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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

Gage was about to respond to Oliver when the cop yanked him out of the backseat with a surprising amount of malice. The cop forcefully led Gage over to the rest of the group and then walked away. Gage shifted uneasily and scanned the small crowd around Patrick, wondering how everyone looked perfectly contempt with being yanked from their lives to come to this sketchy asylum with little to no explanation.
Toraa noticed the new person being dragged up to the group and walked over to him. He then turned his back to the crowd and faced the cop car still with his arms crossed. "Well that was kind of rough wasn't it?" He awaited the boy's response. After a few minutes he reached towards the deck holder clipped to his leather belt and flipped the top open. With his left hand index finger and middle finger he pulled a card out and rose it up next to his face. "Want me to take care of him?" He whispered with fox like grin on his face. His right hand still latched to his left arm.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

"We appear to be missing a few of our vi--"

Patrick had started to respond to Maddy's question, since she was the first to ask one, but he was cut off. Almost as if on cue, the last three remaining cars with their four remaining visitors arrived. Perfect. He rolled off a mental list of those students, their names, and their powers. It seemed as though this year he had an impressively bold bunch, and more though, one of the most dangerous he'd had in a long time. He pulled his glasses off of his face, closing his eyes again and pinching the bridge of his nose, with a deep sigh. He also sent a small prayer, wishing that nothing wrong will happen this year. The last thing he would want is his school catching on fire - or even more, another death to deal with.

He shoved his glasses into his back jean pocket, as Delaney piped up with another question. His eyes still the striking yellow colour, he rested his gaze on the pale young girl.

"I shall be doing background checks on every visitor that is to enter this academy. Other than that, it depends on your current state if you are acceptable for visitors or not."

With a quick nod to confirm that the student understood, he turned back on his heel to address the crowd once again. Alas, he didn't get the chance, since at once someone rammed into his side. He stumbled back a few paces, with a small grunt, and shot a stern look at who had done so.

"Miss Willemsen," he almost growled, but ended up sighing the name. "You're late. Your driver was expected to arrive here 20 minutes ago -- Wherever he appears to be."

He rose his voice, to speak to the group again. "As for those who are just now joining us, welcome. If you are curious about the rules at my academy, speak to me any time you desire. The tour of the academy will start shortly after breakfast."

He glanced down at his wrist, and tugged back the sleeve of his leather jacket back to look at his watch - and replied with a grind of his teeth. "Which we are now all late for."
Lane nodded, trying to think of her own background. She is not murderous. She is probably fairly clean compared to some here, not that she cared. In fact the only people who may come are retired doctors or her guard of sorts as fear arrised after the street robbery incident. He was in the hospital for only two days.. and its like people forgot he had a gun to their head! Her thoughts digressed.

She nodded at the seemingly reasonable but intense headmaster, then thought of breakfast. She coukd eat a buffet at this point, should her stomach allow her to. The nervous travel made her hungry. She hurried towards the door, removing her hood as she was under shade to reveal ghostly hair and skin.

