was when he was five when they had abandoned their posts in the mountains, and managed up some money to buy a horse to pull their caravan. The family travelled the world, Axel being exposed at a young age to many different types of people he had never comprehended to have existed. As they went through, they were eventually stopped by a travelling army during one of their more gracious periods of wealth. They managed to pay off a small group of the soldiers for additional protection, Axel being around eight at this point, eventually managed to find one of their rifles in their caravan. This event began his passion, quickly picking up on understanding the weapon and eventually learning additional mechanisms afterward.

Despite being the naturally gifted shot he was, his time with the troops did not last particularly long. After a few months of travel, the soldiers were overrun by a sudden ambush by the king's army, Axel being taken prisoner and his family left in the wake. However at his young age he hardly understood the situation, simply having fun playing with the soldier's gun at any opportunity he could. They eventually reached the king and he was evaluated for the months to come. It took a while for them to find the talent he had at first hid, though it was surely found. Axel spent a few years of his youth in royal courtyards, showing young nobles various displays of his ability for 'show'. It was not until Axel's sixteenth year that he had decided to make his own use of himself, and left the castle upon given a mission far away. He began to settle his own reputation for the years to come, picking up his own missions as a lone mercenary or committing to the king's work, before he finally discovered Eleonora at the age of eighteen.

The two were quick to begin working together, Axel coming by on visits to her clock tower where he would receive new weaponry from her and work with her, before being gone on his way the following day. This went on for multiple years and seemed to continue before Axel came toa halt. Finally being stuck on a mission in the city she confides herself, Axel is making his first visit longer than a week. This could be a mess.
Nano said:

Alice "Al" Sekreuz


" Although I do question what the person who named me was thinking at the time, I don't particularly mind my name. I simply go by "Al" to avoid confusion. "

Me, Myself, and I


Starting From the Top

Name: Sekreuz, Alice

Nicknames/Aliases: Al

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Eye Colors: Gold (right) | Crimson (left)

Height: 5'5" | 165cm

Weight: 126lbs | 57kg

Kingdom of Origin: Tanjung

A Peek Into The Mind
Very much a person who is dutiful and serious despite his young age, Al isn't one to cut corners or give up midway. Once he's set his mind on a task, there's little that will change his decision to see through it 'til the end. To Al, there's nothing worse than causing himself to possibly have to experience the regret from having failed to finish the task that had been set before him simply because he hadn't had the endurance or the courage to take that last final step forward. As someone who experienced the repercussions of the sin of omission, he knows first hand just how serious quitting or not doing something can be. If you give up, that's the end. You can't just depend on luck and fate to carry you to success. Of course, he realizes that quitting on menial tasks doesn't have those same consequences, but he doesn't want to make a habit of it either way. Besides, by this time, the philosophy that he has abided by for so long has turned him into a work-a-holic of sorts.

While he isn't the deadpan or grim type of serious, it's still quite hard to tell from just his personality that he's only fifteen. Al often acts much too mature for his age and even seems more responsible than others much older than him at times. He always seems to deal with things sensibly and reasonably and not much seems to bother him. In fact, the only thing that actually seems to bother him is his rather short stature. Even his more mischievous and caustic side seems to fail to give him a more childish mien.

Al tries his best to appear as a person who is resolute and with a strong mentality. For the most part, he does this very well, coming off as a very determined and serious person. However, the insecurities that he does have as a result of past events causes him to keep others at a certain distance. This aspect of his personality isn't always quite obvious to most due to his spirited demeanor and his way of looking out for others. For someone who wishes to be of help, it's quite ironic that he refuses to depend on others due to his fear that this would cause him to grow an attachment to someone who might not even be sticking around for very long. Perhaps it's during these few times of insecurities that people actually see that Al is really just like any other child in the end.

It's Just A Memory In The End
When asked what his childhood was like as one who had been marked as an Adept, Al always simply responds that his life had been a rather boring one. His parents had apparently raised him until he was six, which was when he was sent off to serve the king, just as every other Adept has been since the discovery of them. While this story isn't quite a lie, it isn't quite the full truth either. It's only expected that an Adept would have a tumultuous life due to the prejudice that they all seem to face at one point in their lives.

