Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

"Best of luck to you Miss Jones." Oliver called. He arranged the white roses cheerfully. He really hoped that they were a gift from Mr. Glis. Oliver went behind the counter to get his bath of cinnomen buns just as more people came to purchase them. Hot out of the oven, everybody's favorite.
Caragh smiled and old her flowers to many couples and a few lone people. She loved how the flowers brought a smile to peoples faces, even when they were already smiling, it made their mood increase. Unlike the weather she was chearfull adn ssang happily to herself as she worked on arangements.
The clock ticked by favorably fast as he meandered through the shop, intermediately between the studio and the store floor when needed. Hours have passed relatively busily as customers ventured in and out, some of the purchasing an instrument and others booking time in the studio for a later date. Oddly enough a good deal of people frequent a store that has not been open that long, him figuring it to be simply a oddity factor but others say it is because of the service and selection of items. To that he simply brushes it off, him knowing that there are vastly superior stores two towns over when it comes to musical instruments and service.

With that in mind he glanced up at the clock, it being just after three in the afternoon…two more hours left until the store closes down, only the studio would be open past five. That arrangement made it easier for the two endeavors to coexist, a bit of a hybrid take on the whole matter. However, there were no people scheduled to do any recording for the day so he figured on just calling it an early day. What he would do for the rest of the day was a big question mark though, plans outside of work were not something that he usually puts down in pen after all. He was now going over what he had sold for the day, taking in inventory and so on, him also taking care of the late customers that decide to come in later in the day.
Oliver stopped baking at Three O'clock and just focused on selling the rest of his wares, though the bakery was closed an hour later than everyone else. He was happy depite the weather and proudly showed it.

Axis sat in his shop and glared at the rain. he hated rain and mud and the fact that it lessened his customers. the most he had done today was doing a bindi piercing for a young indian girl. Stayed on better than the jewels her parents had said. Axis sighed and took an umbrella, walking over to the music shop. He needed something new to play.
As Glis was looking outside of the storefront windows he noticed that Axis was making his way over, him figuring that he was coming to get another set of songs to add to his collection for his ambiance in his shop. With that in mind he simply went back to looking over the instruments to be sure that they were still in pristine condition, which would be the only things he’d sell in the shop. He heard the door open and turned to face Axis, which he’d already seen making his way over, “Axis, just browsing?”
Name: Missy Kail

Age: 23

Appearance: Missy has short, dark brown hair cut in an inverted bob, she has murky green eyes the colour of a dirty pool (You know, THAT shade of green) Missy is pretty short, standing at 5’6” with tan skin and freckles she ha never really shed from when she was four. Missy has one tattoo, a red Chinese dragon circling her upper thigh, which you can see she wears her signature short-shorts

Personality: Missy makes up for her height with her fiery nature, she tends to be blunt, hard-headed, sarcastic and sometimes downright idiotic, but if anyone says anything against her mother, it usually ends with someone face down on the ground, unconscious.

Personal info: When Missy and her twin brother where younger, their dad left them, and he also cleaned out her mother’s bank account, her mother then got into some unsavory stuff, both Missy and her brother are very protective over their mother.

( voila, what I had to rewrite, thanks to my stupid computer... )
Oliver looked up when the bell chimed, he was just cleaning up behind the counter. "Oh, hello Miss Kail we just ran out of cinnomen buns if you wanted one, you're a little late. I'm sorry." Oliver looked over what he had left. "Lots of cookies left, and some scones from lunchtime."

"That really depends." said Axis "On weather you got anything new in since yesterday, if not I'll just get another System album." Axis walked over to the section under S "This is their last album, I'll have to pick another band next time." He brought it up to the counter. "You should come in some time, I could give you something besides that girls earring."
He shrugged as Axis walked over to the music section of the store, “I have what I had yesterday.” He went behind the counter and took the cd, ringing it up. A chuckle went past his lips followed with a shake of his head, “Who said I don’t have ink?” He paused and sat the cd on the counter in front of Axis adding with a slight shrug, “I just don’t go to work shirtless.” He said the price without even looking at the cash register, him remembering what the price was considering he priced it yesterday, “Nine, eighty-nine.”
"I never said you didn't, i said you're wearing a girls dangle earring so you should either let me even it up by piercing the other side, or let me sell you some better jewelry." Axis handed over a ten dollar bill and waited for his change.
He rolled his eyes and chuckled as he took the money placing it in the register, “Until recently piercings were considered feminine so I see myself as just ahead of the curb.” Glis took out the right amount of change and handed it to Axis with a light shrug , “I’m alright with how I look, anyway another hole might ruin my aerodynamics.” His eyes opened wide as he closed the register after he said his slight joke, him giving a slow nod as if he was serious.
Missy shrugs as she digs in her neon orange bag before pulling out a ten dollar bill. "Give me anything that this can buy, I'm starving."

Missy approaches to drop the bill on the counter and wait for her food.