"Then we might as well hurry up, right?"
Amy stood there listening to the headmaster speak. He seemed something I guess you could say it was passion. She hid her hands in her pockets once the officer that had escorted her had undone her handcuffs and once she had taken off the gloves. She might have enjoyed it but she could control herself enough to not kill this group of people they were like her all with some special power. Why kill people just like you, She was sure there would be people here that she could get along with despite her quiet nature.
Oliver was also rudely dragged out of the car -- his first taste of what it was like to not live in the coddled life he was used to. "Hey--" he said in protest to the police officer, but of course, it didn't stop him. As the officer drove off, he dusted himself off as if sitting in such a common police car had dirtied his otherwise immaculate soul. A sweeping glance of everyone else already here made him grimace in disapproval. To be honest, after seeing the high fence and gloomy castle-like building, he didn't know what to expect of the other students, but it certainly wasn't this. He already labeled everyone else here as freaks, and wondering if he was expected to share his presence with these plebes.
Toraa quickly placed the card back into his deck as the car pulled off. "I guess not then. Fine just Ignore me why don't you." Toraa scoffed at the boy's rudeness. He then watches the other boy as he brushed himself off. He then turned around back to the crowd. That must be his boyfriend. Well I hope he doesn't think I was hitting on him. Cause I wasn't.
"Hey there." Oliver said to this boy that must have been talking to Gage. Even though he already labeled everyone in his mind, he knew he should at least try to be happy here, and in order to do that, he had to make some connections from the beginning. "My name's Oliver." He said, putting on a small, 'let's be friends!' smile.
Toraa turn around to great the nice looking young man. "Hey names Toraa nice to meet you." Then he was interrupted by the guy he was talking to a few minutes ago. "Yes I was. I didn't like how that moron was treating you. However you ignored me. Probably out of the anger that was distracting you. But nice to meet you as well." A Fox like smile appeared on his face again as he turned away from the group once more and turn towards the boys. "So you guys friends?" He asked although he wasn't really interested in the reply but her acted as if he was.
"Friends?" Oliver chuckled lightly as he glanced sideways at Gage. Even though he had known Gage for quite some time, he wouldn't catagorize him as his 'friend,' but as something else entirely. "Please, don't ever suggest that we're friends again."
"My apologies didn't mean to offend you. I just assumed. However, you seem friendly towards me. Our at least you seem charismatic. That is a nice quality to have." Toraa replied. He then glanced over to Gage and back at the nice man. "Enemies then?" He proceeded with question he didn't even understand why he was asking. "And if I may day the clothes are absolutely dashing." He stated as his right hand began to form a thinking position on his chin and a smirk appeared on his face. His left hand still griping his right arm.
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One look at Toraa's fake smile and Gage could tell he wanted nothing to due with him, but he figured creating problems this early definitely wouldn't help his situation. "We just got abducted and you two are talking about clothes." Gage scoffed, "Great."
"Clothes are important! They portray who you are without any sound or movement. They accent your very being and are to highlight your personality." Oliver said matter-of-factly. He even stuck his pointer finger up in the air as if he were lecturing Gage, though he seemed more snide about it than plainly mean. He even had a smile on his face, as if he enjoyed lecturing.
"Well I do have to apologize for my garbs that I am wearing. They don't portray me at all. Maybe if they allow us to exit this hell hole we could go shopping? What do you think?" He asked smiling at the thought of maybe having a new friend. Toraa then looked over to Gage with a little frustration. "You are honestly starting you don't know why you are here? You are here because you are different. You can do things normal people wish they can do. It scares them. To the fact that they want to lock us up in this hell hole." He then turned to Oliver and smiled. "So what do you think? The mall?"He continued his conversation.
"Of course." Oliver said happily. At least he wasn't going to have to carry all of his stuff when he went shopping now. He wondered if he and Toraa had the same sense of style and shopped at the same places. Oh well, he thought to himself, already thinking about the mall despite the fact that there are fences and gates all around clearly say that they wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had his head lowered, his eyes watching the cobblestones underfoot. His yellow eyes seemed unfocused and dull, like he was very deep in thought. He was unresponsive for a very long moment, his lips slowly starting to mouth silent words. He began to have the appearance as though he was disconnecting from what was going on around him, his shoulders starting to slump, and his legs beginning to wobble.

Then we might as well hurry up, right?

Patrick's foot suddenly shot in front of himself, catching himself before he was wobbling dangerously. He looked back up, his black pupils shrinking to as small as they could, then swiftly dilating. He blinked, tightly squeezing his eyes shut, then looked back out at all the students.

"Hurrying up, yes..." He mumbled, more to himself than to the others. He straightened up his back, twisted around to face the academy, and motioned with his hand to the people behind him.

His voice sounded distant, but was loud enough for everyone to hopefully hear him.

"Follow me. You all must be famished."

He took a few steps forward, stumbling, as if his feet had fallen asleep. A nurse appeared at his side as he regained his posture. The nurse held out her arm for Patrick to hold, but he shook off the woman with a growl under his breath. A second later he looked up at his staff worker, his eyes blazing. He muttered something under his breath to her - the nurse nodded - and sped off inside the academy.

