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Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

Ride for Purrosh
1. Ride for Purrosh - "It probably is a trap," you say, regaining a bit of your composure. "But even without the Door, we'd be cowards not to go and meet it. If it turns out she's working for Kulka, then we let it go; she'll have the artifact and our loyalty, and we'll know if she's willing to take the latter. If she's not, we report the whole thing and get the rest of the Turadal circle after her. She'll be trying to take it over the border!"

"Alright, fine," Embryx replies. "We'll head straight for Purrosh and see what we see. Do you think we can rely on her, though?" she says quietly, nodding towards Jannava. "After what happened on the road up here yesterday, I think it might be better to part ways. If this winds up being a trap from Kulka's allies, then we probably don't want her to be in the middle; she almost killed you yesterday."

You shrug Embryx off as you climb onto your horse. "I'll risk it," you reply. "If Nytha took the Door into Sonnamille, that's where Jannava was headed anyway. If she betrays us later, then we're fucked either way, but I'm not going to fuck us by not having her here when we need her." You give your horse a kick so you can ride over to Jannava, who's already mounting her own. "We're going to ride to Purrosh, now, and if she's not there, we'll accompany you into the elvan lands, understood?" you call out.

The tiefling plants herself on her saddle again. "...Aight!" she says, giving the reins a flick. Embryx meets up with the two of you, and quickly, you burst out of the trees and find the road.

After a few hours on the road in which you desperately want to move faster, but can't out of concern for your horses, you finally spot Purrosh ahead as you crest a hill. It's a moderate-sized city of a few thousand, mired in a marshy glen, which you've visited once before. Months ago in the spring, on one of your first outings as Diala's enforcer, you came here with Embryx and dragged the circle elder out of her home in broad daylight, threatening to expose her if she didn't pledge her loyalty. You obviously made quite an impression on the circle here - which fell into line entirely after the encounter - and you can only expect them to be more afraid of you now.

The sky is overcast and dark as you descend from the hills, threatening rain. Your horses weary and weak from the extended ride, you jump off and jog alongside your steed until you reach a hitching post and throw the reins over the bar. Unlike the animal, you're fresh and ready to kill Nytha or anyone else who might have orchestrated this humiliating situation at your expense. Embryx, and then Jannava, arrive behind you and hitch their horses as well, jogging to catch up with you as you walk in through the city gate, past a palisade wall and into the gloomy-looking town. Along with sagging homes which have seen too much rainfall in their time, weeping willows dot your swampy surroundings.

"I suppose we'll find her at the inn," you grumble as you walk the empty pathways. You look back and find Embryx and Jannava looking rather alarmed as they walk along, and slowly you come to realize that the town is more quiet than it really should be. You pause for a moment; the wind blows, and all you hear aside from the rustling of leaves is the sound of a few doorways slamming as they swing open and closed.

Embryx grips her morning star hard and steps up to take point. "This is definitely a trap. ...What the hell did she do?" she says under her breath.

Jannava, meanwhile, simply seems frightened and unready. "I... I haven't seen anything like this in years. Either she scared them off, or she killed them all..." she says.

You round a corner and find a long cobblestone pathway leading up to the inn, a rickety two-story building with a tavern built-in, just as Nytha described. Along the way, you see a few corpses lying in the street in a pool of dark blood, faces and chests ripped open as if by a feral animal. As for the tavern, its windows are all dark and empty, devoid of any sign of life. And on the eave of the building's roof, with her legs dangling over the edge in a carefree manner, sits the elf you've been seeking. She spots the three of you and seems to snicker, all too proud of herself for drawing you out.

"What the hell is this, Nytha!?" you scream at her. "Are you working for Kulka? Someone else!?"

The elf's snickering rises into an audible laugh, and then a genuinely unhinged sort of cackle that brings you to a halt. "Agranne...! I hope you know, I came as soon as I heard the news about Diala," she shouts back. "I knew you wouldn't want to see me. No one really wants to, anymore. But the fact I still have you fooled? That's...!"

She trails off speaking and gives a chef's kiss.

Then, with a twisted grin, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out an apple, tossing it into the air before biting into it.


0. Question - This is one hell of an elaborate setup. You need to know why the changeling went through this much trouble when she could have simply killed you in your sleep. (Not Available)

1. Telekinesis - Without a word, you move to seize her in your magic and rip her limb from limb.

2. Compulsion - You can't even think straight. You simply press your pneuma against hers and demand she stop breathing.

3. Telekinesis (Embryx) - You give the drow a pat on her shoulder. "Go!" you shout, and as she takes off running toward the inn, you grip her with your telekinesis and hurl her off the ground, so that she can fly directly into Corrinth and beat her into a bloody pulp.

4. Lightning (Jannava) - You look to the necromancer and nod as she takes out her wand. She'll know what to do.
1. Telekinesis - Without a word, you move to seize her in your magic and rip her limb from limb.

