Terror: Terrible or Terrific? [Inactive]

A limping figure of a man approached the group, armed with a machete. "H..Help me..", he muttered, getting closer and closer to them all. As he approached it was obvious he was a young man, and he wore bullet proof clothing, yet there were bombs clearly strapped around his chest.
"You!" Pointing at the girl who did the flip. "Take her into a room. I will figure something out." He turned to the young man. "Well, you don't look like you will live much longer. I might be able to help you. Just drop your weapon." He looked back to make sure they were gone. He looked at the bomb, and said, "I am sorry, there is nothing I can do, however..." he picked up the weapon and cleanly took off his head. He sighed at the horror in his face, and went to look for the others with the sword in his hand.
"Oh my, I am sorry, I , we..." She didn't finish he sentence, just grabbed the other woman and drug into another room.
More people in the distance were approaching, they had realized there were newbies in the Maze, and newbies were easy to stomp out on their first day...

Very easy to stomp out...

Bullets began to land near the group, and in the distance the fighting got closer and closer.
"Come one guys, we need to get out of here." Maddie tosses a genede into the group but due to her lack of experiance she didn't pull the pin. some one else picks it up and throws it back. "Oh crap"
He stood there as the other two ran. "I love illusions. You know, I swear this was meant to all be scary, but I haven't noticed anything terrifying." He thought it was all an illusion, until he was blown back at least 10 feet. It was real, but at the same time it wasn't. He didn't know how to explain it. He got up, wincing, and made gestures moving the other two into a room and moving a desk in front of the door, buying them a little time. "So, I am going to need all of your socks." he took off his shoes and socks too.
She grumbles a bit, but hands them to him. "Here." She hears a noise and turns around. "Crap, crap, crap. They are just outside, do something quick!"
Most people don't know this, put with the fabric that socks are made of, the won't tear and break easily. He tied up the socks in one big string, and wrapped it around the handle of the door. He then made a triangle of them by wrapping it around things in the room, ensuring the strength. They tried opening the door, which was held shut by a few socks. "Don't you feel week." He taunted and laughed through the small office window in the door frame.
Maddie took out her gun and started shooting through the window. "I don't like this, I don't like being stuck here."
"You have a gun? That would have been nice to know, Especially when I asked if you had a weapon on you. No matter, they can't get through." One of them from the other side put his hand through the broken window, and undid the knot. "Well then..."
Frowning, "Never heard of sarcasm?" She raced around the room looking for something to use as a shield. When she couldn't find anything but a chair, she used the chair to fight her way out of the room, knocking several people back long enough to stab them. "Come on, Let's go!
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