• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy [temp OOC + info] ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ



Whether you've died screaming and alone, or blissfully drifted off into nothingness, you have died with regrets and have been given a second chance. Colloquially, you are referred to as an Agent: a dead mortal that has been brought back from death by the Seraphim. The Seraphim are a collection of otherworldly beings that appear as differing species of owls to mortals— their true forms would inspire fear in even the most indifferent. Your task is to hunt down the enemies of the Seraphim that exist in the mortal realm, referred to as aberrations. Each victory adds a few more grains of sand to the top of your hourglass.

Simply said, every win gives you more time on this plane of existence. An hourglass is given to each agent as a nifty way to track how much time is left on their clock. The catch? You have to cut off all ties with your old life, if you happen to come across someone you would’ve recognized, you’d simply appear as another face in the crowd. If you managed to convince them of your prior identity, the punishment would be steep. That is to say, you’d receive a deduction in the time you have left. An even greater crime would be the assault or murder of a human in the mortal realm, you are here to protect, and hurting someone is entirely antidotal to the mission given by the Seraphim.

Maintaining the Veil is part of your mission in ensuring the protection of humanity. Agents must operate without clueing humans in regarding what lies beyond. A quick tap on your hourglass will pause time for mortals, allowing Agents to operate in secrecy with relatively little effort.

When not hunting aberrations, agents are as plain as any other mortal. They sleep, eat, and can get injured. But as long as they have sand left in their hourglass, they cannot die. They will simply wake up again unharmed and at the Regenesis Hotel by the next morning. To enter the hotel, one must simply step through any door and wish for it. It serves as a hub for agents to sleep, eat, and enjoy some mild luxuries free of charge.

Aberrations come in many forms, some monstrous, some humanoid, though they have a few things in common. Aberrations are echoes of humanity, born following tragic or emotional events. Most are relatively harmless and can be dispatched effortlessly by your average Agent. Agents are gifted with supernatural abilities to aid them in combating these aberrations, supporting their allies, or dragging these evils out of their hiding spots. There is a great variety in gifts that agents might receive and it's not uncommon that their gift relates to how they died, or something they wanted in life.

While aberrations cannot be perceived by normal mortals, they can still do a great deal of harm. More powerful aberrations can influence the emotional state of those around them, and influence them to act unusually. Stronger still, are those that can possess a human, or even establish full control over an entire population. The most powerful of aberrations can damage the environment or even directly cause death.

Injuries on the job are not uncommon. In the interest of ensuring their ability to serve, the seraphim keep their agents’ bodies in top shape. One might think of this as a sort of snapshot that their bodies are returned to every morning. That is, at approximately 7:00 AM PST, any injuries received in the last 24H will be recovered. Depending on the severity of their injuries, some time might be deducted from their hourglass. As a result of this homeostasis, agents do not age. The seraphim only chooses those who are willing and ready to serve them, you will find no children among their servants’ ranks.

Three seraphim are known to regularly interact with and serve missions to the agents of the Regenesis Hotel: Strixiel, Nyctiel, and Glauciel. They can telepathically communicate with the agents while outside of the hotel and are known to only appear directly while inside its constraints. While their knowledge is great, they are not omnipotent as it pertains to the aberrations. In particular, their knowledge of the mortal world is obscured in areas where there are many of these aberrations or strikingly powerful ones.

While Agents are free to hunt on their own in their downtime, most of their more challenging foes will come from assignments directly given by the Seraphim.

Strixiel appears as a small elf owl, small in stature—he is no bigger than a sparrow. He has a round head with large, black eyes that are almost too big for his face. While Strixiel might come off as stern, there is an air of eccentricity that makes you question the authenticity of every word. Despite his size, he tends to flutter about with a confident, regal air. He is known to be easygoing and almost a matriarchal figure among the agents.

Nyctiel is a spectacled owl, with feathers that are colored a rich chocolate brown, below its gaze lies a shock white plumage. Much to the frustration of her agents, Nyctiel is seldom straightforward. She does not often give all of the details when it comes to any directives she might assign. She enjoys testing and challenging her agents, in a constant effort to push them to become better.

Glauciel is a crested owl, with a plumage that is a mottled brown and black. Two twin feathers protrude from the crown of its head, which much to his dismay, are often confused for horns. Glauciel tends to be more stoic as compared to his cohorts. You will rarely find anything but an unshakable indifference when peering into those large, amber eyes. Glauciel tends to be both the most punishing and the least rewarding. While stern, there is the benefit that Glauciel tends to be much more predictable to work with as compared to the other seraphim.

