Telltale's The Walking Dead Ep. 2: After [Inactive]

Lia heard them ask who's riding in the jeep. The was gonna but then Evan asked to. Now she doesnt. She just wanted to stay at this tree for the rest of her life. Too bad for her. Maybe when Evans asleep she'll throw in another punch. Or two. She giggled. Then stood up. But kept her back to the group. Hm. She hit her head against the tree. It hurt but she barely noticed.

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Right. The girl smiled, and outstretched a hand to Matthew. Might as well. He used his remaining hand and shook Cloe's, then turned to Sam coming up behind him.

"Who's gonna ride in the jeep?"

Well, Matthew figured that he wouldn't. He was the oldest, and therefore the "toughest" or so. He didn't really mind though, he wasn't really tired or anything. In fact, he always loved walking around in the forest. Now he could relive that experience again. Well, with slightly more monsters trying to rip your flesh off, bit only slightly more.
Neri hadn't said anything, she didn't want to say something she would regret later after all she wasn't so great at controlling her temper. When the gun shot had rang out she was armed and ready to kill, that was the first problem, she didn't think twice about ending someones life it was becoming instinct and it was terrifying. Then there was Lia and the group meeting and the accusing and- it was frustrating. She didn't know what Lia was feeling, but she knew that this kind of confrontation was not going to help in the least. No matter how many people told her to not do it again, it would not stop her from trying, and especially now that Matthew practically handed her the permission to go through with it.

Then the new woman walked in and that little voice in the back of her head whispered for for Neri to shoot her. Instead of grabbing the gun strapped to her hip she popped her knuckles as an attempt to keep her hands busy. Out of the corner of her eye she say Lia get up and walk away, Neri had the urge to run after her and make sure she would be alright but she had known people with suicidal tendencies before and running after her wouldn't help. Usually they were taken to therapy where they began their recovery at their own place. But considering the world had gone to sh**, Lia would have to somehow cope with it on her own, relatively speaking.

Leaving the others to deal with the new comer, Neri slowly wandered in the general direction she had seen Lia go. She found her sitting in front of a tree like she was drawing something on it. Neri didn't let herself be known until she saw Lia turn around with a knife in her hand an a smile on her face then proceeded to hit her head against the trunk.

"I don't think hitting you're heads gonna do anything but give you a headache."

(wow I apologize for my bad writing)
"Well pain is just a light fuzzy feeling to me now" she mumbled and looked at Neri. She bit her lip "the real pain is in my heart." She turned and faces the tree again. "The others can't see it y'know" she cut more carvings into the tree

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Neri smiled lightly as she carefully approached her. "Yeah, I know. But hurting you're body won't help that pain in the long run." Lia was carving things into the tree again, at least she stopped hitting her head. "Look, I can't tell you I'll understand how you're feeling or get your thought process, but if you want to talk I'm all ears."
"That little boy Even.... he does not belong here. I don't want him here. He brought up all my mistakes. He encouraged me to take the gun back and go through with... ending it" she teared up

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"He's a kid, Lia. It's expected of him to be a little sh** at times. Besides if you think about it none of us actually belong here, I was a freaking musician, I probably should have died a long time ago." She laughed a bit then cleared her throat, now was not the time. "But I didn't, call it God, luck, or anything else you want but I'm alive. I am here and that is what matters. Evan has his reasons for the way he is the same way you have yours." She was terrible at these sort of things and her hands started shaking a bit.
"I have my reasons to kill myself and they wont let me" she stabs the tree "they took away my gun too and now-a-days having no gun is a life or death situation."

