That one special Night... [Inactive]


Omniverse Explorer
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Britt-21 submitted a new role play:

That one special Night... - That one day that you will find your prince/princess/love of your life.

!!This rp is in the time of Kingdoms and princes and princesses. Kings and Queens!!
The ball is coming up about a week or so time. As a princess, you're super excited to meet your prince. Weather there is a real prince or a normal man. Same goes for princes finding their princess or normal woman. Everyone is excited for this ball. Mosly everyone in the kingdom is allowed, as long as you have the right attire. There are 2 castles controling this kingdom. The Kazuka Family and the Hanabusa...
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As the Sun rose and the birds starting to chirp, Akari groaned as she heard one of her maids walk in and open the curtians of her room. "Whyyyy.." she whined as she rubbed her eyes 'I will draw your bath for you, your highness.' she said "Please dont call me me Akari. My actual name please." the maid nodded 'I am sorry, Akari, I promise I wont do it again.' she then walked out, leaving Akari in her room. "Another day. More time to find my prince for the ball." she said to herself as she sat up in bed and streched, sliding out of bed "I wonder if Alexander is up yet. Probably is, seeing as he is a man who loves to study." thats how her brother was, no one could really change that. "Mehh! Why does he have to be so boring!" she yelled before her maid walked in, informing her that her bath was ready. "Thank you." she said as she went and got her robe, she undressed and put it on so she could head to her bathroom in the next room. Once the maid had gone, she took off her robe and slid into the tub, sitting there "Ah, gotta love a nice warm bath in the morning." she said as she sunk into the tub.

Layfon was up early in the morning. More early then his parents. He woke up early because he liked to train early in the morning with the dummies they had for the knights. Layfon wanted to become stronger and better for his family in the future and for himself. He care more for others then himself. When it came to his little sister, he was super protective of her and if anything happened to her, then he would lose it. He stopped his training and looked at the sun as it rised "What a beautiful sunrise." he commented on his own. So far, he knew he was alone right now and there was no one to talk with at the moment. Maybe one of the knights would come out sometime soon. "I think I should head inside." he once again, said to himself as he put his sword back in the ((what is it called? a Sheath?)) and headed towards the doors of his families castle.
Alexander was just waking up when his maid opened the curtains to his room, letting the light shine on his face.

"Good morning my prince. We have a bath ready for you." The maid said, bowing to him.

Alexander nodded and got out of bed, quickly taking a bath and putting on his clean, princely clothes.

"Is my family up yet?" He asked quietly.

The maid nodded.

"I believe they are getting ready now sir." She said. "Breakfast will be ready in a moment."

Alexander thanked her and exited his room, heading to the dining hall. He found his chair and sat down, waiting for the rest of his family to join him.


Nelii was up early, long before dawn.

She was pacing around little Juliana's room, guarding her. Although every now and then she would stop and glance at her beloved princess.

"Oh she is just too cuuuutee!" She would squeal quietly. Nelii grinned lovingly and gave her a small kiss on the forehead and continued to patrol the room.

Nelii liked to do this herself.

"You never know when an assassin will come to get my beloved princess." She would say to her fellow guards.

It was getting later now. It was time for Juliana to get up. Nelii opened the curtains and gently shook Juliana.

"Princess Juliana. Wake up my sweet." She said gently.
Samantha was stood quietly near a vase, gently rubbing at its porcelain surface as she glared. In no way did she enjoy mornings but her job was her job and she was proud of it. Currently, the girl was glaring at a small finger print that someone had left upon its surface as she tried to remove it. For some reason a person dared to touch such a precious item with greasy fingers! Her yellow eyes twitched as she groaned. Mornings. In all honesty, all she had to do today was clean her area unless she received any orders so she could only pout. Boring day. So, with a sigh she finally got rid of the mark and stuffed the rag into her pocket, looking over the piece with a critical eye before she smiled slightly. "Perfect." She whispered before turning to walk down to the hallway. She had other minor tasks to do after all.


