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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones (Character Sheets)


Quintessential Badboy
[SIZE=14.6667px]Race (No limits. Be imaginative.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Appearance (Picture is required. Anime or realistic.):[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown (Anywhere, as long as it’s from Earth):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (At least 100 words. Use google docs or microsoft word to count your words.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

My Character

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Race: Demi-demon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Appearance: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Name: Rodney Bills[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Age: 18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Background: A long time ago, in what was known as planet earth, angels, demons, and people coexisted. The situation wasn’t always particularly friendly. Angels and demons would select a person or people to do their bidding, using them as pawns to defeat the demons in a neverending cycle of pure annoyance. The demons would do the same, but their goals were different. The angels simply did it for entertainment, but the demons had an actual motive: To redeem themselves in the eyes of God. Demons were fallen angels after all and wanted salvation just as much as the average human. Some angels had sympathy for them and helped them find sweet redemption, but others toyed with them and tortured them. As more and more demons got killed in the war, they started hiding. Only angels and humans were welcome in the lands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]One day, one particular demon, Ozagra, posed as a human in an attempt to fit in with their society. He looked just like the average human, but the limits of his ability to shapeshift was limited. He ended up being an overly muscular man. And this was what it was. His muscles and strength reflected each other in harmony. Ozagra was a physically powerful man.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]And then it happened. He fell inlove with a beautiful woman, Roanda. The two ended up getting married and procreated. They had a son, whom they named Rodney. It was then that Roanda figured out Ozagra’s true identity of being a demon, as their son had supernatural physical strength. At age five, the kid was bench pressing 500 pounds. Roanda unfortunately regretted Rodney’s birth and abandoned the father and son. But perhaps it was for the best.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ozagra took his only child under his wing and trained him to be a formidable fighter capable of defeating arrogant angels. Ozagra took the kid in the isolated island of Dovachi to be trained by other demons. They used their special weightlifting equipments with barbells weighing up to 100,000 pounds to train the kid to be strong. They had him master most known martial arts all over the world. The result of all the long and arduous training sessions produced the ultimate demi-demon, a prodigal kid who could squat 20,000 pounds, bench press 10,000 pounds, and run faster than a cheetah.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Since the kid had no way of fitting in to regular society, he was sent to the island of Mahiki to attend the notorious school of the gifted ones so he could reach his full potential.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Special abilities: Extreme strength and speed. Mastery of most empty-handed martial arts.[/SIZE]
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Race: Dream Genie

Appearance: chugo shara.png

Name: Lusitania

Age: 17 (you did say highscool-aged)

Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal (cause why not?)

Background: It´s imprecise at least to say that Lusitania was "born". She is a manifestation of the desire for youth a lot of people have, coming to life after a particular birth that brought an old couple together before their final hours. At first, she was curious as to the extent of her powers and after she granted a wish for the first time, on the house of the person she popped up on (a student stressed with exams), she ended up wrecking havoc on the small town by changing an entire street into a giant nursery. The people were unhappy (as one might expect) though, so she left, crying. She hid in her lamp, never really getting a chance to mature, until she found a man... One which insisted on becoming her "father". She spent some happy times with this person, but some came to find she was being used. Betrayed, her father´s next wish ended up turning wrong and she regressed him mentally into an infant. A woman noticed this, however and pleaded Lusitania for it to be done to her as well, just for a bit. Lusitania granted the woman´s wish, and decided not to give up on the dream she was initially composed of: one to grant youth to however wanted it. And maybe to a few that didn´t know they wanted it.

Special Abilities:

*shapeshifting- she can shapeshift and gain the properties of anything. However, the copies are always imperfect, and any physical, mental or magical power will be limited.

*wish granting- she has the power to grant a wish to anyone who meets her conditions. However, there are contractual limitations to the wishes granted. Often they may end up going wrong or people will only receive the chance for their wish to be granted and it´s up to them to take it or not. She cannot grant wishes for herself nor refuse a wish should her conditions have been met.

*infantilize- she can morph items (clothing and weapons for example) and bodies into babified versions (she could turn a gun into a toy gun, a magic sword into a rattle, a formal attire into a diaper and a freely dress, etc...). She can also summon such items and momentarily cloud minds (effect extendable for already clouded minds).

*dream control- she can control the dreams of others

*puppetry- she can use magic strings that bring life to toys and similar inanimate objects and can ATTEMPT to use them to control people as well.

*impermeability to magic and death- she cannot be killed nor can outside magic affect her. However, as a genie, she is confined by certain rules herself. She cannot kill nor physically or mentally harm anyone (note that if someone´s wish demands her to, she cannot stop it, though) and more importantly, she has to remain in proximity of her "lamp", and obey certain key magic chants from whoever is "holding the lamp", such as the one that forces her back into it. (note: she turned her lamp into a pacifier, which one has to suck on as "holding the lamp")

*telekinesis- she is capable of manipulating the special positioning of things (including herself) with her mind.
Race: Dream Genie

Appearance: View attachment 188573

Name: Lusitania

Age: 17 (you did say highscool-aged)

Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal (cause why not?)

Background: It´s imprecise at least to say that Lusitania was "born". She is a manifestation of the desire for youth a lot of people have, coming to life after a particular birth that brought an old couple together before their final hours. At first, she was curious as to the extent of her powers and after she granted a wish for the first time, on the house of the person she popped up on (a student stressed with exams), she ended up wrecking havoc on the small town by changing an entire street into a giant nursery. The people were unhappy (as one might expect) though, so she left, crying. She hid in her lamp, never really getting a chance to mature, until she found a man... One which insisted on becoming her "father". She spent some happy times with this person, but some came to find she was being used. Betrayed, her father´s next wish ended up turning wrong and she regressed him mentally into an infant. A woman noticed this, however and pleaded Lusitania for it to be done to her as well, just for a bit. Lusitania granted the woman´s wish, and decided not to give up on the dream she was initially composed of: one to grant youth to however wanted it. And maybe to a few that didn´t know they wanted it.

Special Abilities:

*shapeshifting- she can shapeshift and gain the properties of anything. However, the copies are always imperfect, and any physical, mental or magical power will be limited.

