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Realistic or Modern ☽The Abyss Stares Back [IC]☾

||Thessaly Fox||
|| Interaction: Door team
Location: Warehouse floor ||

As the door across the way splintered open, Thessaly’s first instinct was to slide back through his own entrypoint and pull it closed behind him. Another part of his brain substituted that axe wielding monsters were not quick to trade out their beloved weapon for fucking glowsticks and a shotgun quite as fast as this newcomer had. They also weren’t likely to shriek about tricking or treating. It was also uncommon for the human ones to travel in pairs that didn’t present themselves as some kind of fucked up hivemind. The dim light of the humming PC (if you could even call that oversized paperweight a PC, he internally scoffed, it’d be more suited to being a space heater) was enough to silhouette Sharon and Al.

When the guy started talking, at least it was in a more hushed voice. Still, all hope of stealth was out the window now. Embracing the fact that whatever horror was creeping in the warehouse would either bec lying in wait or directly coming for them, Thess grabbed his flashlight. Flicking the switch he directed the LED light beam in Al’s face.
“Could ask you the same fucking question, fuckwit,” he snarled, no politeness spared for an introduction. It was much easier to hide your initial fear at pointy teeth in a human mouth when you smothered it with anger.

The fear melted under the heat of growing frustration as yet another person followed the first two in. Fuckers were coming out of the woodwork like termites! Thess flicked his torch beam towards Selena, snarl setting deeper into his features.

Selena’s hand was not gracefully accepted. In fact, Thess had taken the time to arm his spare hand with his switchblade. Sure, the knife didn’t look impressive, but you didn’t need big when you could get up in people’s shit and jam it into their vital spots while they were too busy to notice whatever wailing they were doing to the redhead wasn’t having an effect.
“You keep the fuck away from me,” he snapped. This was getting way too weird, and he’d come here to hunt a fucking monster.
“I don’t know what you three think you’re fucking doing here, but this isn’t the place for your fucked up junkie session or threeway.”
Taking a step back, he levelled each member of the small party a look before giving a disdainful sniff.
“Might I suggest the alleyway across the street.”

"Luke's head? I can put that above the fireplace as a trophy." Sharon joined Al's laugh. Joking around during a hunt was definitely one of the best part of hunting in a group.

The inside of the warehouse got brighter as they walked to the center of the room and Sharon winced when Al dragged her to hide from the figure in front of the monitor, they busted the door and already made lots of noise. There's not much point on using stealth for them and true to her thought, the figure addressed them as he prepared a knife. Sharon lets out a relieved sigh, at least he was human.

“You keep the fuck away from me. I don’t know what you three think you’re fucking doing here, but this isn’t the place for your fucked up junkie session or threeway.”

Sharon let out a brief chuckle at the stranger's words. True, they're all here looks like a bunch of junkies trying to find a good spot. She glanced at the monitor and was rather curious about the displayed messy desktop, but then a wide mischievous grin grew on her face and she pointed her shotgun at Thess.

"Bold words for someone who just caught redhanded jerking off alone at 2 A.M in an abandoned warehouse." Sharon's head tilted towards the computer. "Come on. Use the computer and show us your collections,"

"and don't try anything funny, my stick is bigger than yours." Still aiming her shotgun, Sharon seems to be really enjoying this out of place banter.

MePersonally MePersonally Kio.exe Kio.exe low fidelity low fidelity OTL OTL
|Donal O'Malley|
|Location: Abandoned Warehouse (Roof)|
|Interactions: The house members (Roof team)|​

Donal watched his three compatriots head into the warehouse. He wasn't sure why, but he waited an extra couple of breaths on the roof itself, as if something wanted him to wait. He took a good look around the roof, ensuring that no one - or, perhaps more accurately, no thing - had followed them onto the roof.

That was when he heard the scream.