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John woke up with the sound people discussing far away. He got up from the cold ground of the forest and walked to his backpack, that was hanging on the branch of a tree nearby. He searched one of the pockets and pulled off his notepad, his binoculars and a pen. He looked through the binoculars towards the group he was already watching for almost a week by now. Far from the rest of the group, the sad woman and the dangerous one were seeming to be trading advices. That was something noteworthy. He opened the notepad and wrote: "Dangerous girl -Bond- Crazy girl". It was going to be useful sooner or later. He looked at the rest of the group. They were together, some confused, figuring something out. John assumed it was about the jeep. "Idiots", he mumbled to himself. He stopped watching them and went back to his backpack. As he walked, he could hear the sound of the leaves crushing under his feet. He had to be silent, and those shoes were interfering with his goals since long before. This was a problem that had to be fixed, but it wasn't the priority right now. He stored the notepad and the pen back to the backpack, and took off a cereal bar. He sat on the ground as he slowly consumed every small solid piece of the bar. He started to think about the group. They were good, at least most of it. The main issue about'em is that they're young. Too young, careless, sloppy, and there was a boy with them. "You can never be sloppy when there are kids involved", John thought, with tears on his eyes. He chewed the last piece of the cereal bar and dug a hole in the ground, throwing the cereal bar package inside it and covered it with dirt. He stood up and grabbed his backpack, putting it on his back, and then the quiver, that was behind another tree, putting it over the backpack. For last he grabbed his bow, leaning on a tree, completely camouflaged with the wood. It was time to hunt. He walked towards the opposite direction where he saw the group. Almost immediately, he stumbled upon a deer. He loaded an arrow on the bow, pulling the line back with all his strenght. The deer looked in his eyes. He started to have flashes of his wife. The sad scared eyes, but always shining with her constant inner light... He shot the arrow and missed. The deer ran away.
Aylaela swung the tire iron at her side, quietly observing their small group. She watched as the girl they had picked up at the gas station approach Lia, talking to her on the other side of the camp. It seemed as if she was consulting her, and Aylaela decided to like the girl since she was the first to go out of her way to speak with Lia, which the girl needed.

"Who's gonna ride in the Jeep?" she heard Jon voice, since their group had grown beyond the five person seating of the vehicle. Aylaela had been itching to drive the car since the moment they had acquired it, but if anyone else needed the rest she would let them have it.

The girl decided to join Sam and Evan, having seen the two begin walking together. As she got closer she could hear them speaking, "Do you like her?" Aylaela heard Evan voice to Sam. Was he talking about her? He heart gave a flutter, never having been great with guys in a romantic aspect.

Well, she had already been moving that way, they probably weren't talking about her anyhow. "Hey guys," she said, coming up to stand beside Evan.
Evan flinched when Aylaela walked up next to him. "I didn't see you coming," he explained. He quickly scanned her posture, she hadn't stridden over to him or waved her finger at him and her voice was casual. It seemed Matthew had assessed the situation fairly when he'd said that Lia's punch was enough punishment for him. Still, Evan vowed to be careful not to give Aylaela or Sam any cause to dislike or berate him. Over the last two weeks he'd grown attachted to them, and looked up to them for guidance. Aylaela was his emotional pillar, and he had often talked to her about his journeys alone. She was a farm girl, she understood where he was coming from unlike some of the others. Sam on the other hand had taught him some basic highschool geography and he'd almost begun to miss school because of it.

He didn't want to lose them, the very thought made him cringe. It wasn't just walkers he was afraid of, but what if they got together and forgot about him? Or what if they were angry at him for what he'd said?

Now that it was just the three of them, he couldn't resist getting it off his chest. He shot a worried look at both Sam and Aylaela, "ya'll aren't mad with me, right?" He brought one hand up to his reddened, faintly throbbing cheek.
Aylaela took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, not sure how to approach the situation. She didn't want to aggravate what was already finished with Matthew's words. She had taken a liking to the boy, having bonded quickly with him over the time they've met two weeks ago, but she didn't agree with how he was acting. She remembered many a time when she had stepped out of her place at home and was disciplined by her father, or scolded by her mother when she talked about another.

But was it her place to scold him? No, she decided it was not, but he had asked her two cents, and she would give it. "I'm not happy that you said those ugly things to Lia, but I'm not your mother, and you can make your own choices." Aylaela took her time to respond, finding the right words, "What she did was selfish, but what you said was..." the girl shook her head. "I'm not mad, but I don't agree with the way you treated her."