*wish granting- she has the power to grant a wish to anyone who meets her conditions. However, there are contractual limitations to the wishes granted. Often they may end up going wrong or people will only receive the chance for their wish to be granted and it´s up to them to take it or not. She cannot grant wishes for herself nor refuse a wish should her conditions have been met.

*infantilize- she can morph items (clothing and weapons for example) and bodies into babified versions (she could turn a gun into a toy gun, a magic sword into a rattle, a formal attire into a diaper and a freely dress, etc...). She can also summon such items and momentarily cloud minds (effect extendable for already clouded minds).

*dream control- she can control the dreams of others

*puppetry- she can use magic strings that bring life to toys and similar inanimate objects and can ATTEMPT to use them to control people as well.

*impermeability to magic and death- she cannot be killed nor can outside magic affect her. However, as a genie, she is confined by certain rules herself. She cannot kill nor physically or mentally harm anyone (note that if someone´s wish demands her to, she cannot stop it, though) and more importantly, she has to remain in proximity of her "lamp", and obey certain key magic chants from whoever is "holding the lamp", such as the one that forces her back into it. (note: she turned her lamp into a pacifier, which one has to suck on as "holding the lamp")

*telekinesis- she is capable of manipulating the special positioning of things (including herself) with her mind.





Mikhail Ivanov 




Moscow, Russia

Special Abilities: 

  • Mikhail can communicate with snakes, in Russian and English, along with their own hissy language.
  • Mikhail can control snakes and a select few other reptiles to do his bidding.


Mikhail was born in Moscow to a teenage mother who didn't expect nor want a child and was put for an adoption not long after he was born. The orphanage he was put in was well-known for how quickly children for adopted, along with how friendly all of the caretakers were, but he could never seem to get adopted. He hid whenever a couple came to meet all of the children, didn't bother making friends with the other orphans. He spent most of his time wondering why he was there in the first place. Things began to change when he was old enough to begin schooling, attending an elementary school with some other orphans across the street. He was a quick learner and absolutely adored learning new things, many teachers amazed at how quickly he did so and how intelligent the young lad was. He showed most interest in literature, reading quickly becoming one of his favorite hobbies. He began with easier books and read them quickly and soon enough began borrowing the older orphans’ books so he could read them. For the first time, the caretakers had seen the boy smile - he really was happy. The only friends he needed were fictional.

Everyday Mikhail would grab his book and a journal and run to the backyard of the orphanage after school, sit beneath the only tree, a large shady tree, and begin reading and taking notes on what he read. It was at this time, sitting beneath the large trees, that he'd meet his first ever friends. Not human friends, to say the least, but reptilian friends. Snakes. He was reading Shakespeare's “The Taming of the Shrew” when a venomous viper slithered up to him. By then, the boy was already cowering but did so even more when the snake seemed to speak. He threw his book down and ran off. He didn't go outside for about a week after that, but curiousity did get the best of him. He eventually went out again and the viper was there again when he did, this time he spoke with it. Anastasia, she said her name was, was rather friendly, he soon noticed and he looked forward to talking to her again the next day, even though his ability to speak with her and understand her were beyond ordinary. The two soon became inseparable. She would bring him a rat to eat when he complained about being hungry, after which Mikhail had to explain that humans don't normally eat rats. Mikhail snuck her into his bedroom and made her a palette out of ratty coats, and he'd read to her as the lied down in the floor. Though it seemed normal to Mikhail after a while, the other orphans and the caretakers were rather scared when they discovered old Ana in his room.  Mikhail, in middle school when she was discovered, was kicked from the orphanage for ‘endangering lives.’

He met a family on the streets after he was kicked out, hungry and cold with only Ana to comfort him, though. They didn’t seem to find the venomous snake around his neck peculiar at all and welcomed him into their home, fed him and warmed him up with a hot shower and tea. They were like him, all with strange abilities and they took him under their wing - literally, in the father's case. The bilingual family taught him English, happily bought him books and journals so he could write. They even Iet him keep Ana who later had four little baby snakes, whom he proudly kept as well. They moved to America for the father’s work, a mutant-friendly workplace and live there to this day. He's seventeen now, in his third year of high school, this time at a public, also mutant-friendly school rather than homeschooling. He's excited, sure, once you get past the obvious nervousness.
View attachment 188210




Mikhail Ivanov 




Moscow, Russia

Special Abilities: 

  • Mikhail can communicate with snakes, in Russian and English, along with their own hissy language.
  • Mikhail can control snakes and a select few other reptiles to do his bidding.


Mikhail was born in Moscow to a teenage mother who didn't expect nor want a child and was put for an adoption not long after he was born. The orphanage he was put in was well-known for how quickly children for adopted, along with how friendly all of the caretakers were, but he could never seem to get adopted. He hid whenever a couple came to meet all of the children, didn't bother making friends with the other orphans. He spent most of his time wondering why he was there in the first place. Things began to change when he was old enough to begin schooling, attending an elementary school with some other orphans across the street. He was a quick learner and absolutely adored learning new things, many teachers amazed at how quickly he did so and how intelligent the young lad was. He showed most interest in literature, reading quickly becoming one of his favorite hobbies. He began with easier books and read them quickly and soon enough began borrowing the older orphans’ books so he could read them. For the first time, the caretakers had seen the boy smile - he really was happy. The only friends he needed were fictional.

Everyday Mikhail would grab his book and a journal and run to the backyard of the orphanage after school, sit beneath the only tree, a large shady tree, and begin reading and taking notes on what he read. It was at this time, sitting beneath the large trees, that he'd meet his first ever friends. Not human friends, to say the least, but reptilian friends. Snakes. He was reading Shakespeare's “The Taming of the Shrew” when a venomous viper slithered up to him. By then, the boy was already cowering but did so even more when the snake seemed to speak. He threw his book down and ran off. He didn't go outside for about a week after that, but curiousity did get the best of him. He eventually went out again and the viper was there again when he did, this time he spoke with it. Anastasia, she said her name was, was rather friendly, he soon noticed and he looked forward to talking to her again the next day, even though his ability to speak with her and understand her were beyond ordinary. The two soon became inseparable. She would bring him a rat to eat when he complained about being hungry, after which Mikhail had to explain that humans don't normally eat rats. Mikhail snuck her into his bedroom and made her a palette out of ratty coats, and he'd read to her as the lied down in the floor. Though it seemed normal to Mikhail after a while, the other orphans and the caretakers were rather scared when they discovered old Ana in his room.  Mikhail, in middle school when she was discovered, was kicked from the orphanage for ‘endangering lives.’