Quickly Donal rushed to the corner of the warehouse closest to the shout. He didn't have to search for long - he found two figures interacting with each other. From what he could tell, both were kneeling, one checking on the other. At least, until one suddenly stood in a threatening manner towards the other. He couldn't hear what was being said, but it didn't appear to be a chat among friends. Donal considered going down to see what was going on, but then he glanced down at his iridescent limbs and realized how foolish that would be - people didn't often have a good first impression of him when he was, well, shiny.

Then he heard Luke shout something about a hatch. The decision became that much easier - don't let the team down. Donal sprinted towards the door then launched down the stairs to the third floor with the rest of the Roof Team.

((OOC: Donal will be arriving at the end of Luke's, Jade's, and Kara's next actions.))
| Carson Waller |
| Location: abandoned warehouse |
| Interaction: Jesper Blythe |

"I dunno, man, sneaking up on someone is like, one of the oldest pranks out there."

Carson stood and stepped back from the stranger, giving him room to stand. He didn't seem to need help. Carson opened his mouth to reply to the comment on the knife, but the guy surprised him yet again as he hopped effortlessly up off the ground. Then he turned in a threatening manner, making Carson immediately defensive.

"Hey, I could ask the same about you!" he retorted, bringing both hands to the handle of his bat. "I only followed you in here 'cause you were looking sleazy! Who the hell just carries around a bunch of knives anyway, huh? Freak!" It wasn't just defence, either. Everything about the encounter had ended up being a lot freakier than Carson had anticipated. Was this guy on something? Maybe he had something to do with that wack vibe Carson was feeling. It was more prominent here than it had been in the alley.

"What are you doing here, huh?" he snapped again.

berristar berristar
1602808213640.jpeg|Sam Miller|
|Location: With floor gang|
|Interactions: Also floor gang+Thess|

Sam crept in behind the three, closing his eyes against the light of a weapon. Made of fire. The other girl (Sharon) wielding the weapon busted through the thick metal doors with a “Bang”, and Sam glared at her, though he knew she couldn’t see him. Great, now they’re going to scare the spook away, Sam thought to himself, grumbling. He slipped in after them, his eyes drinking in his surroundings, lit dimly by glow sticks. Artwork covered the floors and walls, and in the back of the room, a long line of outdated pcs hummed quietly.

Taking in the painting closest to him, Sam frowned. This is downright creepy, he thought, shuddering. In fact, all of the art was creepy. The three still didn’t notice him, but instead seemed to be on the alert, approaching a figure curled up on the floor. Was it the monster? The tall guy seemed to think so too, and approached the figure slowly, after shoving the girl with the fire weapons behind a strange container. Selena (true to her nature) followed right behind him and shoved the guy out of the way to kneel down besides the figure....helping it up? It wasn’t the monster after all.

It snapped at the group, going so far as to call them junkies. Was this kid insane? Did he not see the deadly assortment of weapons this group had? Anyone with eyes could see they weren’t there to shoot up. The kid would never make it in bounty hunting at this rate. Sam peeked out from behind a sculpture, swearing as he stepped on a piece of bent metal. Shit.

Well, he might as well make himself known now. He stepped up to the group, smirking as he leaned over to the kid. “If you think these fine lads and lasses are junkies mate, I’d hate to see you ‘round an actual addict,” he drawled, his Australian roots showing through. Though he’d moved to the U.S nearly six years ago, he still had an accent. He turned to the rest of the group, his smirk still on his face, tough one hand was wrapped around the rock-salt filled pistol in his pocket.