Juliana yawned as she pushed her small frame up, the silk sheets pooled around her as her eyes blinked tiredly before looking over at Nelii. It took the child a few moments before she registered what had happened. "Nelii?" She whispered, yawning tiredly as she groaned. She had been up late the previous night and wasn't fond of getting up right now. She tossed the sheets off her, rubbing her eyes as she slipped of the bed so she was standing upon the floor. "I'm up, I'm up." She murmured as she went to sit at her vanity, looking at the tired expression on her face as she looked to Nelii. "Could you do my hair?" She asked softly, barely even awake.
Nelii smiled sweetly.

"Of course I will." She said as she sat down next to Juliana.

She took out the brush and began to brush Juliana's lovely hair.

"And how did you sleep last night my princess?" She asked. "Did you sleep well? You seem a bit tired.. Did my pacing wake you up?"

Nelii stopped for a moment, hoping she hadn't woken Juliana up when she had guarded her.
Juliana nodded, closing eyes as she relaxed under the soft brushes through her hair. "Thank you Nelii" She murmured as she opened her eyes a few moments later, awake compared to before. She looked in the mirror before she grinned, stretching her arms up as she look at Nelii through the mirror."You didn't! Thank you for guarding me~" She chimed before reaching over to her box, pulling out two ribbons as she pulled her hair into two low ponytails, letting them rest on her shoulders before she slipped off her chair, grabbing her dress as she hurried off to get changed. When she walked out she was clad in the pink and white dress. "Is this one alright?~" She asked cheerfully.
Akari soon finished her bath and she got out, drying off and grabbing her robe, walking out of the bathroom and into her bedroom, going into her closet and pulling out a dress that was so beautiful in Akari's eyes. SHe changed into the dress and put on her shoes. Then, she took care of her hair, which wasnt so hard since it was short. Once finished, she put the bow in her hair and she put her accsessories on and headed out her door. She then looked over towards her right, seeing her one maid "Hey there Samantha!" she said with a warm smile as she followed her "What do you need to do this morning? Because I felt like taking you out for a bit later!" she said excitedly.

(This is the dress!! :D )
Yasuo awoke groggily from his bed as he took a deep breath in. "Oh no, what am I doing in bed?! I have work to do!" he thought to himself bolting out of bed. He quickly threw on some casual clothes and groomed his hair slightly before heading outside, where he grabbed his rapier and immediately began practicing his lunges. This, you see, was one of Yasuo's promises he had made to himself long ago. One of the many ways he planned on protecting those around him was learning self defense. His slender body complimented his versatile and quick fighting style, making a rapier easily his weapon of choice. "Some day, I'll be able to protect others with these hands of mine," he thought, continuing his lunges are the air in front of him. "Some day, I'll have things too protect too."
UnholyRedemption said:
Juliana nodded, closing eyes as she relaxed under the soft brushes through her hair. "Thank you Nelii" She murmured as she opened her eyes a few moments later, awake compared to before. She looked in the mirror before she grinned, stretching her arms up as she look at Nelii through the mirror."You didn't! Thank you for guarding me~" She chimed before reaching over to her box, pulling out two ribbons as she pulled her hair into two low ponytails, letting them rest on her shoulders before she slipped off her chair, grabbing her dress as she hurried off to get changed. When she walked out she was clad in the pink and white dress. "Is this one alright?~" She asked cheerfully.
Nelii applauded.

"It's look wonderful my princess! Come! Breakfast will be served soon. Let us show your family your beauty!" Nelii insisted, taking her hand gently.

She smiled at her sweetly and led her out.

"So did you hear about the...ball...with...boys.." Nelii said slowly. She hated to even talk about the darn thing.

Boys trying to steal my Nelii....Grr
After Yasuo had finished practicing his lunges, he ran through the events that were occurring the upcoming day. After running through many daily occurrences in his head, including meals, piano lessons, ect., he recalled that the ball was coming up. "How could father expect me to go to a ball full of arrogant nobles while I have training to do and people to save?" Yasuo wasn't particularly angry at the idea nor did he actually dislike his fellow nobles. The idea of going to parties just sounded preposterous to him.

