The Academy of Secrets


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Actual RP here:

An academy mixed with nonhuman creatures and human beings seems normal enough. Yet, something may be more complicated than that. Demons may be acting like angels while angels are turning into demons, your best friend may actually be the beast that kills people every night. Of course, things may not be as dark as that. Yet, people in this school all have a secret or secrets. Big or small, it is something they don't want others to know, and the desire to hide the secret may be so huge that they will do anything to hide it.

Yet, a secret can't last forever..........



1. No God modding

2. You can have as many characters as you want as long as you can handle it

3. Romance is allowed. No sexual content that is beyond kissing.

4. If you did not reply for over 2 weeks' time without telling us about the reasons, you will be kickedo ut of this roleplay.

Use the following





Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):




Secret/background story(the story of the character):

Anything else you want to add(optional):


Name: Zero Dorando

Age: 23

Height: 8'6''

Weight: 120Ib

Looks: Long,straight black hair and dark orange eyes, his face is rather handsome. He wears a long, black scarf, and his inner shirt varies from black to silver to white. His pants are forever black.

Job in school: Guardian

Species: Half-demon

Features: He has a huge scar on his back

Personality: Cold, strict, and emotionless. Though he appears scary, he has a nicer side and is rather helpful around his students.

Secret/background story: He was born, with his father a high-level demon and his mother a plain human. He existed only because his mother had cheated with her husband and made love with a demon...Zero was abandoned as a baby, for his mother never intended to had him and made love just for fun. His father didn't want him either, since he was not a pure demon. Raised up to age 12 by a kind lady Lisha, he thought his life would not be so bad until she was killed by his father. Raged, he had tried suicide, yet his demon blood wouldn't let him die. Living on the street, he then tried revenge, only to be tortured and beaten by his father, leaving a huge scar behind his back. Close to insanity, he had killed lots of innocent people until he was awakened by his own guilt, at that time age 16. He then came upon this academy and decided to restart his life, hiding the fact that he was actually once a serial killer. As a student, his behavior and effort were so high that after he graduated he became a guardian of the school.

Anything else: Zero is mature and takes things seriously. He likes quietness and loves snow. He is very strict toward his students and won't accept nonsense, but he always reveal his nicer side when there is only a small group of students to deal with, or only one. He rejects every girl's confession or proposal to him, for he thinks he doesn't deserve it. Oh, he also blushes.


Name: Tavia Darkrose

Age: 16

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 90Ib

Looks: Long, straight black hair with bright yellow eyes and crimson lips. She wears a black stylish dress up that covers to her knee. She also wears silver earrings.

Job in school: student council member

Species: vampire

Features: A crimson red rose tattoo on her left arm

Personality: Nice, polite, and has a mind filled with justice. She is helpful, lively, and strong-willed. Helpful, mature if need to be. Usually hides her tears, and can comfort herself easily and make herself cheerful again. She's a weirdo.

Secret/Background story: Tavia was once born as human. She had a happy life with her village, the academy, and her parents. One summer, she went back to visit her village. She then fell in love with a vampire...A handsome, gentle, nice vampire who promised that he would love her forever and never betrayed..Yet, he was the once who brought a huge groups of other vampires to destroy her village, to killed all the villagers and suck out their blood. Tavia had tried to defend her village, her love for vampires turned to deep hatred. Her lover, the vampire, saw her and teased her, saying he was playing with her the whole time. He weakened her through his attacks and turned her into a vampire, laughing and saying that she had become someone she hated. Tavia was hopeless, seriously depressed, and furious. She never gave up, and decided to take revenge. Yet, when she returned to school, she never told the others that she had turned into a vampire. People sympathized her and called her the only survivor...Yet, what would they think if they knew she was also a vampire? No matter what the excuses is, false rumors would always be spread.

Anything else: She is used to being in a loud and crazy classroom, so really, she is not easily annoyed. She loves roses, and there's nothing much that she hates, since she is just used to anything.

(Sorry for my grammar mistakes. You don't have to type as much for secret/story, I'm just easily obsessed when I'm typing those kinds of stuff, so~)
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Name: Arima Akaida

Age: 17

Height: 5' 9

Weight(optional): 180lbs


Job in school: Student

Species: Angel (fallen) although posses as human

Features: Tattoos on both arms he hides and his wings which he keeps hidden

Personality: Although openly forward he comes off as blunt and his calm collected nature is often misread as cold, he will joke playfully but sometimes it is misinterpreted due to his cryptic nature.