The air ripples as your magic rips through it, blasting bits of the thatched roof away beneath her feet before grabbing onto Corrinth's legs and arms - pulling them in all directions at once! But the moment you think you have her, the moment you're convinced you're about to spray the changeling's blood across the entire village with the force of your violence, she dissolves into smoke! Moments later, a dark silhouette rises from within, slipping through your grasp, spreading its wings wide as it ascends into the murky gray sky... And all the while, Corrinth's laughter rises to an inhuman note - her wildshape giving her the form of a peryton - a monstrous cross between a giant eagle and a demonic stag, with the Pandemonium Door clutched tightly in its talons!

You're frozen in place - you've never seen anything this before, and while you try in vain to clutch at her beating wings and talons with your magic, you find her more and more difficult to reach at her height in the sky. Just then, Embryx leaps to your side with a cry, using her shield to deflect an arrow which seems as if it's made of pure light. It explodes into a shower of magical sparks that spray across the ground - bringing your attention to the rooftops to your right, where you spot an evil little humanoid creature - a faerie, maybe? But while you've never seen one, you're certain the stories you've heard about the fae lands would be much darker if they all looked like this.

As soon as it's spotted, it ducks away, but quickly another bolt of light crashes in from another angle, and then another. Embryx smashes the second away from you, but you're forced to dive to the ground to avoid the third. Jannava, meanwhiles, runs in a mad panic toward the nearest abandoned house, spinning up a spell to impart on one of the dead bodies Corrinth likely left behind while terrorizing this town in her current form.

"What is this?" Corrinth shrieks down at you. "This is me showing off my progress, Agranne! And it's also an invitation..."

As another bolt of light breaks against Embryx's shield, she's struck in the back by a knife, driven into her by another fae creature which disappears in an instant, dropping her to her knees. "Run...!" Embryx urges as she switches from her mace to her wand, blasting her surroundings with enchanted fire until the invisible shadow-twisted pixie busts into flames. You grab her hand and pull her up, taking the knife out of her back in the process.

You clinch your teeth, searching for a way to kill her but finding nothing at this distance. Maybe if Jannava could hit her with lightning, it would be possible, but with the tiefling on the run, you have to figure this out on your own. "...Come down here, and maybe we'll talk about it!" you scream sarcastically at the monster above you. You hope she dives at you both; the shorter the distance, the better chance you have of tangling her up in your magic and ending her. But for now, she simply laughs off the offer and keeps her distance, infuriating you further. "...Unless that's your only trick!?"

"...I've been getting in touch with my roots, you know" the inhuman Corrinth replies, flapping her wings effortlessly above the rooftops. "...Ever since I lost my home and my mother, everything I used to take for granted - I realized that I was taken down to your level, Agranne, and now I understand how lonely it can be."

You catch another pixie drawing an arrow on you, and with a snap reaction, you manipulate the creature's mind to turn on Corrinth instead! It turns its bolt skyward and fires it into the witch's monstrous form, causing her to cry out in surprise, but not a moment later, the peryton disappears into smoke and Corrinth re-emerges, falling through the air fearlessly with her wand drawn. She flicks it in your direction before engulfing herself into smoke again, avoiding the ground by mere feet as she rockets forth, first as a giant eagle, and then after another smoky transformation, her peryton form. Now, you manage to grip her with your magic and hold her as she strains against you, flapping her wings to ascend in a tug-of-war.

"You're insane, Corrinth. Whatever you're trying to peddle here, I don't need it!" you roar. But once again, just when you think you have her, Embryx suddenly throws you to the ground before swinging her morning star at you - you barely roll out of the way to avoid the mace slamming into the cobblestone and breaking the solid rock apart. Your focus broken, you use up more of your magic to break the manipulation Corrinth placed Embryx under.

"Oh shit... Argh!" she says, clutching her arm in pain. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Agranne..." Embryx pleads.

"...Of course you don't want me; why would you!? You had a mentor! And you had a friend. What did I have except miles of empty roads, dark woods to camp in, and my own, fae-touched mind!?" The timbre of Corrinth's monstrously-amplified voice turns tragic as she calls out to you: "I want us back, Agranne, our circle; not under Diala, but also - not under Kulka. Just us lot, and the chaotic sorts from the darkest fae woods, all under the Eldest's watch - doing whatever the hells we want. Wouldn't that just be perfect...?"

From out of nowhere, a handful of zombies rush into the open and begin diving and tackling onto the unseen pixies that Corrinth has sent after you, immune to their illusions and strong enough to tear them apart. As the zombies bite and terror, creating a ring of blood and carnage around you and Embryx, the drow cries out while trying to lift her mace, clutching her arm. It seems she broke it with the force of her swing, moments earlier. "Agranne," she says, breathing hard and clawing back a semblance of composure from the agony and the fear, "I love you... Thank you for being my friend."

You look at her, unsure of what to say, but terrified of what she might be about to do. She drops her shield and picks up her wand in her left hand, staggering out toward Corrinth's shadow. You start immediately after her, but trip over an invisible foe, and as you grapple the pixie off of you and ignite it with enchanted fire, you realize all you can do is call out to your friend for possibly the final time.

1. Scream Her Name - You call after Embryx one last time. Your mind can't even grapple with the suddenness of everything unravelling like this. Just yesterday, you were happy. The road was open, and you could go anywhere. What will you have left without her? "EMBRYX!!!"

