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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones (Character Sheets)

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: semi ghost[/SIZE]



looks the same in ghost form, just pale and transparent


[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Henryk[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Henryk is the son of two powerful practitioners of dark magic. He was raised into the practice, quickly becoming very powerful himself. As he grew more and more powerful, he began to experiment. He would experiment on anything he wished to, his only desire was to become more powerful. So when he was looking through his parents’ bookshelf and found a spell that could increase his power greatly, he took it. He set himself up in his room and got to work right away on casting it. It seemed to take a lifetime to figure out all the little details but he finally believed he had it ready. Turns out he didn’t. He missed one little step and the entire thing turned bad. There was an explosion in his room.  His parents rushed in to find their son laying on the floor, and a pale and transparent version of him standing next to it, looking at the body in horror. His parents, while not being able to permanently fix their child were able to teach him to possess a body. He took control of his body once more, a glowing purple tattoo spiraled down his arm as he did. Worried about the normal people around him, Henryk enrolled at The Academy of the Gifted Ones to go somewhere where he could be sure he wouldn’t harm others as he had himself and maybe even meet others like himself. As he left, his parents gave him one of their most powerful spellbooks, just in case.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]can ditch body and turn into a ghost[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](Ghost) can turn invisible[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Ghost) can possess people with a weaker willpower than his own, can be fought off but it is difficult[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](Human) can use any of the spells from his spellbook[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](human) can use a sword well[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]tattoo appears on anyone he possesses for the duration of his possession[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]without ghost, body just becomes still in whatever position it was in when ghost left[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: semi ghost[/SIZE]


View attachment 193332

looks the same in ghost form, just pale and transparent

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Henryk[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Henryk is the son of two powerful practitioners of dark magic. He was raised into the practice, quickly becoming very powerful himself. As he grew more and more powerful, he began to experiment. He would experiment on anything he wished to, his only desire was to become more powerful. So when he was looking through his parents’ bookshelf and found a spell that could increase his power greatly, he took it. He set himself up in his room and got to work right away on casting it. It seemed to take a lifetime to figure out all the little details but he finally believed he had it ready. Turns out he didn’t. He missed one little step and the entire thing turned bad. There was an explosion in his room.  His parents rushed in to find their son laying on the floor, and a pale and transparent version of him standing next to it, looking at the body in horror. His parents, while not being able to permanently fix their child were able to teach him to possess a body. He took control of his body once more, a glowing purple tattoo spiraled down his arm as he did. Worried about the normal people around him, Henryk enrolled at The Academy of the Gifted Ones to go somewhere where he could be sure he wouldn’t harm others as he had himself and maybe even meet others like himself. As he left, his parents gave him one of their most powerful spellbooks, just in case.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]can ditch body and turn into a ghost[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](Ghost) can turn invisible[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Ghost) can possess people with a weaker willpower than his own, can be fought off but it is difficult[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](Human) can use any of the spells from his spellbook[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px](human) can use a sword well[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]tattoo appears on anyone he possesses for the duration of his possession[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]without ghost, body just becomes still in whatever position it was in when ghost left[/SIZE]

Accepted. Also going ghost.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): WereCheetah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Human Form:[/SIZE]  

Shift Form:

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Logan M.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Somewhere in the Savannah of Africa [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Logan was born into the life of the wild. As a young boy he had to fight to survive or meet the fate of his family. They was brutally murdered by hunters and they would had killed him if he didn't escape. After the death of his family Logan was a [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]lone wolf[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] and decided to stick that way. He discovered his abilities around thirteen the age normally where Werechettahs powers show. He never had contact with humans until some guy found him and took a liking to him. So from that day Logan and his brother basically now lived together until his brother told him of a place with people with gifts. Logan decided to check it out so here he is.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.): Super speed, increased strength and senses, knows 5 forms of marital arts, and able to talk and control animals of the feline species. Able to shift at will and is in control of said shift.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): WereCheetah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Human Form:[/SIZE]  

Shift Form:

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Logan M.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Somewhere in the Savannah of Africa [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Logan was born into the life of the wild. As a young boy he had to fight to survive or meet the fate of his family. They was brutally murdered by hunters and they would had killed him if he didn't escape. After the death of his family Logan was a lonewolf and decided to stick that way. He discovered his abilities around thirteen the age normally where Werechettahs powers show. He never had contact with humans until some guy found him and took a liking to him. So from that day Logan and his brother basically now lived together until his brother told him of a place with people with gifts. Logan decided to check it out so here he is.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.): Super speed, increased strength and senses, knows 5 forms of marital arts, and able to talk and control animals of the feline species.[/SIZE]