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Hello all, welcome to the temp OOC for borrowed time! We will be using discord for the main OOC, but for now, feel free to discuss any character ideas you had. I did add some more information to the info dump. The new section begins with the paragraph that starts with: ‘Injuries on the job are not uncommon. ’

I will begin accepting characters starting next Sunday night (July 13th), with 1 character per player. There is a limit of 10 players, not including myself. If there are more than 10 characters at that time (not counting my own), be aware that it will not be on a first-come basis.

Kovacs Kovacs Selece Selece Wyll Wyll Jesster Jesster Chameleon Chameleon :: fairy dust :: :: fairy dust :: phnx. phnx. Nano Nano Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
hello party people ‼️

Dance Halloween GIF by aurel
Zedalith Zedalith a couple of questions.

Are the agents afforded any special (or even supernatural) gear alongside their personal power to assist in their missions? Like special armor,or unique weapons,or such.

Secondly,by no kids does that include high school teens? I already have a character idea and would like to know how much adjustment is needed.
You have to cut off all ties with your old life, if you happen to come across someone you would’ve recognized, you’d simply appear as another face in the crowd. If you managed to convince them of your prior identity, the punishment would be steep.
I probably should have asked this before I started cooking up ideas with a friend, but would it be possible to create two characters who died at the same time/place and were recruited together despite this rule? We were thinking of making characters whose powers were related to the other.
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Nellancholy Nellancholy That is a good question, they will receive some tools to help them on occasion, but nothing supernatural. If you would like to work that into a character you can have their gift be something capable of manifesting objects. If you want these items to have powers it can be something similar to Erza’s equip magic from Fairy Tail. If you're not familiar, that character essentially has a special armory that they can draw from with a variety of armors with special properties. Though, for this I would limit the amount of armors to 3, if that is something you might be interested in. As far as being a student goes, they can be 18 and a senior, or you could rework it so that they are a college student.

Nano Nano That would be fine, if they are both agents then they would recognize each other. That whole idea sounds really interesting ^^
I didn't post on the interest check but I did want to mention that I am interested and plan on making a sheet 🥹
Zedalith Zedalith I got most of my CS up for approval, let me know if it fits or if you'd prefer adjustment, especially since I got just the tiniest bit nasty in there.
Nellancholy Nellancholy Thanks for reminding me to include an appearance section, I do somehow miss the most obvious things when creating character sheets. You did miss the personality, but other than that you did fill out everything precisely as required. I do find the archetype of a ‘sort of’ remorseful bully extremely interesting and it was not something I expected to see! And no need to worry about getting nasty or anything, I do love some angst. What stands out to me is that her main regret is her self-sacrificial act rather than her prior adversarial behavior. It is sort of an unexpected twist? As reading it, one might think the obvious choice for her regret is to have been bullying Ana, to begin with. The cliffhanger regarding Ana’s survival leaves some room for drama, which I always love. Minus the one missing part, it was a fun sheet to read.
Nellancholy Nellancholy Thanks for reminding me to include an appearance section, I do somehow miss the most obvious things when creating character sheets. You did miss the personality, but other than that you did fill out everything precisely as required. I do find the archetype of a ‘sort of’ remorseful bully extremely interesting and it was not something I expected to see! And no need to worry about getting nasty or anything, I do love some angst. What stands out to me is that her main regret is her self-sacrificial act rather than her prior adversarial behavior. It is sort of an unexpected twist? As reading it, one might think the obvious choice for her regret is to have been bullying Ana, to begin with. The cliffhanger regarding Ana’s survival leaves some room for drama, which I always love. Minus the one missing part, it was a fun sheet to read.
I tend to fold "history" and "personality" into one "biography" section,because one tends to inform the other. But if you'd rather I do so I can write up a bit more about her personality in its own section when I get to finishing up. Good to know it's acceptable,I look forward to participating if accepted.
Nellancholy Nellancholy I thought that might have been the case when reading, but I was not sure. I do want them into two distinct sections. You can focus on who she is as an agent now in that section. You can also write about who she was before she died if that's also to your interest, maybe so we came compare it to who she is now? Up to you.
i posted my character! let me know if anything needs changing, i will be immediately on it! 💪
Chameleon Chameleon You filled out everything perfectly ✨ I enjoy what you've put together with the dynamic between Oskar, Richard, and his father. I am also just a sucker for anything even vaguely resembling a crime syndicate, haha. Oskar and his friendship with Richard was well-thought-out! The bit at the end was very unexpected and left a lot of room for fun plotlines in the future, which I always appreciate. Makes you feel bad for Oskar and makes me want to know what happened between the missed years with his father. The entire circumstance as to how Oskar and Richard’s friendship began (with the abandonment by his father) is sketchy and makes me question if Richard somehow orchestrated the situation to begin with. I do think his gift is a pretty unique take on shadow manipulation as well. I don't see anything that needs to be added or changed at the moment, very well done.
AH ‼️‼️ thank you so much for the feedback!! 💞

