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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Let It Go New
Option 1: 4 Votes (44% - Range 1-44)
Option 2: 5 Votes (56% - Range 45-100)
Fae Roll: 64

2. Let It Go - You let it slip away. The answer would probably infuriate you anyway.

A few moments later, it really settles into you that your family are gone for good. A part of you will always love them, but they certainly won't love you like a daughter or a sister ever again - you're more dead to them than Rigatte, even. And maybe that's for the best; the longer you dwell on why they don't accept you, the more you begin to resent them and their piety, and the more you conflate their worship of false gods to the frauds who peddle it. Please let them see You before their deaths, you find yourself thinking - an unintentional prayer to the Eldest. If only you were vindicated by Syrith's presence in this world... they would abandon their beliefs and reconsider you.

The temple looms over you as you approach, imposing in its grandeur. Large, stone relief sculptures of the gods and goddesses adorn the walls on either side of the entrance. You pause a moment as you recognize Gallanis among them, his supposed love and compassion plain to see in his heartbroken expression. The slow, bubbling hatred in your body tells you to rip it down, but you ignore it for the moment - letting go of the past as much as you can so that you can be present in the here and now for Embryx and your followers. Many of them will be going to bed hungry tonight, only to be met with another army in the morning.

You need to protect them. This is your family, now.

"Wha-ho!" Corrinth blurts as she looks over the same reliefs, but she points to another figure: "they've actually got a sculpture of Upa! I've never seen one this far north before..."

You bust out laughing as you realize Corrinth is pointing at a picture of a goblin deity. Upa is supposedly the god of liquor and merrymaking, and is sometimes depicted as male and sometimes as female. The artist had done their best to render the holy goblin's features in a way which was flattering but... it just looks like they stuck a human face with a long nose on a tiny body!

As the two of you cackle together in mockery of the depiction, you raise enough ruckus that Embryx pushes the doors open to find you. "Hey," she says, her eyes turning almost hateful as she realizes you've been with Corrinth. "Where have you- oh!"

You throw your arms around her and give her a big hug. As Embryx relaxes a bit in your arms and leans into you, eventually returning your embrace, Corrinth peers around the door into the main part of the temple to figure out who else is present. "Sorry I didn't look for you," you say to the drow. "I was so tired I almost slept in the street."

"It's fine," Embryx replies, softly. "I'm glad you're here. Come on, it's warm inside."

There are no lessons on this bleak and shivering night. You and the other pact sisters, as well as a few of the other witches who couldn't find shelter or warmth outside, find yourself sleeping around a massive brazier that both lights and warms the entire knave of the temple. A few seem to be playing a strange card game with each other - or perhaps they're trying to tell fortunes? - and another is calmly slicing bread and vegetables for a small meal to end the night.

Jannava is already asleep and snoring on one of the pews, having done more than everyone else besides you to ensure the coven's victories thus far. Next to her, Stalna sleeps with her cloak pulled up over her head like a blanket. Corrinth and Veralt talk for a while, with Corrinth speaking both parts when necessary, until the two of them step away in search of privacy. You wonder whether they're simply talking things out after a very awkward encounter, or if they've decided to have another one.

It isn't long before you find yourself lying on Embryx's bedroll, which she had smartly carried back from her horse. She joins you there, and you cuddle yourself up right under her chin to fall asleep. Letting go of as much anger and sadness as you can as you forget about the world, just briefly.

A strange land, bathed in darkness and yet revealed to you, emerges from the haze ahead as you wander through your dream. With each step, a sigil writ in undying script emerges from the ground below, weaving a web, a design, as you walk into the village. Where are you? You've never seen this place before, although the architecture looks a bit elvan. Is this supposed to be Sonnamille?

Go to her.

A suggestion comes to you, but whether it's from within or without, you're not sure. Go to her? Go to whom? You sense that you're here for a reason, and that you cannot simply expect this dream to reveal its secrets to you. You gasp - perhaps you will finally dream of Rigatte again! Or maybe, you'll encounter Syrith and hear her voice! You search your surroundings and see that the sigils seem to be guiding you, as they grow fainter as you leave the path. Instead, you follow them, and soon you arrive at a dilapidated home. No one lives here, you hope.

She does. Go to her.

You pass through the front door to see squalid conditions, not unlike the home you came from in Zuklanar. There's one room in which a man and a woman are sleeping. It's difficult to tell in this lack of natural light whether they're elves or drow. You turn away, and peer into another room, where several other adults lay sleeping on poorly-constructed bunks. You shake your head; this isn't what you're here to see.

You reach the final room of the house - it's a combination of everything, really - with a cookpot in a fireplace that you somehow know is empty, a rickety table with mismatched stools and chairs about, and an old and tattered rug for sitting and possibly prayer. But there on the rug is a final member of this mysterious household, sitting with a candle and thumbing through and trying to understand the pages of a familiar-looking book. In the dim light, you can nonetheless tell that she's a drow.

