Terra "The Graveyard"

Nwarhta's Villa

A guard walked up to Nikrat and whispered something into his ear. He nodded a couple times, made some gestures, whispered back. The conversation between the two was a hodge podge of incomprehensible words. Nikrat, visibly angered by the news, left Nwarhta and Bauduin under the care of one last guard. He marched off back to the transport with the rest of his men, and the lone guard escorted the duo into the main complex of the Villa. The two walked side by side and the guard casually looked back to see if either of them were up to anything. Cameras were trained onto their position in the hallways to check if they did anything suspicious.

Nwarhta stealthily placed a comm device into his ear when the guard wasn't looking and waited for the time to strike. 

"Nwarhta, we're good to go. Shutting down the cameras," a voice said as they were about to enter Nwarhta's chambers. The cameras shut off leaving the area blind. The guard turned around and pointed his gun at the two, and Nwarhta tackled him against the wall knocking the rifle out of his hand. He unsheathed his Kukri dagger from a pocket underneath his coat. He sliced the man's shoulder open then stabbed the blade through his thigh to disable him. Nwarhta then slammed the blunt side of his blade across the back of the guard's neck to knock him out.

Nwarhta turned to Bauduin and said, "hurry and switch uniforms with him." He placed the unconscious guard onto his bed and pulled out a tablet. Nwarhta took a panoramic picture of the unconscious guard's head and did the same to Bauduin. A machine in the Admiral's closet began to make some noise as it 3D printed silicone masks of the two faces.

@Wandering Grim Hollow
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Daniel Bauduin

Political Prisoner (?)

"Subtle." Daniel jokingly praised as he smeared off some of the blood splatter off his face. He has seen people get injured before but a kukri to the shoulder is a first. He stared at the curved blade with morbid curiosity as he quickly unbottoned his uniform coat. He watched on as Nwartha did some kind of face scan on the guard and Daniel's own face. There was a soft noise coming from a nearby closet that Daniel guessed to be some kind of printer.

"Consider yourself lucky, buddy. You can to mimic the most good looking and suave Noble of Atlus." Daniel jokingly said as he peeled off the bloodied uniform from the unconsious guard and slipped them on. An almost perfect fit and the slick blood made him gag slightly but its not as bad as the smell of a sulfur mine at least. Still, the slight stickiness from the blood made the uniform way more uncomfortable then it would usually be. Once he has sucessfully changed and check out the soldier's rifle which was not technically his, he went to work dressing up the soldier in his own clothes. Daniel couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight of the poor, injured, knocked-out soldier in his Admiral's uniform. It was... funny in a morbid way.

"Alright Nwartha, now what?" He asked as he fiddled with the guard's helmet. 

[SIZE= 12px]@TPBx[/SIZE]
Nwarhta's Villa 

The Admiral opened the closet and picked up the masks. Handing the one that looked like the unconscious guard to Bauduin and placing the mask of Bauduin's face onto the unconscious guard. "Put it on, the rest of them will be here any second. Also come with some sort of  alibi like you attacked me or something." Down the hall, the movement of guards could be heard as rapid footsteps made their way towards Nwarhta's Bedroom. The blood began seeping through the unconscious guard's uniform, so he quickly grabbed a first aid kit from the closet and injected him with a Nanotech shot which quickly repaired the non-fatal wounds. Nwarhta then threw everything back into his closet and threw the body onto the ground.

The guards broke down the door and had their rifles raised, expecting more resistance. Only to see Bauduin dressed as the fallen guard, Bauduin's body double, and Nwarhta sitting on the ground next to it. "Hey, Fawkes what the hell happened," one of the guards asked, "the cameras went down and we came as quickly as we could."

@Wandering Grim Hollow
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"Fawkes" Daniel Bauduin

Political Prisoner "Guard"

"Okay... I'm officially uncomfortable now..." Daniel groaned as he checked his features out once he slipped the freshly printed mask on. Perfect fit and it even disguised his face properly with barely any wrinkles to give it away. That is to say that seeing 'himself' on the ground like that sent a chill down his spine. It was a sight he hoped his family will never see indeed. As Nwartha got busy finishing up the last touches on his body double, Daniel could hear rushing footsteps coming close. He quickly donned the guard's helmet to complete the look, just in time for the guards to kick down the door.

"Oh you wouldn't believe it... That *Cough*dashinglyhandsome*Cough* prisoner went berserk... He damned nearly killed the old Admiral after he got a jump on me...." Daniel did his best to act as naturally as possible, fake coughing and a slumped posture to fake someone who just finished a fight. He just hoped that the guards would buy it.

