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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones (Character Sheets)

Name: Wesley Grimm
Age: 18(?)
Race: Human (Muggle)
Home Town: London, England
Height: 5,7"
Suit bro.png

"Isley?" A meek girl called out from the shadow of a Hospital door, "Grandpa?"
"Grandpa is resting sweetie," Said a nurse who rushed her out the door.
A down trodden man, broken hardpressed on the sheet of a white cot stared at the whiteness of the door of where his grand daughter once stood. The man was Isley Grimm, little-known private investigator in London, Britain in 1970.  He served once in world war two, but had bullet put in shoulder and knee in an obscure battle sending him home an Invalid; he was not deterred by this and studied to become an investigator surmounting his disabilities.

A shadow loomed over the dying man's bedside. "You hath saved thy descendant, a most capricious of fates. Thou must think thyself a wonderful grandsire.."
"Save me your speech, shadow. I will die in peace." Isley retorted on his bedside, rolling over.

"I can give you the chance to live again." 

"Don't feel like it, if that means I'm gonna see your mug again."

"Hmph, rebels to fate often meet their ends in tragedy."
"I rebel against nothing. Fate hasn't been written yet."
"Indeed it hasn't Wesley..."


And in a flash Wesley found himself awake, head bashed floor, sunlight bursting into his bedroom. Wesley an 18 year old student is the reincarnation of Isley Grimm who traded his life for his terminally ill granddaughter in a deal with a devil of mysterious intent. Wesley sighed, the name he took as an alias in homage to his previous life. "Guess I'll be going to school again, never thought I'd say that..." 

He wondered what his objective was as the details of the contract burned into the skin of his back for which he traded his life for. "Go to this school and change the fates of people he said... The hell did he mean by that?" Whatever it was, it was only for the future to know. He fingered a copy of forged transcripts he had sent to the school in his hands. "Man, I hope they don't mind a muggle there... More importantly, will there be cute girls!? Hehehe... Damn what should I wear... Wait... Damnit Grimm, act your age... You old codger.. You're doing this for Cecile..." He pulled out a cigarette and puffed one out before the whirring noise of helicopter blades pervaded the walls of his apartment.

Special Abilities: None, he's just a regular human who reincarnated into a younger man and forged his transcripts to get into a special academy... (Wow.. So then it would be better to say...) 

Normal Abilities: Training in Basic Soldiering, Superior Investigative Skills, Proficient in CQC (Close Quarters Combat), Smartass Pyschoanalytical Assessment.

Fake Abilities (the ones he put down on his fake transcript): Can conjure demons of hell, wields power of lightning, mind control, can kill with a look.
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Name: Wesley Grimm
Age: 18(?)
Race: Human (Muggle)
Home Town: London, England
Height: 5,7"
View attachment 189960

"Isley?" A meek girl called out from the shadow of a Hospital door, "Grandpa?"
"Grandpa is resting sweetie," Said a nurse who rushed her out the door.
A down trodden man, broken hardpressed on the sheet of a white cot stared at the whiteness of the door of where his grand daughter once stood. The man was Isley Grimm, little-known private investigator in London, Britain in 1970.  He served once in world war two, but had bullet put in shoulder and knee in an obscure battle sending him home an Invalid; he was not deterred by this and studied to become an investigator surmounting his disabilities.

A shadow loomed over the dying man's bedside. "You hath saved thy descendant, a most capricious of fates. Thou must think thyself a wonderful grandsire.."
"Save me your speech, shadow. I will die in peace." Isley retorted on his bedside, rolling over.

"I can give you the chance to live again." 

"Don't feel like it, if that means I'm gonna see your mug again."

"Hmph, rebels to fate often meet their ends in tragedy."
"I rebel against nothing. Fate hasn't been written yet."
"Indeed it hasn't Wesley..."


And in a flash Wesley found himself awake, head bashed floor, sunlight bursting into his bedroom. Wesley an 18 year old student is the reincarnation of Isley Grimm who traded his life for his terminally ill granddaughter in a deal with a devil of mysterious intent. Wesley sighed, the name he took as an alias in homage to his previous life. "Guess I'll be going to school again, never thought I'd say that..." 