Secret/background story: Tasked to guard a gate to heaven hidden near the Grand Canyon which he saw as a waste of his talents, him being the son of the archangel Raguel, and detested the boredom of his task. One day when a young girl leaned too far over the edge and slipped he made a judgement knowing the cost that he would expose himself to save her life and risk exile. After he took her too safety his father appeared and attacked him in a fit of rage and dragged him back to a court among the other Archangels and Raphael who took pitty convinced them to give him a second chance as a fallen and allowed him to keep his wings dying them black and marking his arms. Raphael and Uriel upset by the beating he had incurred put him in the care of a human family when he was 12 and he spent 5 years with them.

Anything else you want to add: 2nd highest grades in the school
Name: Unknown, on Rae they call her Virus. People in school call her Stupid.

Age: 17

Height: 5 ft. n' 4"

Weight(Optional): 82lbs


Left: When she's not fighting, in an agile situation, etc. Right: Fighting, etc.


^^^^ How she looks regularly.

Job In School: Student

Species:A Robotic alien lifeform. Just like Sam Witwickie.

Features: A large, alien symbol on her back, that seems to crawl up her neck.

Personality: She's sorta shy. She usually goes out at night to visit the planet Rae, to meet her leaders and gain knowledge. She wouldn't want to hurt someone, but when people piss her off, she goes right ahead. But, doesn't want to reveal her secret.

Secret/Backround Story: Ended up like Sam Witwicky in the movie Transformers. Came in contact with an ancient, robotic civilization that chose this young woman to become their new decendant. Whom shall be named "Virus", since this decendant has unique skills that act like a virus. Whatever she touches in her form, her "Virus Cells" React to the mechanical object, and allows her to reshape it. This also includes telepathic powers, and Space Jump, and Regenerative cells.

Anything else you want to add: She usually goes out on a green hill at night, being her irregular self, just to feel more alive. Like there is much more than just chaos on Earth and Rae.
Name: Haru

Age: 17

Height: 6’1

Weight(optional): I guess he’s pretty lean but I’m not very good at making weights for characters so you can just imagine him as being lean and light

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


He can also turn into a full on kitsune as well, here what he looks like in his kitsune formthough instead of three he has nine tails


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Kitsune ‘fox spirit’

Features(optional): A shown in the picture Haru has nine tails and ears

Personality: Haru can usually be seen as a ditzy man. For the heir of a powerful clan he is shown as clumsy and silly. One could say he is very goofy, always tripping on his own feet talking about the silliest things. As well as absent minded a person could wonder how he is kitsune. But actually Haru can be very serious, sometimes he fakes a smile or brushes off comments that he does not want to answer. When the situation calls for it he is a very serious person who is actually sort of ominous and scary. He's also very fond of 'cute things' whether be it living things or plushies. He also loves tea, sake, rice, and especially dango. Basically he always be seen eating Japanese food and nothing else.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Haru is part of a powerful and wealthy kitsune clan in japan, his father being the head. Kitsune are descendants of Inari Ōkami the god of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea and Sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success. His father had and still has high hopes for him but seeing as though Haru is a bit ditzy he figured he’d send him to this school so he could toughen up a bit.

Anything else you want to add(optional): He will always wear a kimono, never causal clothing.
Name:Ryu(no last name)




Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):black straight hair,red eyes,a half top and jacket(like in the picture),tight black jeans,and she doesnt wear shoes.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):student

Species:Cat demon


Personality: She is quiet and doesn't really socialize with anyone

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Ryu was abandoned at a young age and has been living on her own ever since she was 6, she has trust issues and doesn't really talk much because of the things that happened before she was abandoned, she is half blind.

Anything else you want to add(optional): her other form looks like this-

Hey, people!

I'm pretty new to this site... I'm not really sure what to do, but this roleplay looks pretty neat. In other sites I've been on, people ask before they join so I'm not exactly sure what to put down. :/
Name: Odokuro

Age: 19

Height: 6 ft 2 (2 meaters)

Weight(optional): 200 kgs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): hair is black, eyes are one red and one green, clothing is a baggey set

of trousers and a long sleeved hoodie, black boots.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student

Species: shifting android


Personality: very cruel and vicious, however he has a very soft side, but only when he is drunk. Not to mention he will kill anyone in his way if truly angered.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): He was a very clever student, however being in a horrible traffic accident. He had the broken bones removed and replaced with a special metallic alloy in the shape of his skeleton, special nerves that flood the inside keeps the organs supplied with a special, soy type blood. He has been in countless battles, normally taking on many enemies just on his own without even a single weapon. The skeleton is made of a triple dense metal similer to aluminium but on an even higher level, the insides are hollow which also allows him to be not as heavy.