Nwarhta's Villa 

"Well you did a pretty damn good job then, Private," the guard laughed, "now we have bit more of a reason to beat the living shit out of this bastard. Come on lads, haul him out. Fawkes, you stay here and take care of the old man. Looks like he had a hard week. " Two other guards behind him came out and grabbed the Bauduin's double. They placed handcuffs onto him and dragged his still body away from the room. The head guard nodded at Bauduin and left the room leaving them to their own devices once more.

"Oh that went better than expected, they even let me stay with you so now I can tell you all about my plan to get out of here, and to get rid of that mad despot Nikrat. Come with me." Nwarhta motioned to Bauduin to follow him to the bed. He picked up the bed frame and raised it up, revealing the entrance to a secret room. 

@Wandering Grim Hollow
Time Skip: After the Defeat on Ademar

"Today, fate is our side, Bauduin. Today, we eliminate the corruption that has plagued the Alliance. Today, we lay your comrades to rest knowing they have been avenged," Nwarhta said to the Atlusian in private. Bauduin was dressed up in Nwarhta's uniform and had one of Nwarhta's turbans on his head. Just moments beforehand, the elderly Sikh man demonstrated how to tie and put one on, a tradition normally passed down from father to son. "Remember the plan, Nikrat will get on stage to make a speech and officially declare war against not only the Kaisic Empire and the Al-Quhr, but against everyone that stands in his way. This war that he wants will cost millions of lives and will almost certainly end in defeat like the Parmenthelian and Ademarian Campaigns. When I give the signal, you will kill Grand Admiral Nikrat and reveal yourself. If you pull the trigger any time before I say so and you will be killed by one of the snipers. Understand?" 

@Wandering Grim Hollow

Daniel Bauduin

Political Assassin

"Yes Fa-, I mean, Nwartha. I understand." Daniel replied, catching his little slip-up at the last moment. He sighed as he pulled the slide of his pistol and set the safety on before stowing it away. He was starting to feel an odd sense of loyalty towards Admiral Nwartha. No, it was more then that. Was it... some sort of son-father bond? He wasn't sure himself but it was making him feel even more determined then before. Grand Admiral Nikrat is a power hungry maniac who is one step away from gaining control of a powerful military force. One that is stronger than maybe the Atlus Home Fleet. Therefore, he must be stopped.

"Well... Time to make a move on, Nwartha. Like you said before, fate is on our side. Let's clean up this mess so I go home." Daniel said with a wide smirk, adjusting the slightly askew turban on his head. "Besides... I have a few messes of my own to handle back on Atlus... That and I've got to check on my sisters..."

Nwarhta ushered Bauduin out of his private study underneath his bed. It was amazing how well this old intelligence technology worked. Bauduin looked completely like the Admiral, from the top of his head to soles of his feet. The mask matched all of Nwarhta's features near perfectly and a vocal modulator altered Bauduin's voice to sound exactly like the Admiral's, making the two almost indistinguishable to the untrained eye. No one would even guess that beneath this disguise would be none other than Daniel Bauduin as earlier this week an assassin dispatched Bauduin's doppelganger, making him a dead man.

The preparations were made for one of the greatest military coups to date. Nwarhta's agents were sent across the fleet to overthrow the command of ship's controlled by Nikrat's puppets. Others were hidden from the ranks of Nikrat's guards to even the UTA High Council. All of his planned on this one moment, the assassination and exchange of power making Nwarhta the Grand Admiral of the UTA Navy, and by default everything within it.

Nwarhta's Villa

Bauduin walked out the door of Nwarhta's bedroom and was immediately greeted by two guards. They escorted him to the transport waiting outside the main complex of Nwarhta's household. After loading him into the transport, they lifted off and took him to the stadium that Nikrat and the Council were gathering. There were many people there, but mostly they were people in high positions of power and journalists who were there to record the historic event. The shuttle landed at the pad and the guards took Bauduin over to a tent with the other military leaders, there waiting for him was none other than Bauduin's target Grand Admiral Nikrat.

"Hey, Nwarhta, glad you could make it. I think you've had plenty of time to think about your sins, now today I welcome you back to the family," Nikrat said as he hugged Nwarhta tightly. He tugged him closer and whispered into his ear, "now, I expect to you behave. There are no more second chances for you."

@Wandering Grim Hollow

"Admiral Nwartha" Daniel Bauduin

Admiral of the Terran Navy

"Okay... This is just... odd..." Daniel muttered in Nwartha's voice as he adjusted the turban and uniform. Despite it not being his Atlus uniform (that one being probably lost when his double was killed), he still knew the importance of having a smart uniform. That and the fact that he's disguised as a man he now held in high regard. Maybe even higher then his own Father but that's for another time. Now, he had a meeting to attend. As he stepped out of the bedroom, he was greeted by two guards. He responded with a well-rehearsed greeting, much like how Nwartha would have done it. He allowed himself to be lead to wherever Nwartha was supposed to go. And that place was none other then a stadium. That sight brought him back to his inauguration as Admiral of the Merchant Fleet. The crowds, the officers, the people... It was... familiar to him.