i'm glad it wasn't too vague :') potentially, i'm aiming to have the pivotal moments in his history (like the first time he killed someone) to be explored more in-depth through roleplay when/if he gets flashes of it. was also worried the history was getting too long and i'm very impatient with myself x)

particularly excited for him to emerge from a shadow as two people are mid-gossip. the walls have eyes and ears 👁️👁️.
Chameleon Chameleon No problem! The backstory had a good amount of detail and all of it was relevant.

That kind of arrangement is 100% possible. Maybe random moments in-character might spark those memories. Mayhaps he sees someone die IC and gets that sort of flashback?

I didn't take him for a snoop, but I can see that happening. I imagine him being a massive jump-scare, just casually strolling through a wall while you're by yourself 👀
Zedalith Zedalith a flashback sparking from witnessing someone die ic is a great idea! :o my condolences to whoever that winds up being 😩

it'd be funny if sometimes it was by complete accident too x) . he's in something's shadow for one reason or another and two people come in and start gossiping. he doesn't know when the right time to step out is, so he just kinda stays in there awkwardly. i don't know what the reason for him leisurely being in a shadow would be, but the scenario just plays out so amusing in my head. someone in mid love confession or something, oskar's foot steps out from a lamp's shadow on the wall, "my bad." and he walks out stone-faced but is internally screaming at how awkward that was. 😭

realistically speaking, most of the gossip he overhears is likely from travelling as a shadow rather than lingering in one. he wouldn't intentionally snoop unless for a rare circumstance or a mission! he's already got enough of a bad rep as it is. 💀

absolutely agree with the massive jump-scare part x) i think he'd find it amusing scaring someone by stepping out of an unlit corner of a room. would never admit to it, ofc. 🙈
So apparently we've been cooking in here and RPN figured I didn't need to know 😪😪

I'll try and get my lil' guy in the characters thread as soon as possible
So apparently we've been cooking in here and RPN figured I didn't need to know 😪😪
Lmao same. I'm excited to read what's been posted in the CS thread over some tea when I get back from work.

For now though while I'm still on break - Zedalith Zedalith I was wondering, does this RP take place in our world, set in modern times? Where and when specifically?
LMAO, I'm sure this is what the Seraphim intended when giving the Agents their gifts x). I do love the gimmick of supernatural powers being used for goofy reasons. I am already thinking of the scolding he'd get from Glauciel… Chameleon Chameleon

It does take place in modern times! There will not be a singular setting other than the Regenesis hotel on the very rare down time. For the most part, the setting will change between arcs. I will stick with western countries due to plain familiarity, unless a scenerio demands otherwise. However, you can have your character originate from anywhere. The hotel is easily accessible from anywhere in the world and can also serve as an easy means of transportation. Typically when an agent exits the hotel through the front door and steps into the mortal world, they reappear at the point closest to where they entered. The only rule is that this point must be unobserved.

Think of an algorithm that starts at the point where an agent entered the hotel, and spreads outward until it finds an area away from any human eyes. If there are cameras observing that point, imagine a sort of blurry “emp” effect being applied to any footage recording that point in space at the time of their reappearance. By request or due to necessity, the Seraphim can choose a more specific point an agent would appear in when exiting the hotel. Hope I'm making sense here, let me know if anythings confusing and ill try and put some more elbow grease into my explanation 😄 Kovacs Kovacs
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oh gee my heart is not going to survive reading everyone's histories.

Zedalith Zedalith question re: an idea for gift/power: would something like being able to summon or command things with 1-2 words (i.e. Fire, Jump. etc) to varying degrees be acceptable? I understand that second bit might be pretty complicated to make work in a rp, so I'm totally find w limiting it to just the first if that works best.
Zedalith Zedalith question re: an idea for gift/power: would something like being able to summon or command things with 1-2 words (i.e. Fire, Jump. etc) to varying degrees be acceptable? I understand that second bit might be pretty complicated to make work in a rp, so I'm totally find w limiting it to just the first if that works best.
Just tossing in that it may be possible to get the second one to work if you were doing it on inanimate objects. Like you may not be able to command another character to explode, but you might be able to command the ground underneath them to explode
Just tossing in that it may be possible to get the second one to work if you were doing it on inanimate objects. Like you may not be able to command another character to explode, but you might be able to command the ground underneath them to explode
Ooh, that's a great idea! Thank you 👀

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