Anything else you want to add(optional): The skeleton is also able to morph into a specific type of weapon he chooses such as metallic claws, finger guns and even cannons, however he must not be too badley damaged or injured. Near impending death or when truly unable to defeat the enemy he will go completely insane and keep fighting (thanks to the skeleton) randomly attacking until the head is destroyed or the skeleton runs out of power. The elements to make the special enzyme for the fake blood, is nitro glycerine.
Name: Aiya

Age: 15




Job in school: Student.

Species: She is basically water? I don't know how to explain it, but she can bend water, and blend in to water whenever she wants. She is all water.

Personality: She is very independent, other than her best friend (Meyu). She doesn't really like other people, but she isn't socially awkward. She likes to be in control of herself, and doesn't like when other people tell her what to do. She can be rude because of this. She also likes to take on the "leader" role when she can.

Secret/background story: When people look at Aiya, they think that she has no feelings. Like she only cares about herself, which is why most people don't like her. But really, when she was a kid she had to grow up on her own. She only remembers up to when she was around three, or four years old. She had no friends, no parents, no anything, and she basically lived in water. It was only when she was eleven that she decided to come to the Academy and try to be normal.

Anything else you want to add: She met Meyu when she was eleven, at the Academy. They instantly became friends, and Aiya liked Meyu because she was different from everyone else. She didn't judge her like everyone else did, Meyu made her feel safe, and comfortable.


Name: Meyu

Age: 15

Height: 5'2



Job in school: Student.

Species: Vampire.

Personality: Meyu is a sweet, sensitive girl. She is really smart but she has major social anxiety and is almost 'scared' of other people. She only likes Aiya. She always worries about other people judging her, or hating her. She tries so hard to be really nice to people, but when she tries to talk to them she stutters and goes really quiet, almost crying.

Secret/background story: Meyu tries to hide the fact that she actually kills people. She isn't a 'vegetarian' vampire. She actually bites real people until she has drained them of their blood, and they die, so they can never be a vampire and hate her for it all their lives. Her family doesn't allow her to do this, but she always does.

Anything else you want to add: Meyu is bisexual, and she actually has a huge crush on Aiya. She doesn't plan on telling her, but it might come out by accident.

Name: Oriianthi Storm Kaijxio (Pronounced Kai-sho)

Nickname: She goes by Orii, but sometimes people call her Storm, Blue, or Fortissimo.

Place of Birth: Oriianthi was born in the *Nevernever (Home of the Fae) in the Summer realm, but grew up in a small town in Oklahoma.

Age: Somewhere around 16.

Gender: Female

Likes: Boys with brown hair/ brown eyes, a large variety of music (Except for country), playing musical instruments (Trumpet, trombone, Mellophone, drums, guitar, *she plays many things*, etc.), marching bands, swords and daggers, cute little kids, the colors black, blue, red, and silver, playing with fire, pulling pranks, being sarcastic, fighting, sparring, eating, cooking, freaking people out, dying her hair different colors like blue and green, thunderstorms, cuddling, funny movies, playing in an orchestra, doing acrobatics, climbing things, making jokes, arguing.

Dislikes: Snotty priss girls, wearing dresses or skirts, zits, nosy people, annoying people, crybabies, people with no sense of humor, people who think they're God's greatest gift to the world.

Power/Ability: Orii has large black wings that she keeps tucked under her shirt when she's pretending to be normal. She is half fey, which are supernatural beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth and live hidden. This means that Oriianthi can control a sort of magic called Glamour, which is a power that can be taken from nature and human emotion. Glamour is usually self-fueled and can be quite useful. Some perks are, controlling anything that has life. She can make trees dance, flowers bloom, dead wood come back to life. Glamour is also an element controlling power, such as moving fire, air, water, and rocks. Weather and fire control are Orii's top skill. Glamour's weak point is, the more you use it, the more exhausted you get. You have to train with your glamour daily to become more and more powerful and persistent. She is strong and a fast runner.

Weapon of Choice: Fire, lightning, whatever she can manipulate onto her side with Glamour. She's also good with anything light and twirlable, such as sabres, Kali swords, daggers and other light blades.