Looking to Sam, Aylaela wondered what he thought on the whole fiasco, warmth filling her cheeks as she thought of what Evan said again. Before she could mull it over she saw the boy touch his cheek, swollen and red. "Do you need me to look at that?" The girl asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. As long as there wasn't excessive blood, Aylaela could take care of small cuts and bruises.
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As people parted ways and boarded Jeeps, Sam found himself being bothered by Evan.

"Do you like her?" Evan had asked. The infinitesimal tug of a grin threatened the corner of his mouth but Sam did nothing except quickly elbowe him in the side. He knew Evan was talking about Aylaela but he still meant to ask about who he was talking about.

Aylaela appeared like a summoned genie and he readjusted his walking speed into a slightly faster stroll. A thought floated across his mind like a leaf in mid-fall. Do I like her? Sam asked himself. She was indeed independent. She didn't need to rely on him. She was pretty too. He pictured her face in his mind. He saw a pinch of freckles that dotted her nose and the perfect circles that were her honey-brown eyes. Her smile, the upper lip curved like two twin hills, and the bottom full and round, pink-rose colored and shaped like the slice of an apple.

Sam drifted in that dream, that infinity. He was aware of everyone. The arguing, the suicidal tendencies of Lia, a constant danger of walkers, Evan's growth, the newcomers, and Matthew's hand (gone and which even Sam was still trying to wrap his head around). Sam was aware that everyone had their strengths, weaknesses, and problems.

He was aware of the possibility he did like Aylaela. He knew he would have to decide sooner or later. For now, he enjoyed the what-ifs and let his mind explore, the first selfish thing he's done in a long time.

(So much writing and erasing and editing in this post, I'm glad I finally completed it lol)
Sam looked at Evan and replied, "I'm not mad at you." He added, "Just annoyed." Sam slowed his pace. "Anybody would react to her in the way you did, except you're not just anybody."

He softly elbowed him in the side. "You know better than I do what this world does to a survivor. You're still 13 and alive, I can't speak for you but so far you've done a great job picking your fights." He tried to smile casually. "Be careful of you what you do because if one day, after finding Lia dead on the floor, you won't be able to forgive her and that's the worst pain to live with."

Sam considered picking up all his belongings from the tent, which they were coming up to soon.
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"They care about you, believe it or not, and it's true that they were wrong to take almost all you're weapons away," she did after all have a knife in her hand. "But you running off on your own doesn't help the outcome of the "life-or-death" situation." Neri said pulling her air back out of her face. She didn't have many ideas when she started this confrontation which was a probably reason as to why she hadn't gotten really anywhere. Lia was still clearly upset but thy had to go back to the others soon she had after all heard something about the Jeep, they might be moving again soon.

"We can go back and I could try and convince the others to give you a weapon but you can't keep running off like this it only makes them that much more paranoid and want to take some drastic measures to make sure you stay safe."

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"I'm not mad, but I don't agree with the way you treated her."

Swallowing down a gulp, Evan nodded, his frame tensing ever so slightly. He had asked for her thoughts and those were it. No sooner then he’d sent an apologetic smile at her, she noticed his swollen cheek and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Do you need me to look at that?"

He shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt too badly.” A sigh escaped his lips as he edged closer to her. “And I guess I had it coming. She doesn’t punch like a girl.”

"Anybody would react to her in the way you did, except you're not just anybody."

Stiffled by Sam's remark, Evan quirked an eyebrow at the older boy. For a split second he imagined that Sam was about to tell him he had some sort of superpower, but he soon dismissed the idea.

Sam poked him in the side again and a bubble of laughter rolled off his tongue as he tried to sidestep the attack.

"Be careful of you what you do because if one day, after finding Lia dead on the floor, you won't be able to forgive her and that's the worst pain to live with."