Accepted, though may I ask for some clarification? While Logan is a Werecheetah, does that mean he will transform into his shift form at will? Or does he control said form? If so would you included it into your special abilities? After you're done with that, say hello in the OOC chat and I'll give you what's going on at the Academy.
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R a c e



A p p e a r a n c e


N a m e

Cyril Moreau


A g e



H o m e t o w n

Paris, France


B a c k g r o u n d

Cyril was made to be proper, to be served properly, and was raised properly. Born into one of the wealthier families in France, he had lived a luxurious life. He has been given no less than perfection in education, mannerisms, and fashion sense. Even starting as a child, he was enrolled into Notre Dame Academy. He excelled and passed every class with flying colors. However, it all came to an abrupt end at 15. As one day his powers of illusion making began to appear, as walls began to appear where they shouldn't, new statues were being built but yet not a sculptor set foot on the grounds to make it, and rooms were appearing and even had a teacher that was never hired. In order to learn to properly wield these powers, he was forced to attend the Academy of the Gifted Ones. He wishes to get this training over with as soon as possible so he can go back to the life he once had and enjoyed back in Paris.


A b i l t i e s

Cyril has the ability to construct illusions. Illusions such as, forcing the change of his expression, to creating objects that were never there, to even changing how one person sees and perceives another thing. However, he has yet to hone in on these skills. In the meanwhile, he uses the abilities to his advantage with his other strong suit, sword fighting. As a Frenchmen, he had learned the art of the sword. By causing his opponents to "miss" because of the illusions he constructs helps him survive in fights. Also, he uses this ability to change his expression and uses them like masks and when needed. If he needs to put on a happy expression, his illusion shall make him seem happy. Also, as a French speaker in an English environment, he had created his own version of Google Translate. He can alter the French words that he speaks and make them into English words. They may not make sense, but at least it's better than French.



R a c e



A p p e a r a n c e

N a m e

Cyril Moreau


A g e



H o m e t o w n

Paris, France


B a c k g r o u n d

Cyril was made to be proper, to be served properly, and was raised properly. Born into one of the wealthier families in France, he had lived a luxurious life. He has been given no less than perfection in education, mannerisms, and fashion sense. Even starting as a child, he was enrolled into Notre Dame Academy. He excelled and passed every class with flying colors. However, it all came to an abrupt end at 15. As one day his powers of illusion making began to appear, as walls began to appear where they shouldn't, new statues were being built but yet not a sculptor set foot on the grounds to make it, and rooms were appearing and even had a teacher that was never hired. In order to learn to properly wield these powers, he was forced to attend the Academy of the Gifted Ones. He wishes to get this training over with as soon as possible so he can go back to the life he once had and enjoyed back in Paris.


A b i l t i e s

Cyril has the ability to construct illusions. Illusions such as, forcing the change of his expression, to creating objects that were never there, to even changing how one person sees and perceives another thing. However, he has yet to hone in on these skills. In the meanwhile, he uses the abilities to his advantage with his other strong suit, sword fighting. As a Frenchmen, he had learned the art of the sword. By causing his opponents to "miss" because of the illusions he constructs helps him survive in fights. Also, he uses this ability to change his expression and uses them like masks and when needed. If he needs to put on a happy expression, his illusion shall make him seem happy. Also, as a French speaker in an English environment, he had created his own version of Google Translate. He can alter the French words that he speaks and make them into English words. They may not make sense, but at least it's better than French.



Accepted, Just greet the OOC and enjoy Rping.