Deep down inside, he hoped to meet that special someone there. Yasuo was a hopeless romantic who had big dreams of how his love would come to him. "I can see her now, she has long hair and she is clad in a beautiful dress! I will get on my knees and say, 'Oh my sweet, would thoust beith so kind to indulge me in one dance?'" He got on his knees at this moment and pretended to lightly grab the invisible hand of the princess he was envisioning in front of him. He then, noticing there was no one around to play the princess, got back up and placed himself where he had imagined the princess standing. He altered the pitch of his voice to something much higher and said while blushing lightly, "Oh yes, of course, my dear Yasuo! I would be honored!" returning back to knees, he ceased his blushing and instead wore the manliest face he could manage, "I have loved you ever since the moment our eyes met dear princess! As a matter of fact, let us not stop with a dance! We shall get Married!," Yasuo got off his hands standing proudly and confidently. shifting to the position of the princess, Yasuo swooned saying, "Oh yes, Yasuo! I have always felt the same about you!" He then hugged himself for a second, smiling slightly.

He then fell on the grass sighing, ceasing his childish behavior. he laughed at himself briefly before getting up again and heading back inside where his family was.
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Tavian went to one of the inn's at the town and sat down at the table calmly then placing three rocks on it one colored red and the other two blue then covered them with cups. It was his daily routine he was known for swindling the drunks out of their money"Okay okay everyone gather around" Tavian shouted then began shuffling the cups around quickly. After awhile he began to get a small crowd and someone stepped up to play the game. "I feel it sir I feel that your the lucky one indeed!" Tavian said with a innocent smile. The man didn't give a response but just set money on the table. Tavian stopped and revealed where the red rock was then began moving the cups quickly. only occasionally was his game rigged but this wasn't one of those times. Everyone that played the game lost that day and Tavian had enough money for his upcoming scheme. He went to the tailor and saw the suit he was planning to wear to the royal event it was a white suit with a tail that went a little past his thigh complete with a golden trim. "It's my finest work sir" The tailor spoke to him with respect and presented the coat and suit. "It would be a honor for me to even purchase this elegant piece of clothing" Tavian politely said and gave the man the money in exchange for the suit.

Arnado was already awake he had been patrolling the grounds all night like usual. He stood in the Garden looking left and right without turning his head and saw all the beautiful plants growing, The sun soon began to peak over the trees shining down on the flowers, they seemed to...twinkle, The air was moist even under the mask he wore he could tell. The grass shined just as much as the flowers, the begining of a new day...this one all is well. shakes his head gently getting focused at the task at hand he turns and begins to head back inside to his Lord. Walking through the halls he looked left and right and it seemed all the servants were up and doing the tasks at hand, and yet it was morning and...they all had smiles upon their faces. Today was truly a good day. turning another corner he saw a few feet away was Nelii and Juliana, he side stepped as he passed them not even looking at them only forward as he continued down the hall. and noticed 2 maids outside the lords room the door seemed to be locked by the looks of it, 'Oh he locked the door again' He sighs approaching the door the maids stepped to the side as Arnado Knocked gently.


Radimere was already awake and had his cloths set to the side his 'Royal Attire' But Radimere prefered his armor of all things, But those Darn Maids dont give up! He sighed as he pulled a silk shirt on and then a vest over that, The maids continued to ask to come in and that set Radimere off he hollared, "I Don't need any help getting dressed! I am not a Old man so stop treating me as one! Begone!" He aggresivly adjusted his vest as he continued to dress himself grabbing a brush he brushs his hair once or twice to slick it back, His hair was as gray as steel and his beard was no different, setting the brush down he strokes his beard once or twice and gives a sigh looking into the mirror he looked at the wrinkles upon his face and the gray hairs and closes his eyes as a bit of sadness hits his heart. Thinking to himself, I must be happy I have a family waiting on me most likely so I'll put the armor on afterwards. Going to the door he opens it and See's Arnado standing directly infront of the door, Arnado looks up then down as he points at Radimeres feet. Looking down he notice he forgot shoes! giving Arnado a dirty look he turns going back into the room getting a pair of shoes. He goes out into the hall walking off. Arnado follows silently beside him. Radimere looks over at him from the corner of his eye as he laughs saying, "Ah Arnado dont be so gloomy my friend!" Slaping his back he stings his hand by slapping the armor, waving it he then says to Arnado, "So how has your morning been my great friend?" Arnado continues looking forward as he just planly says in his Accent, "Good..."