"......." He sighed as the transport landed and he was lead out of it to a little tent. There, he was face to face to his target. Admiral Nikrat himself. As the Admiral hugged him and whispered that ominous threat, Daniel's hatred for the man flared up. He bit back the urge to whisper a threat to him but instead went with another. 

"I understand... Its good to be back, Old Friend." Daniel said in reply, patting Nikrat's back twice. 

[SIZE= 12px]@TPBx[/SIZE]
New California Coliseum, Grand Admiral Nikrat:

The event coordinators signaled that it was time for everyone to appear on stage. Nikrat put his hand behind Bauduin and guided him along into the tunnel that lead into the stadium. From within the tunnel could be heard the echoes of thousands of people that were there for the momentous occasion. Though it was awfully quiet in comparison to other days when there would be sporting events in the Coliseum. When everyone finally made their way through the tunnel to the light on the other end, a sudden gust wind could be felt blowing through. In a VIP box on the upper left of the stadium, the Council sat back waiting for the Admiral's message to the public. They had already made their decision and done their speeches and what not, now it lied on the Grand Admiral's hands to sum everything up.

They were guided onto the stage and Bauduin was seated in the second spot, right next to the Grand Admiral. Alongside him were the other military leaders from the prospective departments of the UTA's Armed Forces. Famous faces such as General Jesus Joaquin and Rear Admiral Joanne Hallevy. Off farther to the left were the main war time weapons manufacturers, consisting of high ranking board members, founders, and CEO's of companies such as ShenTech, UTA Manufacturing, and the Long-Stan Corporation. Once everyone took their seat and settled down the event commenced, beginning with the UTA Anthem, followed by an introduction from the Prime Minister of the UTA. After which, began the real chunk of the event, the Grand Admiral's speech.

Nikrat took the podium and inhaled. He looked at the teleprompter before him and took some time to get himself adjusted. Public speaking was something that military school did not prepare him for, but he had to do it anyways for the crowds waiting to hear what had to be said. Meanwhile, Nwarhta began whispering to Daniel through the his earpiece. 

"Ok, Daniel, it is almost time. Once the other agents have incapacitated the sniper teams, you'll have to take the shot. I'm on my way. ETA 10 minutes."

"This time, now more than ever, we, the United Terran Alliance, must stand together against those who oppose us," Nikrat stated, "Out there in the deep, dark void lie terrors that stand between us and paradise. The Kaisic Empire, a sentient robotic race, reside on the forest planet, Parmenthel, our future home. They want to keep the the planet to themselves, lock us away from it, lock us away from our destiny. But TODAY, Today, I say we shall not be denied what destiny has in store for us. We shall smite them off the face of that planet with our Navy, and our Armies will storm in and claim what belongs to us. It is not our fate to live and die with this ruined planet, to only survive in the ashes of a long dead civilization. NO, we the original home of mankind are destined to go beyond, into the stars above."


"Ok, Daniel, it is time. Take the shot now," Nwarhta said through the comms.

@Wandering Grim Hollow

"Admiral Nwartha"

Admiral of the Terran Navy

"Shall we be off then, Grand Admiral?" Daniel said, mimicking that little sigh Nwartha did. He allowed himself to be lead by Nikrat as they walked through a tunnel running under the stadium stands. Daniel could hear the sound of the crowd. Based on the size of the stadium from what Daniel could see during the shuttle ride, he guessed that the capacity of the stadium would be in the thousands range but it seemed oddly... quieter then expected. Daniel was reminded of the time he first made a public appearance during a parade back on Atlus, the noise of thousands of people were deafening. But the noise level now seemed half-hearted, forced even. But enough about that, Daniel focused on the one thing of high importance right now. And that thing was waiting for the signal to kill this madman of a Grand Admiral before everything goes wrong.

"Hm..." Daniel grunted slightly due to the sudden gust of wind. Now he could see that the entire stadium was packed. His eyes wandered around the stands before he noticed the red VIP box. It was odd looking at that place in particular now. If he wasn't part of the parade, that would be where he would sit with his family during parades back on Atlus. Elise would be excited, bouncing in her seat while Annaliese would have a pair of noise cancelling headphones handy. To prevent a repeat of her very public panic attack. His father and stepmother would be there too. Although nowadays it would just be his stepmother alone with his father burying himself with his... work. Daniel shook that thought out of his head as he took a seat on the stage. After a short introductory speech by the UTA Prime Minister, Grand Admiral Nikrat himself took to the podium. The sight of a teleprompter almost made Daniel chuckle. That's another rare sight on Atlus as every Noble took a course in public speaking and were expected to memorize their speeches but Daniel took it one step further. None of his speeches were ever written but rather made up on the spot.