Weaknesses: An emotional weakness of Orii's is a fear of love. She was scarred from a love experience years ago and it's never left her memory. A physical weakness is not being able to kill. Even when she knows she should kill the person, she either imprisons them in some place in Faery or makes a bargain with them. (FEY BARGAIN: Unescapable deal or price that usually is a trade out of death. You are bound to the promise with your soul, and if the promise is broken, you will suffer a very unpleasant ending.) She has to return to the Nevernever (

Markings: Orii has self - inflicted razor scars on her hipbones and ankles, also one X on her right hand. No one knows about these, and they continue to be made.

Personality: Orii has a short temper, is very good at arguing and uses sarcasm often. She's good with kids and cooks decently. She's a tomboy, and loves skateboarding, surfing, parkour, and acrobatics. She's musically talented with instruments (mainly brass instruments and drums. She's also skilled with saxophone.) and her voice, which sounds a bit like Flyleaf.

Appearance: Orii is 5'6 and has bright blue eyes and long blonde hair. She has a summer tan and long, toned limbs.

Biography: Orii was born in Arcadia*, and her mother supposedly died during childbirth. Her Fae father quickly took her into the human world, where he put her into adoption. She was taken in by single Colbi Aradani, who raised her as her own in a small town in Oklahoma. There, she went to school until 10th grade. She was in the marching band and had many friends who she considers family. She has promised to return one day. She ran away in the 10th grade and ended up here. She also has a severe problem that she keeps a secret, depression and self harm.

Other: THE FEY: The Fey are like magical human beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth. Trods are entrances to the *Nevernever, who can only be seen by Fey or humans who have the Sight, a gift or curse to humans which allow them to see the Fey. Fey can make themselves appear normal to humans without the Sight by using Glamour, but cannot disguise themselves against those with the Sight. There are two realms in Faery, Summer and Winter. Summer is filled with lush and green, beaches and forests. The Summer fey party alot and have music, games, sports, contests and other festivities. Oberon and Titania rule this court, in the capital called *Arcadia. Oberon is kind and forgiving, while Titania is hostile and cruel. In the Summer court, most dress casually. The Winter court is the opposite of Summer, where everything is serious and dark rather than bright and colorful. Queen Mab rules the Winter court in Tir Na Nog, a desolate, cold place filled with ice, snow, black roses and people who are as cold as their homeland. Oriianthi is from Summer and is the daughter of Oberon. She doesn't know her mother, but knows that she was fully human.

Forever I am special

(By the way. Sorry about how long this entry is, and I'm pretty new to this site.. I hope this was where I was supposed to post this.. Heh heh... Um. Yeah. So.. I don't know if I'm supposed to ask to join or what.. So, if I did something wrong, let me know.. Hah... Hope I can join.)
Name: Revina Solex

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: 94 lbs.



Job in school: Student

Species: Starlight Neko

Personality: Revina is a shy and gentle creature, yet she possesses great strength when she is anh=gered, which is rare.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): When Revina was 8 and her cat ears developed fully, she was abandoned by her parents, who were humans. She had wandered around the cities nearby, until she came upon the Academy.
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 14

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 94 lbs

Looks: Naomi has choppy and short blonde hair, naturally streaked with bleach blonde and brown. Her eyes are a gray blue, and she wears hipster/punk glasses. She has very long legs, and more then average muscle.

Job in school: Student

Species: Human

Features: She has many scars from repeatedly falling and breaking bones~ She has a messed up collar bone too, so it can be hard for her to move her head quickly

Personality: Naomi is very sweet, kind, protective and giggly when shes happy. When shes in one of her rages, she my accidentally kill someone.

Secret/background story: When Naomi was 10, her parents divorced. Her mother was given custody of her, and Naomi really hated that. In a rage, she killed her mother accidentally, and has lived with her dad since. No one knows about the accidental murder. Naomi loves to read and write, and is a major goody two-shoes. She dislikes romance, though will have crushes on occasion. When that happens, she crushes the crush into nothing(in her mind) and pretends that she never had a crush. She loves wrestling, especially beating stuck-up idiot boys who think that they're so much better than her.

Anything else you want to add: N/A
Name: Reito Nakima

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Weight(optional): 112lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


White hair with black highlights, white shirt and pants, the rest is black.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Shape Shifter

Features(optional): She turns into a full grown white arctic wolf the size of a truck when provoked. She has a red spot on her forehead.