He wondered what his objective was as the details of the contract burned into the skin of his back for which he traded his life for. "Go to this school and change the fates of people he said... The hell did he mean by that?" Whatever it was, it was only for the future to know. He fingered a copy of forged transcripts he had sent to the school in his hands. "Man, I hope they don't mind a muggle there... More importantly, will there be cute girls!? Hehehe... Damn what should I wear... Wait... Damnit Grimm, act your age... You old codger.. You're doing this for Cecile..." He pulled out a cigarette and puffed one out before the whirring noise of helicopter blades pervaded the walls of his apartment.

Special Abilities: None, he's just a regular human who reincarnated into a younger man and forged his transcripts to get into a special academy... (Wow.. So then it would be better to say...) 

Normal Abilities: Training in Basic Soldiering, Superior Investigative Skills, Proficient in CQC (Close Quarters Combat), Smartass Pyschoanalytical Assessment.

Fake Abilities (the ones he put down on his fake transcript): Can conjure demons of hell, wields power of lightning, mind control, can kill with a look.


Well done. I think your character sheet is brilliant.

Can I request you to have an NPC that teaches Survival Skills? Survival as in wilderness survival, urban survival, how-to-prepare-for-the-zombie-apocalypse survival, etcetera.

There would be three subjects in the school. Math, Science, English, Combat Arts, Magic Arts, and Survival Arts. I'm already controlling Combat Arts and Magic Arts teachers.

Well done. I think your character sheet is brilliant.

Can I request you to have an NPC that teaches Survival Skills? Survival as in wilderness survival, urban survival, how-to-prepare-for-the-zombie-apocalypse survival, etcetera.

There would be three subjects in the school. Math, Science, English, Combat Arts, Magic Arts, and Survival Arts. I'm already controlling Combat Arts and Magic Arts teachers.

Sure, I can think about it

Petronella "Petra" Penrose

"Stars can't shine without darkness."

Age: 16

Race: Witch
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Background: Petra is the daughter of the Louisiana Governor <Ted Penrose> and his nature, art, and life-loving wife Gwendolyn Lane-Penrose <Gwen for short>. She and her mother were both light-based witches; she was rumored to be even more powerful than her mother, who was quite the talented witch. Her younger sister, however, Rhiannon <age  9, likes being called "Ann" instead of her full name> is a much less powerful witch, more of a political type like her father. The two got along though just fine. All was well in her life, until her mother became ill from a kind of brain cancer, the kind you don't recover from. After that, Petra's father, unsure of what exactly to do with a witch, sent her away, and an academy for freaks seemed like just the place to dump her. 

Special abilities: 
•Resurgence <the ability to revive any souls that are still in purgatory. Never those who have transcended to a higher plane, for they cannot make such a long journey, and never those in a lower plane of existence, for they are "undeserving".  This, of course, cannot apply to vessels that are too decayed to foster life again. This does include plants, animals, and of course, humans. 
•Light control <Petra can move light, like small stars, to light her way. She glows all the time, like an ethereal being, and can light up like a lantern if need be. This light control also applies to electronic lights. No switch? No problem.>
•Manipulation of Shadows <As Petra can give light, she can take it. She can control the many shadows, bending them to her will. She can hop into them as well, hiding in plain sight and trailing her prey, never far behind. She wants to be in control of it more, though, as her emotional weakness effects her influence over the darkness.>


Extra: She's rather shy insecure now, and shy towards strangers, ever hesitant to let new people in. She doesn't want to loose them like her mother, or be left by them like her father. 
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Sorry but no. I'll be the one controlling that particular NPC.


Well done. I think your character sheet is brilliant.

Can I request you to have an NPC that teaches Survival Skills? Survival as in wilderness survival, urban survival, how-to-prepare-for-the-zombie-apocalypse survival, etcetera.

There would be three subjects in the school. Math, Science, English, Combat Arts, Magic Arts, and Survival Arts. I'm already controlling Combat Arts and Magic Arts teachers.