Born into a family of high standing, a stain such as an Adept was considered something that was unacceptable. Worst of all, Al's family wasn't the typical family of high status. The reason why they had status was due to being guardians of sorts in their city. They were responsible for the safety of their city and even took on assassinations under the table if they were given something of interest. Despite seeing him as a "cursed" child, Al had been raised with the intention of exploiting his abilities for these assassinations as his superior reflex-like abilities proved useful in combat. Besides, who else was better for the job than someone who the town didn't know even existed?

The only person who seemed to treat him as a normal person was his twin brother, Alvyss. Despite being identical twins, Alvyss had normal eye coloration and wasn't an Adept. Unlike the others in the family who treated Al like air, Alvyss made sure to speak to him normally and even played with him as if he were any other child. Of course, this solace wouldn't last forever. Alvyss had always been sickly, causing many to blame the much healthier but marked Al as the root of the problem. It was during their fifth year that Alvyss passed away from his sickness, leaving Al alone in a house full of nothing but frigid stares.

Despite the Al's existence having been kept a strict secret, the king somehow found out about him and sent for him to be retrieved when he had just turned six. On Al's part, there was little to no resistance. His only reason for staying had been Alvyss and his family didn't want him anyway. He actually felt liberated for a short few days. That was until he was again trained to be put to use for the kingdom...

Adept: Superior Reflexes

Being able to move out of the way of something like a falling branch is something completely normal. After all, it's only a natural occurrence for humans to avoid things that could potentially harm them. However, Al has always been noted to move much too fast, being able to even react to things that most people could barely track with their eyes. Some thought that it was precognition, others believed that his Adept was that of high speed. However, it was later proven to them that it wasn't that Al was able to quickly move out of the way; he was simply able to take note of the incoming impact or object much sooner than the average person.

As Al hardly ever mentions his Adept and most don't really bother to ask him the question, a vast majority of people assume that Al's Adept is either reading fast or speed in general. He never really bothers to correct them either as their guesses aren't too far off, although the mechanics between reflexes and speed are different. Besides, directly mentioning his Adept only brings bad memories, memories which he believes are best forgotten.

Other Skills

Al is extremely fast at reading due to having done nothing but read books to pass the time while he was a child.

He initially picked it up as a hobby because he was bored, but Al has somehow managed to become a rather good cook.

Al is a skilled swordsman and fairly good with knives.

Strategy also seems to be a forte of his.

The Extra Tidbits
  • No one really knows where he gets them, but Al has a scarf collection, although he's almost always only seen wearing his signature red scarf.

Just bear in mind that, while he can read fast, that is no longer part of his adept. Accepted. And please don't make your character an A-hole because of his adept! (That last comment was not supposed to be insulting in any way, I just have some bad experiences with characters with that power).
Name:Halfthor Bjornson



Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.be500977a7a32561a1d4bf9423167154.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129141" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.be500977a7a32561a1d4bf9423167154.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>stands 7ft 2in weights 490lbs when armored.

Eye Colors:left one yellow right one grey

Adept:biggest strongest man alive.

Kingdom of Origin:Anthione

Personality:he is an honorable knight at heart. He will mercilessly eradicate any "evil". He is very respectful and chivalrous,he will defend the innocent and weak with his life.

Other Skills:very good at "timing" with his great sword. Quite knowledgeable about laws and crime. Detective skills.

Years of combat experience

Bio:Halfthor is somewhat of a legend among his people. But none outside of a handful actually know what he looks like. Despite the fact that he is giant and terribly strong. He has served the kingdom as a warden seeking out crime throughout the surrounding area and destroying it. Even volunteering his services to other nations.

Other: is known for several feats of renown. In the raid of the blood heart bandit camp, he cleaved twelve men in half, blade, armor, shield and all. In the defense against the mountain pass from a group of ex military raiders,he lifted a enemy horse and slammed it on its rider. Lastly when a stone tower caught fire he saved several people by slamming through a stone wall with nothing more than a few kicks and a shoulder charge.



  • image.jpg
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Alphaius said:
Name:Halfthor Bjornson


Appearence:View attachment 287927stands 7ft 2in weights 490lbs when armored.