Personality: Observant, quiet, and very blunt. She says things how she perceives them, and isn't afraid to tell you the truth. She has a short fuse, although you can't see it behind her poker face. She's usually the one in the background at confrontations, unless provoked.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): At the age of four, her parents were murdered by an unknown entity, right before her. The entity only left one trace of themselves behind, and that was a red and white ribbon that she now ties in her hair, a constant reminder of the man she wishes to kill. She's murdered countless beings to find information on this entity, working below the radar in hopes to one day uncover the man, and take her revenge. She's been trained in hand-to-hand combat, and practices daily. She knows how to protect herself and isn't afraid of death. She is her own guardian. She's in the academy solely to suppress the suspicions flowing around her.

Anything else you want to add(optional):This is what she looks like as a wolf.

Name:Jin Natsume




Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):Student



Personality:Somewhat anti-social Jin doesn't talk much and often comes off as cold because of his past he has a very hard time trusting others human or non-human.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Jin was raised in an extremely harsh environment where it was literally kill or be killed having to fight not only against other humans but also against non-humans he was taught how to fight unarmed and with multiple different types of weapons as a kid so that he'd be able to survive by someone who was the closest thing to a father Jin ever had however due to a betrayal of one of their friends he died sacrificing himself to allow Jin to escape which led to his distrust of people in general regardless of what race.

Anything else you want to add(optional):
Uhh, I see there is a thread now with 7 pages already, and you haven't accepted a few people yet. Does that mean we can't post on it/are denied?
Name (Full): May

Age: Physica age: 17 Actual age: 1,347

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 123 lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Demon/Devil (Daughter of Satan also known as lucifer, devil, demon king etc.)

Features: She has horns, wings and a tail but she usually hides them so she looks like a human.

Personality:May is awfully kind hearted for a demon. She is shy and only like to wear comfy clothing when in human form. Loves to draw, read, write, and play outside. Very energetic, and helpful but can often be mischievous.

Powers: Can control fire and make things levitate

also has the power to mislead people (hates this power)
Name: Asinna Ryol

Age: 26

Height: 5'6


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):Magic and Music/Vocalists Teacher

Species:Human (Shaman)

Features(optional):Just a tattoo in the middle of her stomach,right above her belly button

Personality:Asinna is very nice,but at times she can be rude.She prefers to observe before taking action,which can be a flaw and advantage.The older woman does not like it when people interrupt her music and vocal classes,it really pisses her off.Asinna will not accept students acting smart or rude with her,she will snap on them in a second.So far there is not a student that has met her that isn't afraid of her even a little.Asinna will not except abuse of her pet dragon,Kisora,because of the mother's spirit is part of her.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Asinna's family are famous shaman acting as detectives,actors,dancers,priestess/priests,etc.Asinna being the the heir to the empire was trained from birth to handle and converse with them,but with all of this stress on her shoulders the only way she could manage was go into the woods to play music and sing.One day while walking through the woods she could hear a great roar coming from somewhere.She looked all around her but could not find the source,until she looked up.There in front of her sat a great spirit of a dragon,"Huh?W...Who are you?"Asinna asked through the fear that was creeping up her body slowly.The dragon spoke to her quickly and with it's own fear,"I understand that I have done many things to humans,but my daughter has not....I beg of you please save her before she is killed without even being born!"With a quick nod and OK,Asinna rushed up into the mountains.When the young woman finally found the nest,she was met by a fight with her cousin and a group of people,some call them dragon slayers.Asinna's cousin looked at her and was shot,with her last dieing words,"Save the dragon egg!"And with that she died.Asinna started to cry,and was met with guns aimed at her,"You people are terrible....Your not fit to be human!"Asinna screamed as she and the dragon mother's spirit became one,and killed the DS in a fit of rage.Asinna held the egg in her hand,as it hatched,"I will name you Kisora..."Asinna groaned as she passed out from exagistion.From that day on Asinna could find and speak with all kinds of dragons and call upon the power of the dragon she fused with.