I'm controlling the Maths teacher.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race : Mermaid[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Dainasha IIX[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Sexuality: Demisexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Original Home: Pacific Ocean (?)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Land Home: Ocean shores, Washington[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Dainasha IIX, a mermaid who was raised by a human couple after they found the little bundle of joy (assumed to be) washed away in the shore of Washington. The couple was shock to see and find out that the infant's supposed-to-be-legs aren't legs at all but instead they're a dark blue fish tail. Fortunately, the two were fond of strange things and they strive to study more about non-human creatures. They were smart enough not to call the local police or the nearest supernatural department and turn the young mermaid over. A day after being gone or away from the water, the two woke up and found that the tail was replaced with legs. Human legs. Turned out that Dai could take on a human form while on land while on the other hand, a mermaid form whenever in contact with water.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The mermaid's ability was rather convenient and the family had no problem with helping little Dainasha blend in with the human crowd (although her odd white hair was head turning and a usual attention grabber). Everything was well but a six year old Dai couldn't help but feel she's different than others. Well, who wouldn't especially if your parents look nothing like you and you have to hide the fact that your legs turn into tails when submerged (not to mention that she also needs to wear scarf in order to hide her gils). She started asking questions and the couple had no other options but to tell her the truth and give her the golden necklace she was wearing when they found her the first time. Her name was elegantly carved into the shell-shaped accessory in which if you opened, it will reveal a picture of a castle underneath the deep blue sea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]It was difficult but Dainasha knew she doesn't belong in Ocean Shores and she wanted to know more about where she came from. Her parents have always been kind and they understood her, they let her go back into the vast ocean with a heartfelt goodbye and a promise to visit every once in a while. She was twelve when she started exploring the deep blue seas by her own. Dainasha found out a lot about herself and her special powers which made a life by her own easier. She was never lonely, fishes and sea creatures would keep her company.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Eventually she found what she was looking for. But it wasn't exactly what she was looking for. She was hoping to see the vibrant colors of the castle her locket promised but instead she was broke by the sight of a long abandoned ruins of a once great castle which was perhaps used to be full of glamour and merpeople. Which was supposed to be her true home. Feeling empty and having no direction anymore, she wandered around aimlessly until her underwater friends told her about a school in which someone- something like her are truly home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Abilities Learned:[/SIZE]

-A sweet talker, she can talk her way and bat her eyelashes out of almost everything. Her pretty face always help to conquer the heart of anyone who might come her way.

-Years of travelling alone underwater taught her how to be independent and survive the harshness of life.

-She can play various musical instruments!

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]- The abilty to transform into a mermaid and a human (when out of water) although her gils remains.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]-She can also talk to sea-dwelling creatures and recently, she found out that any animals could communicate with her as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]-She can command water ,for example: connecting to the element and telling it to send large waves to any direction.[/SIZE]

- Dainasha can lure people using her melodic and beautiful voice, tempting anyone who ever hears it.
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Petronella "Petra" Penrose

"Stars can't shine without darkness."
 View attachment 190353

Age: 16

Race: Witch
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Background: Petra is the daughter of the Louisiana Governor <Ted Penrose> and his nature, art, and life-loving wife Gwendolyn Lane-Penrose <Gwen for short>. She and her mother were both light-based witches; she was rumored to be even more powerful than her mother, who was quite the talented witch. Her younger sister, however, Rhiannon <age  9, likes being called "Ann" instead of her full name> is a much less powerful witch, more of a political type like her father. The two got along though just fine. All was well in her life, until her mother became ill from a kind of brain cancer, the kind you don't recover from. After that, Petra's father, unsure of what exactly to do with a witch, sent her away, and an academy for freaks seemed like just the place to dump her. 

View attachment 190354
Special abilities: 
•Resurgence <the ability to revive any souls that are still in purgatory. Never those who have transcended to a higher plane, for they cannot make such a long journey, and never those in a lower plane of existence, for they are "undeserving".  This, of course, cannot apply to vessels that are too decayed to foster life again. This does include plants, animals, and of course, humans. 
•Light control <Petra can move light, like small stars, to light her way. She glows all the time, like an ethereal being, and can light up like a lantern if need be. This light control also applies to electronic lights. No switch? No problem.>
•Manipulation of Shadows <As Petra can give light, she can take it. She can control the many shadows, bending them to her will. She can hop into them as well, hiding in plain sight and trailing her prey, never far behind. She wants to be in control of it more, though, as her emotional weakness effects her influence over the darkness.>

Extra: She's rather shy insecure now, and shy towards strangers, ever hesitant to let new people in. She doesn't want to loose them like her mother, or be left by them like her father. 