The hardened gaze that accompanied those words told him that Sam wasn't fooling around this time. Had something similar happened to him? Had he lost someone before he could grant that person forgiveness? The questions kept piling up in his mind, and he realized how little he really knew about Sam. He'd never asked how he'd stayed alive, or where his family was. Guilt stinged his heart. "Thanks," he breathed quietly. "I'll think about it," he added.

For a moment, his mind wandered. Somewhere, a bird chirped happily and the simple sound lifted his spirits. There was an invisible energy between Sam and Aylaela, he was pretty sure they were thinking things about each other, he smirked at the thought. Before they reached the jeep, he tugged at Sam’s sleeve to wake the older boy from his daydreams. “You didn’t answer my question. Do you like her?” Grinning he nudged his head at Aylaela. “You should’ve bought her some flowers.” He turned to Aylaela, “do you like flowers?” then faced Sam again, “If you’re quick you can still grab some.”
As the three continued on, with Evan in the middle, Sam heard Evan say something about getting Aylaela flowers. He began to pick up his pace as he snapped out of his thoughts and searched frantically in his mind for a relief to the awkwardness Evan so gladly induced. Sam, unable to come up with anything, pretended he didn't understand.

"What do you mean?" Sam nervously shot him a piercing gaze like a chainsaw missile.
"What do you mean?"

Suprised that Sam didn't understand, Evan came to a sudden halt. "I mean, you like Aylaela, right? I think you said her name in your sleep. And you were looking at her breasts the other day, so I thought you liked her. You should get her flowers because that's what you do when ya'll are in love. Well you kiss too and then you hug and then you kick someone out of the tent so you can be together at night and then..." He frowned at Aylaela, "I am not sure why he didn't get that. You got it, right?"
As the guys walked off, Cloe took the opportunity to look around. Matthew, who had accepted her hand shake with his one good hand had now retreated, while a younger guy named Sam made a quick drive by introduction, the others pretty much kept their distance, only offering a few quick glances her way before hurriedly returning to their previous chores.

Awkwardly offering a few slow mannered waves in their direction, Cloe turned her attention back to the gun guy with a raised brow. He hadn’t moved yet, and while watching Matthew’s retreating back out the corner of her eye, Cloe couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive.

“So..” Cloe began, letting out a heavy sigh and beginning to knot her fingers together, desperately trying to figure out what to say. It just didn’t feel right to walk away without another word. Heck, she didn’t even know the gun guy’s name.

“Real nice folks you got here.” Her tongue felt slow and tick in her mouth as she grasped at conversational straws. She was a nerd. Not a social fish and this had never been her strongest point in life. “Been together long?”

As this slipped over her tongue, Cloe felt herself cringe inwardly as she eyed the guy with an apologetic smile, before shaking her head. She didn’t know what to say and for some reason, she felt the need to apologise for her attempt at small talk. Over the past few months, her conversation skills had fallen rusty and short, but then again what should she had expected? It wasn’t like the squirrels had ever had much to say in return.
Sam's heart began kicking against his ribcage, like it wanted out. His eyes widened in horror. The sudden urge to skip his own advice and immediately murder Evan escaped but he suppressed it to a degree. Sam thought for a second and then said,

"Nah, you're talking about Neri. She was the one taking a bath in the river the other day! And hey, you were with me too. How do I know you weren't appreciating the view too?" Sam knew if he was going down, he was gonna bring Evan with him.
It was a good thing one cheek was already red, for the other would look less flushed in comparison. "It was your idea!" he retaliated. "Besides," he crossed his arms, "I was talking about Aylaela. You said her name in your sleep, not Neri's. I am not blind, I can see you droolin' when ya look at her." He jabbed his thumb at Aylaela, then clicked his tongue. "But I'll admit that Neri's got two really nice, smooth, ehr...curves." He bit his lip and scuffed his feet at the ground. "And ya should thank me 'cause I told you where she was bathin'," he added for good measure.
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After the motion in the tree had revealed itself to be a woman, he quickly let down of the rifle's center mass and let the barrel hit the dirt. For a moment, he let the others move away, to actually gather up the various supplies they had picked up at Crawford and in the last two weeks. It seemed they are paired as per usual, groupings defined at Crawford.