Anything else you want to add(optional):Pet Dragon: Kisora
Name: Soulicy Walker (Goes by Soul)




Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):Black raven hair that flows to the center of her back streaked with silver at the bottom with eyes that change color with her mood.She wears a black demi jeans,black tang top with a red ribbon tied around her upper arm.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):student



Features(optional):Her eyes almost always have a sad look in them even if she is smiling

Personality:Soul is wierd hot headed carefree and a little bit annoying but with a fluffy charm and loves to talk.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Soul ran away 17 times but as much as she tried to get away from her cold heartless they always find her and drag her back to Soulicy's parnets she is nothing but a pawn to be played in the arena (this started at age 12).After her first kill in battle she was tortured by night terrors that come to her durring her sleep but also while she is awake.On her 15th birthday she ran again this time to the academy where she lives in the dorms waiting for her parnets to come and find her like she knows they will.

Anything else you want to add(optional):shadows are another part of the soul so she can posses people threw shadows and also use them to teleport her to diffrent places plus the shadows form to her will they can take soild form.(she sometimes gets nervous get nervous and the shadows move with her movements)
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great great! accepted~! Soul already joined so lol. Asinna accepted. 

TrailerParkPanda said:
Name:Ryu(no last name)



Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):black straight hair,red eyes,a half top and jacket(like in the picture),tight black jeans,and she doesnt wear shoes.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):student

Species:Cat demon


Personality: She is quiet and doesn't really socialize with anyone

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Ryu was abandoned at a young age and has been living on her own ever since she was 6, she has trust issues and doesn't really talk much because of the things that happened before she was abandoned, she is half blind.

Anything else you want to add(optional): her other form looks like this-


[QUOTE="pain-clown123]Name: Odokuro
Age: 19

Height: 6 ft 2 (2 meaters)

Weight(optional): 200 kgs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): hair is black, eyes are one red and one green, clothing is a baggey set

of trousers and a long sleeved hoodie, black boots.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student

Species: shifting android


Personality: very cruel and vicious, however he has a very soft side, but only when he is drunk. Not to mention he will kill anyone in his way if truly angered.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): He was a very clever student, however being in a horrible traffic accident. He had the broken bones removed and replaced with a special metallic alloy in the shape of his skeleton, special nerves that flood the inside keeps the organs supplied with a special, soy type blood. He has been in countless battles, normally taking on many enemies just on his own without even a single weapon. The skeleton is made of a triple dense metal similer to aluminium but on an even higher level, the insides are hollow which also allows him to be not as heavy.

Anything else you want to add(optional): The skeleton is also able to morph into a specific type of weapon he chooses such as metallic claws, finger guns and even cannons, however he must not be too badley damaged or injured. Near impending death or when truly unable to defeat the enemy he will go completely insane and keep fighting (thanks to the skeleton) randomly attacking until the head is destroyed or the skeleton runs out of power. The elements to make the special enzyme for the fake blood, is nitro glycerine.


Kotomi said:
Name: Aiya
Age: 15




Job in school: Student.

Species: She is basically water? I don't know how to explain it, but she can bend water, and blend in to water whenever she wants. She is all water.

Personality: She is very independent, other than her best friend (Meyu). She doesn't really like other people, but she isn't socially awkward. She likes to be in control of herself, and doesn't like when other people tell her what to do. She can be rude because of this. She also likes to take on the "leader" role when she can.

Secret/background story: When people look at Aiya, they think that she has no feelings. Like she only cares about herself, which is why most people don't like her. But really, when she was a kid she had to grow up on her own. She only remembers up to when she was around three, or four years old. She had no friends, no parents, no anything, and she basically lived in water. It was only when she was eleven that she decided to come to the Academy and try to be normal.

Anything else you want to add: She met Meyu when she was eleven, at the Academy. They instantly became friends, and Aiya liked Meyu because she was different from everyone else. She didn't judge her like everyone else did, Meyu made her feel safe, and comfortable.


Name: Meyu

Age: 15

Height: 5'2



Job in school: Student.

Species: Vampire.

Personality: Meyu is a sweet, sensitive girl. She is really smart but she has major social anxiety and is almost 'scared' of other people. She only likes Aiya. She always worries about other people judging her, or hating her. She tries so hard to be really nice to people, but when she tries to talk to them she stutters and goes really quiet, almost crying.

Secret/background story: Meyu tries to hide the fact that she actually kills people. She isn't a 'vegetarian' vampire. She actually bites real people until she has drained them of their blood, and they die, so they can never be a vampire and hate her for it all their lives. Her family doesn't allow her to do this, but she always does.

Anything else you want to add: Meyu is bisexual, and she actually has a huge crush on Aiya. She doesn't plan on telling her, but it might come out by accident.