Arnado Replies, "
Ah you never cease to a man of few words do you?" Arnado stays quiet as they enter the Dinning hall.
Layfon headed right for the dining hall. He didnt have breakfast this morning so it would be nice to eat with his family. He walked through the doors and seen one of the Knights with his father "Good morning Father, and Good Morning to you too, Arnado." he smiled warmly, being polite like he always was. He was very fond of Arnado. He is a good man. Very trustworthy and he would do anything you asked of him. Though, Layfon never took advantage of the Knight. Even if he was royal, he was kind to others and not so selfish and a utter jerk "I could hear your yells from outside, father." he chuckled softly. His eyes went to Arnado "How are you this fine morning Arnado?" 
Note:: If you wish to have your character date a royal/commoner/etc. Make sure to pm the person so they know :) They will decide on if they want that person or not. :)
Roel eyed his maid doubtfully as she wrestled with his knotted mess of hair. Finishing, she pulled it back with a silver cord, giving herself a pleased smile. What was her name? Emily, Emilia, something like that? "Have you seen my clothing for this upcoming,-" he resisted the temptation to use a more vulgar term, "-party?" "Of course," the servant beamed, "you'll be looking fine, the princesses won't be able to keep their eyes off you." She assured with pride. That's wonderful. Perfect. Just what I want. He dismissed her with a flick of his hand, laying his head back on his freshly made bed once she'd exited the room. As much as he detested the thought of marrying some stuck up princess, he feared he had no choice. He didn't even like girls. Dragging a pair of beaten riding boots from beneath the frame, he paused to throw the curtains open and gauge the weather. It was clear, ideal, and plainly beautiful, the sky painted with hues.

Despite having to deal with stuffy formalities, being the youngest son gave him some leeway. After all, both of his brothers would fall before he'd be eligible for the crown. Not that they would ever do so, as strong of warriors as they were. Speak of the devil. "Yasou, you're up early," he smiled, throwing a friendly arm over his brother's shoulder. "Ugh-" Roel complained, scrunching his nose in exaggeration. "Have a servant fill a basin, you smell like month old roast." Yasou, of course, actually smelt fine, the younger brother simply enjoyed messing with him on occasion.
Yasuo had grown used to his brother's teasing over the years and eventually even grew to accept it as a joke. "Ah, it's you, Rolly Polly," he made a quick, weak pun in hopes of getting a reaction out of his brother, "I'm suprised you crawled your way all the way downstairs. Thought you'd be reading a book or something." He then extended his quick greetings to the rest of his family as he headed to wash off his face. "Ah, is everyone ready for the ball tonight?" He said excitedly. "Well, it's not like anything interesting is going to happen. Er, well... I mean... It'll probably be stupid, that's all," Yasuo tried to hide his desperate dream of finding someone whist dancing during the night. Ah, just the thought of it reddened his face in embarrassment.
Tavian went back to his home and began to prepare himself for the event. his home was nothing special just a average run down house with two bedrooms that he could barely afford to pay rent for. He stood there looking at himself through his dirty mirror and he let out a sigh. He slicked his hair back with grease and put on his attire and spoke softly to himself. "Get a few pieces of jewelry and get out simple as that right?" He gave out a chuckle in attempt to calm his nerves. Troy saw his older brother that he idolized so much in his beautiful clothing. "Where you going brother?" Troy asked curiously as he sat on a stool in the bathroom. It bothered Tavian that he was going to leave his brother to do something risky he just hoped he wouldn't be leaving forever which is a possibility. "I'm going away for the night Troy but i'll be back I promise, Just don't get into any trouble while i'm gone" Tavian said while still facing the Mirror.
Layfon looked over to his younger brother and smiled, he then looked at his even younger brother "Hello you two." he said as he approached them and wrapped his arms around both of them "I am indeed excited. I have been waiting for this day out of the weeks we were preparing. Also, I'm glad we're having the ball in the ballroom. And this fine dining room would be turned into tables for many people to sit, eat and enjoy themselves. And the Kazuka's have decided to come as well, which makes the ball more exciting. Maybe the girls would find their love inside the ball tonight. Akari is a best friend of mine, she is very unique. She would know when she would find her prince. She's like a compass and the red point goes right to him. This would be an interesting night wont you say, my little brothers."
Yasuo's mind raced at the idea but he attempted to act disinterested. "Ah, well thats neat and all but I don't think I'll be falling in love with any girls anytime soon," he remarked to his eldest brother. It was a lie but he'd rather not have his brothers getting into his personal matters. "On another note, would you two like to go find some potential clothing for the night? The time draws nearer and nearer every second. I would hate to misrepresent our family."
"Well we cannot do that on an empty stomach now can we? We must eat First. I havent eaten since early this morning. You know me, i'm always training." he said, bringing his brother's to the table "I cannot work on an empty stomach, Yasuo. And I'm sure you cannot either." he said, letting go of his brothers and sitting in his seat. Layfon could never focus when he ws hungry. It would only make him grumpy. Something that no one liked at all. It was kinda scary.
"Yes, you're very right. I need to be functioning my best for today. Lets have a nice, big meal before we begin our preparations for today." Yasuo nodded letting his brother lead the way to the table. "Ah, I wonder what is brunch today?"
Roel groaned inwardly, slouching under his elder brother's arm. Despite Yasuo attempt to act nonchalant about the whole event, Roel had a sneaking suspicion he was more enthusiastic than he let on. He might be wrong though, perhaps Yasuo was just as tired of dainty conversation as he. Whatever the matter, Roel wasn't prepared to ruin it for the rest of them, and smiled as he joined Layfon at the table. It was near impossible to be in a bad mood with food being stuffed in his face.