“Selena bloody Sparks. I’d never guess you’d be a bounty hunter,” he exclaimed, before turning to the other two. “You lot, however, look like a bunch of shady dogs. Perfect for the hunter type,” he drawled, his eyes darting around the room for whatever monster had drawn them there.
Alistair Irvine
Location: Inside the warehouse
Interactions: OTL OTL , Kio.exe Kio.exe , Ace Cream Ace Cream , camlochan camlochan , Archie Archie

Al scoffed at the teenage boy, who seemed like he was about to spit venom at him. He considered hitting him, but he could smell the fear on him like cheap perfume on needy girls so he let it go. Instead, he walked closer to him, showing his teeth. The knocking inside his head got louder, as he could already feel those weak bones crack underneath the monster's claws and just for a moment, he enjoyed tiptoeing around the edge, as his iris seemed to disappear underneath a white shimmer.
"Big words for a squirt like you", he grinned, displaying his teeth like they were trophies, "You should make sure to choose opponents your own size."
He was what? 16? He looked like he had been starving for most of his life. It wouldn't be hard to hurt him, even if he just used his human strength. But of course, Selena fucking Sparks, savior of the planet, just walked past him and offered the boy a hand.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", Al sighed and watched his team mate treat the little shit like a hurt puppy. This wasn't some hurt baby, he was an outragingly bold, ugly kid, who looked like he came straight from the streets.
His focus shifted, when he saw the small switchblade, which had obviously been hidden in the boy's hand the whole time. When Sharon pointed the shotgun at the boy, Al wasn't done with him, but a noise behind him made his senses go wild. He didn't mean to, but since he was already halfway transformed, it happened too fast for him to realize. He took a loud breath and a shutter went through his body. It felt like a shutter at least, but deep in his mind, he knew that his skin had turned white, now. It was all grey and foggy around him, so he sniffed in the air. Someone was talking, he listened and somewhere deep in his mind, he understood. Human, the voice said, don't kill. Human. But the voice was too quiet to make the monster understand.
There was a heartbeat, a movement, the white skinned monster launched at the man who had been standing behind Al. It landed on to of Sam, as suddenly a loud scream distracted it and at the same time, Al could hear Luke's loud voice. The hatch! What hatch? He looked up, eyes turning back to normal. As if nothing had happened, he got up and brushed the dust off his leather jacket, looking over the man, who he had just thrown to the floor. Even though his vision was still blurry and his knees felt weak, he did his best to appear fine.

"They're in trouble", he stated and pointed upwards, as a ray of light hit his eyes. Now he did hiss, because this was the only appropriate reaction to being blinded like this. His head was pounding and he would have liked to lay down right now. He hated it, he hated this, his monster. It was stronger, now, he could feel it.
"You", he pointed at the man in the back (Sam), "Don't sneak up on me."
"You", now the scawny boy was the aim of his words, "Don't you dare using that knife."
"Sharon, give her the gun, I need you with me."
His eyes wandered towards Selena, as he was rubbing his temples: "Sparky, watch them. And no fraternisazion, you hear me? They move, you shoot them."
It was getting way too crowded here and Luke sounded like something was wrong. Without hesitation, Al ran towards the ray of light.
Luke Azar
Location: Abandoned Warehouse (Exterior)
With: House Group

Luke appreciated the speed with which Kara was able to use her powers to pry open the crates and the hatch to downstairs. He rushed over to the crates first, checking to see if there was a monster inside before rushing downstairs. There wasn't.

"What the hell..." he started,

"It's just shoes, concrete, and water" he announced to the group upstairs. Donal was just descending down the stairs, about to link up with them, and Kara had just opened the latch to downstairs, which was still dark. As soon as she did, the ladder that connected upstairs and downstairs dropped from above the hatch, descending and crashing on the downstairs floor.

It shouldn't have been - Luke had flipped the breakers for downstairs as well.

"They're in trouble" were the first words Luke heard from downstairs. Al Luke realized, recognizing that voice. Al proceeded to bark orders, calling some people "you" as if he had forgotten their names. If the downstairs group was in such good order, they didn't need any help after all.

Then where did the scream come from? Luke thought.

"Are you all okay down there!?" Luke shouted. It was a rhetorical question. The fact that Al was proposing to help the upstairs group, Luke figured, meant they were.

Then where did the scream come from? Luke again mused.