Eye Colors:left one yellow right one grey

Adept:biggest strongest man alive.

Kingdom of Origin:Anthione

Personality:he is an honorable knight at heart. He will mercilessly eradicate any "evil". He is very respectful and chivalrous,he will defend the innocent and weak with his life.

Other Skills:very good at "timing" with his great sword. Quite knowledgeable about laws and crime. Detective skills.

Years of combat experience

Bio:Halfthor is somewhat of a legend among his people. But none outside of a handful actually know what he looks like. Despite the fact that he is giant and terribly strong. He has served the kingdom as a warden seeking out crime throughout the surrounding area and destroying it. Even volunteering his services to other nations.

Other: is known for several feats of renown. In the raid of the blood heart bandit camp, he cleaved twelve men in half, blade, armor, shield and all. In the defense against the mountain pass from a group of ex military raiders,he lifted a enemy horse and slammed it on its rider. Lastly when a stone tower caught fire he saved several people by slamming through a stone wall with nothing more than a few kicks and a shoulder charge.
Strength is fine for an adept, but size is not. You can can be large if you want, but it cannot be part of your adept. Because of this, I'd ask you to make him a bit shorter (primarily for the time period). I also stated what the kingdoms were below the map, and Anthione is not one of them. It is just a city inside the kingdom of Deva. This part is a bit nitpicky, but what you did at Blood Hear (with capitals to denote locations) is impossible. I don't care how strong you are, a shield is meant to stop swords from reaching the person and any sword will not penetrate the shield without first ruining the sword (I'm using the assumption that the shields are metal). Similar concept with their armor, but we both know that armor is less effective than the shields. This leads me to my final point and something that could not be avoided by any strength character entering my any RP of mine: How strong is he? I expect we will debate about how strong he truely is for a while because I like to quantify an absolute maximum weight that can be lifted.
Shog said:
Strength is fine for an adept, but size is not. You can can be large if you want, but it cannot be part of your adept. Because of this, I'd ask you to make him a bit shorter (primarily for the time period). I also stated what the kingdoms were below the map, and Anthione is not one of them. It is just a city inside the kingdom of Deva. This part is a bit nitpicky, but what you did at Blood Hear (with capitals to denote locations) is impossible. I don't care how strong you are, a shield is meant to stop swords from reaching the person and any sword will not penetrate the shield without first ruining the sword (I'm using the assumption that the shields are metal). Similar concept with their armor, but we both know that armor is less effective than the shields. This leads me to my final point and something that could not be avoided by any strength character entering my any RP of mine: How strong is he? I expect we will debate about how strong he truely is for a while because I like to quantify an absolute maximum weight that can be lifted.
The size can be changed,but do keep in mind that "giants" have existed since the roman era. Also I listed the bandits because of a lack of steel armor or sheilds, I would expect a steel sheild to stop the impact but with this man the arm behind it would be shattered.

Lastly as far as actual lift capacity

Halfthor Bjornson is a real man...

The worlds strongest man to be exact.

Using previous records for human beings as a base and only just surpassing them

Gives him a squat lift of about 1800lbs

A curl of 550lbs

Benchpressing 1280lbs

And punching with a force of 1300psi

I'm not going for an actual hulk but his strength has to at least be within these parameters to separate him from your average strongman. Also I will be revealing his Unarmored appearance but that is for later.
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Alphaius said:
The size can be changed,but do keep in mind that "giants" have existed since the roman era. Also I listed the bandits because of a lack of steel armor or sheilds, I would expect a steel sheild to stop the impact but with this man the arm behind it would be shattered.
Lastly as far as actual lift capacity

Halfthor Bjornson is a real man...

The worlds strongest man to be exact.

