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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Your mind scrambles on what to do. What will these witches do to you? To the people you know? To everyone? Sweat starts to pour down your brow as you think of what you're dealing with. That's it! A deal. They have their needs and their wishes. Oh but doing their bidding would anger the gods, the witchhunters and who knows who else? They want a kingdom for their own ends now, but do they know how to govern? Do they know what needs to be done?

"You...you say you want your own kingdom. Your own lands." You start to mumble "What of the every day once you have it? You would need someone to do that. I...I can do that for you. The people trust me. They can be quieted for you." Your voice cracks in desperation. This gamble might work or it could be a delusion you tell yourself. "Consider it."
You hang on every word she utters, trying to think of something that could dissuade her from pushing her will upon them. After a moment, you realize something.

"W-what will you do when you secure all that then?! You, you speak of how Syrith wants the souls of witches, how do you know that she herself is not complicit in witchcraft's place in society??" you yelled, trying to find some doubt in her soul, "You can't claim for certain that you are the master of your fate, only destined to follow hers... for all you know, she could demand your deaths upon that kingdom's rise, to make it hers and hers only! S-should you not try to ascend beyond being her pawn?!"

For all he knew, what he just said could have the opposite effect, causing her to affirm her loyalty to Syrith, or even cause even greater chaos in a bid to becoming greater than her, but he couldn't risk not trying at this stage, if only to disrupt the witches within.
"...And what then?" you ask, after a moment of hesitation. "You would soon be at war with most of the other kingdoms around you, then foreign nations and empires. Everyone that sees you and your future kingdom as a threat. War and conquest without end, across this vast world... Much like in the legends and tales of ancient Zuklanar."

"...To be totally honest, I think there's a reason the gods don't directly intervene in mortal affairs, or even answer our prayers at times. Maybe they feel we're strong enough to do things ourselves, and would simply prefer to watch. Perhaps, they simply just... don't care for us, and feel they're above us and our problems. Maybe they even despise us, though... I don't know what we would have done to earn their ire. Regardless, the ones that do intervene... likely do so out of their own selfish desires. Craving power and control over mortal lives... or even death and destruction, wrought across the landscape."

Soon, however, you decide to change the topic. "You'll have those that push back against you in Enthaan... and I'm sure you'll do just as any other conqueror would do in response. Examples will be made, and lives ended. Some of your own are already eager for that, like that one pale woman named Corrinth that my friend and I encountered."
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You stare at her, unsure how to answer. After what just happened, she could kill you for your response, but you must speak the thing that's nagging at you. "I understand survival, and I understand loyalty. Those are good traits to have, but..." you hesitate, wondering how this will come off "I saw you out there. I know many in your place would want power, to bend the world to your will. Are you sure just survival is enough?"

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