(You can't see it in the picture but she has 9 tail's)

Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Kitsune

Name: Ahri Ru'aun (Ah-ree Roo-ahn type it in google translate if you still dont know how it's pronounced)

Age: 16

Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): London, England (She only has a slight accent)

Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.):

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ahri didn’t really grow up with a family, since she had been sold off due to her biological parent’s being in debt and having no other choice but to give her up for their own selfish needs. When Ahri had been sold off, she was only 5, and she wasn’t bought by the nicest of people. She had been treated like an animal, locked in a cage, they even attempted to cut off one of her tails to give to their lover as a present when she was 10, though they didn’t succeed and instead got three clawmark shaped scars going from their eyebrow, through their eye, to the middle of their cheek, and they weren’t very happy about that. When they had tried to get her back for it, her power’s kicked in and she bolted out of there, running faster than she thought possible. Of course after she had ran away, she had nowhere to go, which resulted in her sleeping outside for a couple of days until a old women saw her and took her under her own wing for years to come. When she had turned 16, the old women had mentioned sending her to The Academy of The Gifted One’s. Ahri didn’t refuse, knowing she would just find a way to convince her to go anyways, and the thought of not having to hide her ears and tails when she went out was appealing.[/SIZE]

Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):

*Increased Speed

*Increased Agility

*Increased Stamina

*Enhanced Hearing

*Enhanced Eyesight (Can notice small thing's happening without focusing on them)

*Enhanced sense of smell

*She has claw's that appear when she feel's like she;s in danger or angry (She doesn't get angry often)

*(Would it be alright if I added to this as the rp goes on? like she learn's new abilities she has as the rp develops?)

(You can't see it in the picture but she has 9 tail's)

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Kitsune[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Ahri Ru'aun (Ah-ree Roo-ahn type it in google translate if you still dont know how it's pronounced)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): London, England (She only has a slight accent)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ahri didn’t really grow up with a family, since she had been sold off due to her biological parent’s being in debt and having no other choice but to give her up for their own selfish needs. When Ahri had been sold off, she was only 5, and she wasn’t bought by the nicest of people. She had been treated like an animal, locked in a cage, they even attempted to cut off one of her tails to give to their lover as a present when she was 10, though they didn’t succeed and instead got three clawmark shaped scars going from their eyebrow, through their eye, to the middle of their cheek, and they weren’t very happy about that. When they had tried to get her back for it, her power’s kicked in and she bolted out of there, running faster than she thought possible. Of course after she had ran away, she had nowhere to go, which resulted in her sleeping outside for a couple of days until a old women saw her and took her under her own wing for years to come. When she had turned 16, the old women had mentioned sending her to The Academy of The Gifted One’s. Ahri didn’t refuse, knowing she would just find a way to convince her to go anyways, and the thought of not having to hide her ears and tails when she went out was appealing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

*Increased Speed

*Increased Agility

*Increased Stamina

*Enhanced Hearing

*Enhanced Eyesight (Can notice small thing's happening without focusing on them)

*Enhanced sense of smell

*She has claw's that appear when she feel's like she;s in danger or angry (She doesn't get angry often)

*(Would it be alright if I added to this as the rp goes on? like she learn's new abilities she has as the rp develops?)

Approved, say hello to the OOC chat and enjoy your stay in the Academy!
Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Kitsune

Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.) (hair/fur is silver)

:View attachment 191384

Name: Velari Nadirio

Age: 17

Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Berlin, Germany

[SIZE=14.66px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Being a Kitsune he has had rough life being hunted by people who want his tails (which he has 7). He had spent most of his life in isolation due to having to hide to stay alive. Then there were people hunting him for his power, wanting to use him for [/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px]their[/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px] own gain. He is not very trusting cause of the constant betrayal of greedy people. His life was once peaceful while his parents kept him hidden in his younger days till they died when he was 10. He had recently been rescued by a goverment and sent to this school to keep him safe. He is reluctant but he is tired of running and willing to give this place a try.[/SIZE]

Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):


Note: I'm going off pathfinder and their sight d20pfsrd.com as a reference to what I can do. you'll find the info on abilities under the kineticist class (my inspiration for this) it is an occult class. I know some of the abilities can be a bit broken with certain combinations so I would like to discus what is and is not allowed via pm please(if necessary).