Using previous records for human beings as a base and only just surpassing them

Gives him a squat lift of about 1800lbs

A curl of 550lbs

Benchpressing 1280lbs

And punching with a force of 1300psi

I'm not going for an actual hulk but his strength has to at least be within these parameters to separate him from your average strongman. Also I will be revealing his Unarmored appearance but that is for later.
Would you please show me your sources? The only information could find on his records are this:

  • Squat: 795 lbs
  • Bench Press: 510 lbs
  • Tire Deadlift: 450 lbs
  • Deadlift: 990 lbs
  • Long Press: 424 lbs
  • Log Carry: [5 steps] 1433 lbs

This is nothing personal, I'm just super paranoid about this kind of thing.
Shog said:
Would you please show me your sources? The only information could find on his records are this:
  • Squat: 795 lbs
  • Bench Press: 510 lbs
  • Tire Deadlift: 450 lbs
  • Deadlift: 990 lbs
  • Long Press: 424 lbs
  • Log Carry: [5 steps] 1433 lbs

This is nothing personal, I'm just super paranoid about this kind of thing.
These weren't halfthors records...

they are exceeding the world records in each category.

Either way I don't see why it's to much of a concern...half the characters here are all acrobatic and nimble to the point where I would pose virtually no threat. I just figured a big strong guy would be a change of pace.
Alphaius said:
These weren't halfthors records...
they are exceeding the world records in each category.

Either way I don't see why it's to much of a concern...half the characters here are all acrobatic and nimble to the point where I would pose virtually no threat. I just figured a big strong guy would be a change of pace.
I have multiple sources with Halfthor's records. The squat says 795 or 794 lbs (depending on the source) and the current world record for the squat belongs to Jonas Rantanen of Finland who preformed a squat with 1,268 lbs. Look, I do like your character and want to accept him, but I have been blindsided on things like this before and am trying very hard to avoid that again. It's nothing personal, I'm just paranoid. I thank you for your effort, patience, and levelheadedness. Perhaps we should look at this another way. The way I see it, your character should be able to easily throw a person without breaking a sweat. If someone was wearing a full set of metal armor, more difficult but still pretty easy. Picking up a horse with an armored person would probably push him close to his limits. Feel free to debate any of these final points.
Shog said:
I have multiple sources with Halfthor's records. The squat says 795 or 794 lbs (depending on the source) and the current world record for the squat belongs to Jonas Rantanen of Finland who preformed a squat with 1,268 lbs. Look, I do like your character and want to accept him, but I have been blindsided on things like this before and am trying very hard to avoid that again. It's nothing personal, I'm just paranoid. I thank you for your effort, patience, and levelheadedness. Perhaps we should look at this another way. The way I see it, your character should be able to easily throw a person without breaking a sweat. If someone was wearing a full set of metal armor, more difficult but still pretty easy. Picking up a horse with an armored person would probably push him close to his limits. Feel free to debate any of these final points.
Those all sound very accurate

That's more what I was going for but there are various weight for horses and so i may have overdone some of the calculations...I feel like i did that's why I didn't include my numbers in the Cs.

And thank you for your polite reasonings

I can understand your concerns it's hard to make a non-powered story and I assure you I shall be very realistic in the usage of his strength, even if he can achieve a great feat, this doesn't mean it won't come with a cost. After his stone wall "incident" he had to wear a sling and knee brace for a few weeks, also I will incorporate his size as a hinderance as it would be hard to replace lost armor or even clothing, even something as simple as picking a horse becomes a challenge when you are a "giant".
Alphaius said:
Name:Halfthor Bjornson


Appearence:View attachment 287927stands 7ft 2in weights 490lbs when armored.

Eye Colors:left one yellow right one grey

Adept:biggest strongest man alive.

Kingdom of Origin:Anthione

Personality:he is an honorable knight at heart. He will mercilessly eradicate any "evil". He is very respectful and chivalrous,he will defend the innocent and weak with his life.

Other Skills:very good at "timing" with his great sword. Quite knowledgeable about laws and crime. Detective skills.

Years of combat experience

Bio:Halfthor is somewhat of a legend among his people. But none outside of a handful actually know what he looks like. Despite the fact that he is giant and terribly strong. He has served the kingdom as a warden seeking out crime throughout the surrounding area and destroying it. Even volunteering his services to other nations.

Other: is known for several feats of renown. In the raid of the blood heart bandit camp, he cleaved twelve men in half, blade, armor, shield and all. In the defense against the mountain pass from a group of ex military raiders,he lifted a enemy horse and slammed it on its rider. Lastly when a stone tower caught fire he saved several people by slamming through a stone wall with nothing more than a few kicks and a shoulder charge.
Given our recent conversation, accepted.