As a property developer, he was even more curious for other reasons. The hatch that Kara opened was the same size as a typical entranceway to stairs, and yet the only way to get from floor 1 to floor 2 was by a ladder. The stairs had to have been removed, meaning someone didn't want people accessing the upper floor of the building easily. Then how did all these crates get here?

In the front of the building's second floor - the same place the ground floor's door was - two metal doors led outside. That was strange, Luke thought, as he didn't notice a balcony outside, so what would be the purpose of upstairs doors? On the floor, stopping right in front of the doors, was a long, wide wooden plank that went all the way from one side of the room to the other, cutting in between the two paintings.

Luke powerwalked over to the doors, kicking them open. Then, he dragged the plank outside the doors until gravity caused the outside end to fall. The fall ended when that end of the plank impacted the pier, very close to the waterline, very close to the seaweed. Realizing he was onto something, Luke whispered a prayer to God.

The plank explained how whoever used this warehouse got crates up here, but why make it a length so as to end at the edge of the pier? Increasing his bodyweight so as to increase his traction and not fall off the plank, Luke took a few steps down the wooden slope. He shone his flashlight at the water.

Some of the seaweed was black. Some was red. Some was brown. Some was yellow.

Luke's eyes widened.

"That's not seaweed" Luke declared.

"It's human hair!"


"My sister!" the old monitor downstairs announced, cackling. This happened as soon as the group heard the thud of the plank impacting the pier.

"My sister!"

This time, the computer was playing a video. A dark, low quality video of a girl screaming directly into the camera. An ugly, disfigured girl.


"They're going to drown my sister!" the girl screeched again, into the monitor. This time, her nose seemed to emerge from the monitor, protruding into the room for just a second. Were the group's eyes playing tricks on them?

A moment later, the hideous creature leapt out of the monitor, dashing towards the Thess - the closest person to the monitor, and leaping at him. Once it exited the monitor, everyone else could see an entirely different video file being played. Men and women, bound, gagged. Concrete was being poured on their shoes by a man. Only the man's back was visible. Someone else was recording the soundless video. The man pouring the concrete powerwalked towards the upstairs doors, swinging them open. He then leaned over, grabbing the long wooden plank and tossing it outside.

As he turned back around, his face was briefly visible in the blurry, moving shot. Face?



As he was arguing with his new mate, Jesper would feel a sensation far stronger than any of the other creatures he had detected before. Distant - still a few kilometers away, this strong presence was moving quickly towards the warehouse. Almost as if it were driving.

Upstairs, Kara, Donal, and Jade would realize the paintings looked different than they did when the group first examined them. Both faceless men were now pointing at them.

ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi berristar berristar OTL OTL Ace Cream Ace Cream low fidelity low fidelity camlochan camlochan Kio.exe Kio.exe @kath1839 MePersonally MePersonally Kabobtoss Kabobtoss

| Jade Lee |
| location: abandoned warehouse |
| Interactions: Roof Team |
As the headed inside from the room Jade followed by sliding down the railing of the stairs, the bubble of water floating right behind her. Once the lights were and the paintings were revealed she took a moment to examine them both carefully. They were certainly creepy but she couldn't see a reason for them to have been left behind unless maybe there was more to them than meets the eye. Looking at them brought a caused a chill to run down her spine causing her to straighten before shaking herself off. After a moment a scream was heard and Luke and Kara were already on top of it. Just as quickly as Luke headed down things seemed to have been resolved.
While he was down there she moved to the crates which were apparently only filled with shoes, concrete, and water. Why bother even storing water when there's the lake right there? Something can't be right. Her thoughts were interrupted by Luke quickly moving about then shouting about there being human hair. In her shock she dropped her control of the bubble of water causing it to drop to the floor with a solid 'splash' and causing a puddle of the ground.
"Shit," she mumbled to herself as her back was splashed with a bit of cold water. She jumped up and rushed to the door the Luke had headed out of. "What do you mean human hair?" she asked, not really expecting an answer as her eyes moved to the area illuminated by his flashlight. Taking a deep breath she pulled up the water, pulling mass of water onto the shore to separate it from whatever lurked with in; revealing it on the docks.
|Donal O'Malley|
|Location: Abandoned Warehouse (Roof)|
|Interactions: The house members (Roof team)|​

Donal came into a situation he wasn't expecting - tension laced with uncertainty. Their normal hunts were often more straightforward than this, at least once they caught up to the monster in question. This one felt more like an 80's horror movie, what with the creepy paintings and no signs of a monster.