2. Tell Her You Love Her - If only you hadn't gone after Jannava to watch her macabre work. If only you hadn't gone the fastest way, and taken Embryx somewhere quiet and beautiful just once, and not this swampy, blood-streaked hell. If only you had admitted even once that she mattered more to you than just a friend. "DON'T GO!" you cry out. "I LOVE YOU, DON'T GO!"
Tell Her You Love Her
2. Tell Her You Love Her - If only you hadn't gone after Jannava to watch her macabre work. If only you hadn't gone the fastest way, and taken Embryx somewhere quiet and beautiful just once, and not this swampy, blood-streaked hell. If only you had admitted even once that she mattered more to you than just a friend. "DON'T GO!" you cry out. "I LOVE YOU, DON'T GO!"

Embryx's ears twitch at the mention of love, and she stops mid-step before continuing out, without looking back. "Corrinth!" she screams up at her. "If you want your circle so badly, then return the Door - either Agranne leads us, or no one does!"

Corrinth, at first silent in response to the challenge, suddenly dives at Embryx, seizing her violently in one of her talons and sweeping her back into the air. As you fruitlessly claw at her again with your telekinesis, she laughs in her monstrously-distorted voice, devilishly delighted at the revelation of your feelings for one another: "Oh hohoho, lovebirds~! I knew you were smitten with Agranne from the moment you met her, Embryx, but you actually won her over? If only Nytha were here, she'd love this..."

Embryx screams in pain as she dangles upside down, mostly from her unsecured arm. But she regains enough composure to look Corrinth in her peryton eye and reply through the pain: "I'd still follow her, even if I hadn't."

"...Why?" Corrinth asks, beating her wings while awkwardly doubled over, staring at the drow dangling from her claw.

"Because I want to," she replies, barely conscious as blood pools in her head. "...Will you kill us, then? Because you'll still be alone and suffering... And we'll be together in the world beyond death," she says, smiling as her tears flow off her brow and down to the earth below.

Corrinth stares at her, and then you, apparently in confusion and turmoil, before letting loose an explosive, bestial roar that shakes the windows across town before descending rapidly and slamming Embryx into the ground, stomping on her limp body repeatedly. "...It's not funny when you're this GODDAMNED PATHETIC!!! FIGHT BACK!!!"

You oblige.

At once, you use your telekinesis to jerk Corrinth's talons together as if binding her feet together with rope- so tightly that it bites into the skin of her legs and draws blood. Embryx, now pressed up against the other talon, stirs just slightly, touching the Door with her good hand before pointing her wand skyward and bringing about a magical strike that pierces Corrinth with its power. The massive, monstrous bird rears backward before vanishing into a cloud of black smoke, from which Corrinth emerges in her true, changeling form, a terrible and bloody gash in her side. You briefly lose your magical grip on her as your magic fades in strength, but before Corrinth can fully break free, a bolt of lightning shoots through the air and hits her - Jannava has reappeared, having gathered all the zombies she could raise in the meantime and using the remainder of her pneuma on the attack.

She drops to her knees, feeling the exhaustion of her hexes weighing upon her, leaving it to you to finish the task of breaking down the crazed changeling.

"Corrinth!" you scream at her as you hoist Embryx's morning star off the ground. She laughs back at you, but her expression is fearful and uncertain as she picks herself off the ground to limp away with the Door, singed around the edges from the electric bolt. "CORRINTH!" you scream again as you move past Embryx, who's barely alive and watching you with a silent gaze. You're determined to get close enough to strike the changeling with your magic, or at least slow her down enough that you can beat her to death with your mace.

She's clutching her side and though you can't see how bad the wound is against the black fabric of her clothing, you can clearly see the red of her blood draining over her pale fingers and splashing on the ground behind her. You're so enraged that you don't even consider that even as wounded as she is, Corrinth has an unlimited pool of dark magic to draw from, and can easily kill you if she were to stop toying with you. She, however, seems to remember this simple fact, and finally turns to point her shaking hand and wand at you, until you feel a compulsion to grip the morning star with both hands and hold it in front of yourself.

"Agranne... Agranne...!" she replies, mockingly, as you realize what's about to happen: Corrinth is going to force you to beat yourself to death.

But before she can, however, the two of you hear the beating of horses' hooves and the angry shouts and cries of the witch hunters.

"...Witch baggerz!" she says, putting on her impression of Ika before snickering. Despite that, you realize she's crying with anger and sadness and who-knows-what other emotions running wild. "Ha-ha-hah... Oh, Agranne... We shouldn't have played so rough..." she says, before tossing the Pandemonium Door to you. As soon as it lands in your hands, you find yourself imbued with all the strength you've been missing since this fight began, at the same time Corrinth drops to one knee, still clutching her bloody abdomen and shivering with pain and fear.

1. Kill Corrinth - This has gone on long enough.

2. Focus on the Hunters - The horses are coming from the direction of Embryx and Jannava. If you move quickly enough, you can save them... Corrinth will bleed out on her own.

3. Cauterize the Wound - A silent voice whispers: Corrinth can help you.

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