Name: Kamui Johnston

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Eye Colors: Kamui's left eye is yellow with a dash of orange, and her right eye is a forest green.

Adept: Speed. She is able to run at a faster pace than most individuals naturally could.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: She is generally a kind and optimistic person. She is too quick to fully think through her actions and analyze situations. However, she shows a clear representation of respect and love to of all her peers.

Other Skills: Although she depends a little too much on her enhanced speed, she is able to yield a short sword and fire arrows with a longbow. She can come up with ideas quite quickly, but not necessarily the best ones.

Bio: Born on a farm with just enough food to survive, she lived a fairly normal life. She ran errands in town like deliveries, and was always known as that kid who runs all the time. She was never told that she was an adept until the day she met the king. At first, she thought that she had the most useless adept in Waipara until she was barely accepted. Like in her childhood, she ran errands once again. She rarely used her other small skills.

Other: She fondness of reading...but cannot read very well....


Ayane said:

Name: Kamui Johnston

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Eye Colors: Kamui's left eye is yellow with a dash of orange, and her right eye is a forest green.

Adept: Speed. She is able to run at a faster pace than most individuals naturally could.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: She is generally a kind and optimistic person. She is too quick to fully think through her actions and analyze situations. However, she shows a clear representation of respect and love to of all her peers.

Other Skills: Although she depends a little too much on her enhanced speed, she is able to yield a short sword and fire arrows with a longbow. She can come up with ideas quite quickly, but not necessarily the best ones.

Bio: Born on a farm with just enough food to survive, she lived a fairly normal life. She ran errands in town like deliveries, and was always known as that kid who runs all the time. She was never told that she was an adept until the day she met the king. At first, she thought that she had the most useless adept in Waipara until she was barely accepted. Like in her childhood, she ran errands once again. She rarely used her other small skills.

Other: She fondness of reading...but cannot read very well....


I'm pretty sure this will pass just fine, but I have to make sure with speed characters. How fast are you thinking?


Llywelyn Llaw Ereint







Eye Colors:



Proprioception. Through incredibly precise spacial awareness and muscle control, Llywelyn has an overwhelming sense of "self". Through this sense, he can control his own body with amazing efficiency, allowing him to move freely according to his mind and balance himself in nearly any position. However, the pinnacle of his proprioception lies in the ability to generate power. Llywelyn precisely applies the contractile force of each skeletal muscle along the movement of the initial ground force of an action, culminating as explosive speed and power. However, he cannot overcome things such as the absolute refractory period of muscles, or his lactic threshold so his bursts of power cannot be used in rapid succession.

Kingdom of Origin:



Llywelyn is a rather lax individual, generally minding his own business. The only time he actively reaches out to people are when they are in need of help. Despite his reluctance to communicate with other people, he's pretty friendly.

Other Skills:


Hand to hand combat


Heat tolerance



Blah blah civil war in Japura, his mother being a escort blah blah caretaker immediately noticed his heterochromacy blah blah Neutrality blah blah Llywelyn was introduced to the martial arts at a young age blah blah His early life was devoid of affection blah blah he and his father made their way across Waipara, collecting his siblings blah blah first time having what he felt were real friends and family blah blah grew older blah blah faced the harsh reality of war blah blah family became smaller and smaller blah blah older sister Enid urged him to leave, to live a gentler life blah blah ran away.


5 years since parting with the other nomads, Llywelyn has lived a secluded life by an oasis in the deserts of Hasa, raising camels. He does occasionally make contact with civilization for bartering purposes or by guiding lost travelers. Else wise, he spends his days taking care of the livestock, honing his martial prowess, and temporarily sheltering the occasional adept.


Through selective breeding, the Ereint clan possesses an inheritable genetic mutation which inhibits myostatin production, causing around 50% of its members to be naturally significantly stronger than the average person. This trait defines the entire clan's lifestyle, being that of hunters-gatherers and mercenaries. They are the leaders of a nomadic community (Ereint and non-Ereint) who tend towards areas where there is conflict due to the demand of soldiers.