Now the new girl, Cloe was it, was talking to him. Her face drew himself to look at the rifle in his hand, drawing the lines together, he dropped it to the floor. As the dust shot around the floor, he realized that he had just dropped his rifle, for absolutely no reason. He scrambled for it, bringing the rifle to rest across his chest. With a nervous laugh, he brought up the ability to actually talk. "Oh, yeah. Two weeks exactly, which surprises me, considering hardly any of us have shared a conversation, let alone a drink."

Alcohol, why was he talking about that to this woman that had just dropped out of a tree. With a shake of his head, he pointed his hand towards the rest of the group. "We should really get going before the walkers show up."
Ryker walked out of the woods two rabbits in one hand is bow in the other. He'd heard the shot earlier but had reasoned that if there was any real danger there would have been more than just the one. Besides they had bigger problems. When he'd been in the forest he'd found something that didn't belong. When he reached the clearing it was clear to him he'd missed something. There was a new woman with red hair standing by Matthew and Evan looked as though he'd been attacked. Ryker plastered a smile on his face and walked up to Matthew. "I found some prints in the forest, there not hers" he said pointing to the red headed woman "and there not a walkers. I'm also pretty sure we're being watched". Ryker extended his arm offering Matthew the rabbits. "I say we get out of here, this man might be from Crawford".
Watching the gun guy with the slightest of smiles, Cloe nodded in agreement. Her heart was still racing from the shock of the gun hitting the floor, but despite the fact the weapon was now safely back in it’s owner’s hands, Cloe was glad of the kind gesture.

“Yeah, don’t need to tell me twice.” Cloe did a mock shiver of disgust before checking over her shoulder. “After spending a few months out there with nothing but them for company, I will be kinda glad to get away for a little bit. Between you and me, they have no sense of personal boundaries… or hygiene for that matter.” Cloe grinned then moved to follow the others.

“Well it was nice meeting you, gun guy.” She winked here, for reason unknown, even to herself, before adding “I’ll let you grab your stuff.”

Then, flicking round on her heels, Cloe moved to follow Matthew and wait for the others to get ready to move on out. All joking aside, the gun guy was right. They needed to move on out, and pretty soon. A gun shot like the one which had to attracted her to the group had undoubtedly earned it’s self a nice little following of walkers, all hungry and all with human flesh on the brain and Cloe did not plan to be on that menu quite yet. She still had a good couple of years left in her yet.

On moving towards the others however, snippets of the current conversation flouted through the air and caught her attention.

"But I'll admit that Neri's got two really nice, smooth, ehr...curves."

The voice belonged to the young lad who had first spotted her and was now clearly flushed as he bickered with the drive by intro dude, Sam. Before she could stop herself, Cloe laughed, feeling her nose crinkle a little as she did so.

“It is so good to know that some parts of life never change!” She chuckled between breaths, though not to anyone in particular. It just felt good to laugh. Like a warm hug. It had been too long, and the conversation reminded her so much of late night talks with her dorm friends, most of whom had been guys.

However, her glee was short lived. Her chortling ceased as another member appeared, holding something she had missed even more than the laughter. A pair of rabbits swayed in the man’s grasp as he strode into the clearing. In fact it was because of them that she almost missed what the guy then said.

Something about footprints? Crawford again?

Cloe’s brow furrowed once more. She needed to find out what on earth this Crawford place/person was and why it caused this group so much tension.
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"Look, I'm not gonna talk to you like Aylaela's not a couple centimeters next to you." Sam turned to Aylaela and shrugged,

"Tweens say the weirdest things." Sam said. After Evan's description of Neri, Sam added, "He's driven by hormones." He looked desperately at the ground for support, which was a dumb thing he later realized.

With that he left the group and went to his tent, wondering what mess had just happened.

He knew now for a fact he did like her, but romance wasn't an option right now. The thought hit him like a train. Sam contemplated... and then smiled.

Evan, that little bastard.

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