He met a family on the streets after he was kicked out, hungry and cold with only Ana to comfort him, though. They didn’t seem to find the venomous snake around his neck peculiar at all and welcomed him into their home, fed him and warmed him up with a hot shower and tea. They were like him, all with strange abilities and they took him under their wing - literally, in the father's case. The bilingual family taught him English, happily bought him books and journals so he could write. They even Iet him keep Ana who later had four little baby snakes, whom he proudly kept as well. They moved to America for the father’s work, a mutant-friendly workplace and live there to this day. He's seventeen now, in his third year of high school, this time at a public, also mutant-friendly school rather than homeschooling. He's excited, sure, once you get past the obvious nervousness.

Name: Hunter Flynn

Age: 18

Sexuality: Gay

Race: Fairy



Height: 6'6"



Hometown: Tauranga, New Zealand

Background: Hunter was born in Tauranga, New Zealand, moved to Toowoomba, Australia when he was 6, and lived a pretty normal life with his parents. You'd think this was nothing special until Hunter began to run with the wrong crowd. After facing some severe financial troubles, he figured he could make some good money by exploiting his good aim and taking up a job as a hitman. That all turned bad when one job went messy and he had to go on the run. With no income, Hunter had to turn to a few things he highly regrets and stays closed off about. With what savings he managed to accumulate, he managed to get to the Academy and vows to keep silent about his rocky past.

Special abilities: Shapeshifting (can only shapeshift into a kiwi bird and blue ring octopus), has better sight than most people and phenomenal aim with any projectile/weapon
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Race: Fairy



Height: 6'6"



Name: Hunter Flynn

Age: 18

Hometown: Tauranga, New Zealand

Background: Hunter was born in Tauranga, New Zealand, moved to Toowoomba, Australia when he was 6, and lived a pretty normal life with his parents. You'd think this was nothing special until Hunter began to run with the wrong crowd. After facing some severe financial troubles, he figured he could make some good money by exploiting his good aim and taking up a job as a hitman. That all turned bad when one job went messy and he had to go on the run. With no income, Hunter had to turn to a few things he highly regrets and stays closed off about. With what savings he managed to accumulate, he managed to get to the Academy and vows to keep silent about his rocky past.

Special abilities: Shapeshifting (can only shapeshift into a kiwi bird and blue ring octopus), has better sight than most people and phenomenal aim with any projectile/weapon




[SIZE=14.6667px]Whitley Barden[/SIZE]






Manila, Philippines


Whitley grew up inland of Luzon, the island in the Philippines that holds Manila, their capital. In the dense jungle she roamed, learning how to live as both a snake and a human. She learned how to speak to snakes, and also learned English, hoping one day to travel to America. Whitley was not aware of the fact that not everyone had half their body like a snake. She was one of the few left of the Naga race, and she was particularly new. She can't remember who or where she came from. Her oldest memory is waking up in a clearing in the middle of the jungle, alone. From then on she has stalked humans and learned their ways and tounge, and has kept the jungle under check. Those who see her worship her as a god, passing on the stories to their villages near the jungle. The people used to bring Whitley offerings, and Whitley kindly accepted them. That was until a rebel group broke off and tried to hunt Whitley down. Using her powers, she easily defeated the foolish humans, but as a cost. The people no longer saw her as the protector of the forest, but instead the monster of such. So she left to find a place to accept her. And she did.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

Can shoot poison from tail, fingers, or mouth. Can entrance men. Extremely agile.

((art by ramchild on tumblr))




[SIZE=14.6667px]Whitley Barden[/SIZE]






Manila, Philippines


Whitley grew up inland of Luzon, the island in the Philippines that holds Manila, their capital. In the dense jungle she roamed, learning how to live as both a snake and a human. She learned how to speak to snakes, and also learned English, hoping one day to travel to America. Whitley was not aware of the fact that not everyone had half their body like a snake. She was one of the few left of the Naga race, and she was particularly new. She can't remember who or where she came from. Her oldest memory is waking up in a clearing in the middle of the jungle, alone. From then on she has stalked humans and learned their ways and tounge, and has kept the jungle under check. Those who see her worship her as a god, passing on the stories to their villages near the jungle. The people used to bring Whitley offerings, and Whitley kindly accepted them. That was until a rebel group broke off and tried to hunt Whitley down. Using her powers, she easily defeated the foolish humans, but as a cost. The people no longer saw her as the protector of the forest, but instead the monster of such. So she left to find a place to accept her. And she did.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

Can shoot poison from tail, fingers, or mouth. Can entrance men. Extremely agile.

((art by ramchild on tumblr))

View attachment 188820

001 a sad.jpeg


Death Angel (or Reaper)

Melanie Vogel 


Seattle, Washington. 

There’s Heaven, there’s Hell, and then there’s a place known as the Void. In the void, beings called Death Angels (another name for them being, Reapers) reside, and their sole job is to guide lost souls to either Heaven or Hell. It was an up and personal kind of job, and many reapers had to travel to earth to collect the souls for judgement. Melanie was the young princess of this land and never had to do such, even though she really wanted to. She wanted to know more about earth and its inhabitants, and to help lost souls find their way.

Her father wasn’t very keen on the idea of letting his only child leaving their safe domain, but in the end decided to let Melanie venture out on her own down to earth, with the only exception being that she finds a safe place to stay.  And so, Melanie found this academy, which was also a great place for her to learn about earth and all of its different inhabitants and cultures.

Special abilities:

  • Can see and talk to spirits
  • Can manipulate a special kind of dark matter
  • Can make small minions out of dark matter
  • Can use telepathy and telekinesis
View attachment 188948


Death Angel (or Reaper)

Melanie Vogel 


Seattle, Washington. 

There’s Heaven, there’s Hell, and then there’s a place known as the Void. In the void, beings called Death Angels (another name for them being, Reapers) reside, and their sole job is to guide lost souls to either Heaven or Hell. It was an up and personal kind of job, and many reapers had to travel to earth to collect the souls for judgement. Melanie was the young princess of this land and never had to do such, even though she really wanted to. She wanted to know more about earth and its inhabitants, and to help lost souls find their way.