I'll be sending you a PM detailing all you need to know.
View attachment 190462

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race : Mermaid[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Dainasha IIX[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Sexuality: Demisexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Original Home: Pacific Ocean (?)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Land Home: Ocean shores, Washington[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Dainasha IIX, a mermaid who was raised by a human couple after they found the little bundle of joy (assumed to be) washed away in the shore of Washington. The couple was shock to see and find out that the infant's supposed-to-be-legs aren't legs at all but instead they're a dark blue fish tail. Fortunately, the two were fond of strange things and they strive to study more about non-human creatures. They were smart enough not to call the local police or the nearest supernatural department and turn the young mermaid over. A day after being gone or away from the water, the two woke up and found that the tail was replaced with legs. Human legs. Turned out that Dai could take on a human form while on land while on the other hand, a mermaid form whenever in contact with water.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The mermaid's ability was rather convenient and the family had no problem with helping little Dainasha blend in with the human crowd (although her odd white hair was head turning and a usual attention grabber). Everything was well but a six year old Dai couldn't help but feel she's different than others. Well, who wouldn't especially if your parents look nothing like you and you have to hide the fact that your legs turn into tails when submerged (not to mention that she also needs to wear scarf in order to hide her gils). She started asking questions and the couple had no other options but to tell her the truth and give her the golden necklace she was wearing when they found her the first time. Her name was elegantly carved into the shell-shaped accessory in which if you opened, it will reveal a picture of a castle underneath the deep blue sea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]It was difficult but Dainasha knew she doesn't belong in Ocean Shores and she wanted to know more about where she came from. Her parents have always been kind and they understood her, they let her go back into the vast ocean with a heartfelt goodbye and a promise to visit every once in a while. She was twelve when she started exploring the deep blue seas by her own. Dainasha found out a lot about herself and her special powers which made a life by her own easier. She was never lonely, fishes and sea creatures would keep her company.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Eventually she found what she was looking for. But it wasn't exactly what she was looking for. She was hoping to see the vibrant colors of the castle her locket promised but instead she was broke by the sight of a long abandoned ruins of a once great castle which was perhaps used to be full of glamour and merpeople. Which was supposed to be her true home. Feeling empty and having no direction anymore, she wandered around aimlessly until her underwater friends told her about a school in which someone- something like her are truly home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Abilities Learned:[/SIZE]

-A sweet talker, she can talk her way and bat her eyelashes out of almost everything. Her pretty face always help to conquer the heart of anyone who might come her way.

-Years of travelling alone underwater taught her how to be independent and survive the harshness of life.

-She can play various musical instruments!

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]- The abilty to transform into a mermaid and a human (when out of water) although her gils remains.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]-She can also talk to sea-dwelling creatures and recently, she found out that any animals could communicate with her as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]-She can command water ,for example: connecting to the element and telling it to send large waves to any direction.[/SIZE]

- Dainasha can lure people using her melodic and beautiful voice, tempting anyone who ever hears it.


I'm sending you a PM detailing all you need to know.
Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Entothrope

Name: Acolyte Hive

Age: 18

Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Bismark, North Dakota

Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Acolyte was raised on his family's orchard since he was a baby and he had always had a happy life. For him and his family everything just seemed to go their way and they rarely ever came across anything truly troublesome. He and his sister would help out on the orchard with the menial labor but sometimes they got to give tours or take couples apple picking. Acolyte has even witnessed a couple proposals on their family orchard. One might wonder then what led him to coming here...well...nothing really. If anything it was just because Acolyte wanted to see what the rest of the world like and get away from his small town orchard.