"I guess my maid already has something picked," he shrugged, stabbing some sort of flaky pastry on a fork and taking a bite. Finishing his mouthful, he continued. "But, I don't know if I trust her taste, she's recently been hired. I suppose I'll find something myself." He contemplated the lump of dough he was consuming, looking up to answer Yasuo. "Uh- meat pies? I hope?" Luckily, it was still warm, so Roel didn't bother to complain about the enigmatic meal.
Yasuo stared at the disgrace that some might call a meal in front of him. The oozing liquid coming out of the unidentifiable object placed in front of him apparently was cooked by the new maid. Never one to disappoint others or blow others off, Yasuo decided to give the meal an attempt. "Well my brothers, this certainly looks like a d-divine meal set in front of us by our wonderful new cook. I believe it deserves a sampling." Yasuo dove right into his meal, taking a large bite out of the horrid substance in front of him

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"A meat pie? In all honesty, I think this would be for dinner.." he said and looked at his brothers. "This is not suitable for brunch." he stood up "Maybe something like bread, butter and..." he thought for a moment "Maybe some fruit to boost us? We do have to have as much enegry as we can for tonight." he said. Layfon was pretty excited for this. He was excited for the ball and to see if he would meet anyone. "Oh,we have to plan as well. Like the stations of the guards." he sighed "So much work tonight."
"An excellent idea, Layfon," his brother announced, relieved he would not have to eat the pie in front of him. "Some fruit...yes, that should be adequate." He got up, straightening his tunic with on hand while thinking of the ball. He scurried off then to go get a few apples and bananas for his brothers and a few extras in case the rest of the family chose to join in

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Layfon followed his little brother into the kitchen "Yasuo, You do not simply grab all the fruits." he said, looking at the cook "Help cut the fruit please?" he asked and the cook nodded, taking the fruits like oranges, apple, bananas and strawberries and started to cut them, making them almost like finger food. Layfon helpped "Want to help, Yasuo?" he asked his little brother as he pulled up his sleeves so he wouldnt get anything on them "You could do the strawberries since they're small. Unless you want to do apples and oranges."
((Sorreh I fell asleep last night and at the moment I'm on a IPad atm so sorry for any bad grammar))


Turned to see his finest and oldest son as he patted his shoulder with wide smile across his face, "Ah hello my son." He noticed that Layfon went to his brothers which Radimere smiled seeing all his boys acting kind to one another turning he headed for the table as he sat at the end. Leaning back in the large dinning chair he gives a bit of a sigh looking to Arnado, "Now Arnado why don't you go say good morning to the boys? Since you didn't hear Layfon before Haha!" A servant then brought over a bowl of what looked like soup, sighing he asks for the servant to bring meat or atleast some sort of meat.


Eyes widen under his mask as he coughed now feeling a bit rude he did not notice Layton's greeting, turning he went over to Layfon as he bowed, "sorry my lord for my rude behavior, Good morning sir." He stood straight as he looked to each to other prince and says, "Good morning to you all my lords."

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