He shuddered a little upon seeing said paintings, and turned away as Luke power-walked past him to kick open the doors that led to... empty space outside? Weird... Donal thought. Seeing the outside again reminded him what he wanted to share with the crew:

"Hey, that scream earlier was from an alleyway outside. Two guys look like they're..." Donal watched Luke pull the plank out, plop it down, and walk a bit down the newly-made ramp. He couldn't tell if Luke heard him or not, due to Luke's intense focus. Why does it go to the water...?

Luke shouted out his realization; "It's human hair!" Before Donal could register what exactly the hell that meant, Jade was already at the door next to Luke, attempting to lift some of the lake water to reveal what was beneath. I hope she doesn't over-exert herself, Donal considered, especially since the spook hasn't shown its ugly mug yet...

As Donal turned to see what Kara was up to, his vision passed the two revealed paintings. He was about to say something, but halted, doing a double-take.

"Uh... I don't think those paintings were pointing at us before..."

On instinct alone, Donal stretched out his iridescent right arm towards one of the paintings - the one with the faceless figure next to the tree. As he did so, his hand shot out, seeming to separate from the arm as it reached the top of the painting. He tried pulling the painting so it would fall face-down on the hard floor, planning to do the same with the other. This situation was already getting plenty creepy - they didn't need anything to start coming out of those nightmare paintings after them.

Sharon was still aiming at Thess while wondering about what she should do if he somehow lashed back when another person approached them. She winced in confusion especially after he mentioned Selena. Holy hell, how many people other than us is in this damn building??!!

"Selena, did you secretly invited your boyfriend??" Sharon pointed at Sam with her thumb. She was confused at what was happening here. Moreover, a hatch to the second floor opened and gush of light poured from it. Huh, so the second floor do have some light.

Sharon nodded when Al asked her to follow him upstair, she would leave the newcomers to Selena. However, before she could follows Al a creepy voice suddenly being played from the computer. Sharon glanced at the computer and felt like she would going to vomit when a disfigured face screamed into the camera.

"Damn boy, your kinks are something el-" Before Sharon could finish her sentence she witnessed the weird instance as the disfigured girl's nose potruded from the screen. Her eyes widen when the realization hit her, just right before the creature leapt out of the monitor.

"Sadako!" Sharon yelled as she dashed forward and bodied Thess out of the harm's way.

MePersonally MePersonally Kio.exe Kio.exe low fidelity low fidelity camlochan camlochan

Things were all happening very quickly. This shit was way beyond what Thessaly had been expecting. A whole fucking group of other hunters? Bitches crawling out of TVs? Whatever the fuck was going on upstairs? In retrospect he wouldn’t be surprised. The pull of this place was strong. There had never been a…what did you even call this kind of thing, anyway? A haunting? Some horror movie shit. Thessaly had never run across one that had reeled him in this damn fast.

About as fast as that fucked up bitch flung herself out of the screen when she got her giant snozz through the glass of the monitor. He was ready, though. Little did the freak of nature know it couldn’t do anything to hurt him. It’d leap on him and those exposed teeth would gum useless against his arm. Or neck. Or whatever. She’d be like a toothless dog. The slobber would be gross, though. Monster spit could be hell to get off, and blood stains were even worse.