Her father wasn’t very keen on the idea of letting his only child leaving their safe domain, but in the end decided to let Melanie venture out on her own down to earth, with the only exception being that she finds a safe place to stay.  And so, Melanie found this academy, which was also a great place for her to learn about earth and all of its different inhabitants and cultures.

Special abilities:

  • Can see and talk to spirits
  • Can manipulate a special kind of dark matter
  • Can make small minions out of dark matter
  • Can use telepathy and telekinesis


[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Maxwell L. Fates[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]1[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]8[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Race:[/SIZE] Human



The amazing maxwell.jpg

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]London, England[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Being the youngest son and the last to live was the life of young Maxwell. Born in a family that preforms stage magic and yet knows the arcane arts. Though entertaining the audience was the family's source of income however. Behind the curtains, 5 of the family members practice dark and sinister magic. Once in a while they preform a disappearing act, seems harmless after the audience witnessing the awed as the [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px] disappear from the box reappear in his seat was quite a performance. Yet in truth the participate sitting on their seats aren't the same ones that disappeared, rather an illusion made by dark magic. What happens to the real [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px]? The [/SIZE]Participant is then tortured with extreme cruelty, after the performance was finish and the audience left, they made there twisted experiments on the Participant right under the stage.

While these sinister experiments were happening, the youngest son Max who was 6 at the time had no magical talent to uphold to the family standards. So they made Max clean up the mess on both the stage and the experimental room. He did all the work that his older siblings doesn't want to do and made him a slave to do all their bidding. Though his sister Beatrice seemly kind to Max, every night she conducts the same cruel experiments on Max, though Max endured thinking it's all for the good of the family. Years later he had a Fateful encountered with a masked wearing gentleman, Max seemly just pass by him during one of his task but as he passed by, the masked gentleman turned and looked at the young child and vanishes without a trace. During the same day Max's family leaded by Beatrice tried to open a rift from another plane of existence, everything was fine until Max entered the room with an uninvited guest.

At that moment, a creature appeared on the other end of the rift and it grabbed Beatrice. Dragging her to a uncertain fate, one by one the family members were being dragged into the rift. Max watched helplessly as each one of his family vanish right before his eyes, then if that wasn't bad enough the creature glared the terrified child and everything fade to black. Eventually Max woke up in a inverted world of the immaterial plane, he panic as he soon find that whatever he grabbed could not be grasped as his hands phase through the objects he attempt to grab hold of. As well as the grandfather clock's hands did not moved, everything here was silent and the only thing Max can hear is his own heartbeat, even that soon became silent. Max concluded, where ever he is, there is no way out, no one will help him. There Max wallowed in the despair for weeks, months, or maybe years, he doesn't remember at all as this plane prevented him from ageing.

Then suddenly Max heard footsteps, something that shouldn't be possible he thought. The door opened and the masked gentleman peer through, this surprised Max as he tried to hide behind something even though he isn't able to grab hold of something. The gentlemen introduced himself as Mr. Fates and asked Max not to be afraid, though Max did not believe the gentlemen and was still fearful. Eventual the Fates calmed Max and asked if he wants to leave the world he is in. Max nodded and there both of them where in the same room were it all happened. While Max was out of the Immaterial plane, his family was not and asked Fates if they can be saved. Mr. Fates shook his head and explained whatever they attempt to do, they had paid the price with their lives. To Max he then felt relief and yet purposeless, the torment he endured was in vain and now he has no one. Mr. Fates took notice and asked if Max want's to be adopted. Max looks up to Fates and his eyes were brighten with life as Fates reach his hand out towards Max. Max took Mr. Fate's and then his life turned for the better, he learned magic from Mr. Fates, although Max can't used magic as others can he instead learn how to enter the Immaterial plane safely. Throughout the years he studied under Mr. Fates wing he soon excel in both entering the Material plane and also the thing he was blessed by the the timeless world he was once in and change the perspective of his own time. 

From a forsaken child to a successful performer of stage magic, he carve his own way of life as he wore the same masked that Mr. Fates had. As a memento to the one who saved him from the Limbo of the Immaterial plane. One day Mr. Fates left a letter to Max and told him that he has businesses he has to deal with. As Max reads the letter, Mr. Fates wrote about a Academy for the gifted ones, where he can not only be safe from harms ways, but also to meet others who came to learn the ways of magic. Also its for the best sense Max really needed a higher level education, also a good place to make acquaintances. Max then took all he can carry and took the next available trip to the Academy.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell can enter and exit out the Immaterial plane and can go almost anywhere as he pleases. Though what can stop him from phases through the object is that if the object is also in the Immaterial plane.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell also can have any part of himself in the Immaterial plane. But can only focus on one area at a time.[/SIZE]
  • Also Maxwell can temporarily banish people into the Immaterial plane for up to 10 minutes at a time and objects indefinite. As well as taking out people or objects from Immaterial plane.
  • Maxwell is not as strong in the Material world then when he is in the Immaterial world.
  • Maxwell can shift his perspective of his current time in which he can potentially to the point where he everything around him seemly frozen in time for a limited time.
  • May see abnormality from the Immaterial plane as well as trace it back to the source.

Other notes:

  • While he can endure high amounts of pain, he seriously can't take a punch at least at the mask he treasures so much.
  • Maxwell has average strength and sucks at arm wrestling in the material world.
  • Anyone talking about a name like Beatrice will cause cause him to go through a form of PTSD and wallow in despair.
  • Maxwell is weak at conventional fighting.
  • Max allergic to pineapples.
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View attachment 187004

Race: Human

Name: Christian Leblanc

Age: 18

Hometown: Fort Mcmurray, AB, Canada

Backround: Christian grew up in the northen part of Canada, with cold winters and warm summers. He had always been interested in these huge shifts in temperatue and wanted to become a meteorologist when he grew up because of his interest in weather. Sadly this was not to be and one day he literally set his house on fire. After realizing that he was the one who had caused the flames that were eating up the walls of his home he panicked and froze the building completely. When the firefighters found him curled up and in shock and surrounded by the burnt and frozen walls they thought he was lucky to be alive. He was 10 at the time of this freak accident and was the only surviving member of his family. (Rest will be revealed later)

Special Abilities:

Fire manipulation - Can create fire using his body heat, once the flame has started he no longer uses his body heat but can still manipulate and grow the flame.

