Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

Caragh blushed slightly an di as she was told as aladin flew on tge the railing of a chair, on command. she covered her front with her singlet and lay down on the chair. She rested her head on her arms and calmed her blush. she wasnt scared if the needle much. it wasnt the actuall needle that scared her it was what had been done with one, a small scar in her arm was evidence to that. she hoped he didnt see it and attempted to cover it with her hair.
Axis smiled a little . "Don't be shy, I've tattoo'ed pretty much every part of a woman. I've seen it all before." He chuckled and began the tattoo. "Just relax, okay? this is going to take a couple hours, feel free to just go to sleep." Axis worked the tattoo gun over her skin and wiped away all excess ink.
"I think, I'll do just that," Jace shrugged with a chuckle and walked over to the counter, sitting the money in the register for the moment. Him set on contemplating some more music at the moment, considering no customers come in at this time of day most of the time. With that in mind he walked over to the sofa in the corner and picked up the guitar that was leaning against the table in front of the sofa, him taking a seat and tuning the instrument a bit to get the sound right. He strummed a few cords and started to get an opening to a new song up, him now singing lyrics that might go with the tempo and sound, “Walk away from obscurity, away from uncertainty…” He paused for a moment and marked it down on a music sheet, “Yeah that might work.”
Oliver walked back over to the bakery where a young boy was waiting by the door. Oliver let him in and sold him two loafs of bread and wished him and his family good health. He took out the finished zucinni bread then put on the music track he had bought from Glis. The music filled his little shop and he worked behind the counter as he listened to it on low. "Wonderful..."
Caragh laughed and nodded slightly "Even so, I dont usually let people see my body" she said completely relaxed, but in pain, she knew what happens when you tense when you have a needle in your skin, and it hurt more than the needle. She clenched her fists and said "Unless you want me to wake up screaming, No im not gonna sleep." she said in a calm ish voice that was said through her teeth. she hummed a tune to keep herself calm, th only two things keeping her going were, the personal victory against her father, she wasnt afraid she WAS doing it. The secong the fact that tbat this had a meaning to her.
"I told you it was going to hurt." Axis shrugged as he continued on with the lines of the dragon. "But, I have had some clients fall asleep while I'm tattooing them." He made sure to always keep the access ink away. "So, do you want to tell me why you're getting a dragon? not many pretty little young ladies like you get might dragons tatooed, especially not the first time around."
Moments passed as he was in the shop, working on his music and tending to the many people that wander in and ask about prices and musical instruments that they would like to purchase, more than a few of them said they would be back tomorrow or something similar to check back to purchase one. His shop was doing rather well, much to the surprise of most owners of the other shops, some of them had their skepticism about opening up such a business here but he was determined. A bit later he was standing in the door way of his shop and staring out at the continuous rain, his thoughts matriculating back and forth just as the drops of rain. He sighed and decided to walk down the sidewalk to the bakery, the cookies now being a distant memory in his stomach…it being close enough to lunch anyway.

He walked into the bakery as he ran his hand through his wet hair, which made it stick up even more. His eyes scanning the people that were now in the shop, the cd that he gave to Oliver now playing in the background lowly, the people seeming to enjoy it. Jace walked over to the window where Ruby stayed and scratched her behind the ear, as he waited for the line to die down.
Caragh smiled and said "not because of the pain, Its my families symbol, a dragon, sovthat an unforgiven two, they have been unforgiven for two things" she said, she blushed again at his pretty ladues comment. She ha really never had anything to do with boys before, they never payed her any attention really so she did the same
Oliver served everyone in line in an orderly fashion. it was lunch time so everyone wanted something from his list of more savory creations; cheese and herb stuffed scones, croissants made with ham and chese, sweet onion filled rolls. you name it and he probably has it. In a crowed like this Ruby preferred to stay away, but she jumped up on Glis' table and meowed, licking his fingers and bumping her head against his palm. everyone left after they had bought their fill and soon it was just Glis and Oliver and one customer who was eating his purchase at the table. "What can I get for you Mister Glishien?"

Axis hummed a bit as he worked, listening to everything Caragh said. "It's an unusual symbol for a family crest he mentioned." He thought nothing of calling her pretty. Axis enjoyed flirting, weather he meant it or not. It was just something that entertained him. "What are they unforgiven for?"
Caragh laughed and nodded "I dont know who picked it out, I always thought it fitting though, our temper and all." she made a face, at the memories and said "Things as a child, It wasbl my father that stuck me with a needle, and they tried to set me up with people, and usually it benifited tyem more than md, they didnt treat me well, playing mimd games and things." She said sort of out of it
He scratches Ruby behind the ear one last time and says with a light smile, “I was thinking about a cheese scone.” He paused and stood from the table, his hand staying next to Ruby so she could rub against it. He simply stayed by the table as he waited for Oliver to get the order, Ruby would just follow him up there anyway. With that in mind he simply petted her as she purred, him standing there as the waft of the wind and rain echoed barley audible.
"So that's what that little scar there is from. Must have hurt." Axis rolled his wrist a little and adjusted his position before continuing "Hope this hurts less." Axis kept at it until he was done. it was eleve forty right now and he took a picture of the line art. "Get dressed but keep your clothing loose." He left the camera there for her to look. "come on up to the counter."