The members of the main family are identified with the name Llaw and are only considered a Llaw if they express the myostatin deficiency. As such, Llywelyn is the Ereint clan head's 12th child out of 22 half siblings, having 8 older brothers (4 deceased), 3 older sisters (2 deceased), 6 younger brothers (all deceased), and 5 younger sisters (3 deceased).

He is slightly gynophobic, refusing to make physical contact with women.

Shog said:
I'm pretty sure this will pass just fine, but I have to make sure with speed characters. How fast are you thinking?
Definitely not super fast bolt fast---perhaps like a cheetah with short bursts of speed?

Can't run for long periods of time unless on adrenaline or of that sort
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Ayane said:

Name: Kamui Johnston

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Eye Colors: Kamui's left eye is yellow with a dash of orange, and her right eye is a forest green.

Adept: Speed. She is able to run at a faster pace than most individuals naturally could.

Kingdom of Origin: Bandar

Personality: She is generally a kind and optimistic person. She is too quick to fully think through her actions and analyze situations. However, she shows a clear representation of respect and love to of all her peers.

Other Skills: Although she depends a little too much on her enhanced speed, she is able to yield a short sword and fire arrows with a longbow. She can come up with ideas quite quickly, but not necessarily the best ones.

Bio: Born on a farm with just enough food to survive, she lived a fairly normal life. She ran errands in town like deliveries, and was always known as that kid who runs all the time. She was never told that she was an adept until the day she met the king. At first, she thought that she had the most useless adept in Waipara until she was barely accepted. Like in her childhood, she ran errands once again. She rarely used her other small skills.

Other: She fondness of reading...but cannot read very well....


Thank you for clarifying. I'm just overly paranoid sometimes. Accepted.

Jaxxon Leatherwood






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cf0d8ea1c96f1701b62108d3deaa5d29.jpg.cbd1b52b610dd310879682000812fad6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/cf0d8ea1c96f1701b62108d3deaa5d29.jpg.cbd1b52b610dd310879682000812fad6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Colors:

Black and purple


Slow motion perception

It is a subjective perception
of time in which things are perceived as passing by slower than the normal perception of time. As a result, Jaxxon is able to think faster and act faster then other people. This gives him a high edge in combat as his opponent is always moving slower to Jaxxon's perception.

Kingdom of Origin:



Jaxxon considers himself to be a nice and respectable gentlemen. Which is completely false if you ask anyone he knows. Jaxxon is a very rude pervert. He often tells horrbible jokes, and is never serious. Not even on the battlefield does he take a break from being "himself". Despite this Jaxxon still has what he considers his "weakness". Jaxxon is very emotional and has a very soft heart despite what he may do. Often comforting sad people or taking in injured animals to heal them. He is also very impatient as things are always moving slower to him.

Other Skills:

Gifted swordsman

Excellent cook


Great with animals

Can swallow almost anything :^)


Jaxxon grew up under circus performers who were known as "Chuck the sword swallower" and "Cherry the lion tamer". Being known as "Jaxxon the adorable clown" he was happy growing up with his friends and family. His parents had for some reason continually made him a eye patch all the time to cover his different colored eye. He learned many things over his years as a circus performer. Sword swallowing, animal taming, rope swinging and much much more.

He often had a problem of being extremely impatient, but he didn't ask for help nor did his parents explain what he was. On 13th birthday the circus had been burned down with his father inside it. His mother had to sell what remaining things they had to keep them from starving until she found another job. Jaxxon was heavily devastated and was eventually sent to a orphanage by his mother so he could be properly taken care of.

Over the years at the boy's home he started hanging around older (and perverted) teenagers. He often found them funny and started to pick up on their habits of jokes and perversion. He often was beat for sneaking into the girls bathroom, and was always quick to start fights with people he didn't like. However, he was eventually known as "Big Brother" as he repetitively helped all those that were in need before taking care of hinself.

On his sixteenth birthday he eventually started to not wear his eye patch which quickly gained everyones attention real fast. He was eventually adopted by a General of the king. His name was Austin Leatherwood and he had taken an interest in the boy with two colored eyes finding out that he was indeed special. He was immediately taken to the king to start his new life.


He has several crushed amongst the others (boys and girls alike), but never let's on who exactly he is crushing on.




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