When he told this to his family they were all very supportive in his decision with the exception of his sister who really didn't want him to leave. However after trying to calm her down and letting her know that he wouldn't be gone forever she let up. That day he started packing his things to leave for the academy. So, all in all he had a perfect childhood one might say. A family that cared, financial stability, a good home and lifestyle no sad backstory. Just living an ordinary life...well, besides being part bug that is. However, another part of the reason he got to live a normal life despite this was because his sister and he were home schooled. As one may imagine he didn't have much social interaction except with those who occasionally came to the orchard.

Special abilities:

Bee/Wasp/Hornet/Yellow Jacket Form- Changes form in to one of the prior said but at a much larger scale set to approximately a horse.

Wax and Honey Production: Can open holes in his hands that fire a sticky, sweet smelling and tasting honey that has a potential sleep causing effect and wax that when hardened can be as tough as steel.

Pheromone Production: This is simply how he conveys orders to his bee/wasp/hornet/yellow jackets. It has no effect on humans other than varying scents. It is a gas that comes from his mouth.

Hive Form- His usual form that appears human but is actually a living hive for his insects that he can release from his mouth.

Swarm Form-His body turns into a swarm of bee/wasp/hornet/yellow jackets.

Stinger(s)- The stingers of the bees can have poisons that can be developed and changed depending on the situation inside of Acolytes body. So it could be a hallucinogenic, neurotoxin, cause cellular breakdown, inflammation, adrenaline or function like oxycodone.  

Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):

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[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Entothrope [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Acolyte Hive[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 18 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Bismark, North Dakota [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Acolyte was raised on his family's orchard since he was a baby and he had always had a happy life. For him and his family everything just seemed to go their way and they rarely ever came across anything truly troublesome. He and his sister would help out on the orchard with the menial labor but sometimes they got to give tours or take couples apple picking. Acolyte has even witnessed a couple proposals on their family orchard. One might wonder then what led him to coming here...well...nothing really. If anything it was just because Acolyte wanted to see what the rest of the world like and get away from his small town orchard. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]When he told this to his family they were all very supportive in his decision with the exception of his sister who really didn't want him to leave. However after trying to calm her down and letting her know that he wouldn't be gone forever she let up. That day he started packing his things to leave for the academy. So, all in all he had a perfect childhood one might say. A family that cared, financial stability, a good home and lifestyle no sad backstory. Just living an ordinary life...well, besides being part bug that is. However, another part of the reason he got to live a normal life despite this was because his sister and he were home schooled. As one may imagine he didn't have much social interaction except with those who occasionally came to the orchard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bee/Wasp/Hornet/Yellow Jacket Form- Changes form in to one of the prior said but at a much larger scale set to approximately a horse.[/SIZE]

Wax and Honey Production: Can open holes in his hands that fire a sticky, sweet smelling and tasting honey that has a potential sleep causing effect and wax that when hardened can be as tough as steel.

Pheromone Production: This is simply how he conveys orders to his b[SIZE=14.6667px]ee/wasp/hornet/yellow jackets[/SIZE]. It has no effect on humans other than varying scents. It is a gas that comes from his mouth.

Hive Form- His usual form that appears human but is actually a living hive for his insects that he can release from his mouth.

Swarm Form-His body turns into a swarm of b[SIZE=14.6667px]ee/wasp/hornet/yellow jackets[/SIZE].

Stinger(s)- The stingers of the bees can have poisons that can be developed and changed depending on the situation inside of Acolytes body. So it could be a hallucinogenic, neurotoxin, cause cellular breakdown, inflammation, adrenaline or function like oxycodone.  

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]


Accepted. I'll send you a private message to let you know what is going on in the RP.


Nightmare Kiliost Midnight Star St.Bunny


Death rabbit




She has bluey green eyes, is 1.7 meters tall, slim and athletic.


