Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

"Well that's what happens when you know someone for many years, you get to know their personality." Axis shrugged and kept his focus on the tattoo as he formed ever scale with precision and detail. "Then you become friends and that's how lifelong friends are formed." Friends, friends only.
Caragh smiled and nodded "Indeed, but its rare these days." all the fake friends all the fake family. Almost everyone was fake these days, the sad thing was most people acted exactly like a perfect person, when hiding some dark secret. Her parents were an example
There aren't a lot of secrets in a smaller town like this that people don't know. Any number of people that know Oliver could tell you anything about him. myself, I know a few of his dirty little secrets, not that they're anything bad." Axis wiped away access ink and kept going. "But, the smaller your secret is, the less likely anyone is going to care about it."
Caragh nodded "this is what i mean, anyone could tell me anything. But a real friend wouldnt and i am not interested in someones secrets if they dont tell me themselves. Unlessbof course its harmfull or envoles me directly otherwis i really couldnt care." she was a secretive person you could say, but who would want a stranger knowing their secrets?
"Most of them, aren't secrets if you know what I mean." Axis sighed. "anyone could tell you that I ended up being shipped off to the big city hospital when I was fourteen for ODing on opium, pr that Oliver's first lover skipped town. Everyone knows everything about everyone here, secrets aren't secrets. If you want to keep a secret you have to guard it with your life."
“I though about taking something home with me,” he said with a blahh look on his face, “When it rains I’d prefer not to cook, it’s just a little glitch I have.” He chuckled lightly and walked up to the counter , his eyes going from Ruby then back up to Oliver, “Have anything left over that I can take back home?” It seemed that the rain had also affected Oliver’s business, he did have more stuff left over than usual. Most of the time it would be pointless to even ‘try’ to acquire a baked good at this time here.
"I don't have anything free if that's what you're asking." Oliver rarely gave anything free to his customers past the free samples jar. He had a big family at home to bring any leftovers to. "But there is plenty left sweet or otherwise if you want."
Caragh frowned and said "just the type of town i tried to avoid Ah well" she wasn't up and moving again but she did like her privacy and loved when others valued theres as well "I dont want to know about everyone, it not my buisness, and that is how i was raised." she shrugged

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