( This was bad writing.... Sorry. )
Axis stared at him. "You have to be kidding me." He pocketed his change and left without another word. What the f**k did Oliver see in that b*****d. He returned to the tattoo parlor and shook out his wet umbrella. Still no customers, no apointments. He unwrapped his new album and dropped the CD into his CD player. Soon enough the heavy tunes of System of a Down were blasting from his stero. Axis took off his shirt and went over to his piercing station. Bordome was a b***h. He put his gloves on and gave himself a nipple piercing on the right side.

"Hm, well there are a lot of options for ten dollars Miss Kail." Arthur turned to what he had left. "How about a bacon and chezse scone, a cheese croissent, a blueberry muffin and two maple walnut cookies." Oliver raked up the purchases on the register as Ruby came to rub against Missy's leg. "And a carton of milk." Oliver reaced into the cooler and got out a square container, 500ml of milk. "That's nine fifty three." Oliver handed Missy the purchases and her change. "How are you today Miss Kail?"
"Ah, you know me so well." Missy smiles as she picks up Ruby and strokes her belly, With a sigh, Missy sets down the cat as she picks up her purchases and slides the change back to Oliver, she nods as she acknowledges his question, "Its really good, no one fussy customer yet." With a grin, Missy sashays to a table and sets down her things
Ruby mewed happily and jumped down from the counter to follow Missy. "Wonderful! fussy customers are such a bother." Oliver cleaned up the crumbs for the counter and printed Missy's reciept even though she never took it. "I hope the scones are good, I used a new blend of herbs this time." chatted Oliver.
Glis chuckled lightly and shook his head as Axis made his way out of the door, “Such fun,” he replied to himself as he walked out from behind the counter. It was quite fun to annoy Axis, his reactions were highly comical most of the time…this being one of those times. With that on his mind he went through the usual steps of closing the place down, him locking up and turning off all of the lights. Glis stepped out of the front door and locked it behind himself just after activating the alarm on the inside of the establishment.

As he turned to face the road he saw that it was still light out, him closing a bit earlier because there was no one booked to record today. He made his way across the street while he twirled his keys around his finger out of boredom, him going at a relatively slow pace as he made his way down the sidewalk toward the bakery which Oliver owned. It was still raining so he did not feel like making himself something to eat when he got back home so he’d just see what was left here. He opened the door with his left hand and brushed his hair back with the other-as he walked into the store-droplets of water were dripping down on his nose which slightly agitated him.
Caragh sold her last flower, a rose, and closed up her shop she decided to go for a walk to stretch her legs so she changed into her usual clothes, her shirt baggier than usual and she put on her overcoat before walking out and locking the door, Aladin asleep on his perch. She looked up at the dreary sky and smiled, she kind of liked this weather. She wandered down the streets Aimlessly.
Oliver turned his attention away when the bell chimed. "Good afternoon Mister Glishien." He couldn't help but keep a hint of a smile out of his voice. "how can I help you?"

axis was spinning around boredly on one of his chairs when he saw Caragh walk past the shop. He ran outside after her. "Hey! if you're not using it, I want my umbrella back." he huffed. "not to mention I'm open for hours yet, so I can start on the color if you want." Axis lived in the apartment above his shop so he tended to close only when he got tired. Late night business paid the best.
Caragh turned at the mention of her name "Hey, to you too Axiz" she said and handed him the umbrella and raised her eyebrows, as the water droplets, that were falling quite slowly fell and nessled themselves in her hair. "Sure . . . do I need to pay anything now?" She didn't Axis's . . ruff attutide, but sometimes it made her wonder why he was like that.
Axis put the umbrella over his own head before it could affect his dreds too much. "No, you already payed the deposit, you don't have to pay anything until it's all done. But you owe eight hundred dollars so if you want to toss me a twenty every now and then I'll count it in that eight hundred." He started heading back towards the shop. "c'mon then, you can tell me how your first day went."
Caragh smiled and walked into his shap, behind him "Well, i dont have any money on me know, only some change for food, but perhaps later" she took of her overcoat and said "It went lovely, I was so impressed" she said a happy look on her face.
"so long as you get it to me before you die, or leave it to me in your will. If you leave town, i'll have to kill you." Axis shook off the umbrella and hung it up by the door. he wanted to ask how Oliver recieved the flowers but he didn't. "So, assuming you want it just like the picture, we can get started on color now. same drill as last time, off with the shirt and bra." Axis went and put the chair down to reclining position.
Caragh laughed adn nodded "I have no where to go, I doubt I'd leave town" she rolled her eyes "You'll get the money" and removes her top and bra, laying down again and saying "I delivered the flowers, he seemed to love them." she told him randomly
"That's good. the rain brings him down." Axis had known the younger male for a few years, and knew him better than anybody. "But I know he likes flowers, so I thought he'd enjoy it." Axis got on his cloves and dipped a fresh needle in ink. he turned on the gun and began.
Caragh tensed up slghtly then relaxed her back muscles tensing her arms and segs slightly "It's nice you know him so well" she smiled slightly.

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