Oliver smiled. "excellent choice, I put a different combination of herbs in it this time that turned out very nice." Oliver's lunchtime take out bags were larger and had yellow happy faces all over them. he packed the scone up in that. "That'll be four twenty." He beamed. "Oh. many people have commented on your lovely music, i told them they could get the CD for themselves at your shop if they wanted it.
Caragh nodded and said "A lot less" she sat up slowly, ignoring the slight pain an put her bra and the singlet top on, making sure it was loose like he said. She lookedvat the camera and smiled, It looked good and then he walked over to the counter and said "Thanks it looks great so far" she said smiling
Axis brought a silver container up, about the size and thickness of his palm up. "Here, get someone to rub this over the tattoo tonight after you shower. Wash it carefully, be gentle. It's forty dollars, but instead I want you to bring a dozen roses over here from your store, and a greeting card. can you do that instead of the forty dollars?"
He handed him the money and chuckled a bit, “I am sure that they will be just fine.” He paused and took the bag saying with a nod, “Well that’s great, maybe the audience will be bigger than just those that come into my store now.” He grinned and petted Ruby on her head lightly, “See you later Rubbs, and see you later as well Olly.” He waved and went back into the down pour that seems like it will go on for the rest of the day. He went back to his store for the rest of the day, fielding questions and giving tips to customers and friends alike that come inside of the store, him selling a good deal of cds fro the rest of the day.
Oliver tended to his baking and his customers. he cleaned the shop whenever he had a spare moment. When work slowed, it really slowed, and because of the rain there was even less customers than usual. He played Glis' cd on repeat and sat with Ruby to watch the rain.
Caragh smiled and took the container, as Aladin flew onto her sholder landing carefully, he really was a smart bird. Caragh noddded and said "What colour, and wrapped or not?" she was happy to bring him this, She loved flowers and she grew them amazingly as well, they looked very healthy "Oh and whem do you want me to come back, I will bring tye flowers then."
Axis thought a moment. "White roses, wrapped. I need you back here in five minuets so you can do a delivery for me, don't worry you'll be back before the store opens. That one of the umbrellas on the rack, it started f*****g raining since you got here." Axis went back to clean up his equipment.
Caragh nodded an said "I better be." with a stern look, she then took a red umbrella and rushed over to, her store, and assembled the roses, and tied the card carefully to the wrapping and she walked back, after putting a overcoat on. she walked through the door and said "Okay, I am back"
Axis took the card and carefully wore 'Anonymous' on it. "deliver these to Oliver. I know he hates the rain. You can return my umbrella when it stops raining. Now, out with you." He shoo'ed Caragh right out the door, refusing any questions. Finally, he went back to eating his breakfast items from earlier that morning.
Caragh looked at him with raised eyebrows and rolled her eyes, she rushed to Olivers shop and said "hey, I have a delivery for you, someone wanted you to have these" she said handing him the bouque and smiling happily " Cant say who though"
Oliver looked up when the bell chimed. "Oh wow." He took the bouquet, glancing briefly at the card. He gasped softly as he unwrapped the flowers. "they're so beautiful!" He put them in a vase on the counter and added water. "Oh I can certainly tell you who I hope the are from~"
Missy wakes up, well, she more so rolls off her top bunk and lands on the floor with a heavy thunk "Well, this sure beats a hangover, a freaking headache and a lump on my head..." Missy says in her sarcastic tone, she staggers up to her feet over-dramatically as she checks her watch, 12:07.

She was late.

With surprising speed, Missy had showered and was fully dressed by the time it started raining, but, hey, who doesn't like a little rain?

Missy had but on her fancy red overcoat and her laceup leather boots as she steps out in the rain, humming to a tune she had heard earlier that week.

Missy had been sitting at her shop for an hour, reading some old romance novel when she stuffed her book into her bag and quickly running across the street to the bakery where she hesitated by the door, "I'm too hungry to wait." Missy declares to herself as she steps into the warm bakery

(( @

WantYourSoul you have to put your character
skeleton up or you will be banned from the roleplay. you were allready told to put it up before you posted a starter. This is your last warning. ))

Caragh laughed and said "Well, that's your buissness, I'm sorry but I have to go open up shop" she said apologetically and she smiled once more and walked out of the shop and down the street, she opened the door for contemers and put on the radio, dancing around slightly as she worked.

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