Admiral Nwartha's sudden message in his ear almost made him jump. His heart raced but he forced himself to remain calm and act natural so he simply did nothing but pretend to listen to the Grand Admiral's speech. The speech was pretty standard. Talks about the demonic 'enemy'. How they must unite and march forth to a 'destiny'. Words like those, common in any speech. Daniel had half a mind to ask who wrote that speech and if that person can join him in Atlus as his speech writer. As Nikrat began to declare about how the UTA has a destiny to move on to the stars, Nwartha came in with the nail on Nikrat's coffin. Daniel reached into his uniform and grabbed the stowed pistol. In one smooth motion, he stood up, drew out his pistol, disengaged the safety and took two steps forward. At this short range, he didn't need to aim so he pointed the pistol at Nikrat's head and pulled the trigger.

That's for my crew! The shot rang out, silencing Nikrat as the bullet struck him in the temple and punched through into his skull. Time seemed to slow down as Nikrat's body began to pitch over. Daniel pulled the trigger again, the shot hitting Nikrat in the chest.

That's for the brave souls lost in your mad campaign! Daniel pulled the trigger a third time, the shot striking Nikrat's shoulder.

And that's for Atlus! In that short span of 1.5 seconds, Daniel fired 3 shots. While the crowd was still stunned, he reached up and pulled the turban off his head. His blonde hair a definite sign that he was not Nwartha. This was confirmed when he ripped off the mask, revealing his identity as a dead man walking.

Rear Admiral Daniel Bauduin

Atlus Merchant Fleet

Discarding the mask and the pistol, he raised his hands as he approached the podium. His features were that of calm but exhausted young man. A man who simply wanted to go home and see his family again.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the UTA. My name is Daniel Bauduin, Rear Admiral of the Atlus Merchant Fleet and heir-apparent of the Bauduin Noble Family back on Atlus." A tired smile formed on his lips as he looked down at the body of former Grand Admiral Nikrat. "Although you can add assassin to that list now. Heh...."       

[SIZE= 12px]@TPBx[/SIZE]
Everything fell together in that one moment, day after day of painstaking planning had finally paid off, as the tyrant fell. His lifeless body collapsed onto the stage. In the house, guards rushed and pulled out their weapons but were immediately stopped by agents hiding within the crowd. In sniper's posts across the area, the Chameleons lined up their shots but were stopped by simultaneous "coincidences" of different balloons blocking their lines of sight, followed up by rebel agents who had raided their positions and stopped them immediately. Behind Daniel, General Joaquin jumped up and pulled out his gun to stop the assassin but was disarmed by Admiral Joanne Hallevy, who was also sympathetic to Nwarhta's cause. Having seen the destruction with her own eyes, she resented the idea of going to war on a massive scale with every single major power.

From within the tunnel, the real Admiral Nwarhta stepped forward and briskly walked onto the stage, taking Daniel's position. He took the microphone and began to speak as well.

"You may not know me, you may only recognize my face as Grand Admiral Nikrat's shadow, but I am more than just that now. What you see here is a man on a mission to protect his country from danger. Something that Admiral Nikrat has clearly forgotten. If you have not realized already, what that man planned to do was wage a war so violent, so gruesome, that it would pale in comparison to any in our great and noble history.

All for the sake of power. For Fortune. He was willing to sacrifice the lives of millions of citizens for his great crusade into the stars. The reality is that it would all be folly in the end. Only Nikrat would enjoy the spoils of war despite being on the losing side.


The rest of this message is to our children in the stars. The nations born out of Terra's first flight into the "New Frontier."

To the people of Atlus.

To the Al-Quhrian People

And to whomever else this applies.


Our actions as of late do not represent who we are as of now. Those actions represent a man who has desperately clung onto "Old World Ideals" of claiming fame, money and power. Coming into a new era of space travel, a new era for humanity as a whole, we cannot allow these trivial things to pollute our minds. We should and must unite together to defend ourselves against the threats that lie in the future. Of whatever other space faring races seek our destruction.


To those nations who will gladly rejoin our family and become part of our alliance, I can assure you that we will do everything for your benefit. We will share our technology and bring aid to your counties in whatever way we can. But to those who wish to stand alone and seek power and glory foolishly, I say to you, do not expect us to be coming to you bearing gifts of prosperity any time soon. If you wish to antagonize our great nation, then expect only the same in return."