Ice manipulation - Uses moisture in the air or from his body to create ice in any form or shape.
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Race: Forest Maiden

Name: Hope Swanson

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Ames, Iowa

History: Hope never wanted to be like this. She wish she were never even born. Her father had told her that her mother's death was all her fault. He hit her until she bruised purple and blue all over. She didn't understand how a man could be so cruel, especially to his own daughter. Every night this would happen. He would force her to wear consealing clothes that hardly showed any skin at all. Over time her anger at her father built up until any second she would explode. And then she did. Her father had gone through the same rant as he always did. 'If she'd never gone through child birth with you she would have lived. But now she's dead.' She just tried to ignore him as much as she could. But then she felt a hard, stinging slap cross her face and she snapped. Her eyes turned    pure green and vines grew in between the floorboards by her feet. The vines grew and grew, twisting along her fathers body, round and round. The vines had suddenly began digging into his chest. They ripped out his heart, and then they ripped his entire body to pieces. From then on she was on the run, trying to stay away from the police. Or anyone for that matter. Until one day she decided to come back to the house. She went to her old room and saw a letter on her desk. It was an invitation to the school. She thought about it for a while, and finally decided that it would be a good thing for her.

Special Abilities: 

  • Control over plants, though only common ones. Rare and endangered ones aren't within her control.
  • She can make plants grow quite easily, though same rules apply to the no rare or endangered plants rule. 
  • Though she is good with her powers, if she is in rage mode (Pure Green Eyes Thingy) she is better at using her abilities.
  • Immune to most poisons.
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Race: Forest Maiden

Name: Hope Swanson

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Ames, Iowa

History: Hope never wanted to be like this. She wish she were never even born. Her father had told her that her mother's death was all her fault. He hit her until she bruised purple and blue all over. She didn't understand how a man could be so cruel, especially to his own daughter. Every night this would happen. He would force her to wear consealing clothes that hardly showed any skin at all. Over time her anger at her father built up until any second she would explode. And then she did. Her father had gone through the same rant as he always did. 'If she'd never gone through child birth with me she would have lived. But now she's dead.' She just tried to ignore him as much as she could. But then she felt a hard, stinging slap cross her face and she snapped. Her eyes turned    pure green and vines grew in between the floorboards by her feet. The vines grew and grew, twisting along her fathers body, round and round. The vines had suddenly began digging into his chest. They ripped out his heart, and then they ripped his entire body to pieces. From then on she was on the run, trying to stay away from the police. Or anyone for that matter. Until one day she decided to come back to the house. She went to her old room and saw a letter on her desk. It was an invitation to the school. She thought about it for a while, and finally decided that it would be a good thing for her.

Special Abilities: 

  • Control over plants, though only common ones. Rare and endangered ones aren't within her control.
  • She can make plants grow quite easily, though same rules apply to the no rare or endangered plants rule. 
  • Though she is good with her powers, if she is in rage mode (Pure Green Eyes Thingy) she is better at using her abilities.
  • Immune to most poisons.

Hmm I think it would be interesting for or characters to interact because of their conflicting abilties...
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Maxwell L. Fates[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]19[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Race:[/SIZE] Human



View attachment 189205

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]London, England[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Being the youngest son and the last to live was the life of young Maxwell. Born in a family that preforms stage magic and yet knows the arcane arts. Though entertaining the audience was the family's source of income however. Behind the curtains, 5 of the family members practice dark and sinister magic. Once in a while they preform a disappearing act, seems harmless after the audience witnessing the awed as the [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px] disappear from the box reappear in his seat was quite a performance. Yet in truth the participate sitting on their seats aren't the same ones that disappeared, rather an illusion made by dark magic. What happens to the real [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px]? The [/SIZE]Participant is then tortured with extreme cruelty, after the performance was finish and the audience left, they made there twisted experiments on the Participant right under the stage.

While these sinister experiments were happening, the youngest son Max who was 6 at the time had no magical talent to uphold to the family standards. So they made Max clean up the mess on both the stage and the experimental room. He did all the work that his older siblings doesn't want to do and made him a slave to do all their bidding. Though his sister Beatrice seemly kind to Max, every night she conducts the same cruel experiments on Max, though Max endured thinking it's all for the good of the family. Years later he had a Fateful encountered with a masked wearing gentleman, Max seemly just pass by him during one of his task but as he passed by, the masked gentleman turned and looked at the young child and vanishes without a trace. During the same day Max's family leaded by Beatrice tried to open a rift from another plane of existence, everything was fine until Max entered the room with an uninvited guest.

At that moment, a creature appeared on the other end of the rift and it grabbed Beatrice. Dragging her to a uncertain fate, one by one the family members were being dragged into the rift. Max watched helplessly as each one of his family vanish right before his eyes, then if that wasn't bad enough the creature glared the terrified child and everything fade to black. Eventually Max woke up in a inverted world of the immaterial plane, he panic as he soon find that whatever he grabbed could not be grasped as his hands phase through the objects he attempt to grab hold of. As well as the grandfather clock's hands did not moved, everything here was silent and the only thing Max can hear is his own heartbeat, even that soon became silent. Max concluded, where ever he is, there is no way out, no one will help him. There Max wallowed in the despair for weeks, months, or maybe years, he doesn't remember at all as this plane prevented him from ageing.

Then suddenly Max heard footsteps, something that shouldn't be possible he thought. The door opened and the masked gentleman peer through, this surprised Max as he tried to hide behind something even though he isn't able to grab hold of something. The gentlemen introduced himself as Mr. Fates and asked Max not to be afraid, though Max did not believe the gentlemen and was still fearful. Eventual the Fates calmed Max and asked if he wants to leave the world he is in. Max nodded and there both of them where in the same room were it all happened. While Max was out of the Immaterial plane, his family was not and asked Fates if they can be saved. Mr. Fates shook his head and explained whatever they attempt to do, they had paid the price with their lives. To Max he then felt relief and yet purposeless, the torment he endured was in vain and now he has no one. Mr. Fates took notice and asked if Max want's to be adopted. Max looks up to Fates and his eyes were brighten with life as Fates reach his hand out towards Max. Max took Mr. Fate's and then his life turned for the better, he learned magic from Mr. Fates, although Max can't used magic as others can he instead learn how to enter the Immaterial plane safely. Throughout the years he studied under Mr. Fates wing he soon excel in both entering the Material plane and also the thing he was blessed by the the timeless world he was once in and change the perspective of his own time. 