Before he could ready himself for the impact of the creature, he was bowled over by a different force. The air was knocked out of him as he hit the concrete, but nothing cracked – except his composure.
“What the FUCK?!” he practically shrieked. “Are you fucking retarded?”
He had half a mind to stab the girl who’d tackled him, but people blood was almost as bad as monster blood. Besides, she was with the group and invulnerable as he was, he didn’t want to test his powers against a bunch of crazies and an unknown entity at the same time.
Alistair Irvine

Location: Warehouse

Interactions: Archie Archie , The ground floor team

Standing underneath the hatch, now, he blinked up the ladder, only to see Luke's surprised face over him.

"Yeah, we're good", he answered, as his teammate’s face disappeared again. Confused by the sudden change of mind, he shook his head. It was silent around them and he could hear Luke’s steps, tracing away from him.

"Okay....", Al shrugged and walked away again, heading back to where he had come from. He arrived with his group just in time to witness Sharon tackling the bold teenage boy. It took him a while to realize what was going on, but when he had wrapped his mind around the occurrences around him, he leapt forward, pulling his guns from their holsters. Firing at the monster, even though he wasn't sure if the bullets would hit anything. It was better than nothing at all, when the demon in the back of his head started knocking again. Kill it, the voice in his mind said, Rip it to pieces. But Al just rolled his eyes. This probably a ghost; he couldn't kill it. Or could he? Maybe, if he pulled the plug, the screen would stop showing creepy images. Putting one gun back into the holster and keeping the second one in his hand, he ran around the computer screen, feverishly searching for something like a wire he could pull on.

After firing at the thing again, he noticed that his bullets seemed to hit it. He grinned and emptied the mag, punching holes into the creature. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard Luke shout something, but he was too focused on making that screen ghost disappear. Only seconds later, when he was standing behind a pillar, reloading his guns, his mind could make out the sense of the words he had heard.

“Human hair?!”, he asked, his facial expression turning from aggressive to confused, “So this place is haunted? I just shot a ghost?”
Al shook his head and looked around.
“Hey! I’ve changed my mind! We’re not good!”, he shouted, hoping that the others upstairs would get the hint, “Luke! Whatever you’re doing up there, you just made our lives a whole lot more complicated!”
Luke Azar
Location: Abandoned Warehouse (Exterior)
With: House Group

"That I have!" Luke shouted back to Donal, taking several steps back from the board, his eyes widening as the human hair started to move. One by one, disfigured people, parts of their bodies rotting, climbed out of the lake and onto the dock. They had to head up a stair before they could get onto the dock, so the group would have only a few seconds.

"Shit shit shit!" Luke shouted, jumping off his board.

"Donal, Kara, Jade, see if you can hold them off!" he shouted.

In the corner of his eye, he could see two other men, having what looked to be an argument. What the hell he thought, but there was no time to check that out.

"Everyone get upstairs! There's-" he started, before seeing that one of the disfigured corpses was already in the warehouse. A boy he didn't know was cussing on the ground, Sharon on top of him, and the girl was poised to charge at them again. Luke was too far away to deal with the thing - someone else would have to.

The hatch to upstairs had slammed itself shut earlier - the only line of retreat was this board, and the board was dangerously close to dockside. Someone strong in melee had to hold the corpses off so everyone else could get on the upper level, but first, they had to deal with this thing that was about to attack Sharon.


With the emergence of the bodies from the lake, Jesper would finally realize what that grand disturbance was from the water. As the corpses left the water, they ascended up the metal stairs that led from the waterline to the raised pier - the raised board was several tens of meters away from Jesper and Carson, leaving barely enough time to get there before the corpses arrived. That is, if Jesper was in any condition to run without help with all these ghouls in the vicinity.

ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi berristar berristar OTL OTL Ace Cream Ace Cream low fidelity low fidelity camlochan camlochan Kio.exe Kio.exe @kath1839 MePersonally MePersonally Kabobtoss Kabobtoss
Last edited:
| Carson Waller |
| Location: abandoned warehouse |
| Interaction: strangers in the warehouse ( Archie Archie ) |

The thud out by the dock made Carson jump. He had been caught up in his argument with this wacko, and only now noticed that the people who had been in the space behind the warehouse had all gone inside. He abruptly held up a finger, to tell the stranger to wait a moment, while Carson quietly skirted the storage bin. Peering around, he could see the long, wooden plank leading down to the dock, and the guy at the top of it, who Carson supposed had throw it down. Carson frowned a moment, unable to even begin to guess what the hell that guy was doing, before he heard the man's words echo out over the tarmac and across the water. "Human hair."