He turned his head to gaze back at the students, raising an eyebrow, then turning back to shove open the academy doors and lead them all in.
"Wow, what a nut job." Oliver had to keep from laughing awkwardly at the tall man ahead. Even though he seemed to carry himself in such an odd way, he didn't quite understand what was it that was making him seem like a freak other than that episode he had just then.
Being semi in front before the events that followed, Lane watched with worry and morbid fascination as the headmaster seemed to stumble on nothing. The nurse caught her attention almost more as the woman attempted to help him. At this point, she couldnt help but wonder if there was a centre at the school that had ones meds, or prepared incase something should happen. She brushed the thought aside and her worried look diminished slightly. Still, as she passed by her headmaster, she whispered a near inaudible, "are you alright?"

She hoped not to embarrass the man, however it was in her nature to be concerned. Without dwindling on a word, she entered the school and removed a sweltering jacket layer to reveal her skin to cooler air. Then she looked to see the prison like place they would all be confined to.

(I apologise for any grammatical or spelling errors. Im sick and dont feel up to rereading.)
Amy followed quietly at the back of the group looking around at the old academy. This place must be really old. She thought to herself frowning as she heard the comment from the boy but not saying anything to him. How can you be rude to the head master he seems alright so far and it looks like he is one of us. Freaks most would like to call us.
Ken had just grapple-hooked to school, and was confused. No one was there, and it looked like some sort of prison. Maybe he arrived late, and the school was redecorating...? He walked inside and found a swarm of people inside. "What the hell is going on here?" yelled Ken as he followed behind them, pushing and shoving people, trying to see what was happening. When he went to the front, he saw the headmaster. "What's going on!" yelled Ken, but the headmaster didn't hear him. He was really confused, but eventually found his spot in the swarm and joined in, looking around. He was still suspicious of this place... It seems weird. He made his hair turn blonde and brushed through it with his hand. This place is crazy...
Maddy and Alden laughed at the few people who were following orders, but they really laughed at the girl named Jordan. She seemed interesting enough. They had nothing else to do, so they followed the crowd of people, into the Aslyum fully knowing what to expect . Maddy walked a little faster then her brother and then walked into Ken, "I am quite sorry sir, i was not watching where i was going. It dose not help with all the pushing though." She smiled

Jorden was being pushed through the crowd, she hated touching people but in this case she could see nothing. Then she bumped into Toraa, she stopped "Oh my god im so so sorry, i really am!" She looked at Torra and smiled, hoping he would not hate on her.
Oliver begrudgingly followed the crowd inside, not wanting to be left out in the cold anyway. He wondered what was in store for him inside these intimidating walls, and what life would be like. He wondered when he was able to get his hands on a phone, so he could call his parents to get him out of here. Nonetheless, he tried to lag behind so he wouldn't get caught up in all the pushing and shoving going on ahead.
(@HollyLeafForever Dose is spelled wrong...)

Ken could barely hear the girl who bumped into him. He shrugged, as he kept pace with the group. He could read the person's mind behind them whether they're going to speed up and bump into him or not, but the girl who walked into him came out from the bottom right, and Ken was only keeping a watch out for behind him. Nonetheless, he sighed as his legs began to get tired, and grappled to the person in front of him, letting them carry him there. They looked strong, so Ken had nothing to worry about.
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[it's fine! I hope you get better soon. ewe]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick lifted his head up, looking at Delaney who had appeared at his side. He appeared to be more controlled of being down-to-earth, but he still had a blistering headache, and his still yellow eyes were bothering the hell out of him. He pinched the bridge of his nose once again, hoping that the pain would subdue, before answering the young student.

"I'll be just fine, Miss West. There's no need for you to worry yourself over me." He paused for a long moment, like he wanted to say more, but couldn't find the words. He focused on keeping up his brisk pace down the corridors of the academy, weaving his way to the cafeteria. He combed his teeth through his bottom lip, before speaking again, glancing at Delaney every second or two.

"I apologize now, and for in advance, for the things that are to come. I hadn't expected myself to have an episode so early in the morning - or at all today. But strange things are going to happen here, and you must learn to become accustomed to that. I mean, I didn't create this ordinary academy for ordinary students. It was made--"

At that moment, the nurse that had attempted to assist him at the doors appeared at his side. She was holding a petite black bottle, that was shaped like a bulb, and draped in various charms and gems. He took the bottle from the nurse with a grateful smile, examined the gift, and shoved it into his back pocket.

He looked back up at Delaney, one of his eyebrows arched slyly.

"--for the unordinary."

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