From a forsaken child to a successful performer of stage magic, he carve his own way of life as he wore the same masked that Mr. Fates had. As a memento to the one who saved him from the Limbo of the Immaterial plane. One day Mr. Fates left a letter to Max and told him that he has businesses he has to deal with. As Max reads the letter, Mr. Fates wrote about a Academy for the gifted ones, where he can not only be safe from harms ways, but also to meet others who came to learn the ways of magic. Also its for the best sense Max really needed a higher level education, also a good place to make acquaintances. Max then took all he can carry and took the next available trip to the Academy.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell can enter and exit out the Immaterial plane and can go almost anywhere as he pleases. Though what can stop him from phases through the object is that if the object is also in the Immaterial plane.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell also can have any part of himself in the Immaterial plane. But can only focus on one area at a time.[/SIZE]
  • Also Maxwell can temporarily banish people into the Immaterial plane for up to 10 minutes at a time and objects indefinite. As well as taking out people or objects from Immaterial plane.
  • Maxwell is not as strong in the Material world then when he is in the Immaterial world.
  • Maxwell can shift his perspective of his current time in which he can potentially to the point where he everything around him seemly frozen in time for a limited time.
  • May see abnormality from the Immaterial plane as well as trace it back to the source.

Other notes:

  • While he can endure high amounts of pain, he seriously can't take a punch at least at the mask he treasures so much.
  • Maxwell has average strength and sucks at arm wrestling in the material world.
  • Anyone talking about a name like Beatrice will cause cause him to go through a form of PTSD and wallow in despair.
  • Maxwell is weak at conventional fighting.
  • Max allergic to pineapples.

Change your character's age to 18 or lower and I'll accept it.
View attachment 187004

Race: Human

Name: Christian Leblanc

Age: 18

Hometown: Fort Mcmurray, AB, Canada

Backround: Christian grew up in the northen part of Canada, with cold winters and warm summers. He had always been interested in these huge shifts in temperatue and wanted to become a meteorologist when he grew up because of his interest in weather. Sadly this was not to be and one day he literally set his house on fire. After realizing that he was the one who had caused the flames that were eating up the walls of his home he panicked and froze the building completely. When the firefighters found him curled up and in shock and surrounded by the burnt and frozen walls they thought he was lucky to be alive. He was 10 at the time of this freak accident and was the only surviving member of his family. (Rest will be revealed later)

Special Abilities: Control over fire and ice. 

Can you be more specific with the abilities please?

Other than that, accepted.

Race: Forest Maiden

Name: Hope Swanson

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Hometown: Ames, Iowa

History: Hope never wanted to be like this. She wish she were never even born. Her father had told her that her mother's death was all her fault. He hit her until she bruised purple and blue all over. She didn't understand how a man could be so cruel, especially to his own daughter. Every night this would happen. He would force her to wear consealing clothes that hardly showed any skin at all. Over time her anger at her father built up until any second she would explode. And then she did. Her father had gone through the same rant as he always did. 'If she'd never gone through child birth with me she would have lived. But now she's dead.' She just tried to ignore him as much as she could. But then she felt a hard, stinging slap cross her face and she snapped. Her eyes turned    pure green and vines grew in between the floorboards by her feet. The vines grew and grew, twisting along her fathers body, round and round. The vines had suddenly began digging into his chest. They ripped out his heart, and then they ripped his entire body to pieces. From then on she was on the run, trying to stay away from the police. Or anyone for that matter. Until one day she decided to come back to the house. She went to her old room and saw a letter on her desk. It was an invitation to the school. She thought about it for a while, and finally decided that it would be a good thing for her.

Special Abilities: 

  • Control over plants, though only common ones. Rare and endangered ones aren't within her control.
  • She can make plants grow quite easily, though same rules apply to the no rare or endangered plants rule. 
  • Though she is good with her powers, if she is in rage mode (Pure Green Eyes Thingy) she is better at using her abilities.
  • Immune to most poisons.


[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Maxwell L. Fates[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]1[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]8[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Race:[/SIZE] Human



View attachment 189205

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]London, England[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Being the youngest son and the last to live was the life of young Maxwell. Born in a family that preforms stage magic and yet knows the arcane arts. Though entertaining the audience was the family's source of income however. Behind the curtains, 5 of the family members practice dark and sinister magic. Once in a while they preform a disappearing act, seems harmless after the audience witnessing the awed as the [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px] disappear from the box reappear in his seat was quite a performance. Yet in truth the participate sitting on their seats aren't the same ones that disappeared, rather an illusion made by dark magic. What happens to the real [/SIZE]Participant[SIZE=14.6667px]? The [/SIZE]Participant is then tortured with extreme cruelty, after the performance was finish and the audience left, they made there twisted experiments on the Participant right under the stage.

While these sinister experiments were happening, the youngest son Max who was 6 at the time had no magical talent to uphold to the family standards. So they made Max clean up the mess on both the stage and the experimental room. He did all the work that his older siblings doesn't want to do and made him a slave to do all their bidding. Though his sister Beatrice seemly kind to Max, every night she conducts the same cruel experiments on Max, though Max endured thinking it's all for the good of the family. Years later he had a Fateful encountered with a masked wearing gentleman, Max seemly just pass by him during one of his task but as he passed by, the masked gentleman turned and looked at the young child and vanishes without a trace. During the same day Max's family leaded by Beatrice tried to open a rift from another plane of existence, everything was fine until Max entered the room with an uninvited guest.