"The fuck...?" Carson whispered. It was then that he heard the shouting and the banging inside. And the sound of what had to be gunshots. His eyes darted up and down the building, from the busted up doorway to the opening on the upper level, and then to the dock. He heard the water surge around the wharf in an all too deliberate way. Illuminated by the dim lights around the warehouse, Carson watched as long-dead people dragged themselves from the lake. One by one, rotting, stinking corpses. They just kept coming.

"Shit... Shit, what the hell..." He started to raise his voice. This was totally different from the shit he had been starting to get used to. A bit similar to a couple video games he liked, though. He pulled his bat from his shoulder and fixed his grip as he left the safety of his cover.

"Yo!" he shouted to the man who'd come down the plank. "You need any help here?!" Already one of the zombies had gotten too close for comfort, and Carson greeted it with a firm thwack to the head.
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"You're welcome!" Sharon shrugged off Thess' yelling as she regained her bearing and prepared her shotgun. She wasn't sure is the gun would work but when she watch Al's bullets punched into the ghost's body her hesitation disappeared.

"Nice shot, Al!" Sharon gave him a thumb up. She waited until Al finished his barrage and reloading before aiming her shotgun towards the creature. They have at least two shooters here, by taking turns in shooting at the same target they would be able to keep it at bay while damaging it. That's what she had in mind.

The ghost seemed to realize the function of the guns they were holding so when Sharon aimed at her the ghost shrieked and charged. Sharon laughed maniacally before shooting the approaching ghost in the face, anyone who had been in the hunt with Sharon at least once might notice that it's her way to vents those excessive adrenaline and fear outside. The loud noise caused by the shotgun echoed throughout the warehouse and for several seconds the noise of Sharon's shotgun barrage would override any other sound.


@ everyone
|Donal O'Malley|
|Location: Abandoned Warehouse (Upper Floor)|
|Interactions: The house members (Roof team)|

"Donal, Kara, Jade, see if you can hold them off!"

Luke's command came just as Donal finished dropping the last painting onto its face. He turned, his spirit hand returning to its natural place on his arm, then walked briskly next to Jade at the top of the board. He arrived just in time to see Luke drop down to the ground level outside, "What the hell kind of mutant hair needs to be held..." his question died off as he saw the shambling figures making their way out of the water.


Looking at Jade and Kara, he realized that he would need to be the front-line defense against the newly-aroused corpses. Lovely... he complained, but then he looked around the upper floor for something to wield against the oncoming horde. His eyes eventually settled on some old rusted pipes weaving their way around the ceiling and walls. One of these will have to do, he thought, his spirit hand shooting out to grab a hold of a piece that seemed about three and a half feet in length, then ripping it from its rusted connection to its brethren. Donal inspected the pipe for a moment, peered towards the slowly approaching undead, and took a deep breath.

"Well," he steeled himself, "here goes nothin'..."

Donal took steady steps down the plank until he was about two-thirds of the way down, braced himself by turning his right side towards the horde, then took his first swing from about ten feet away, extending his bright blue hand so that the pipe acted like the end of a whip cracking alongside the head of the first zombie in line. The poor girl crumpled a couple of feet to the side of where she started, the side of her decrepit head partly caved in. Donal's endurance was about to be tested, both mentally and physically - he put a new mantra on repeat in his head: No soul, no person, so that he wouldn't feel bad about what he was doing to his victims.

He also knew he could only keep this up for so long before his spirit limbs would give out on him - he saw that his hand was already looking a little dimmer from just his first couple of swings as he switched between targets on the ground and those climbing the board.