@spongedog  @Wandering Grim Hollow @Panzer @Reaper 1-1 @Proxploxtops
Following the coup started by Admiral Nwarhta, several investigations into the upper echelons of the UTA discovered several levels of corruption, almost all of them linked to these three names: Councilwoman Sharon Wang, DeMarcus Long, and Grand Admiral Robert Nikrat. While whatever secrets Nikrat had he took with him to his grave, more was discovered about the secret dealings between high level officials in the government, high level members in the weapons industry, and top ranking officers in the UTA Military. Several "Under the Desk" deals were uncovered by the Terran Intelligence Bureau involving billions of credits being passed between those involved. While Nikrat was not the head of the operation, he was responsible for the dirtiest part of the operation which was pushing an agenda in favor of war in order to siphon government money allocated to the military. 

Among those involved, DeMarcus Long was forcibly removed from his position as CEO of the Long-Stan Corporation. He was to pay several fines totaling up to 5 Billion Credits and was sentenced to serve 20 years in a government run prison. Sharon Wang was impeached and removed from her position on the UTA Council of Representatives. She was to pay fines totalling up to 500 Million Credits and to serve a lifetime in prison for treason. Nikrat, while having already received his punishment, was tried posthumously and was found guilty of all charges placed against him. He was discharged dishonorably and his family was to bear the burden of his sins with fines totaling up to 1 Billion Credits. Admiral Nwarhta admitted that he was guilty of having a part in the scheme set up by Nikrat, but he was absolved of his crimes against the Alliance, due to his service to the Alliance in abolishing the corruption that lay within the system. In a best possible scenario come true, Nwarhta had his rank as Admiral reinstated and was promoted to Grand Admiral shortly thereafter, giving him control of the entire military. 

The assassin, Daniel Bauduin, was sent back to the Atlus Principality along with those stranded aboard the Arclight Class ship that crashed on Terra months earlier. In an act of good will, Bauduin was pardoned of his crimes and was awarded a UTA Gold Leaf, the highest honor that can be bestowed to a person who is not a citizen of the UTA for service to the Alliance. With it, Bauduin is granted UTA citizenship and all the rights and privileges associated with it. With this, Daniel Bauduin become the first naturalized UTA Citizen in several decades after its earlier declaration of an isolationist policy nearly a 100 years ago.

Following these events restructuring of the military and other industries associated with it was imminent, but after a couple weeks of several people being moved into key positions, new economic powers emerged with the first and most important being ShenTech leading the weapons and ship manufacturing industry. With the fall out of trust with the LongStan Corporation, ShenTech stood out from the crowd with its innovative technology and most importantly a new line of warships to be produced unlike any the Alliance had seen before. While this was happening, the 1st Fleet was recalled from their position and those previously under Nikrat's command were replaced with other trusted individuals. One of the most prominent of these changes were the changes in command of the UTASC Orochi with Admiral Takada being replaced by Captain Xiaolong and Admiral Nwarhta being replaced by Admiral Hallevy aboard the UTASC Everest.

Rear Admiral Daniel Bauduin

Atlus Merchant Fleet

Status: Homebound

"Thank you, Grand Admiral Nwartha. I bid you good luck and farewell. Expect a gift basket within the month!" Daniel cheekily bode farewell via the communications screen on the Arclight-class ship bridge. As the connection was cut, Daniel sat back down on the Captain's seat and adjusted his Atlus Admiral's uniform. The members on the bridge consisted of whatever remained of his old crew along with a small group of formerly MIA members of the Atlus Colonial Fleet. There were a few missing faces but Daniel was glad that they could at least bring their ashes home. But at the moment, those that were alive did their best to be happy for them and the MIA Atlus soldiers were overjoyed with emotion at the fact that they can see Atlus again.

"Tis a grand ol' sight eh, Capt?" A grizzled older officer said, staring at the old home of humanity and the sparkling colonies thay orbited it. Daniel could only smile, feeling the small box containing his UTA Gold Leaf in his coat pocket. A momento for what could be the wildest adventure he ever had and a new relationship between Atlus and its forgotten parent planet of Terra.

"That indeed Jeremiah... Now. Set a course... For home." Daniel softly ordered, leaning back in his seat.

"Aye-aye Capt! Startin' warp jump!" Jeremiah declared as the small rift in space opened in front of the ship. Within a day's worth of subspace travel, they should be home. Atlus, was finally within reach.

[SIZE= 12px]@TPBx[/SIZE]

GCTerran Space Zone


ILS Patriot-Commodore James Liland


James didn't like it much. His part in the attack plan was to act as bait. Sure, he had the 4th fleet to help though the Terran fleets were very powerful. He relied on the Alkarians to help if he had a chance to survive.