Orii said:

Name: Oriianthi Storm Kaijxio (Pronounced Kai-sho)

Nickname: She goes by Orii, but sometimes people call her Storm, Blue, or Fortissimo.

Place of Birth: Oriianthi was born in the *Nevernever (Home of the Fae) in the Summer realm, but grew up in a small town in Oklahoma.

Age: Somewhere around 16.

Gender: Female

Likes: Boys with brown hair/ brown eyes, a large variety of music (Except for country), playing musical instruments (Trumpet, trombone, Mellophone, drums, guitar, *she plays many things*, etc.), marching bands, swords and daggers, cute little kids, the colors black, blue, red, and silver, playing with fire, pulling pranks, being sarcastic, fighting, sparring, eating, cooking, freaking people out, dying her hair different colors like blue and green, thunderstorms, cuddling, funny movies, playing in an orchestra, doing acrobatics, climbing things, making jokes, arguing.

Dislikes: Snotty priss girls, wearing dresses or skirts, zits, nosy people, annoying people, crybabies, people with no sense of humor, people who think they're God's greatest gift to the world.

Power/Ability: Orii has large black wings that she keeps tucked under her shirt when she's pretending to be normal. She is half fey, which are supernatural beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth and live hidden. This means that Oriianthi can control a sort of magic called Glamour, which is a power that can be taken from nature and human emotion. Glamour is usually self-fueled and can be quite useful. Some perks are, controlling anything that has life. She can make trees dance, flowers bloom, dead wood come back to life. Glamour is also an element controlling power, such as moving fire, air, water, and rocks. Weather and fire control are Orii's top skill. Glamour's weak point is, the more you use it, the more exhausted you get. You have to train with your glamour daily to become more and more powerful and persistent. She is strong and a fast runner.

Weapon of Choice: Fire, lightning, whatever she can manipulate onto her side with Glamour. She's also good with anything light and twirlable, such as sabres, Kali swords, daggers and other light blades.

Weaknesses: An emotional weakness of Orii's is a fear of love. She was scarred from a love experience years ago and it's never left her memory. A physical weakness is not being able to kill. Even when she knows she should kill the person, she either imprisons them in some place in Faery or makes a bargain with them. (FEY BARGAIN: Unescapable deal or price that usually is a trade out of death. You are bound to the promise with your soul, and if the promise is broken, you will suffer a very unpleasant ending.) She has to return to the Nevernever (

Markings: Orii has self - inflicted razor scars on her hipbones and ankles, also one X on her right hand. No one knows about these, and they continue to be made.

Personality: Orii has a short temper, is very good at arguing and uses sarcasm often. She's good with kids and cooks decently. She's a tomboy, and loves skateboarding, surfing, parkour, and acrobatics. She's musically talented with instruments (mainly brass instruments and drums. She's also skilled with saxophone.) and her voice, which sounds a bit like Flyleaf.

Appearance: Orii is 5'6 and has bright blue eyes and long blonde hair. She has a summer tan and long, toned limbs.

Biography: Orii was born in Arcadia*, and her mother supposedly died during childbirth. Her Fae father quickly took her into the human world, where he put her into adoption. She was taken in by single Colbi Aradani, who raised her as her own in a small town in Oklahoma. There, she went to school until 10th grade. She was in the marching band and had many friends who she considers family. She has promised to return one day. She ran away in the 10th grade and ended up here. She also has a severe problem that she keeps a secret, depression and self harm.

Other: THE FEY: The Fey are like magical human beings who live in a sub-dimension of Earth. Trods are entrances to the *Nevernever, who can only be seen by Fey or humans who have the Sight, a gift or curse to humans which allow them to see the Fey. Fey can make themselves appear normal to humans without the Sight by using Glamour, but cannot disguise themselves against those with the Sight. There are two realms in Faery, Summer and Winter. Summer is filled with lush and green, beaches and forests. The Summer fey party alot and have music, games, sports, contests and other festivities. Oberon and Titania rule this court, in the capital called *Arcadia. Oberon is kind and forgiving, while Titania is hostile and cruel. In the Summer court, most dress casually. The Winter court is the opposite of Summer, where everything is serious and dark rather than bright and colorful. Queen Mab rules the Winter court in Tir Na Nog, a desolate, cold place filled with ice, snow, black roses and people who are as cold as their homeland. Oriianthi is from Summer and is the daughter of Oberon. She doesn't know her mother, but knows that she was fully human.