He just hoped his efforts would be enough to help his team get to the upper level...
| Thessaly Fox|

Scrambling up from the ground after Sharon released him, Thess covered his ears at the blasts of shotgun fire in such a close vicinity. Still, it was good that the ghoul probably wasn’t going to be focussing on him any time soon. Let that crazy triggerhappy blonde take the heat. Shit was quickly hitting the fan, however. Thess heard the urgent shouts from above. The sound of disturbed water followed. Whirling around, it was hard to miss the sight of the horde. Shit. Shit, fuck, piss, shit. A switchblade was going to be a fat lot of use against zombies. Although, if they were traditional Romero or even 28 days later fare their teeth would be just as impotent against him. So...bonus? Still, Thessly didn’t like the thought of being gummed on by some restless dead. Even his trusty flashlight didn’t have the adequate range to assuage the youth’s fear of being dragged into the inky depths of the lake.

Routes of escape were thin on the ground, so to speak. The boy’s green eyes darted from the ladder to nowhere and the plank surrounded by ravenous lake creeps.

And then there was that creepy as fuck monitor. Thessaly ignored acknowledging the video feed. Concrete shoes were not his style, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened to their owners. If running wasn’t on the cards, he could maybe put some of his more destructive tendencies to use. It was clear the dude with the guns was looking for a cable, but Thess knew that wasn’t the only way to power down a computer. With no range required, he scooted across the floor, maglite in hand. Though his form looked frail he was able to slam his torch into the monitor with force. After a blow to the screen, he turned his attention to whaling on the tower.

| Jade Lee |
| location: abandoned warehouse |
| Interactions: Whom ever |​

"Fuck," was all Jade could say at the sight of zombies climbing onto the dock. As Luke gave his order she gave an exhausted, "yeah, what ever."
She let out a groan as she prepared to fend off the undead. Before she could begin Donal was moving ahead of her and began beating them back. While he worked on the front line she began working on the one climbing up from the side. Taking the water it sliced through the air like a blade, cutting through the head of a zombie just as it began to climb up.
She snapped the blade of water to a zombie on the other side of the dock. she continued her attack with clean slices before her strength began to falter. With the next swing it just slapped the zombie back instead of slicing trough. Her breath catching in a bit of exhaustion.
Alistair Irvine
Location: Warehouse, ground floor
Interactions: everyone

The weird screen girl had stopped moving, even though it was clearly still alive- if it had been in the first place. After the scawny guy had destroyed the screen, the girl monster had just fallen down. He briefly wondered if it would get up again, but then shifted his attention to Luke, who was now standing on the same level as he was.
"What the actual fuck did you do?!", he expressed his confusion, his words fading, when he heard shuffling steps from outside. When Alistair looked up, he realized that the girl wasn't their only problem anymore.

Too many. There were too many. Too many of those fucking zombies to make it out there. Al had no ideawhere they had come from, but he knew that Luke had caused this mess. An irrational anger built up in his chest, as he looked back and forth between Luke and the walking corpses, who were slowly approaching them. Why had Sharon kicked in the door earlier? Now they were exposed to those things coming at them.
"You gotta be kiddin' me!", he hissed and then rolled his eyes. Oh how the demon inside his mind was screaming, shouting at him to just let go and rip them all to pieces. The more of those zombies he saw, the worse it got, so he made a quick decision.
"Fuck that", he said to himself, before raising his voice, so everyone could hear. Maybe what followed was an excuse for him, a way to hide that he was on the edge of losing control, anyway. Perhaps he was also telling himself that, if he let go now and directed his need to kill something towards those zombies, they wouldn't be as opposed to what he was about to do.
"Everyone get to the upper level. I'm gonna take care of the ones down here." He breathed in, as his eyes were turning white already. His head was already starting to feel foggy, when control was slipping away. It was like he was trying to hold onto an icy cliff and he was slowly losing grip. "Quick!"

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