Bubbley, kind, mysterious, mischievous, secretive, shy (at first)


A Church in Moscow, Russia

(She moved a lot so she called a lot of places her hometown but this one was the first)


When Nightmare was born both her parents died in a car accident. So she was then brought up in a church. By the time she was 7 everyone who lived in the church thought she was a devil. She would always play outside by herself with her pet bunny rabbit “Time”. They would always climb trees and sit by themselves at lunch and during church. She would always move from church to church because of other people bullying her. She’s lived in church in London, the UK and the US, Italy, France and then Russia (again). When she went to each church they always torture her to get rid of her "evil" soul. When she was twelve the church people then told her she was a death rabbit and thats why they all called her the devil. Nightmare got so angry she lost control of herself/power and accidentally set the church on fire killing everyone in it. After that she decided to Wander by herself with “Time” until she heard about the school for gifted ones. She thought she may as well go there since she had no where else to go.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

Run faster and Jumper higher than normal people (in human form only)

Can make her self seem invisible to a few people at a time

She can make weapons appear out of nowhere

(when made angry her eyes turn red and she can use fire as well as bending metals)


Name: Time

Role: Nightmare's Pet rabbit

Other: Can talk or use mind-speak with only Nightmare and one other person she chooses.
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View attachment 190938


Nightmare Kiliost Midnight Star St.Bunny


Death rabbit




She has bluey green eyes, is 1.7 meters tall, slim and athletic.


Bubbley, kind, mysterious, mischievous, secretive, shy (at first)


A Church in Moscow, Russia

(She moved a lot so she called a lot of places her hometown but this one was the first)


When Nightmare was born both her parents died in a car accident. So she was then brought up in a church. By the time she was 7 everyone who lived in the church thought she was a devil. She would always play outside by herself with her pet bunny rabbit “Time”. They would always climb trees and sit by themselves at lunch and during church. She would always move from church to church because of other people bullying her. She’s lived in church in London, the UK and the US, Italy, France and then Russia (again). When she went to each church they always torture her to get rid of her "evil" soul. When she was twelve the church people then told her she was a death rabbit and thats why they all called her the devil. Nightmare got so angry she lost control of herself/power and accidentally set the church on fire killing everyone in it. After that she decided to Wander by herself with “Time”.

(151 words)

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

Run faster and Jumper higher than normal people (in human form only)

Can make her self seem invisible to a few people at a time

She can make weapons appear out of nowhere

(when made angry her eyes turn red and she can use fire)

View attachment 190950

Name: Time

Role: Nightmare's Pet rabbit

Other: Can talk

Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Kitsune

Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.) (hair/fur is silver)


Name: Velari Nadirio

Age: 17

Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Berlin, Germany

[SIZE=14.66px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Being a Kitsune he has had rough life being hunted by people who want his tails (which he has 7). He had spent most of his life in isolation due to having to hide to stay alive. Then there were people hunting him for his power, wanting to use him for [/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px]their[/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px] own gain. He is not very trusting cause of the constant betrayal of greedy people. His life was once peaceful while his parents kept him hidden in his younger days till they died when he was 10. He had recently been rescued by a goverment and sent to this school to keep him safe. He is reluctant but he is tired of running and willing to give this place a try.[/SIZE]

Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):


Note: I'm going off pathfinder and their sight d20pfsrd.com as a reference to what I can do. you'll find the info on abilities under the kineticist class (my inspiration for this) it is an occult class. I know some of the abilities can be a bit broken with certain combinations so I would like to discus what is and is not allowed via pm please(if necessary).
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Half Dragon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: [/SIZE]Hinotama

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Japan[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): As a girl, she was different. Her parents saw she had wings and horns, they abandonded her immidietly. Then a dragon named Kasai took her in and cared for her all those years, until he found an academy correct for her. She learned how to fly, use magic and love. Kasai was overprotective and didn't let her hunt until she was about 8-10. She enjoyed taking care of the baby dragons in the tribe and helping the eggs hatch. One baby she got particuly attached two was [/SIZE]Tsubasa, who came with her to the highschool. She cried as she hugged her tribe goodbye, but came to the school anyway.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.): Flying, Fireballs and calling people baka. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: Human/Forest sprite[/SIZE]

Name: An Yu Shen (Annie) “Because I’m sick of people f@#$ing my damn name up. Just call me Annie.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: sixteen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Shang Hai, China[/SIZE]

Background : “You wouldn’t be interested, but I’ll tell you I guess… hey, you better listen, I don’t say things twice!