Edit approve.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: Human[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Wick Barrow[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Amarillo, Texas[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background: Being born under a simple family not known for achieving anything significant, Wick's family thought of him as special, but did not spoil him with the thought. His intelligence with technology was incredible, especially compared to his parents, who grew up without it. At age 14, a few days after his building of his first computer, there was to be a large storm about to hit the area, and everyone was advised to stay indoors until it had passed. But Wick wanted to experience it in a way most others would not dare to attempt. He took his camera, and some of his fathers lab equipment, and head out to a hill not far from their home. He wanted desperately to study the lightning, and watch it arch through the sky. He had not told his parents where he was going, in hopes they would not stop him. He sat atop the hill, the storm raging above him. He was foolish to forget about tornadoes, so when one touched down a few miles out, panic ran through him. He gathered his supplies and ran down the hill, ducking from the wind and pouring rain digging into his back now. As he neared the bottom of the hill, he was suddenly blinded, a hideous amount of pain and energy running through his body before he lost consciousness. Four months later he awoke inside a hospital bed. Nobody was there, and he had been unplugged. He frowned in confusion and looked around, the only noticeable things around being some balloons, flowers, and on the table next to him, a letter with his name on it. The letter looked fresh, as though it had just been placed there not too long ago. Upon opening and reading it, he discovered that it was an invitation, to some sort of school for gifted children. Why would anyone give this to someone who had just been unplugged, and left to die away peacefully? More importantly, how was he still alive?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities: The manipulation of electricity. He can travel through lightning and electrical energy, but has yet to master the ability to harness it for fighting.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: Human[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Wick Barrow[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Amarillo, Texas[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background: Being born under a simple family not known for achieving anything significant, Wick's family thought of him as special, but did not spoil him with the thought. His intelligence with technology was incredible, especially compared to his parents, who grew up without it. At age 14, a few days after his building of his first computer, there was to be a large storm about to hit the area, and everyone was advised to stay indoors until it had passed. But Wick wanted to experience it in a way most others would not dare to attempt. He took his camera, and some of his fathers lab equipment, and head out to a hill not far from their home. He wanted desperately to study the lightning, and watch it arch through the sky. He had not told his parents where he was going, in hopes they would not stop him. He sat atop the hill, the storm raging above him. He was foolish to forget about tornadoes, so when one touched down a few miles out, panic ran through him. He gathered his supplies and ran down the hill, ducking from the wind and pouring rain digging into his back now. As he neared the bottom of the hill, he was suddenly blinded, a hideous amount of pain and energy running through his body before he lost consciousness. Four months later he awoke inside a hospital bed. Nobody was there, and he had been unplugged. He frowned in confusion and looked around, the only noticeable things around being some balloons, flowers, and on the table next to him, a letter with his name on it. The letter looked fresh, as though it had just been placed there not too long ago. Upon opening and reading it, he discovered that it was an invitation, to some sort of school for gifted children. Why would anyone give this to someone who had just been unplugged, and left to die away peacefully? More importantly, how was he still alive?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities: The manipulation of electricity. He can travel through lightning and electrical energy, but has yet to master the ability to harness it for fighting.[/SIZE]

Approved, greet the OOC chat and you may start wherever in the roleplay. Right now going to be dinner time.
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Race: God slayer[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Appearance: [/SIZE]IMG_0045.JPG

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Name: Elch Reznov [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Age: 17[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Hometown: Russia[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Elch grew up in a Russian salt mine. At birth he was abandoned by his mother and a man named Viktor Reznov adopted him. Viktor was the first God slayer, he taught his son how to fight and survive. Viktor was put to death by a firing squad, for murdering someone, this motivated Elch to escape so he didn't share the same fate. Elch trained daily to become strong so people wouldn't have to die. He holds onto this mentality even though deep down he knows that he's not able to protect everyone that he cares for, not forever at least. Elch soon came upon the academy and immediately joined without a seconds hesitation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.): His touch neutralizes immortality. He has increased endurance and can take a beating. He can lift things three times his weight. However he can be killed by anything a normal human can.[/SIZE]

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Race: Half Angel


Name: Luke

Age: 15

Hometown: New York city

Background:Luke was upon being born easily different from many people. He started out with small wings about half his body size that where a jet black. Which was the main starter of suspicion and his isolation from everyone until he was finally to the age where the academy would accept him. Yet during those years of isolation he was raised by his parents and one or two caretakers hired in order to make sure he ate and never truly went insane. Which was always a constant threat. Though it seemed over his time some abilities appeared continuing to difference him from the ‘normal’ population around him. Such as his ability to spot something from 60 meters away as if it was close to begin with. As well as his uncanny ability to seem to avoid each strike that was sent at him. Though now it seems as if his time with a select few has truly taken its toil seeing as now thrown into the environment with many he tenses up and is unsure how to act.

Special abilities: Heightened reflexes: He can avoid almost anything slower than an arrow from a 30 pound bow.