1. Talk to Her - You wonder if your dream has led you here so that you can talk to her. You lower yourself to the ground in front of her, but she doesn't seem to notice you. "...Sister?" you speak quietly, assuming that this stranger must be another member of the coven. Maybe a living one? What's happening here?

2. Take the Book - You know that book, and you know what it can do to people. She shouldn't have it.

3. Try to Touch Her - You reach out your hand to see if she can feel your touch, since she clearly doesn't seem to notice your presence in the room.
Try to Touch Her New
Option 1: 5 Votes (71% - Range: 1-71)
Option 3: 2 Votes (29% - Range: 72-100)
Fae Roll: 92

3. Try to Touch Her - You reach out your hand to see if she can feel your touch, since she clearly doesn't seem to notice your presence in the room.

You need to know whether or not you have any influence over this situation - no matter what your better judgement is telling you. The sensation of haunting someone like a ghost is as eerie for you as it ought to be for her, and so as your hand hovers inches from her lowered head, her inky black hair obscuring most of her face from you, you hold your breath and commit. What happens if...

You can't finish the thought. The moment you expect your fingers to meet the solid surface of her head, they instead pass right through, until you freeze with your hand inside her cranium up to the wrist, utterly mortified. WHAT. IS. THIS?

she whispers, "hear me, Syrith."

Guide her. Pass the gift.

Short of breath, you gently move your fingers, expecting a reaction from the hapless girl, but you get none. How can you guide someone who can't perceive you, even when you occupy the same space as them!? Then, you remember the lesson you received from Jannava on the manipulation of anima. Maybe, if physical touch isn't possible, you can still reach her through magic? Your mind is reeling - as much as you want to be acknowledged right now, you're terrified that you might accidentally kill her. But there's something you need to give her.

Not her anima. Her soul.

The thoughts echoing in your head are so powerful that you feel almost enslaved to them. You need to help this girl, and it demands you do so by manipulating her very soul! This is uncharted... This is insane...! Drawing a sharp gasp, you panic and clench your fist, drawing your hand back and ripping the soul loose from her body, if only partially. Her head rocks backwards, eyes rolling back in their sockets as she falls flat to the ground behind her, leaving a ghostly after-image of her head and torso behind, still gripped upright where you latched on. You look on what you've done in total dismay. Why did you do this!? It's like a nightmare, just like the very first time you killed.

But unlike those times before, in which you took souls and felt them seemingly dissipate into mist, the girl's soul remains tight in your clutches, and her soul stares at you in total awe. The sigils which guided you here begin to creep forward, closing in around her, until they inch their way up and into her soul in an unbroken chain which closes on her from every angle, wrapping themselves like shackles around her ankles and wrists. Only now do you recognize the dense patters of darkness woven into your own being, hidden well by your dark fur.

Whatever you've done has made her more like you. You place her soul gently back into her body and release her, and she seems startled to find herself suddenly on her back and looking at the ceiling. Greatly relieved that you haven't killed her, you back away quickly and process everything that's just occurred.

You've... branded her soul, like Syrith did to yours. Have you just inducted someone to the coven?

"...Is my shadow fed and sated?"
the drow asks herself. "...Is my shadow fed and sated?"

Oh no... No, no...
You can't watch this. You can't watch what happened to you when you read that book happen to someone else - especially since you feel like this must have been your doing. The girl repeats the phrase, over and over, straining to breathe between the words as she's compelled by the evil sigils within - the ones that she can see, and does so loudly enough that it begins to wake her family.

"...What's going on?" you hear a man ask. "Sharyx, what are you doing!?"

"Is my shadow fed and sated? Is my shadow fed and sated!?"

"Stop saying that!" an older woman shouts. You turn back and forth, taking in the terrified expressions on the other drow as they enter the room, before swinging your head back to the girl whose soul you handled, and she's grinning in a way which makes your blood curdle.

And then, suddenly, very calmly: "Mom... Dad..." she says, monotonously, "If I could only kill you both tonight, and every night, for all eternity... It would almost be enough."

She called on Syrith, and you answered.

Sister. Family.

But... Does that mean!?

You awaken from your sleep in a blind terror, screaming and panicking. Everyone in the room is woken up by your hysteria, and no one knows how to react. What just happened in your dream couldn't have been real, and yet it seemed so, so palpably real that you can't handle it.

"Agranne!" Embryx shouts, trying to reach you and comfort you, but you wheel backwards, not wanting to be touched. "Wh-what's wrong!? Are you okay?"

1. Paranoia - You can hardly express the thoughts running through your mind right now, but chief among them is an overwhelming suspicion: "No... No I'm not!" you stammer. "Syrith is trying to control me - live through me. I... I don't know what I can do..."

2. Megalomania - You clutch your head as your mind rips itself apart. You catch your breath as the overwhelming experience finally washes over you, leaving you with one impossible, yet inescapable conclusion: "...I think I'm Syrith."
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