An Yu Shen grew up in the bustling city of Shang Hai. Most of her childhood was spent in a hospital though due to an anomaly that the doctors just couldn’t explain. Baby Yu Shen was born with external stubs of bone on her head. They seemed to be the beginnings of antlers, and it boggled every doctor in that busy hospitals mind. The Antlers grew as she did. Yu Shen asked her mother many times why she looked like this, and for a long time she answered “Your father was a strange man.” And left it at that. Yu Shen grew incredibly frustrated with the mystery. She also grew incredibly frustrated with the doctors appointments, having to wear hats and hoodies to primary school and all of her teachers and peers asking why she was constantly covering her head all the time. Yu Shen remembers a number of times she was caught, in the court-yard, fighting some cocky kid who made fun of her.

As she grew older the antlers grew too big to hide under headwear and she was to be pulled out of school for good. Unfortunately, the prospect of being taught by some stuffy tutor at home in their stupid, stuffy high rise apartment that didn’t allow pets rather than the freedom of school where she could wag half her classes didn’t sound that appealing to her. So, she revealed her horns to everyone. She let them pull on them and made sure they all know they were real. It was a bad idea.

The principal called her mother after the school wouldn’t stop calling her a monster and a freak and her mother took her right home and yelled at her. Yu Shen was having none of it “WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL ME WHAT THE F@#$ I AM” She yelled as a twelve year old kid.

So her mother told her that she had met a magical forest ‘sprite’ when she had gone traveling to America for work one time, and, well, you get the picture.

Guiltily she told Yu Shen that she had been embarrassed and scared to tell the non human about his daughter and so never had contact with him again. Within the next month they were on a plane to go and see him. They didn’t make it that far. The forest that her mother had met him in had become a big tourist destination as he was no longer anywhere to be found. Whilse she got over the disappointment she began discoing some of her other talents, by mistake. Someone else found her, though it wasn’t her father it would change her life, and they travelled home to find a letter inviting her to the school. 

“Well…” Yu Shen said “Beats this place”

english is… shaky still, and she swears a lot at people (Though usually in Mandarin), but she means well, and she aims to use this place to finally figure herself out, and fit in.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities :[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Has the ability to shape shift into three forums currently:[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=14.6667px]Her best is the Deer, she also is able to shift into a half deer, half human (With her torso being human, legs being Deer) “And apparently these antlers won’t go the f@#$ away. Ever."[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=14.6667px]Her second best is the Dog (She can duplicate a few kinds) [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“I used to pretend to be dog[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]s on the street and and cause trouble. good times, Heh Heh hehehe."[/SIZE]
  3. Finally, she can also manage a Bunny “Only if I HAVE TOO. Like only if the world is ending and I need to be a fluffy F@#$ing bunny to save it. And even then…maybe not."

Can attract nearby Animals to do her bidding for a short time (Depending on how dangerous and big the animal is, the harder they are to control) “I’m like f@#$ing snow white"

Animals will never harm her (Unless forced magically by someone else, or unless she hurts an animal) “So yeah, I guess I’m Vegetarian… le sigh…"
Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Kitsune

Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.) (hair/fur is silver)

:View attachment 191384

Name: Velari Nadirio

Age: 17

Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Berlin, Germany

[SIZE=14.66px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): Being a Kitsune he has had rough life being hunted by people who want his tails (which he has 7). He had spent most of his life in isolation due to having to hide to stay alive. Then there were people hunting him for his power, wanting to use him for [/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px]their[/SIZE][SIZE=14.66px] own gain. He is not very trusting cause of the constant betrayal of greedy people. His life was once peaceful while his parents kept him hidden in his younger days till they died when he was 10. He had recently been rescued by a goverment and sent to this school to keep him safe. He is reluctant but he is tired of running and willing to give this place a try.[/SIZE]

Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):


Note: I'm going off pathfinder and their sight d20pfsrd.com as a reference to what I can do. you'll find the info on abilities under the kineticist class (my inspiration for this) it is an occult class. I know some of the abilities can be a bit broken with certain combinations so I would like to discus what is and is not allowed via pm please(if necessary).