At that moment, a creature appeared on the other end of the rift and it grabbed Beatrice. Dragging her to a uncertain fate, one by one the family members were being dragged into the rift. Max watched helplessly as each one of his family vanish right before his eyes, then if that wasn't bad enough the creature glared the terrified child and everything fade to black. Eventually Max woke up in a inverted world of the immaterial plane, he panic as he soon find that whatever he grabbed could not be grasped as his hands phase through the objects he attempt to grab hold of. As well as the grandfather clock's hands did not moved, everything here was silent and the only thing Max can hear is his own heartbeat, even that soon became silent. Max concluded, where ever he is, there is no way out, no one will help him. There Max wallowed in the despair for weeks, months, or maybe years, he doesn't remember at all as this plane prevented him from ageing.

Then suddenly Max heard footsteps, something that shouldn't be possible he thought. The door opened and the masked gentleman peer through, this surprised Max as he tried to hide behind something even though he isn't able to grab hold of something. The gentlemen introduced himself as Mr. Fates and asked Max not to be afraid, though Max did not believe the gentlemen and was still fearful. Eventual the Fates calmed Max and asked if he wants to leave the world he is in. Max nodded and there both of them where in the same room were it all happened. While Max was out of the Immaterial plane, his family was not and asked Fates if they can be saved. Mr. Fates shook his head and explained whatever they attempt to do, they had paid the price with their lives. To Max he then felt relief and yet purposeless, the torment he endured was in vain and now he has no one. Mr. Fates took notice and asked if Max want's to be adopted. Max looks up to Fates and his eyes were brighten with life as Fates reach his hand out towards Max. Max took Mr. Fate's and then his life turned for the better, he learned magic from Mr. Fates, although Max can't used magic as others can he instead learn how to enter the Immaterial plane safely. Throughout the years he studied under Mr. Fates wing he soon excel in both entering the Material plane and also the thing he was blessed by the the timeless world he was once in and change the perspective of his own time. 

From a forsaken child to a successful performer of stage magic, he carve his own way of life as he wore the same masked that Mr. Fates had. As a memento to the one who saved him from the Limbo of the Immaterial plane. One day Mr. Fates left a letter to Max and told him that he has businesses he has to deal with. As Max reads the letter, Mr. Fates wrote about a Academy for the gifted ones, where he can not only be safe from harms ways, but also to meet others who came to learn the ways of magic. Also its for the best sense Max really needed a higher level education, also a good place to make acquaintances. Max then took all he can carry and took the next available trip to the Academy.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell can enter and exit out the Immaterial plane and can go almost anywhere as he pleases. Though what can stop him from phases through the object is that if the object is also in the Immaterial plane.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Maxwell also can have any part of himself in the Immaterial plane. But can only focus on one area at a time.[/SIZE]
  • Also Maxwell can temporarily banish people into the Immaterial plane for up to 10 minutes at a time and objects indefinite. As well as taking out people or objects from Immaterial plane.
  • Maxwell is not as strong in the Material world then when he is in the Immaterial world.
  • Maxwell can shift his perspective of his current time in which he can potentially to the point where he everything around him seemly frozen in time for a limited time.
  • May see abnormality from the Immaterial plane as well as trace it back to the source.

Other notes:

  • While he can endure high amounts of pain, he seriously can't take a punch at least at the mask he treasures so much.
  • Maxwell has average strength and sucks at arm wrestling in the material world.
  • Anyone talking about a name like Beatrice will cause cause him to go through a form of PTSD and wallow in despair.
  • Maxwell is weak at conventional fighting.
  • Max allergic to pineapples.

View attachment 187004

Race: Human

Name: Christian Leblanc

Age: 18

Hometown: Fort Mcmurray, AB, Canada

Backround: Christian grew up in the northen part of Canada, with cold winters and warm summers. He had always been interested in these huge shifts in temperatue and wanted to become a meteorologist when he grew up because of his interest in weather. Sadly this was not to be and one day he literally set his house on fire. After realizing that he was the one who had caused the flames that were eating up the walls of his home he panicked and froze the building completely. When the firefighters found him curled up and in shock and surrounded by the burnt and frozen walls they thought he was lucky to be alive. He was 10 at the time of this freak accident and was the only surviving member of his family. (Rest will be revealed later)

Special Abilities:

Fire manipulation - Can create fire using his body heat, once the flame has started he no longer uses his body heat but can still manipulate and grow the flame.

Ice manipulation - Uses moisture in the air or from his body to create ice in any form or shape.

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Race: "Angel? Well, Half-angel because of my mother being a human an- Oh wait I'm being overcomplicated again."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Appearance:[/SIZE]

Angel form:


Casual form:


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Name: Smith Quinston[/COLOR]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Nick: Angel Boy, Smithy, Quins[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Age: 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Height: 6'7"[/SIZE]

Sexuality: Pansexual, focuses more on personality and kindness than looks and gender.

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Hometown: Saskatchewan, Canada[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Background (I own this):[/SIZE]

Smith was born in Saskatchewan and he had small wings in birth, due to his father's genes. His mother's love for him is unknown. His wings were covered due to his parents paranoid that he will be bullied. He was bullied and his father forced him to drop out. He was homeschooled and he was trained for years. Learning to fly, use his powers. But he was isolated, cut from the outside world. His parents planned that he will go to the school for the gifted. He was excited and worried. He promised his father that he will protect himself from anything that harms him.

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Flight: Of course, angel needs wings to fly, unfortunately, he sucks at it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 15px]Military Training: His father was strict and he wants his son to protect by his own[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 15px]Healing Circle: or as Smith likes to call it, the circle of joy. He can heal others with that. But it slowly regenerates briuses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 15px]Angels Bow: A bow that is used for healing or hunting or affecting.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Race: "Angel? Well, Half-angel because of my mother being- Oh wait I'm being overcomplicated again."[/SIZE]


Angel form:

View attachment 189937

Casual form:

View attachment 189938

Name: Smith Quinston

[SIZE=14.6667px]Nick: Angel Boy, Smithy, Quins[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Height: 6'7"[/SIZE]

Sexuality: Pansexual, focuses more on personality and kindness than looks and gender.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hometown: Saskatchewan, Canada[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Background (I own this):[/SIZE]

Smith was born in Saskatchewan and he had small wings in birth, due to his father's genes. His mother's love for him is unknown. His wings were covered due to his parents paranoid that he will be bullied. He was bullied and his father forced him to drop out. He was homeschooled and he was trained for years. Learning to fly, use his powers. But he was isolated, cut from the outside world. His parents planned that he will go to the school for the gifted. He was excited and worried. He promised his father that he will protect himself from anything that harms him.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special abilities (Don’t be overpowered.):[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Flight: Of course, angel needs wings to fly, unfortunately, he sucks at it.[/SIZE]

Military Training: His father was strict and he wants his son to protect by his own

Healing Circle: or as Smith likes to call it, the circle of joy. He can heal others with that. But it slowly regenerates briuses.