                             Telekinesis: He can manipulate mostly small items from a short distance. Though in times of life or death he has been known to carry a boulder for a moment or two.

                             Healing: He can heal minor wounds almost instantly though serious wounds take a few days. While for mortal wounds they take about 2 weeks to recover. Though he may still succumb to them if not assisted.
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Race: Half Angel


Name: Luke

Age: 15

Hometown: New York city

Background:Luke was upon being born easily different from many people. He started out with small wings about half his body size that where a jet black. Which was the main starter of suspicion and his isolation from everyone until he was finally to the age where the academy would accept him. Yet during those years of isolation he was raised by his parents and one or two caretakers hired in order to make sure he ate and never truly went insane. Which was always a constant threat. Though it seemed over his time some abilities appeared continuing to difference him from the ‘normal’ population around him. Such as his ability to spot something from 60 meters away as if it was close to begin with. As well as his uncanny ability to seem to avoid each strike that was sent at him. Though now it seems as if his time with a select few has truly taken its toil seeing as now thrown into the environment with many he tenses up and is unsure how to act.

Special abilities: Heightened reflexes: He can avoid almost anything slower than an arrow from a 30 pound bow.

                             Telekinesis: He can manipulate mostly small items from a short distance. Though in times of life or death he has been known to carry a boulder for a moment or two.

                             Healing: He can heal minor wounds almost instantly though serious wounds take a few days. While for mortal wounds they take about 2 weeks to recover. Though he may still succumb to them if not assisted.

Approved, greet the OOC chat and have fun at the Academy!
Race: Centaur



(looks like he's in his 20's do to faster physical maturing rate of Centaurs)

He's 9'8"

Name: Alogo Andras Polemistis

Age: 16

Hometown: None (He belongs to a Nomadic Tribe in the rocky mountains)

Background: Alogo, ninth of his name, was one of 7 siblings born to two centaurs: Artemis Andras and Alogo Polemistis. As the Oldest the most responsibility fell upon him to support his family. He learned how to fight from his father, craft from his mother, and hunt from them both. During his childhood he helped teach his siblings how to do the same. For many years he had a normal childhood, well for a centaur. But when he was 13 a wildfire had pushed his tribe out of the woods where they were decimated in a fight with hunters, during that fight his father died, three siblings, and his mother was severely crippled. He provided for his Family and Tribe being one of the few Older males to make it out. He searched for anyway to help and guide his tribe, mentally fixated upon them. They had become his one true purpose in life, and the tribe could feel it. On his 16th name day they had voted to make him the Tribe's leader, he did not accept this role as he thought that he could not properly lead them. Alogo had left the tribe as to not be a burden and found a human who told him about a school in which he might be able to make the proper connections to benefit his people.

Special abilities:

Increased Stamina, Speed, Strength, and Agility. Has very Primal nature magics which allows him to further understand the nature around him. He also has a Thicker skin and is more resistant to physical damage.
Race: Centaur



(looks like he's in his 20's do to faster physical maturing rate of Centaurs)

He's 9'8"

Name: Alogo Andras Polemistis

Age: 16

Hometown: None (He belongs to a Nomadic Tribe in the rocky mountains)

Background: Alogo, ninth of his name, was one of 7 siblings born to two centaurs: Artemis Andras and Alogo Polemistis. As the Oldest the most responsibility fell upon him to support his family. He learned how to fight from his father, craft from his mother, and hunt from them both. During his childhood he helped teach his siblings how to do the same. For many years he had a normal childhood, well for a centaur. But when he was 13 a wildfire had pushed his tribe out of the woods where they were decimated in a fight with hunters, during that fight his father died, three siblings, and his mother was severely crippled. He provided for his Family and Tribe being one of the few Older males to make it out. He searched for anyway to help and guide his tribe, mentally fixated upon them. They had become his one true purpose in life, and the tribe could feel it. On his 16th name day they had voted to make him the Tribe's leader, he did not accept this role as he thought that he could not properly lead them. Alogo had left the tribe as to not be a burden and found a human who told him about a school in which he might be able to make the proper connections to benefit his people.

Special abilities:

Increased Stamina, Speed, Strength, and Agility. Has very Primal nature magics which allows him to further understand the nature around him. He also has a Thicker skin and is more resistant to physical damage.

Accepted, Greet the OOC chat and enjoy your stay in the Academy, but remember no Horsing around~
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