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.): Half Dragon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: [/SIZE]Hinotama

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 16 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth): Japan[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.): As a girl, she was different. Her parents saw she had wings and horns, they abandonded her immidietly. Then a dragon named Kasai took her in and cared for her all those years, until he found an academy correct for her. She learned how to fly, use magic and love. Kasai was overprotective and didn't let her hunt until she was about 8-10. She enjoyed taking care of the baby dragons in the tribe and helping the eggs hatch. One baby she got particuly attached two was [/SIZE]Tsubasa, who came with her to the highschool. She cried as she hugged her tribe goodbye, but came to the school anyway.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.): Flying, Fireballs and calling people baka. [/SIZE]

Calling people B-baka! is more of a tsudere's thing. But otherwise you're accepted.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: Human/Forest sprite[/SIZE]

Name: An Yu Shen (Annie) “Because I’m sick of people f@#$ing my damn name up. Just call me Annie.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: sixteen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Shang Hai, China[/SIZE]

Background : “You wouldn’t be interested, but I’ll tell you I guess… hey, you better listen, I don’t say things twice!

An Yu Shen grew up in the bustling city of Shang Hai. Most of her childhood was spent in a hospital though due to an anomaly that the doctors just couldn’t explain. Baby Yu Shen was born with external stubs of bone on her head. They seemed to be the beginnings of antlers, and it boggled every doctor in that busy hospitals mind. The Antlers grew as she did. Yu Shen asked her mother many times why she looked like this, and for a long time she answered “Your father was a strange man.” And left it at that. Yu Shen grew incredibly frustrated with the mystery. She also grew incredibly frustrated with the doctors appointments, having to wear hats and hoodies to primary school and all of her teachers and peers asking why she was constantly covering her head all the time. Yu Shen remembers a number of times she was caught, in the court-yard, fighting some cocky kid who made fun of her.

As she grew older the antlers grew too big to hide under headwear and she was to be pulled out of school for good. Unfortunately, the prospect of being taught by some stuffy tutor at home in their stupid, stuffy high rise apartment that didn’t allow pets rather than the freedom of school where she could wag half her classes didn’t sound that appealing to her. So, she revealed her horns to everyone. She let them pull on them and made sure they all know they were real. It was a bad idea.

The principal called her mother after the school wouldn’t stop calling her a monster and a freak and her mother took her right home and yelled at her. Yu Shen was having none of it “WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD TELL ME WHAT THE F@#$ I AM” She yelled as a twelve year old kid.

So her mother told her that she had met a magical forest ‘sprite’ when she had gone traveling to America for work one time, and, well, you get the picture.

Guiltily she told Yu Shen that she had been embarrassed and scared to tell the non human about his daughter and so never had contact with him again. Within the next month they were on a plane to go and see him. They didn’t make it that far. The forest that her mother had met him in had become a big tourist destination as he was no longer anywhere to be found. Whilse she got over the disappointment she began discoing some of her other talents, by mistake. Someone else found her, though it wasn’t her father it would change her life, and they travelled home to find a letter inviting her to the school. 

“Well…” Yu Shen said “Beats this place”

english is… shaky still, and she swears a lot at people (Though usually in Mandarin), but she means well, and she aims to use this place to finally figure herself out, and fit in.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities :[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Has the ability to shape shift into three forums currently:[/SIZE]

  1. [SIZE=14.6667px]Her best is the Deer, she also is able to shift into a half deer, half human (With her torso being human, legs being Deer) “And apparently these antlers won’t go the f@#$ away. Ever."[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=14.6667px]Her second best is the Dog (She can duplicate a few kinds) [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“I used to pretend to be dog[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]s on the street and and cause trouble. good times, Heh Heh hehehe."[/SIZE]
  3. Finally, she can also manage a Bunny “Only if I HAVE TOO. Like only if the world is ending and I need to be a fluffy F@#$ing bunny to save it. And even then…maybe not."

Can attract nearby Animals to do her bidding for a short time (Depending on how dangerous and big the animal is, the harder they are to control) “I’m like f@#$ing snow white"

Animals will never harm her (Unless forced magically by someone else, or unless she hurts an animal) “So yeah, I guess I’m Vegetarian… le sigh…"

Row row, Fight da powa! You're accepted.

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