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Fantasy The Academy of the All Seeing


Do I even exist?

The Academy of the All Seeing is known around the world, the most prestigious

of its kind. One of the few schools around the world that does teach magic, and

hasn't managed to blow itself up yet.


Why, you ask, would a magical school blow itself up?

Have you ever considered the dangers of magic? 


But the All Seeing's Academy is the best of the best, with a death rate of nearly zero.

Its rules are many, but it succeeds in protecting the students, even the youngest and

the most curious. Only theory is taught to those who are under sixteen, and those who

are under fourteen are sent away to those schools suited for younger children, or the

parents are told not to let the child perform magic. The academy educates up to twenty-

two, when the student is deemed ready for practicing magic without supervision.


The school should be completely safe, shouldn't it?


Hello, everyone who had clicked onto this post! So basically, I've been been craving a good ol' fashioned school roleplay, especially about magic and its dangers (which most people seem to miss). I'm looking for around two to three other roleplayers, with preferably one character each. Around one hundred to three hundred words would be the preferred length, although there is no real limit. I'm thinking that the characters could be already somewhat acquaintanced with each other, but plotting will be done later. As written in the introduction, the age limit is 14 to 22.


Read on for more information on magic and the school! Not that since much of the information is still in development, it's really just a sneak peek for now.

on magic

Magic is the name given to the art of channeling the invisible currents of energy that exists everywhere, commonly dubbed Aum, though there are many alternate names to it, such as the Physik Force, the God's Gift, the Occultry, the Flow, Ether, Thaums, and so on. There is, however, no true name for the energy. The common knowledge is that it is powerful, and can be controlled by all beings that are intelligent enough to be aware of their own existence. 


In theory, all humans can control the flow, by strength of will. However, in reality, unless the Aum chooses to allow you to channel it, very rarely will you succeed in controlling it. The energy has a reputation for driving people mad, or just plain killing them outright. Even those that are most suited to the controlling of the magic outright    often cannot fully control it. Those that have a natural talent for controlling the flow are named the Mages, and those who control magic by sheer strength of will only are dubbed the Cognentry.


Contrary to what many believe, however, there are no different types of Aum. Aum is raw power, shaped only by the user's will, and how strong that will is. Due to this reason, there is no spoken language for magic, as all the processing is done in the mind. Because of this, many believe Mana to be sentient, or at least a forced that is capable of executing complex commands, but turns on anyone who it doesn't think possessed the authority over it.


Depending on the skill of the caster, certain effects and energy flows can be bound to an object, and commanded to only activate after certain circumstances have occurred. Such services are very expensive, however.

about the school

The school was set up centuries earlier and has survived until now because of its rigorous methods. One mistake, and you could be expelled. The school provides  living area for all of its students, which are not large, but comfortable. Meals are also provided.


Students under 16 only learn Magical theory, and anyone found to have been practising magic under 16 will be expelled immediately and without exception. 


For students older than 16, there are forms. 


Form one is for basic practical magic. These students are thought the basics of controlling the energy flow. Mostly, this involve excercise said that strengthen the mind. These students have some contact with magic, but very little. 


Form two is where most people end up. Aum is difficult to control, and this is the level where much of the practical components are learned. Unsurprisingly, those who are going through this stage have the highest death rate. Most give up at this stage, or cannot proceed any longer. 


Form three is less practicality, and more inventing. At this stage, the students are trusted enough to complete their own projects other than the ones set by teachers, since those who do not have enough willpower would have given up already. Very few proceed to the next stage.


Form four is the Unknown Class. These select students are taught by the headmaster, and only those who are deemed worthy are allowed to proceed this far. Most who try to achieve this level of control die, but those who manage to graduate at this level are full masters of magic, and always manages to find wealth and fame.

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