Forever I am special

(By the way. Sorry about how long this entry is, and I'm pretty new to this site.. I hope this was where I was supposed to post this.. Heh heh... Um. Yeah. So.. I don't know if I'm supposed to ask to join or what.. So, if I did something wrong, let me know.. Hah... Hope I can join.)

[QUOTE="Revina'sSickBeats]Name: Revina Solex
Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: 94 lbs.



Job in school: Student

Species: Starlight Neko

Personality: Revina is a shy and gentle creature, yet she possesses great strength when she is anh=gered, which is rare.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): When Revina was 8 and her cat ears developed fully, she was abandoned by her parents, who were humans. She had wandered around the cities nearby, until she came upon the Academy.


Reito said:
Name: Reito Nakima
Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Weight(optional): 112lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Reito said:
White hair with black highlights, white shirt and pants, the rest is black.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Shape Shifter

Features(optional): She turns into a full grown white arctic wolf the size of a truck when provoked. She has a red spot on her forehead.

Personality: Observant, quiet, and very blunt. She says things how she perceives them, and isn't afraid to tell you the truth. She has a short fuse, although you can't see it behind her poker face. She's usually the one in the background at confrontations, unless provoked.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): At the age of four, her parents were murdered by an unknown entity, right before her. The entity only left one trace of themselves behind, and that was a red and white ribbon that she now ties in her hair, a constant reminder of the man she wishes to kill. She's murdered countless beings to find information on this entity, working below the radar in hopes to one day uncover the man, and take her revenge. She's been trained in hand-to-hand combat, and practices daily. She knows how to protect herself and isn't afraid of death. She is her own guardian. She's in the academy solely to suppress the suspicions flowing around her.

Anything else you want to add(optional):This is what she looks like as a wolf.



CrimsonChaos said:
Name:Jin Natsume



Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):Student



Personality:Somewhat anti-social Jin doesn't talk much and often comes off as cold because of his past he has a very hard time trusting others human or non-human.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Jin was raised in an extremely harsh environment where it was literally kill or be killed having to fight not only against other humans but also against non-humans he was taught how to fight unarmed and with multiple different types of weapons as a kid so that he'd be able to survive by someone who was the closest thing to a father Jin ever had however due to a betrayal of one of their friends he died sacrificing himself to allow Jin to escape which led to his distrust of people in general regardless of what race.

Anything else you want to add(optional):

may already joined as well.

my apologies, all welcome to join.

Name: Jackson Hellfire

Age:Unknown....unless you know the date of his fall. he looks to be 17 or 18


Weight: 125

Looks: Reagular Human.


Sealed Fallen Form

Job in school:Student

Species: fallen Angel

Personality: Jackson is secluded likes to do things on his own and really hates when others but into his business. he will never claim it but he does have a nice side deep in his heart. he is shy and quit but will open up some what to friends.

Secret/background story: Before his fall Jackson was one of the seal angels. they were the ones who would bind the souls to humans or bind the gates of Heaven....or Hell. Jackson was one of the higher sealing angels mainly because he had another gift. he was a silver tongue. this meant he could nearly talk anybody into doing something. he even developed skills high enough to remove words from someone. meaning they wouldn't be able to use the word, physically, if Jackson took the word fire from someone that person would never be able to create, use or see fire. Jackson was a loyal angel but he met the highest silver tongue of them all...The Morning Star. He convinced Jackson that the humans were nothing and they had no right to be equal to the angels. that's when Jackson fell. he feel , and fell ,and fell. When he finally hit the ground every part of his body, every bone organ and spirit, were shattered. the pain alone was immense, it took 2 years for Jackson to heal. in those years Jackson Developed a Bitterness towards The Creator And even the Morning Star. he held a bitterness for everyone and everything. he got better after he healed as he realized he had received a true gift without heaven or hell ordering him around Jackson was a free angel. He sealed away his angel Form And used his Human Form.As A Free Angel he could do basically what he wanted. the years leading to him coming to the school shows Jackson that humans , and the other creatures of the earth are amazing. but for thousands of years he was alone. his heart broken through the years. until he found a school one where he could be himself.

Powers: Jackson Is the Silver Toungued Angel. he can manipulate words and summon their meaning. he can also remove some words from a person (i.e. their name. a n ability or a memory) but only for a short time.

he can create seals. seals to block abilities, seals to block physical attributes, and seals to block souls. the lager the seal the harder it deals on his bod. the seals, for large things, can take time

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