"Sir, we're leaving warp in 10 minutes," an officer reported.


"Have the transports fly down to the LZ quickly after the bombers have been dispatched, I want all our ships in defensive positions," James said.


The officer nodded. The invasion begins.


Terra Space


Aboard the ILS Gadigan-Edward Gunther


Edward would be the acting commander in the battle with the Alkar. His fleet had not yet jumped to Terra. He had to wait for the Commandoes and infantry on the new Imperators to take the capital. His fleet was getting ready, loaded with ammo from the merchant fleet. Ademar would be safe for now.


Imperator Class Stealth Cruiser


Aboard the ILS London


"Activate cloaking abilities, we're going invisible," the admiral ordered.


30 Stealth cruisers were to go in to the capital and dispatch their troops. Over 30,000 troops were to participate in th siege. Around half were anticipated to be on the front lines. Stealth fighter escorts were near, also near invisible with high tech stealth gear. The Alkarian Wolf class Stealth cruisers should also be near soon to aid in the attack.


"Cloaking abilities established within the fleet," an officer noted.


The cloaking devices made the fleet appear like a large asteroid or a piece of space debris. They were literally invisible, unable to be seen. Complete ghosts. Of course, once the first pods were dispatched, the cloaking abilities would turn off and the troops would launch. That was why it had some armaments including phasers and torpedos.


"We're approaching the belt sir, it should be quick to pass given our speed and well..Design," he said.


"Aye, approach the atmosphere and to the capital above upon entering," the admiral ordered.


The officer nodded. They were in the danger zone. They had to move fast, approaching the atmosphere would likely take 6 minutes and setting up another 3 minutes. That should be enough time for the support and distraction fleet to arrive. Once the troops touch the capital, all hell was going to break loose.


Rain Squadron-Danger Zone


Alex Stitch


"All members stand by, we're in hot" said Alex over the intercom, "Rain Squadron, please stare status"


It was a quiet moment, they were about to break into hell. The squadron was placed inside fighters with stealth interceptor squadrons dotted around the fleet.


"Rain 1, standing by"

"Rain 2, Standing by"

"Rain 5 Standing by"


The while squad was here with the exception of Rain 3 and 6. Both were killed on Ademar and a replacement had still not been found.


"Roger that, all units get into defensive formation around the flagship and standby, we're approaching target" Alex said without a thought.


The calm before the storm had set in. All was quiet and the hands numb. Despite previously being in combat, it was still nerve racking to be placed into such a situation. A wrong move could get your whole nation killed.



((Operation Downfall is in action))






SS Guard Division.

Naval movements.

While waiting for orders, the FeldWebel Leutnant began to worry.

Did they forget of their assistance?

Will they not see any action of which they had been made for.

Were they to be useless once more?


The ships grew quiet as they waited for Alkarian orders, only being broken by some 'Critiques' of Alkarian command.


"Bolts above...these Alkarians have the Galaxies most elite fighting force at their disposal...and yet they sit on their ass and flounder."

one began.

"I am a Tiger! I am not meant to sit around! I NEED TO FIGHT!"

the tank's AI joined in, before speculations on Alkarian command turned into jokes.


"Give the alkarians a hammer to hammer a nail, and they'll use their hands to hammer the nail until it bleeds." one joked.


The Leutnant stayed silent in hopes of getting Alkarian orders.

They better be deployed soon..



Wolf Class Thunder


"Alright. Initiate cloaking systems. We need to help the Lorrainian stealth ships out." the captain said. He pointed to the coms officer and ordered "Get the Kaisics online. I need to get the orders out to them". The coms officer opened up a video link to the Kaisic ships, not knowing if they had video transmitters. At least they would get the audio. 


Video transmission to Kaisic ships

Attention Kaisic troops. We are initiating the attack. We have sent in stealth ships to take out any anti air defenses in the capital. Hold your fighters until we give the go. Captain Santo out.



SS Guard Division


The officer recieved the order and gave a slight sigh into the comm.

"Roger...you better hurry...the rest of the droids are getting a bit antsy."

He replied.

Wolf Class Thunder


"Alright. Initiate cloaking systems. We need to help the Lorrainian stealth ships out." the captain said. He pointed to the coms officer and ordered "Get the Kaisics online. I need to get the orders out to them". The coms officer opened up a video link to the Kaisic ships, not knowing if they had video transmitters. At least they would get the audio. 


Video transmission to Kaisic ships

Attention Kaisic troops. We are initiating the attack. We have sent in stealth ships to take out any anti air defenses in the capital. Hold your fighters until we give the go. Captain Santo out.



Video Transmission to Kaisic ships

We are not the force in command here. We are awaiting the Lorrainians to kick this off. Tell them if they want to blame someone blame the Lorrainians. Captain Santo out.