Angels Bow: A bow that is used for healing or hunting or affecting.

[SIZE=14pt]Race: Angel-Demon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]



[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Name: Lenar Craestus[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Age: 17 (Small note: Lenar isn't invincible or infinite-liver because he is a hybrid, and that just didn't work out)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Hometown: Small island south-west to Skiathos, Greece.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Background: As known to any modern historian (or simply a person who is interested in Greek culture), Greece was one of world's centers of antiquity. Religious Greek had happily met demons and angels, who were going to a lower number on Earth by 1000 BC - 400 AD, and clearly adored demons, which did various goods for integrity relationships between humans. These relationships grew and grew, until Angels snapped. They were angered by this, and a demon named Craena (Lenar's mother) decided to cool off the situation by marrying her more-than-a-friend angel, named Ectuse (Lenar's father). Effect was quite big - but, well, haha, Craena's thinking was far too modern for demons and angels. Hybrids of "Higher Races" (Angels, Demons, "Gods") and "Lower Races" (Humans, etc) were presented in low, but bigger number. They were looked scarily upon, because often hybrid's power just didn't work out with his personality, and began to do havoc. No one ever could think about hybrid of Demon and Angel... Welp, guess Lenar was first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Angels and Demons in Greece united against the hybrid, fearing a thought that hybrid might be immensely powerful. He and his mother fled to distant island by the city of Skiathos, and Lenar's father died protecting his only child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Time was moving, and soon Lenar was in age for training. Despite seeing genocide of angels and demons in his childhood, he had a cheerful personality, happily helping humans in nearby city of Skiathos. Mother appreciated that, but warned him: Don't get too close to humans. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Trainings were coming to an end, as Lenar's mother wasn't suited to train others. She asked her distant angel and Demon friends, as they suggested her to send Lenar to a school for gifted ones. Although Lenar didn't want to leave, he did to help his mother gain confidence, that she grew up something in shape for normal community.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar manipulates gravity, just like his father.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He is able to induce physical strength of himself, by increasing his weight or force vectors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He is able to move his body or objects in space and time (meaning his manipulations are synced with time and never out of time).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar can manipulate his body in any way he wishes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He can give himself various visual effects.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He can change visual color/texture/pattern/image on his body, or multiply it, and perform other actions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]c) He can shape his body, though it's hard to control.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar can see sudden visions of future, or visions giving him knowledge of something.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He can see dreams of future/knowledge[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He can get side-thoughts about possible futures/knowledges[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]c) He can write about possible future/knowledge[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]?° Although Lenar's mother could manipulate and project knives and other weapons, Lenar doesn't find himself having this ability. Maybe it will show over a time, maybe not.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Earned abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]° Master's grade in wielding various cutting weapons (excluding battle-axe/axe and scythe)[/SIZE]

° Knowledge of four languages: Latin, Greek, English and Chinese (learned last one only out of pure interest).

° Very adaptive

° Medium level of wielding other types of weapons (guns, bows)
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[SIZE=14pt]Race: Angel-Demon[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]


View attachment 189957

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Name: Lenar Craestus[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Age: 17 (Small note: Lenar isn't invincible or infinite-liver because he is a hybrid, and that just didn't work out)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Hometown: Small island south-west to Skiathos, Greece.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Background: As known to any modern historian (or simply a person who is interested in Greek culture), Greece was one of world's centers of antiquity. Religious Greek had happily met demons and angels, who were going to a lower number on Earth by 1000 BC - 400 AD, and clearly adored demons, which did various goods for integrity relationships between humans. These relationships grew and grew, until Angels snapped. They were angered by this, and a demon named Craena (Lenar's mother) decided to cool off the situation by marrying her more-than-a-friend angel, named Ectuse (Lenar's father). Effect was quite big - but, well, haha, Craena's thinking was far too modern for demons and angels. Hybrids of "Higher Races" (Angels, Demons, "Gods") and "Lower Races" (Humans, etc) were presented in low, but bigger number. They were looked scarily upon, because often hybrid's power just didn't work out with his personality, and began to do havoc. No one ever could think about hybrid of Demon and Angel... Welp, guess Lenar was first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Angels and Demons in Greece united against the hybrid, fearing a thought that hybrid might be immensely powerful. He and his mother fled to distant island by the city of Skiathos, and Lenar's father died protecting his only child.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Time was moving, and soon Lenar was in age for training. Despite seeing genocide of angels and demons in his childhood, he had a cheerful personality, happily helping humans in nearby city of Skiathos. Mother appreciated that, but warned him: Don't get too close to humans. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Trainings were coming to an end, as Lenar's mother wasn't suited to train others. She asked her distant angel and Demon friends, as they suggested her to send Lenar to a school for gifted ones. Although Lenar didn't want to leave, he did to help his mother gain confidence, that she grew up something in shape for normal community.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Special abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar manipulates gravity, just like his father.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He is able to induce physical strength of himself, by increasing his weight or force vectors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He is able to move his body or objects in space and time (meaning his manipulations are synced with time and never out of time).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar can manipulate his body in any way he wishes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He can give himself various visual effects.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He can change visual color/texture/pattern/image on his body, or multiply it, and perform other actions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]c) He can shape his body, though it's hard to control.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]* Lenar can see sudden visions of future, or visions giving him knowledge of something.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]a) He can see dreams of future/knowledge[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]b) He can get side-thoughts about possible futures/knowledges[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]c) He can write about possible future/knowledge[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]?° Although Lenar's mother could manipulate and project knives and other weapons, Lenar doesn't find himself having this ability. Maybe it will show over a time, maybe not.[/SIZE]

Accepted. But I'm a bit uncomfortable by the number of powerful abilities you have. But I'll tolerate it.

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