LaGrange Observation Post

An alarm went off in the small outpost computer. One of the observation officers clicked on his computer screen to check it out. "Captain, I'm getting a warp space readin coming from the farthest part of the outer sphere." The Captain yawned and woke up. He strolled on over to the computer where the officer was sitting.

"What are the readings on the radar sensors."

"It appears to be a large asteroid of some kind."

"Any other details."

"Hold on, picking up something else. These calculations seem off."

"How so, Briggs."

"Well first off, we're tracking every goddamn asteroid in this system, and suddenly this one appears out of nowhere. Along with a subspace rift opening."

"Well it could be one of our mining ships. I'll check the logs." The Captain got up and sat in his desk. He pulled up the manifest of different ships passing through the area. He scrolled through the screen to check for anything that could be out of the ordinary. "Yeah this one isn't on the list. That is suspicious. I'm going to call it in to HQ." He went over to a different computer and pulled down the lever on a different machine next to it. The captain then sat down and pulled up the microphone in front of him. "Hello, This is Meyers... Yeah, its urgent put me in to command... Hey, sir, 'The Train Is Two Hours Early'. "  He put down the microphone and sat back in his chair.

"Sir what does. 'The Train is Two Hours Early' mean."

"It means that we're fucked Briggs."

New California, Star Corps HQ, Grand Admiral Nwarhta:

"Sir, one of our observation posts reported suspicious activity in the outer rim."

"They're already here. Well that's sooner than I expected. Good thing I took those precautions," he replied. Nwarhta looked down at the Officer that reported the news and then stroked his beard a bit. "It's high time, we finally get to call upon allies in this war. Alert our Atlusian friends that it's time go-time. They can take whatever measures necessary to stop our foes here. As for our own ships, have our fleet set up a perimeter around the colonies. "

"Are there any other orders you wish to give."

"What are we blind?! Deploy the Garrison!"

@Proxploxtops @Reaper 1-1 @Wandering Grim Hollow @Panzer

Imperator Class Stealth Ships


ILS Enterprise


"Sir, scanners indicating movement on the planet," an officer reported.


"Double time then dammit! They can't see us but we dunno what else they know either," the admiral replied.


The fleet had sped past the observation deck, invisible. They were entering the atmosphere now. Entering the planet certainly would dissrupt enemy radars. Inside the planet, the fleet would likely seem like a rather large shutter. 


"Send our troops to their pods, have them ready to launch on my order," the admiral said.


"Aye sir," the officer replied.


The ships were equipped with bonbardment material and weapons though if they activated it now, the troops would have to get to their objectives quickly. Perhaps they have noticed us and did nothing, or perhaps they did something and thought it was a false alarm... ,the admiral thought silently.


The ships were getting in formation now. They hovered above the capital, completely invisible. On radars, they seem like a possible storm that would be entering the region soon in meteorologist forecasts or a large outpost above the planet. They had to act soon.


4th fleet and Transport Fleet [Terra Space]


It was go time. The fleet were ordered to send large cryptic transmissions over the planet to dissrupt signals. The entire fleet itself actually looked like a fleet on radar. The transports were getting ready to enter the atmosphere as the ships weaved their way past the field of debris.


The soldiers aboard were anxious as the crew members. It was their first engagement and it was time to enter the hell zone.



UTA-SC Everest, Command Center, Joanne Hallevy:

"What the hell are they up to," she said as she observed the enemy fleet descend to the surface. Something like that obviously couldn't be missed on the cameras of the Everest, and it seemed like a rather odd move for what should be an invasion force. She had her half of the fleet hold their fire as it would be a moronic move to let the enemy know they were being watched. "Alert the subterranean colony commanders," Hallevy ordered the comms officer, "have them ready the Dainsleif Anti-Ship System. The enemy may or may not go for the subterranean colonies. Its better to be safe than sorry."

Terra, Surface, San Francisco Bay Dainsleif Site

"Sergeant we have new orders. They want the Dainsleifs online."

"Understood, alright ya gutter rats lets get moving. Kara get the belt ready and the first shot loaded into the electro magnetic chamber. Vargas, Tamille, you guys are on repair duty. If any of our shit fails, you all better have it ready as fast human-fuckingly possible. Fareed you're gonna be with me on the targetting computers. I'll take the AA guns, you'll blast those bastards out of the sky with the railgun. Understood."

"Yes Sergeant," they shouted back.

Outside the and around the old California bay, several structures rose up from the ground. The dust and dirt fell off of them as the platforms were raised to the surface. The groaning of old machines could be heard for miles. These were the Dainsleifs, though an outdated technology compared to the plasma main cannons aboard the UTA-N ships, they still served their purpose well as the rail guns and the Molybdenum rods they fired were powerful enough to rip ship armor to shreds. Several of these sites were built across the barren world by the rebel faction during the Second Rebellion. They were high priority targets for good reason because of their destructive capabilities and more importantly their effective range. While plasma beams only fire in one direction, going until they hit something or until an object with a massive gravitational pull like a massive star, moves them around. The Dainsleif's computer systems were calibrated to track cross planet firing arcs, using the earth's gravity to pull the rod to its desired location. This made the Dainsleif a very potent weapon in the defense of Terra as offensives on the planet's surface proved to be incredibly difficult as on top of the debris field any Dainsleif Site on the surface could target and destroy incoming waves of assault ships. While over half of these sites were destroyed during the Second Rebellion, a little over 100 still remain, now under the control of the UTA. Each site contained 3 Rail Guns and 9 AA guns.

The turrets rotated and faced the direction of the enemy fleet. They were still too far out of the Dainsleif's effective range to take a shot, so the crews waited until they descended closer to the surface. If they made their way into the inner atmosphere, they would be met with a grim surprise.

@Proxploxtops @spongedog @Panzer @Reaper 1-1
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Wolf Class Thunder

Santo watched the monitors intently. If there was movement on the planet, he wanted to know about it. "Uh, sir. We've got something on one of the camera feeds." an officer stated. Santo moved to the screen to see something peculiar. It had risen out of the ground and had turned to face them. "Shit. We're burnt. If those are guns at that distance we won't be able to hit it. Our Hailstorm can't hit that." he said. "Get me a link to the Lorrainians and tell them we are holding position to provide overwatch." he ordered as he pointed to the coms officer.


Communications to Lorrainian ships


We are holding position here to provide overwatch. Our camera feeds have spotted what we believe is a weapon system on the far side of the planet. Continue with caution.


New California, Star Corps HQ,  Grand Admiral Nwarhta:

Nwarhta stared at the tactical map in his office. A hologram on the table revealed everything currently known to be going on in the Terra system. With him were the holographic forms of Admiral Hallevy and the newly appointed General Estanoctoc. Each map displayed the same information, but the visuals were changed according to the request of each TacMaps user. On Estanoctoc and Hallevy's ends were the standard setting which displayed every ship and as how it appeared in real life but miniaturized. On Nwahrta's end, every ship was depicted by class and was represented by varying sized chess pieces. Enemies depicted as the white side as they were the attackers and the Terran forces were depicted as the black side as they were the defending force. 

Kings were placed on the colonies as they were the least mobile yet vital piece to the game. A Queen was placed next to his King on New California, representing the Super Battleship, the UTA-SC Everest. Several large rooks stood on Terra representing the Dainsleif Planetary Defense System. Smaller rooks depicted the 9 Carriers of the current home fleet. Bishops and Knights represented the general-purpose Phoebe class battleships and powerfuk Hyperion class battleships respectively. Many other pawns on the board represented the hundreds of destroyers in the fleet.

For his opponent, Nwarhta had placed a group of several pawns depicting the transport fleet that was making its way towards Terra's surface. He also placed several ghost Knights depicting what he thought were the missing piece, the stealth craft.  They were the main issue of this puzzle that was the current battlefield. 

"Hallevy, I see you have deployed the Dainsleifs."

"Yes, Admiral."

"Good move, I was about to say that myself. A very nice gambit, but it leaves more to be desired. Nonetheless, it should force their stealthed ships to come out of hiding. I would've preferred it if you activated them later as the subterranean colonies are next to impervious to aerial attacks anyway," Nwarhta replied. He stroked his beard and looked at the board again trying to make out what his next move would be. "I guess you and I, dear Lorrainian Admiral, shall play out our game. Will you continue as planned and attack the colonies where you risk defeat as my ships are already there and waiting. Or will you forsake your element of surprise to assist your allies in conquering the surface world, only to realize there is nothing there to conquer on that barren, old world wasteland."

@Proxploxtops @spongedog @Reaper 1-1 @Panzer

SS Guard Division


"Ugh... I hate waiting." One of them said.

"Alright- so...do you want to go over briefing with us Herr?" the Tiger tank asked.

The radios went quiet.

Then, the offizier spoke.

"Right...our orders...Punch through the UTA lines.

We are to protect our Tiger tanks as they bash the enemy defenses."

His voice trembled slightly. The offizier had been on many missions like this. None of them ended well when they were put under Human command.

"Yavol, we have received orders to obey Alkarian command. no matter how dumb or questionable."

The Radio operator continued for the Offizier.

He typed a message to the Alkarian command.

(Kaisic- Alkar.

The We are requesting sitrep on invasion, over.)

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